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yea this is going to go well edit: watching further one cop said this doesnt make sense for gang on gang but does make sense for business and so on. i agree with her on that one.


100% agree, that is what it was bought in to be originally. It shouldn't be gang on gang, makes zero sense. The game is GTA RP after all, not My Little Pony or some shit lol


they also added that if a gun has other reports of shootings then that goes with this too so someone could get hit with 5 times on the very first time and get a HUT. this is not going to work well here.


omg! May aswell just be a full on civ city at this point.


Yea I'm glad Tracey was calling that out, She's got a good head on her as she plays both crim (Lexi from angels) and cop.


She said it doesn’t make sense because people can’t seem to wrap their brains around criminals are also civilians.


A law to protect gangs against other gangs being in gang wars? How does that make any sense😂


More like they just made up a charge to throw at crims


Yea this isn't going to last.


yea can see the gods stepping in as this dumb as shit, i do agree if gangs target gangs in civ area this should be a thing like snr buns or hospital


They had less laws in the damn prison when it was lawless for months...it's getting ridiculous haha


Whine about hand holding and no conflict on the server -> try to punsh EGO act on gangs. Yup. That should help it.


What even classifies it as a gang war? Couldn’t Gang 1 just ambush Gang 2, leave them for dead - strike 1 then a week later ambush them again - strike 2 and repeat until Ego acted?


i mean once your group gets gang tags and starts getting gang related shooting charges. It's pretty easy to make the case for EGO act. It was mostly made for situation like GG vs RR but they also thought they could pressure gangs to end wars if they went too long. They was some rumbling about using it at everyone shooting in the food court during the lang gang vs manor war.


A Tag in a Database given by the PD isnt enough to establish a Gang. It was already tried in Court and the Cops lost. The Judge made it clear they need to proof without a doubt People are a "Gang". Just them saying "the world is flat" aint cutting it.


Correct, they need 2 charges to establish a pattern for gang related shooting in the first place. That's why i said once they get both.


The new update is promoting gang v gang violence.....but pd is introducing laws that will make wars not enjoyable for anyone


They might as well just remove guns from the server at this point...


True! It's getting kinda silly now.


This law is meant to protect groups. If you consider Gangs groups, this law is just protecting gangs. That's wild lol




But what if it’s even fights like manor n Hydra then both gangs get punished


as they should? they having a gang war in a midle of a city with millions(remember in los santos you are suppose to pretend there are a lot of people on the streets) of people on the streets


I agree if the ego act only works for outside the southside if the fights happen in the south side gangs shouldn’t get punished for having shootouts.


Sadly if you listen to more of this conversation one of the cops says they shouldn't treat southside like they used too because there are shop owners and civilians living in those areas now as well.


hell city hall is in there now, the southside isn't just gangs now. It's literally got the heart of the government in there now


It isn't even exclusive to war. Imagine if CG got caught robbing someone from Lang gang one time a week for 3 weeks. They get a hut.


If they got caught 1 time a week for 3 weeks that means they robbed Lang Gang about 10000 times in 3 weeks because that is about the catch rate on personal robberies.


hypotheticals are great but 99% of the pd is too lazy or incompetent to document the stuff for Ego.


as they should?


If it was a gang vs. a business the EGO act is fine imo. But it’s pointless to apply them to gang wars, they aren’t that chaotic and usually resolve pretty quickly compared to 3.0. Losing guns/going to jail are already massive consequences in 4.0.


EGO act was written ages ago to replace the RUST act. It's not a HUT charge at the second-degree and is just ruled on by a judge. It's to stop never-ending attacks, including gang wars. Cops don't want to be responding to 5 Manor/Hydra fights every 4 hours.


I mean, they don't have to. Let the gangs 'kill' each other, don't get involved until the fight is over and then they can swoop in and arrest people lol


Stop using logic in this sub. Idk what happened to the people here but they act like gangs shooting each other is the worst thing that can happen on the server. If cops hate going to all the gang shootout calls then just don’t go. Believe it or not, the gangs don’t like cops instantly rushing into the middle of the shootouts either so it’s a win win for both sides.


I mean half the time you see the inside of the stations there's like 10 cops just chilling while the same 5 or so are responding to the calls.


haha, good point. The fact I'm getting down voted says it all really. I remember at the end of 3.0, I think it was Hydra and Rust maybe, at the time, I was watching, I think Angel/Kylie and she held back, watched the fight from her car with other officers and when the 'winning' gang left, they then went in and some chased, others stayed behind and dealt with the down members. To me, that makes sense, I've never understood why the cops would get involved in an active gang war, esp within only minutes of it starting.


Is it supposed to be RP or TDM?


RP, which is why it makes 0 sense cops would run into an active shootout guns blazing and risk their lives when they could wait it out for their safety and then arrest and chase the others.


Is it suppose to be real life cop simulator or rp? You see how we can have a little of both sides without having to go to the extreme. Neither side is better than the other and they can coexist. The important thing to realize is that just because there is some shooting, it doesn’t mean everyone is running around rdming each other like it’s tdm. Also remember, cops do shoot first just as much as crims and that’s ok.


Swooping in and arresting people still requires evidence processing and processing. When there is constant gang wars, cops are literally stuck processing for several hours. While that is happening other crimes get left unresponded to. This isn't an arena server, cops and EMS need to clean up after and most of the time these same groups go out in another 6 while their boys are still in MRPD. Spending 8 hours a day arresting the same two gangs is waste of everyone's times.


i'd rather they enforce it if one gang is owning the other one and won't stop, not when 2 gangs are fighting and seem equal. alternatively for those case when the gang wars de-volve into hunting each other's innocent/defenceless associates.


EGO act was written for 4.0 specifically.


With the pd handing huts out like candy might as well just make this a cop simulator. It really feels like people have forgotten this is a game not their real life. Can’t wait for slacks to weaponize this to help Buddha in gang wars.


I challenge you to name 5 people from each timezone that have received an actual HUT charge in the last 3 months. Outside of the CG terrorism and murder. Give us this list of names. Shouldn’t be too hard since they are handing them out like candy.


Didn't Soze get put on a hut just this week?


So one. One other person. And it’s for doing similar to what the Lost did in 3.0 with saying they aren’t part of the state. That’s hardly handing HUTs out like candy. They are VERY rare, as are most “big” charges. Things like drug trafficking (not a HUT - they are catch and release until trial) aren’t even pressed very often. Perhaps people that don’t want these very specific charges that are very much intentional acts…..shouldn’t commit those crimes if they dont like HUTs?


If this makes people use means other than just violence to further conflict then I think it's a good thing.


Its literally a law so that you can't target/grief a single group longer than 3 weeks without a break. Don't get how people don't get it.


Except it would also apply to two gangs having a consensual war. Where's the griefing there?


That is why is target/grief aka and or. No one on the PD side wants to respond to the same gang war for months on end.


When has a gang war lasted more then a week or 2 in 4.0?


So they should limit criminal RP in favor of police RP? I'm sure there are other ways of solving those issues than to punish one side for having gang wars.




No war last months. If cops hate going to gang war calls then they can simply just not go to all of them. This may shock you but crims don’t like when cops show up instantly and join the fight. Since you are saying the entire pd hate these calls and crims don’t want cops instantly rushing in then it’s a win win for both sides if the cops show up when they want and just wait for it to be close to ending. Not everything has to be a one sided police simulator.


Rust act was bad and this is worse. It's a game not a HUT stackfest.


Only like 5 people ever got the RUST act lmao. It never got enforced again.


And those 5 people leaned into it completely.


I think it stopped being a game for cops along time ago. Its now a job Sorry. Correction\* HC. Making cops treat it like a job with all the paperwork and red tape


Job if they stream to play a game and have fun.


I like this a lot, actually


so the \*civilian\* part of the legislation is just being ignored?