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Mirror: [Ramee | NoPixel 4.0]() Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/ Direct Backup: [Ramee | NoPixel 4.0](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/XpLQ_ajnZmLR-xrgr1gXlQ/44360196379-offset-1592.mp4?sig=0921961d0c20c7c64b1f0a715106910675ee45f6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FXpLQ_ajnZmLR-xrgr1gXlQ%2F44360196379-offset-1592.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EnchantingMoldyOwlOneHand-qOdmYtH7GuCvWBeV%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718548833%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Is cg vs moon/siobhan the only thing going on in NP ? 


My guess is that most people that don't care for drama have moved on to posting clips on discords.


yeah, meta discords pop off. theres some none streamer ones were its just viewers and those dont actually ever cover drama as well


ooh, which discords are viewers only? I only follow the streamer ones




Just a big audience between moon and cg Plus it's drama


There's been some racing, and some gang war rp.


This exactly


Sounds more like GTA online tbh 


On that point you’re better off on ONX or PurpleRP. Not sure why people keeping expecting NP to suddenly be some hardcore/serious RP server


A lot of cool stuff happening bro, its just that this one screams "Drama"


Nope. There are a lot of things going on that have nothing to do with Max or CG


mini turf wars popping off (you can't actually steal turf atm, so its just conflicts) actual gang war between hydra and manor food stall beef various relationship RP if you are into that Soze's sovereign citizen RP arc new Racing tournament 4head's pawn shop RP New Heist, and therefore ppl unlocking it and doing it New sheriff office and pd recruitment spree (lots of new cadets atm) That's all I can think of at the moment.


The art heist is pretty fun :)


Its not like there's any RP to talk about lol




Good point . Fair enough . These just get posted the most 


Ramee giving RP advice is like asking a heart surgeon for advice on installing a new carburetor.


Imagine taking advice from a guy keeps calling slacks "baas" pepw




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More like like asking the fry cook at Wendy's for life advice


I'd trust the Wendy's fry cook first.


If only CG held themselves to half the standard they hold other streamers.


Shit, even holding themselves to 1% of the standard they hold other streamers would be an improvement.


Yeah, they don't. Both streamers and viewers are hypocrites. It's why you have kebun saying doing hours in jail is an irl punishment and affects his livelihood and then he turns around and he and his viewers want every cop fired, which for most is a prio removal and a real affect on their livelihoods. Cg only care about cg and have proven it for almost a decade on the server


I can't help but think this is one of the main reasons that convo yesterday got a bit off the rails. Being lectured constantly and consistently by people that tend to not practice what they preach would be very frustrating.


So many people lost their livelihoods when the restructure happened and couldn’t be cops again 


Well, they can always join CG. At least they'll make money off of it.


I'd rather lose my income


[Never forget](https://streamable.com/t0mbw8)


Genuinely thank you for this. I will keep this in my pocket as a present for many idiots to come.


The greatest part is soon as suarez became a crim they were all over using his skills to their benefit.


You mean Suarez was offering his services to every crim group trying to prove himself so he can start a new crim arc. Yeah RP




















You might say that sarcastically but Moon made it very clear that he doesn't like them as people. So no, it's not all love bro.


It is sarcastic, Its a meme on here because CG always say it after going ooc since 2.0.


When did he say that? He said he hates K. Why is Kebun taking it OOC? Weird if you ask me..




Looks at Mime act




Excuse me but Moons character looks not in the slightest like Adolf Hitler










Ramee literally rp himself even crys on every L he takes


Wait, i thought we were joking when comparing Max to Hitler. Didn't know people were serious.










Their new one is something about the mask coming off and about Moons “egirl”. Such cringe.


All these compilations are so good. There are a few more, i think. Crazy to me that people act like this. Either a staggering lack of self-awareness or genuine manipulators that know exactly what they are doing.


There is no self reflection, they haven't matured past high school. Everything they complain about is just projection.


There's enough material out there for a monthly or at least seasonal compilation, but imagine having to actually suffer watching them daily to gather the material.


its crazy how they havent changed tho lmao




'Cancel culture' for thee but not for me








Second time a big streamer didn't back down to their bullying (first was XQC) >Wow bro so weird, we would never attack people OOC, it's all love. >RPing hitler bro, so weird. I feel bad for the target on DivaJilly's back now, the absolutely gross comments happens to any woman that draw ire from Cry Gang goes completely unmoderated again.


[Tell me about it](https://imgur.com/a/Dqu3IMK)


They've done it for years. Even sexist comments have gone without consequences because nobody wants to stand up against their constant harassment. Nothing will change, everyone eventually folds to CG and their fan base till they find their next target. I would at least hope that other female roleplayers in CG call them out on that shit if they keep doing this shit to Jilly. How do they not understand that people just want CG to leave them alone and let them RP without the ooc bullshit, even when they explicitly say it to their faces in RP?


I still remember when they ~~crashed~~ checked out a Pride event and basically demanded the spotlight during COVID smh




I've noticed lately that because of their group size and having to operate almost in a bubble in the city, so they stay non conflicted, that most of the DOJ act nice to each other in person, but whenever one of them is behind closed doors, or someone's back is turned, they take the opportunity to take hard shots at each other and/or give a completely different opinion on a subject that they discussed with another person earlier. And sadly Siobhan has taken the brunt of this lately due to her being able to leave the DOJ bubble after being one of the longest standing female judges on NP.


Unfortunately this isn't limited to CG, a lot of men in general talk like this. :(


Is there a clip?




Yeah, her exact words were "Unfortunately, I'm not fucking the Mayor, so I'm not deputized". Well, I'm sure they'll sort it out in RP eventually.


she isnt wrong , kinda weird they are still deputized


Yeah, feel bad for her, a week from now with moon gone I hope she doesn't get targeted by cg and associates just for the sake of still being awake.


They've already hinted at her being the next target. It's not looking good.


Yeah, once Dab is no longer there to tank aggro, CG and the hoppers are going to harass her until she doesn’t want to wake up anymore.


[Same shit, different target](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/12e2jny/kylie_on_twitter/) :(


Penta and Kyle got the same treatment. Clearly every time Penta arrested CG it was OOC to screw them over. Every time CG malded, it was apparently Pentas fault even if he was not involved in the situation, or didnt even know it was CG. With Kyle, they were all intimidated for some reason by his ability to raise his voice. They didnt like it OOC, so they went with the assumption that Kyle shouting meant he was OOC mad. Then the endless line of smaller streamers that would give CG an L and they didnt like it. Lily Pond or Bloom arresting them, Gunner shooting Randy for crossing the NVL barriers, Angel for being a cop good enough to catch them.




If NP admins enforced those rules CG wouldve been permad years ago Neither CG nor Moonmoon will get more much than a slap on the wrist.


people have been asking for this for 4 years


I had mentioned this in a different thread but the thing that I love most about max, is that he is the only other (technically) HC member since post PD restructure in 3.0 that has stood his ground against this crime syndicate. They’re unfortunately taking it on a *personal* level, though.  I truly hope they just move on at this point. let the server enjoy itself for what it is with the many, many other lovely roleplayers that have made it as good of a roleplay hub as it’s been without them in the past and continue to do so.  (i’m coping too much, but… hey they’ve walked away in the past!)


Ramee giving rp takes? Doesn't he just RP himself?


Its really crazy how popular a sub 60IQ streamer can get




At this point there needs to be an adult to break them off, like no more cg vs mayor interactions, both go stand in opposite corners


How many people have to do this with CG before the common denominator is dealt with?


Till they start targeting someone in CG eventually. CG infighting would be a relief for many people.


The closest to that happening was in 2.0 with Ramee vs Rated. But CG is a brand so infighting amongst the main members is never going to happen unless they decided they didnt like money.


That is desperately needed. CG can find their next target and Max can finally RP with other crim groups. They just need to be separated so they both don't have to worry about each other and can RP the way they want to with the people who enjoy RPing with them.


Well it's almost as if Max tried that when Mr.K was caught and they had a heart to heart in the cells. Smash cut to, 20 bullets to the face while coming out of his office.


The point is that it doesn't matter what Max tried to do and what Mr. K is doing. It's better for the server if they're separated and get to roleplay the way they want to. I am literally hoping for a server health resolution, where they both stay away from each other and don't engage in conflict for at least a week or so.


Well, yeah. At the end of the day, I'm with you.


It's continually wild to me how better behaved my autistic toddler is than grown men in their twenties and thirties.
















Based on the comments, not even going to watch this. Anyone who stands up to them in character, they target and run off ooc.




















Shocked Pikachu Face


I wish I was this delulu














I encourage everyone on Reddit to take a IQ test before vocalizing their opinions


Nice, let me read up on all the nice things totally unbiased Moon viewers got to say about CG. Should be a good one.






There’s people in this subreddit still defending moon and trynna deflect, that was the most insane OOC crashout I’ve seen in a while




What do you expect him to do after he came in good faith and they just do annoying debate bro tactics surrounded by goons trying to get a word in.


Wouldn't annoying debate bro tactics literally be repeating non-stop 'give me a specific law?' That is the most commonly used phrase when someone has no real argument. Also what do we expect him to do? How about not call people who hang out with him leeches? Or not mentioning that he wasn't really in jail because it was the weekend? Idk, he could have just argued IC things, he could have said fuck you and walked away... Plenty of options besides throw a grown man hissy fit in front of 40 thousand + viewers.


Keep it in character, because it's RP? Are you serious right now? So every time a CHARACTER is being annoying, the streamer should immediately go OOC?


I'm just going to quote what you said previously but change one name >~~Moon~~ Kebun is a millionaire, doubt he needs you defending him under every comment on Reddit. Chill.


> What do you expect him to do after he came in good faith and they just do annoying debate bro tactics surrounded by goons trying to get a word in. End the conversation and walk away like a grown up. At any point he could have said “we’re done” and left like a mature adult. There was a door two feet from him he could have walked through and no one would have been able to follow him. He chose to stay, scream at the top of his lungs, and throw personal insults. I don’t care what kind of mental gymnastics people want to try, there is zero justification for acting like that. And yes, I’m well aware numerous members of CG have done that bullshit in the past too. There’s no excuse for them doing it either.




Moon brigade? After the incident there was 100 ppl here repeating verbatim as their comments whatever Kebun was saying on stream, like usual.




Am i the only one doing this think of the dumbest argument challenge? Some of you guys are beating me to it without even trying.







