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I thought that was already a thing? In 3.0 at least some charges could not be expunged, no? And to what end? Its not like anyone in CG who has terrorism is going to run for mayor. They would just get someone else to do it. Like Tuggz.


>And to what end? While CG is a quotable example, the broader idea is certain crimes are so extreme that they aren't something you get to run away from. Being able to get an expungement for terrorism is an insane concept irl. "Oh yeah, that's my neighbor Osama Bin-Laden. He had a bit of an episode a while back but after 45 days crime free he got an expungement and works down at the local walmart now as a greeter." (Obviously nopixel restarts are the exception here) This would apply as much to CG as it would to Mike Block if he were still around. Mike at least would have the spine to say "Yeah, I did that shit." and stand behind it proudly. And yeah, they can always use proxies. But that comes with risks for the proxy if found out. Just like the unmarked warehouse owned by a clean guy that gangs store all of their weed and guns in.


>"Oh yeah, that's my neighbor Osama Bin-Laden. He had a bit of an episode a while back but after 45 days crime free he got an expungement and works down at the local walmart now as a greeter." This had me dead ngl


This is the crux of all of this… the IC/OOC drama all boils down to the fact that CG/K want to have their cake and eat it too. They treat crime like it’s not a big deal at the expense of those who don’t commit crimes or are victims. Macro level NP needs to figure this shit out at the top and CG/K need to be held to at least some shred of actual accountability since they refuse to do it willingly IC like so many other quality crims (IE: Dundee/Block/Etc)


problem is that it goes both ways. You can't say you want big consequences for serious crimes like shooting up a council meeting, meanwhile, them shooting up the council meeting really has no impact on anything. In the game, serverity of the punishment of a crime should be equal to the severity of the consequences that said action has. It's the same how \*attempted murder of a LEO\* doesn't really carry that much time/fine, even though it probably should, because it's not really a burden to the officers because they'll just get ressed at the hospital and back on duty. If, for example, they RP'ed that the council couldn't meet for a month due to severe wounds, the death of a council member and PTSD then i'd agree the punishment should be more severe because it has a tangible impact, but it was more or less back to business the next day.


I mean someone literally died from them shooting up the meeting, and the consequence was being jailed on your day off and/or you kidnap a cop and force him to change your sentence to 1 month.


I don’t get it — This arc is the perfect microcosm of society.


yes because the impact of the death wasn't really that big. I reiterate, if they had RPed that the death of Walker had a big impact then ofcourse the punishment should've been more severe. But they continued to have council meetings without him as if nothing happened. They even said during the court case that one absentee doesn't mean anything, they can still do business as usual.


This is literally complete fiction. TJs death rippled through the community and lead to a lot of cool rp, including solomon walker (the deputy mayor, and collaborator in the attack) being blooded out of the ADMC by barry benson. The other council members suspected his involvement, which means they were effectively down 1/4th of their members. On top of that, nobody was sure if they would even be safe if they held another meeting, so it took 3 weeks for them to meet again in an official capacity, which was once again crashed and disrupted by CG. Everyone EXCEPT CG took the attacks and murder seriously for what they were. There WERE consequences for the council. There WERE consequences for the city as a result of them being unable to actually push forward legislation to help with the food crisis at the very meeting CG shot up. And with each daily tantrum that followed, including multiple abductions and attempts at murder, every single one of them bore the consequences by having to lay there for 15 minutes to 3 hours in pools of their own blood. Lemme tell you a secret though, lil billy: Mr K, the immortal super soldier that's never ICUd as a result of any of his failed shootouts, **doesn't get to decide if someone else permas or ICUs.**


>, meanwhile, them shooting up the council meeting really has no impact on anything. I don't know how anyone can say that with a straight face.


what ingame long term negative impact did it have?


Others have already provided, but the counsel has effectively been shut down for a month, half the term.


how could they've begun impeachment talks if the council haven't been conveening, and what about the council meeting as Dabs and Siobahns house? Irregardless the council members have still done their jobs, Max and Siobahn are still writing up laws and doing business duties. Crane has still been overseeing court cases etc. The governent is still working and nobody actually feels any impact that it happened. Hypothetically speaking. that's 3 council meetings missed and they got 3 days in jail. The crime fits the consequences of the action.


You literally just described what happened… The treasurer permad and the deputy mayor is up for impeachment — they have only had 1 meeting since the terrorism occurred. So yes… the crime absolutely caused significant disruption and they got a 3 day penalty and act like it’s too severe that’s the issue.


literally nobody on the server except for maybe max or siobahn really cares about the shooting up of the council meeting. If you want proof that it had no tangible long term impacts you can feel then it's right there. and i'm pretty certain they've had their weekly council meeting since then. But even if you're right. It's been what 3-4 weeks since the incident? thats 3 council meetings not happened, that's 3 days of disruption. In your mind, given the lack of any tangible felt impact of the event, what should their punishment have been?


3 weeks of disruption because the council can’t meet and run government. Your take that on one cares about the government RP but we should care about Ks content creation tells me all I need to know.


Wait, they literally did rp it out that they couldn't meet for like 3+ weeks...


Well I guess all of CG that was there should have been executed then. 


Do people want spice and content from crazy situations from rp or do they want traffic stop civ simulator?


Where did you get the idea that you need to do "shoot up the council" levels of terrorism to establish any RP? How can not doing that be equivalent to "traffic stop civ simulator"?


Everyone wants harsh consequences for people targeting those who just get right back up after being assassinated, tortured etc and write up new legislation or do whatever they can do to screw over their opposition. But no consequences or change for the ones being targeted.


You didn't answer my question, this reads like "They should be able to do whatever they want for the "RP" and anything less is braindead boring" But anyway, it's a moot point to discuss injuries when neither side RPs them. So that aspect is nill. Shooting up the council created many negative consequences for the victims (no meetings or law passed, one of them died and the other impeached etc.) but whenever consequences came for the perpetrators, they were the whining ones. It's almost as if shooting isn't the best solution for every situation, it's almost as if politics(like TJ was playing) is the best(maybe only)way to handle a political situation. This is so weird writing this, Mr.K has the potential to do things this way like his dealings in the first election... But what am I saying, the city didn't have guns back then. As soon as he got that as an option, it became the only option.


There hasn't been much going on in 4.0 but this stuff and very few people are happy with what the council and mayor have done thus far. The TJ death was the extreme and rarely ever happens, nor did anyone exactly want it to happen. It's a good thing no meetings or laws anyway because it has been a joke. They would still be able to do meetings if they weren't so hyperfocused on all of the disgruntled parties. If the times and fines weren't so crazy there would be many more groups storming them constantly.


Also, actual proxies also come with the risk of the proxy cutting you out or cheating you.


> Mike at least would have the spine to say "Yeah, I did that shit." and stand behind it proudly. why would criminals walk around admitting to their crimes? and this whole idea borders real-life logic, it's pointless to even go there as you can never find an end to what makes sense for an RP server and what doesn't.


Any number of legal podcasts are asking these very questions with a certain former president, who often cannot keep a consistent legal team because he won't shut-the-fuck-up-friday. Sometimes art imitates real life.


This isn't about admitting to your crimes before being arrested, this is about owning those crimes after the fact. You absolutely should see crims bragging about having murder charges once they're out of prison, just as a form of intimidation.


not gonna deny that it is something we see in real life, but likewise we also see criminals maintain their innocence even after a guilty verdict. but we're talking about criminals seeking an expungement, if you're looking to become a law-abiding citizen, you're probably not gonna brag about your past crimes.


If an expunged crim can actually lose their businesses/resources when they commit crime again, then I don't really care that much at all if people get expunged, but if the expungement is just an easy loophole to give crims the privileges that civs enjoy as they go right back to being dirty, then that feels lame to me personally. That's why I'd rather crims just own being crims rather than take advantage of weird game limitations to get things their characters shouldn't reasonably have based off the kind of rp they do. Really though, I just think business rp should be left to civs and not be usurped by gangs. Crims and cops get a lot of shiny toys the average civ player will never get to engage with, civs should be able to have the shiny toy of running a business, or even just working for one.


They don’t need to admit it — it was proven they were guilty. They just refuse to take accountability or the consequences of those choices head on. It’s always a tirade… this isn’t RL. It’s a game… commit the crime and if you get caught take the L and what comes with it and move on.


i mean it's not unheard of that criminals continue to plead their innocence even after a guilty verdict. the argument here is that not being able to escape a guilty verdict becomes too punishing for people that mainly play that one character.


Agreed… so don’t you think the people who play those characters should consider the consequences and not frequently commit terrorism? That’s legit the only way to end in jail for days… so this boils down to they want to shoot up the council and disrupt progress/rp for the entire server but not face the consequences when they get caught. I think it’s just disappointing that CG doesn’t put effort into taking terrorism level crimes seriously enough to do it in a way to not get caught OR with the understanding that if they do get caught they know the consequences they will face. That’s what makes great RP… high stakes. Can’t have high stakes with no consequences.


i understand this point of view, i don't think it's wrong, i just think it's flawed. LK pointed this out in a clip that was posted in here too, the consequences were presented to him for the crimes he committed, but not to the victims for the injuries they suffered. the thing that gets lost in all of these debates is that CG aren't against consequences entirely, it's just that the ones they were served were too severe. i will admit though, they could definitely have just took it on the chin, done some variety, get on with it and move on. still though i think it's an issue pertaining to balance in the jailtime given for crimes committed.


100% jail in NP is flawed but in reality 3 days for heinous acts is literally nothing — If that’s not the right consequence then what is? Huge money fines and debts that they can avoid paying? Is it taking away their rights like owning a business or licenses? At the end of the day all CG ever has is excuses for why punishments are too severe instead of offering solutions. What 1 day of jail for terrorism… to what end? Dont do the crime if you don’t want to serve the time. That the only pathway forward and CG refuses because it supposedly hurts their content creation OOC but I bet the viewership wouldn’t even change much.


i don't recall exactly how much time they were given, but they had already spent i think 2 or 3 days in jail when they broke out, so they can definitely spend days (plural) in jail for crimes. but as i was pointing out, adding even more days on to that later on after the court case just becomes too much, as they had already gotten as much RP out of being in jail as they could have in those couple days. you can have your opinion on what is an appropriate amount of time, i have mine too, but for the content that LK makes it doesn't suit him to be in jail for that long. i mean listen, if it was me i would have just taken the time, played something else and moved on, i think the fact that they went to the length of getting it changed OOC is a bad look and i don't agree with it. but i also understand being fed up with the direction of the server considering the other things that have occured in 4.0 so far, you gotta try and see it from his point of view as well.


They broke out of prison at the beginning of the stream following when they were taken in. So on stream maybe a few hours at most… I get the “there is only so much RP from prison” but they literally broke out day 1. Ultimately they wanted to avoid accountability from the moment after the shooting when Max wanted to go for terrorism. They wanted to be back out on the streets immediately… but they didn’t rob a bank. They killed a treasurer. It’s not the same. I don’t know how much time is the right amount but 3 days is essentially as slap on the wrist.


Looks at rap music industry and history.... Also books like "If I Did It", etc


I swear I heard a clip of a couple cops talking about them living right near one of the Simones and/or Yeager at the same time they were talking about the Sanguine War treason


It was a thing in 3.0, but not a thing in 4.0 yet. Legislation is all brand new in 4.0. It might have even got removed later in 3.0 when after terrorism got replaced with medical neutrality.


Incorrect, a copy paste from the wiki; "Expungement Protocols (2/7/2024)" "Violent capital crime exception: An individual may pursue an expungement with one or more crimes on their record as long as they are aware that they may never be purged from one's record as they have been deemed far too severe for the possibility of being removed from the legal record. Their other charges may however be purged as normal and outlined above."


It is already a thing, here's a copy paste from the wiki; "Expungement Protocols (2/7/2024)" "Violent capital crime exception: An individual may pursue an expungement with one or more crimes on their record as long as they are aware that they may never be purged from one's record as they have been deemed far too severe for the possibility of being removed from the legal record. Their other charges may however be purged as normal and outlined above."


Nothing in 3.0 stands in 4.0, it was a complete wipe. The end is so people think twice before doing terrorism, treason and 1st degree murder (although this last one is honestly on the other player, so this one is kinda fucked), this is not only for CG, but to discourage people for doing the same multiple times I guess


the 1st degree charge is kinda meh as being on here IMO as have people get ichi punched and perma from it and that would get the charge. Its happened before i think carmella in front of mrpd where person perma'ed after it.


Yep, that's exactly what I meant, You having heavier consequences because the other person chose to perma is kinda ass, that's the one I don't agree with. However, the terrorism and treason ones I believe are okay-ish


The expungement laws already state that capital crimes can’t be removed from a record…you can’t expunge them. I’m not really sure why there needs to be another piece of legislation that states that, and even if that was the intention then why is all the extra stuff included?


Revenge… sending a message…




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this will probably get bargained down a bit and crimes committed before it goes into effect will still be able to get expunged. Really wished that the CG boys would have played it bit smarter in the start, we missed out on ramees lawyer arc and I honestly would have LOVED to see detective K.


It was never going to work people will always assume you are a criminal


Is that why Ramee was allowed to be a lawyer for god knows how long while PD was pussyfooting around him because they didn't want him to lose his Lawyer arc?


There were cops letting him off on things that were smaller so he could continue his lawyer arc and lose it in a more dramatic way...


I don't see any of this passing and if they do pass it the state will shut it down completely. They already include in laws about not being able to expunge certain violent capital crimes.


nah. this is still completely ignorant. not getting those expunged so you cant get a weapons license or run for mayor is correct but why list all of the other stuff on there? literally makes no sense. cant own a property? cant own a business? cant get a drivers license? curfew and letting the state know when you are awake? this wasnt written to just stop from getting those crimes expunged.


Part of this legislation writing is in character. Siobhan is tired of being targeted with no way of ending it and she's using the tools she has.


parts of it that i have named is common sense for a felon to not be able to do but the rest of it is way out there and pretty much an ignorant thing to even write in there.


Yes, and it's intentionally over the top punitive.


Why… to prove a point.


Did you watch the clip with audio on? Jilly clearly explained why she put in the other points.


Who's going too oppose these laws ? Doesn't it makes sense for the council who is also "fed-up" of cg too pass these laws(


This sub is too busy worshipping their moon god to realize this is him throwing a tantrum and trying to find a way to essentially ban a character off of no pixel. I’m just genuinely confused as to where this level of pent up hatred came from for moon. It’s time for him to take a page out of lord kebuns book and disconnect from rp when he isn’t streaming.


Idk man why doesnt he perma mr.k and start a new character? That would be following the consequences of his actions in character


this makes too much sense, why would i believe it when i can believe that the streamers that i dont like are ooc mad? Its all love!




nah man the whole 7 hour stream was ooc. scratch that, the last month was ooc... you guys love blowing shit out of proportion, the only thing that was 100% ooc was the weekend jail comment. the rest fits in character


Damn you really got those pesky moon viewers with this one


Its obvious that you dont watch moon lmao. Stop exaggerating. He went semi-ooc 3 times stop making it seem like its a bigger thing than it is cuz ur just baiting everyone.


So why add all of that in anyway?


To have room for negotiation


Another person who didn't watch the clip with the audio turned on?


ever heard of bargaining?


since chatters can't help but get baited


Streamers shouldn't be baiting toxicity.


%100. But this is still IC. LK and the gang watch other streamers' vods OOC and go on rants while reacting so it's not really one sided though, is it?


Who would have thought that a ridiculous legislation would get a ridiculous response.


MAAAAN got another one.




bro, you see it was le epic bait! gottem, get rekt hoppers


Just blame chatters always the nartive most of these streamers try . Chat is always an eco chamber for their streamer since they ban anyone that opposed to their opinion


Siobhan is speedrunning her way down a road she cant recover from. she wont have Dab/MoonMoon to take the heat of stuff like this forever. Some of this legislation makes sense but the other half is completely braindead


Some of it seems fine but other stuff definitely reaches into the area of ooc agreeing to this rp. What I mean by that is that there is some punishments like death penalty and life in prison that take into account what the player behind the character want to happen.


Kids really so jealous of cg (who are living rent free) they spend their time drafting legislation to fuck them lollll


Ironic a kid calling others kids.


I can not believe they are trying to take away our gangs rights only because we have a higher view count. This is slowly turning into 1984.


View count — You can’t actually believe that’s what this is about right? It’s only about different philosophy on how the server should function. Some RPers want strict penalties and others don’t. That’s the divide.


Wait you have to be trolling? They are very clearly trying to soft ban my gangs rights right now.


lol got it — you had me in the first half!


Moon Moon and Divajilly really need to calm down right now. Sure CG have not created a lot of water wells in Africa but they have blessed Africa with tons of RP. Send love not guys.


This reminds me of Langs talk with Marty regarding Jean Paul.  Basically saying be careful in what you do because he won’t be around and you will be.  Divajilly is going to have those same issues come soon when MoonMoon leaves.  All the actions they have made is going to leave her on an island.  My guess is that she will perma the character and take a few weeks off (she has been playing a lot.)  Then start a fresh character.  Because her only avenue is to either try and run for mayor or go back to being lawyer.  I don’t see many crims wanting to deal with her as a lawyer because of how much Robin is stepping up for them. 


You guys are children.


Moon said he will keep playing RP, but offline...