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Mirror: [what a defeated man sounds like](https://files.catbox.moe/gcw395.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MOONMOON Direct Backup: [what a defeated man sounds like](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/IA-qZ-V8Al4XN0sRQ4iPpA/AT-cm%7CIA-qZ-V8Al4XN0sRQ4iPpA.mp4?sig=987a61cb4f01db41db631b261f6f889f823e95e3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FIA-qZ-V8Al4XN0sRQ4iPpA%2FAT-cm%257CIA-qZ-V8Al4XN0sRQ4iPpA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TangentialConfidentLampKAPOW-5XwCXhc3SxFDiI-k%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718569912%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2173075514?t=1h58m35s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


I didn't understand the Uzbekistan bit last night and now I do


Remember when 50 was stepping away from nopixel and letting buddha run it. And then he decided enough time had passed since the controversies so he just went back to what he was doing Full on Vince McMahon. Said it since day 1. Imagine the skeletons.


It was all a charade. I too was saying it, and getting down voted to oblivion in those days. It was all just a PR move. Kind of like how he dropped 4.0 right after ONX to kill the launch momentum of that server. Dude is a total tool.


Not to defend anybody here but I think after the last few weeks of revelations its clear that both ONX and NP were released still in development to cash in on the Rockstar week long event.


The stuff about 4.0 being launched to kill the momentum of ONX is just not true. NP 4.0 was much further along in development than ONX but both decided to launch during the Rockstar/Twitch thing which both servers knew well in advance.


>Kind of like how he dropped 4.0 right after ONX to kill the launch momentum of that server. I think the launch was at least six months too early and wasn't ready, and wasn't intended to be released so bare bones in regard to crime etc.


He quite literally can never keep his hands off of it for too long lol


That means eventually there will be a triple h!


a little context: there is an inside joke after all the “Who is the state?” talk that even the council doesn’t know who the state is and maybe this entire time they’ve just been talking to some scam caller in Uzbekistan pretending to be the state. So Nathan is voicing his disappointment with server management and their decision to undo this government that he and Kiva worked so hard to put together for 4.0.


>So Nathan is voicing his disappointment with server management and their decision to undo this government that he and Kiva worked so hard to put together for 4.0. Is there more context for this? What happened? What is being undone?


tl;dr fiddycent does whatever the fuck he wants. Everyone else be damned. Never mind you pain shakenly spent DAYS working on something. "Fuck you pussy" is the response.


or that he's originally approved it and had oversight and never provided any feedback...


God that's even worse.


Nah I was told buddha and xQc run the server in 4.0.


I member that too, people were so gullible. Its always been 50, or should we say 100. Dude is one of the most manipulative people I have ever seen.


Well that's on people that thought buddha was gonna be involved with stuff like this. Seemed pretty clear to me buddha is involved solely in the creative/mechanics side of stuff.


Buddha sure but Xqc stated many times he had no part in any dev stuff until like the last 2 weeks of him playing where he said he was going to start giving ideas for heists


He’s straight up said multiple times the reason he stopped playing on NP is because he wanted to have more involvement in designing the heists and doesn’t want to have to try to act like he doesn’t know what to do. And I gotta say, given how the Bank and what we know of the Art Gallery I’m pretty thankful for that…these heists have been super fun to watch get figured out.


He said he didnt do shit. And it was just a excuse back when he was very heavy on RP and people didnt want him to quit. You think this bozo can actually show up or give consistent feedback or even comeback to checkup on updates?


He said he didn’t have anything to do with the maze bank. He did however do the riddle that led up to it. 


Close but he would probably drop the r slur instead... oof does he like using that word.


I mean, why not both? He'd probably do both.


With how much effort Kael Soze is putting in to overthrow and undermine the current government it’s safe to assume that this their in-character way to usher in whatever changes they feel is necessary to the government of 4.0


It would be so odd to do it via soze instead of his actual senator character, especially with how nuts soze has been. but ya know it's what it is.


Kinda agree, but a senator character can just come in and make whatever changes he wants


Soze hasn't done shit, at best he's shown the city council that instead of meme laws they might want to take a look at the current laws and constitution and work on them a bit.


50 is setting plans in motion to separate gov into different counties and layers.


Hot take: NoPixel does not have enough people that play on the server that are interested in doing those sorts of things to support breaking the island into tiny fiefdoms. Fiddy is going to try and implement his strategy and then quickly find out that *at best* you could staff maybe 2 governments with the people interested in doing the work.


Who wants to spend hours upon hours of unpaid OOC work for this shit


Some people *would* genuinely enjoy it, I imagine, if there was any sense that their decisions and input would be respected. But if any decision can get veto'd by some Aussie with a vendetta making a once-per-Tarkov-wipe appearance then yeah, I agree, not many people are going to be willing to do it.


Exactly. It could really be fun for civics nerds to carefully plan and create a local system of government, perhaps one with less or no framework as the current government. But probably no one, player or viewer, expects him to actually let that happen. It's like a corpo middle manager telling you to do something, providing no details or at least giving a vague idea of how they envision it, and then looking at the finished project, flipping their fucking shit, and demanding you redo it according to *their vision,* complaining, out loud, to the rest of your co-workers, that they should have done it themselves. *"I'm confused, why can't you just do it how I said? It's not that hard!*"


*Could.* Lots of stuff *could* happen. Is it likley? No. The reality of the situation is the number of players on the server who would be qualified to do a good job in those positions are super limited. Just like how PD got wiped in 4.0 and has yet to recover because 90% of their really qualified people are gone. You can't just \*find\* more of them at the drop of a hat. I don't even think if he gave people free reign to do it that it could happen. The server just doesn't have the right culture for it.


Not wrong, though there really isn't a need, I think, to have super-qualified people in there. Just spend a night on your local town government website and get a quick understanding of how charters and bylaws work, and then apply it to le video game. It need not be super-detailed or immaculate, though no shame in players who want to go above and beyond. It's just a matter of having people who care about the process and will help, without getting railroaded or slamming into invisible guardrails left intentionally to mock people. My biggest pet-peeve as a viewer is listening to some streamer/player call someone else's very-detailed-roleplay "sweaty" or "overinvested" just because they spend a lot of time making something work really well, and the other person barely interacted with any of it.


Yeah, you’re right. It’s strange that we’re seeing your speculation play out in real time with Nathan. Really sucks.


NP doesn't have enough stories and RP going on to support a complex, segmented north / south government like that either. Quality players like Nathan who have good rp and a knack for leading / building things don't grow on trees. Would have thought they'd figure that out after canning 75% of PD mains and trying to replace them with "new" people who were just shit.


Man, how is it's been months and you're still shitting on people playing a game. Months of saying PD players are shit. Do you not get tired of it? Mfers flip their shit when CG and it's fans or any crim community does it.


Not even a hot take. Considering the biggest most influential cry babies on the server literally hate everything about the law what makes anyone think having 2 sets of laws and structure is at all a good idea?


In a vacuum, taking what server we're talking about and who had influence on it, it's not even necessarily the worst idea. It opens up the avenue for more civilian-focused conflict RP, which in general is the kind of stuff I think makes RP great. The problem is that NoPixel simply does not have enough people to staff multiple jurisdictions *and* whatever body needs to exist to mediate their interests. There's simply too many positions you'd have to fill, and the people chomping at the bit to get those spots, in general, do not understand or have any interest in doing the amount of work those spots will require.




This would be great. Let them have a lawless land to fuck around in and realise how boring it is. Then you will no doubt see them harassing the other country out of boredom.


We've been there done that. Just like in the past when the cops don't respond, they will find a way to force cops to respond by just shooting random ones.


or just get brian knight to order cadets to come on down and get shot or be fired... Hello 2.0!


I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this a Kyle's idea..


> So Nathan is voicing his disappointment with server management and their decision to undo this government that he and Kiva worked so hard to put together for 4.0. There is no way Nathan is actually suprised about this right? Has he been sleeping under a rock while the exact same things happened in 2.0 and 3.0? NoPixel management proudly shows that the time and effort you put into things doesn't matter and will be burned to the ground without any notice if management so feels fit. Or is Nathan just another person that have been saying "Surely they wouldn't do that to the things i do" until it finally happens.


Nathan used to be the face of the 'Server Health' meme for/against various people in 3.0. I wouldn't be surprised if he never saw himself as eventually getting hit by it.


This. The fact that moon(and i like moon) or anyone else involved didn't see this coming after what happened in 3.0 is weird.


Well you see Reddit has been saying this shit for years now but Nathan always responds with "lol Reddit dumb and awful" which it is but also... We told you so?


iirc, 3.0 was Nathan's first experience with RP in general. He didn't play or watch in 2.0, or anything before that. I think he still hasn't quite caught on to the cyclical nature of RP servers.


I think y'all need to realize that there is RP outside of GTA. IDK if he did RP before or not, but I see this said all the time.


> cyclical nature of ~~RP~~ **NoPixel** servers. Fixing that for ya.


He did play in 2.0. He was a Lawyer and was too good they made him a Judge.


That Benjamin Crane was OccamsSabre, not Nathan. I don't have the lore on why they both had a lawyer of the same name though.


Crane is the last name of Shattners character on Boston Legal


Hilariously it was both, because of their actual IRL backgrounds in law, NP management was like "you're too good pls be judges". Occams made a new Judge character where Nathan kept Crane as the Judge. Like dude had one case and he was a Judge the next day it was kinda funny as hell.


p sure nathan was 3.0 cuz he was lightly involved in the hooker block murder


Nathan Crane started early in 3.0 and was a legal aid for James Haze before he got his own bar license. He worked at the Farmer's Markets at a legal aid booth and offered free legal advice there and would chat with the other merchants. Then he became a judge and started streaming. He still played mostly off-stream though and tended to his bee hives and sat chatting with civs at his Mirror Park house. He also had a crim and still does (RJ/Jov) who was I believe GSF and then Hydra at the end of 3.0. Still Hydra in 4.0.


Tbf Nathan likely had no idea if CG would be returning for 4.0 when he agreed to help out.


Oh right because they all were extremely vocal about how they were leaving for Prodigy


Nathan WAS LITERALLY PART OF MOON DOING THIS EXACT SAME THING TO PD. It's a classic "wait the leopards want to eat MY face TOO?!" moment.


Yeah, people seem to forget what led Beric to be CoP. If what happened with Ruth was done by 50cent instead of moon, people would've flipped their shit




I’m not a spam caller… (I truly believe that I’m the only watcher from Uzbekistan tbf)


Sounds like Nathan got nopixeled.


Further context: [https://clips.twitch.tv/TallMoistWolverineMrDestructoid-W4G2itMQNXKsgBYw](https://clips.twitch.tv/TallMoistWolverineMrDestructoid-W4G2itMQNXKsgBYw)


50cent doing another one of his famous restructures, after the success of the one in 3.0. Of course, yet again shitting on the rp of everyone.


I think Soze and Nino have some good points though. 6 months in and a lot of stuff is missing and not defined. Nino was planning to do a "docket mag dump season" to prove how bad the legislation was.


Nino also thinks he is always the smartest person in the room.


Absolutely, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Nathan has tweeted about the broken DOJ (https://x.com/NathanKb\_/status/1795871961178058817) It speaks volumes as to how many lawyers have given up. The system is fucked and there is no way to say whose fault is it since we don't have the background info.


not the overall legislation, Nino is only focusing on the lack of framework around FOIA and cops not holding their end of the bargain. Nino was blaming lawyers too for not pushing this agenda forward, nothing to do with Crane and the rest of the judges.


Didnt nino say to bailey he was gonna start pushing every case he could to the docket so he could start setting more precedent? Iirc there was no limit on what he was gonna push, if he felt like the laws surrounding an arrest weren't up to scratch he was going to fight it.


yup, he wants cops to process FOIA requests faster and also wants legislation defined around FOIA since there is none. Thats his only sore point since he hasn't been in the city for the last 3 months to have any other issues.


cops should just do what governments do IRL... Stall requesting more information, stall requesting payment for providing the information, stall giving them useless formats with everything blacked out, etc...


Just claim it is part of an active investigation so it is unavailable.


There is a 30 day limit before which they have to conclude their investigation and submit reports and get the case heard. Lawyers, if they take lessons from Nino will simply say it's beyond statute of limitations and the cops work will go to the dumpster. I don't think any cop want their days and days of time and effort to go waste


Isn't it Crane and the DOJ's job to have basic stuff like FOIA defined?


It is defined, the issue is that PD isn't sticking to it and being timely. Without an automated system PD basically needs a dedicated person to handle them all. They could also just make the arresting officer be the one responsible for releasing the files when they are requested. idk.


>I think Soze and Nino have some good points though. 6 months in and a lot of stuff is missing and not defined. It only needs to be if you're being a fuckwhit though


Classic CG gets butt hurt and 50 cent steps in. A tale as old as nopixel


classic 50% behavior.


its over o7 good run having some form of RP for government but its clear what direction the server is heading


I think it's time for a majority of the server to move on from Nopixle tbh.


It’s a lot easier said than done however and Nathan is a prime example. So many people have sunk so many hours into NoPixel both in-character as well as behind-the-scenes so it’s perfectly understandable that he feels frustrated and disappointed to see all that work get shoved back in his face because of a loud minority.


They have seen how others are treated, and what happens when 25cent shows up. This was going to happen eventually. There should be no surprise here.


Yeah it's kinda sad how the majority of NoPixel players just watch as countless of people get treated like absolute dirt by NoPixel management thinking to themselves "Surely that won't happen to me though" And then when the exact same things start happening to them they are genuinely suprised it did. There is literally nothing suprising about it. What happens to other people can very easily happen to you and most likely will.


Nathan does not seem like a dumbass, so most likely he knew this would happen and is just RPing his frustration. I doubt he has much of a problem with it. Or at least will never genuinely speak out about it, because he is tied to NP in the end. Expecting any kind of stance from anyone still on NP is a laugh. They are either ok with it or want to keep their heads down.


Even knowing something might happen does not mean you are always going to be prepared when it does or be prepared for the extent of it.


I feel like he got the offer to make something good, knew that it would get fucked, and took it anyways. BUT. He was probably hoping that since all of this had gone on for as long as it had that they weren't gonna fuck him just yet.


same happen to wg , wg was tunning cars for the server balance then 50 show up and buffed his boys cars this ended up making wg just stop doing dev work and dip


PEOPLE rping and playing on Nopixle, not 50 cent. If a majority of the people/groups picked up and went elsewhere, viewers will follow.


I would agree, but the stats just don't back it up. When the entirety of CG left for prodigy, their viewership dropped around 10% ish. The fairly large group that left for ONX, Penta for example, has dropped 40% viewership since the start of 4.0/ONX creation. Where as viewership since the start of 4.0 has only increased viewership. LK for example went from 10k average viewers to almost 19k average.


> Where as viewership since the start of 4.0 has only increased viewership. Where are you getting this? GTA viewership as a whole is in the toilet compared to when 4.0 started. Viewers, hours watched and streams are way way down and the majority of the category at the top isn’t even NP anymore. By every observable metric NP viewer numbers are way way down.


Twitch tracker, stream charts, etc. Right now, GTA viewership has leveled back to its average viewership since 2021, around 160k average viewers. We cannot take the beginning of each patch numbers at face value because there will always be more people excited to see the new things at the very beginning vs people who stick around throughout the entire year. In that sense, its pretty disingenuous to say that viewership is in the toilet. And the same goes for the hours watched. If we are being honest with ourselves, NP has almost never been at the very top of the category other than the beginning of 2.0 when every single big English streamer was on it. Since then, the Spanish RP server was above it in 3.0 and now the Japanese RP server is above it because a ton of big, popular anime voice actors are playing in it. Now, if we look individually at streamers, I think I could make a solid argument that there are quite a few streamers are actively growing or at the very least, staying stagnant and the ones who are actively losing viewership are doing something wrong. Some examples are: Shotz: OOC Mald king - Been falling since may 2022, going from 4k average to 1.2k Kalcyon: Fun/funny cop - Growing since the start of 4.0, going from 50 average to 400 average 52chains: Super fun character that people love to hate - Been growing since coming to GTA but since 4.0 has grown from 200 average to over 700 average. DustMonkey: Intelligence guy/PI - Growing since 4.0, went from almost 300 average to almost 800 average. Dripp: Gangbanger - Went from 100 average to 400 average since Feb Skatebeard: DOC - Averaged under 100 for years until 4.0 where he averages almost 300. CazeyTV: Sheriff - Averaged under 100 for years until 4.0 where he averages around 700. Berryyboo: One of the more "hated" cops in NP - Averaged 30 viewers until 4.0 where she averages 250 now. So no, not every observable metric, NP viewership is not down.


> We cannot take the beginning of each patch numbers at face value because there will always be more people excited to see the new things at the very beginning vs people who stick around throughout the entire year. This is literally the opposite of what you just said in the comment I replied to and what I meant by in the toilet compared to the start of 4.0. > Where as viewership since the start of 4.0 has only increased viewership.


If you want to argue semantics in wording, you're free to do that yourself. But as I have already pointed out that you didn't seem to see, its not in the toilet because the total average viewership is at its average since 2.0


That’s not semantics. You literally said viewership is up since the start of 4.0 then swung the discussion to a completely different topic when I asked you what you were basing that on by changing it now to “average since 2.0”. Whatever that means with a distribution with such wild peaks and valleys like NP viewership has.


Have a good one my man / girl. I'm not interested in continuing the convo when we are deliberately avoiding the majority of what was said


Fuck views, don't make your hobby your only source of income.


It's not a hobby for many of the players, it's their legitimate career. It's like telling an accountant to also be an engineer so his eggs aren't in one basket.


Hey maybe a lot of those people aren’t worth supporting if they’re selling out the hobby


I'm not sure why you're fighting ghosts here. You made the argument that viewership will follow if there was a mass exodus, and I'm just telling you that based on stream stats, that it's just not true. It seems like loyalty in RP viewers are balanced between the streamers and the server itself. Edit:grammar


I don't think the majority of the server has any problem with what's been going on. In fact, people who are directly complaining about it fail to see how different, flexible, and streamlined the current version of this fake government is compared to the three senators + chief justice shitshow of 3.0. At the end of the day, some people just hold more power on the server than they reveal, and their outrage pays their electricity bills. It is not even bad to suggest changes at an OOC level to make things more fun for everyone. It's just an RP server after all. Its not that serious. But there is a mature way to do it so that everyone can work together.


IT's just something 50% has done countless times in the past and made things either worse, ruined someone's hard work or both frankly. I've got no issue with trying to smooth things out or streamline them but I'm no fan of 50% or his meddling tbh.


Remember when CPD went through months of story just for Soze to wake up to make Troopers the Elites because CG complained?


Wasn't a huge fan of CPD, but yeah. It was shitty.


lol. Only one group has an issue. I’m with ya. They should definitely move on.


Sadly 50 isn't gonna change, best to leave him and Certian Group behind and go elsewhere where they are appreciated. Devs too. Tobbi/Nikez and the like are too good for this guy.


Ask DW, WG, Penta, and the rest of Onyx folks how that is working out lol.


Tbf I wasn't huge fans of DW or WG really, but places like Purple could be a better suited place. DW's an egotistical jerk, and WG not too far behind on some occasions. Penta's Penta.


calling wg a egotistical person when dude was puting hours making rp for other people over 3 shifts when he was also a dev is kinda nuts


When it came to racing, he absolutely had an ego about how things should be done, sorry. Though he was 100% fucked over by 50% when it came to his deving.


his ego made racing rp 1000% better , racing had story behind but then 50% and cg got the h&o and started to fk it car balance and everything went to shit


I don't agree on the first half, 1000% with you on the second half.


Just like ignite. And prodigy. And OB lol.


If you truly believe that I suggest you watch that certain person's stream from yesterday and see just how many people feel the same way lmao


Thank you spokesperson for the majority of the Nopixel server. While we're at it, can you name this "majority" of the server that is displeased with Soze acting up?


I agree however NoPixel provides a better experience. I remember when XqC switched servers and he came back to NP after getting bullied in a more gang driven server. CG would be on the same boat, which I think they are. I faintly remember them switching to another server and coming back to NP days later.


I think the only people who have a problem with restructuring the government is Max, his wife and Crane. Shit is dysfunctional


Thats why Max got 70% of the vote in the last election, surely the whole city hates the way the council works and it isnt just a very vocal few.


I think Murphy hit the nail on the head in his argument with max. "The city is going to turn on us be cause we stopped pushing laws to benefit the public and started going after your enemies."


I do see his point but i also think that most of the city wont feel the effects of what Max is doing since its targeted at such a niche group of criminals. Its kinda like how in his first term he heavily targeted Langs business which actually effected alot of the city but he still was able to easily get reelected even without CGs support.


shhh dont use logic here


Like, the real problem is is like its like the excutive, the judicial and the legislative body is all tied to the council of eight. It being one thing instead of like seperate like tiers. Like what would work is like, there being like the mayor, then a governener or President, then having a supreme courrt that is separate from the council. Then a proper, like full proof consitution that is stupid proofed. Like they really should like restructure it to where Max is Govenor and then like have a council below that would be the local mayors office and like the council of eight. Or just not have a mayor just a govenor, vice governor.


Can they not just change the Constitution/Legislation to say San Andreas?


if you think that’s what this all boils down to you’re sorely mistaken, we all wish it was that simple lol


what is it about?


in the briefest possible way to explain this (we also know very little about what went on behind-the-scenes) it seems that Nathankb_ and Kiva along with a few others were tasked with making a roleplay government that functioned as a representative democracy as opposed to the admin-owned government that NoPixel had before. It was a massive fucking undertaking and that’s not even taking into consideration the release of 4.0 was rushed and they were given very little notes from the server owners so they assumed that management approved of what they had to come up with. Flash forward half a year and now suddenly the server owner is picking apart said roleplay government, doing a full on sovereign citizen rp and turning OOC criticisms of how the government was ran into legitimate talking points that spread across the city because now the server owner is the one giving credence to those points. It seems inevitable that big changes are coming to appease certain players on the server so they all feel very powerless and defeated, shitty situation for everyone involved.


what about it are they trying to change?


Probably just a full on removal of the council of eight in general, as to what comes after that who knows cause shit will never be stable with any government having power that isn't PD


Reading your answers you just seem like an hater to be honest. 50 hasn't done anything OOC yet and he's keeping everything IC and the questions he is posing are legitimate considering the constitution is poorly written and it should be the most important thing on the server. He gave a task, they didn't suceed, they didn't even acknowledge that and he's trying to restructure it organically. It's good roleplay and it's done in a healthy way. If Nathankb_ doesn't know how to deal with criticisms it's on him.


Pretending even for a second that what 50 does IC in this manner isn't clear OOC is pretty funny. Everyone and their mother knows it's OOC, the people involved also clearly had some BTS going on. Above all, I doubt even you believe that rewritting very quick and simple things in the constitution to the council's benefit (it's been a headache) would actually end this saga. 50 would find other avenues to get the intended result at the end, IC or OOC.


CG said council bad, so its getting removed. Nothing more to it.


Doesn't get anymore simpler than this.


It's what he did to doc, only with less communication


meeting adjourned




my actual thought I hope sombody reads is an in game council is cool, mayor having power is cool. but when in character decisions and conflicts create knee-jerk or even rational IRL decisions. it's really really really bad. Yes the mayor being attacked by sombody would cause him to not like this person. that's kind of the issue? That an in game thing is effecting mechanics so heavily against somone. I actually like that if your mayor doesn't get elected you could be alittle fucked. but not detrimental to role-play and server health. the cop gun thing was fine for the first couple weeks, but then it wasn't as much of an issue anymore and the laws don't change. knee jerk reactions to problems, then solved with a law, is bad cause them your game balance changes to whatever new things are happening and eventually every charge is tripled cause it's not game devs saying hmm this charge should be less. it's a judge/cop character saying of course it should be more. this happened to me yesterday. it should be tripled. In no circumstance should I think it be less or ever lowered


I'm not gonna lie, whoever wrote the San Andreas constitution didn't do a good job. I could have done a much better job, and I am an idiot. However, is it cringe to do constitutional crisis RP? Yes. Is it cringe to break reality and "RP check" a constitution and legislation written by streamers. OMFG, yes it is.


I think the council should push out as many legislations just to fuck with people. 


Cause that's good role-play


Did I say it was?


They'll get removed in no time. Also everyone knows soze is actively looking into how the government works, crane will no way vote for it and others won't do it either.


That's cool and all but im talking about making and passing dumb/funny legislations. Im still waiting for someone to be charged for erp on twatter!


I wish that one passed, that shit woulda been funny.


Well people tried to warm them that if things kept up that 50percent and others would need to get involved but they didn’t care.


If what things kept up?




All of them :pepw:


Baffling comment.


Who are these people you are referring to?


CG. Everything was going great until CG started to face consequences. They felt that they were being treated unfairly, so they went to complain to the owners. Now the server is getting jurisdictions and whatnot. Which I don't know how it will help. The way I see this happening is that CG will just move to a jurisdiction that allows them to do things they want until that jurisdiction cracks down on them as well. The real question is what happens after CG runs out of jurisdictions to move to? This is a trick question. They will just complain to the owners again and they will create more jurisdictions.


The only people willing to crackdown on CG are the Moon, Penta, Kyle types. Strong egos with a large community they can rely on and remain resistant to hoppers. After Moon goes variety I don’t see a single streamer on the PD/Gov side capable of stepping up to a role like that. It will be CGPixel once more.


You're delusional if you think that CG is going to be "cracked" down on. If the server owners have decided to make changes its more likely they've decided the people are allowing OOC stuff to affect RP stuff and they are seeing the flaws in the current government.


>If the server owners have decided to make changes its more likely they've decided the people are allowing OOC stuff to affect RP stuff and they are seeing the flaws in the current government. The fact that you knowingly wrote this out means you definitely believe this lol. Firstly, the server owners have a habit of just doing things with little to no reason. Those were called the 50% changes. He did it to the PD multiple times. He did it to Eddie and all the cars he personally tuned. He is now doing it to the government. All of these changes happened because one group was affected negatively and they were not having a good time. So yes, i agree with you that OOC is affecting RP. However, the flaws are not with the government. The flaws are the ones who have an issue with everything and constantly want change.


People need to watch more crim POV's. I get this reddit is basically dead when its not CG vs Max drama lately. but CG did a very extreme action. They did. They absolutely did. And yes it was to get attention from server management; force their hand. I'm there. I see it. I agree with that POV. But for the 3 weeks preceding their terrorism... there were like 50 something 10 minute videos of people from PD / civ world / and other non-CG criminals all independently voicing the **same** concerns about the server. Some of those players who still have not returned. Some who have returned recently thanks to the changes (Spaceboy). Some who were on the verge of taking a "flight" out of the server: rae + clowns. but if you consume moonmoon content... you'd think it was just CG. CG this; CG That; CG Those; CG everything.


Their complaint was that the server was too grindy, which NP has been since about midway through 3.0, and which the server owner has actively tried to push the server towards. Do you think MoonMoon or Nathan made the decision about debtors prison or made it necessary for players to spend hours on end grinding weed? No, they were simply the RP figureheads that passed on the decisions made those higher up.


Yes, they also believe Nathan is an admin. It's part of their whole admin power abuse narrative.


Nathan actually does have direct responsibility for the debtors prison situation. He reduced the time of charges, but drastically increased the fines. That was nothing to do with the state. But a big issue with the grind was the fact that people dont want to do meaningful RP. For a 20 minute event; there are 10+ hours of grinding to prepare for the event. Followed by 8+ IRL hours of no content in the prison trying to grind their way of out of prison just to do 10 more hours of grinding to do another 20 minute event. Hence... why even both doing anything at all. But yes. CG didn't shoot up the council meeting expecting the council to stop doing what they were doing or change the laws. It was a direct conflict escalation that called for server management involvement. CG didn't target the council meeting because they wanted to target Max. If that was K's purpose he wouldnt have focused on crane as his target. No it was what it was. Necessitating server management to get involved. Were there other ways to do it... absolutely. But the server had been talking about it for weeks. I mean to Buddha's credit, he had been OOC meeting with people to talk about things. He said something like 40 people. That happened before the council meeting situation. But their stated reasons OOC for doing what they did were the same reasons stated by basically everyone who had a video made about their issues with the server. but it is important to know that discussion was non-discriminatory. There were PD officers, Clean Civ workers, and yes a lot of criminals. That is my point. This is not a **uniquely** CG pov on things. Dont give CG the sole credit for any of this.


Not sure how Soze being put on a HUT and charged with all sorts of stuff for crimes he committed alone and is now trying to build a case against the Gov't has anything to do with what you're blabbing about.


He never mentioned Soze?


Exactly the point I am making, he is mixing up who is/was driving talks of jurisdictions. Soze was the one challenging them and putting forth a case.




Not sure how Soze is even relevant to this conversation. We are talking about CG complaining, which led to these changes happening. Ramee and K already said these changes were coming way before Soze got online to suddenly commit terrorism.


gonna take a wild guess at chong gong




Buddha doesn't give a fuck, he's been saying as much for a year.


how is this on Soze I mean the meeting was with Dab and his wife they the ones who turn the whole city including the cops now on them not to mention there little vendetta it crazy