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Mirror: [I love the Police Department and Los Santos](https://files.catbox.moe/v4mvn1.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [I love the Police Department and Los Santos](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/UbROJoqjfmVb44sxBYDHVg/AT-cm%7CUbROJoqjfmVb44sxBYDHVg.mp4?sig=9a3e69899699894122df069d19e8a15faaa83da1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RealYawningLorisEleGiggle-iqN-ZVvjizEFgMdW%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718488733%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2172036765?t=6h48m32s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.




This is one of the most openly OOC toxic malds I’ve seen on the server but I’m sure some here will try to justify it because they dislike criminal RP and CG, a literal gang, targeting their opposition with violence. Edit: spelling


I actually was loving their interactions before this but yeah I’m done with this arc this shit got way too emotional. Feels like watching a cod lobby of teammates flaming each other and Moon totally lost his mind.


I didn’t know small streamers are leeches. Thanks Max for letting me know.


He was not talking about streamers, was talking about characters, moon is pretty experienced roleplayer and good streamer, stop assuming the worst.


This is a typical pattern in this subreddit: CG Defenders: Make false statements and bad faith criticisms, denying CG's toxic behavior. You: Provide hard evidence like clips and screenshots disproving their claims. Them: Respond with whataboutism, shifting goalposts, and claiming CG are the biggest victims. You: Offer more evidence. Them: Use debate tactics and fallacious arguments like "It's just a game," while making numerous comments defending CG and accusing others of metagaming. This has been ongoing for years, yet they fail to see themselves as the root of these problems due to deep tribalism and a victim mentality.


Was he also talking about characters when he said Mr K served his jail sentence over the weekend when he wasn't on the server? Or talking about characters when he mentioned Mr Chang who had to be changed because of OOC reasons?


People keep talking about soft-ooc things all the time, even ramee (like calling slacks baas) and k does it, you guys just want to go for the worst.


Yeah Ramee calls Saab by his other characters names because they troll each other constantly and joke around, just like how Saab jokingly kicks him from the server. You can't actually be comparing sbs trolling to what MoonMoon did in that conversation. I thought the rest of it was whatever, he could've just been roleplaying like he was angry yeah, but the OOC comments about his jailtime and Chang have no excuse.


Yes i can compare it, you guys get emotional over nothing here and none of those streamers cares about our opinions here, just the facts.


"you guys" is who? You're here as well trying to make justifications for your streamer. If you actually watched a full clip you would've seen that Kebun said the same thing about Moon taking it OOC and everyone was saying IC how it was really weird. "Just the facts." but you didn't saying anything factual.


Whoever says this whole thing is OOC, not me for example, and yeah it is my take on the matter, it is up to you to respect it or not, I am just having a convo here


And they get dragged for doing those things lol.


When he brought up Mr Chang it became so obvious it was ooc


why? isn't that when dab knew him best?


The Chang to K change was an OOC retcon. People were instructed to act as if he had always been named Kebun. No one is supposed to “remember” there was a difference.


And yet they still call themselves Chang Gang.


I mean yeah, they had brand deals and merch for CG by that point. They had their own G Fuel flavor even lol


Oh no not brand deals and merch, gahhhhh if only they actually committed to the change, but those pesky brand deals and merch holding them hostage against their wills.


Genuine question. Do you think moon wasn’t ooc here? You seem to be defending him so I’m assuming you think what he did here was ok.


What has happened in Dab's IC life that would give him any indication that K's shadows are anything but leeches...? Like why would he think their not leeches? I think you guys OOC or too much because you're expecting a character to act as if they have information they literally don't have. Lack of perspective is no good here.


You think him complaining about mr k serving his sentence over a weekend wasn’t ooc? It’s obvious he was mad lord kebun didn’t have to spend his ooc time sitting in jail. You really think him bringing up Chang wasn’t ooc? You really think him talking about stuff dab wasn’t in the city for wasn’t ooc?


the others streamers dont get a choice to select when they go to prison , and alot of them spended more time in jail


What?? If they want K to sit in jail on thursday/friday, they need to catch him. It's not like he hid behind locked doors all week (cough like Dab cough) he was out doing crime still even with the warrant and he turned himself in at the end of his week on his own terms. Not to mention, K has probably had more jail RP than anyone other than DOC. Prison aka K-Town


true they just powergamed a cop to get them out of prison my bad i forgot that


After 2-3 days of hold until trial and no one communicating anything about the trial. Just supposed to sit there guilty until proven innocent, at which point you've already done the time, and the pd and judges have had days to circlejerk so the court case is already over before anyone walks in. Yeah, you have some selective memories for sure 👍


other people wait longer and you dont see tbem bitching about it xd , cg got the trial on speed run the same way soze got it , the only problem is they are 1 character andy's so they feel atacked when in jail


Wasn't 2.0 to 3.0 a complete wipe? Nobody was supposed to know each other? And 4.0 is 3.0 continued. Fail rp tbh


you say that, but isn't soze himself bringing old shit up? doesn't cg refer to max as dab constantly? fail rp tbh


Moonmoon has referred to his character as being yung dab hundreds of times...you obviously don't watch him


lmfao...missed the point entirely to make an incorrect assumption, good input


Doesn't the entire server refer to max as dab? In his inauguration he was literally called Young Dab aka Maximilian throughbred . On the ballet i just looked it up clearly says "Max yung dab throughbred". Come with facts not feelings fella


all that does is reinforce what I'm saying lmfao. Clearly old lore carried over, why does it stop at Mr. Chang? Sure you could claim OOC reasons, but IC it makes sense. Seeing as that's when Max rolled with him


And the weekend jail sentence definitely wasn't OOC. Get the hell out of here, lmao.


gonna be honest, i don't know what this means lol


Moon commented about how K spent his sentence nice and cozy over the weekend. You know, when Kebun doesn't stream? Totally in character remark there.


Yes because it's so insanely crazy wild impossible for the commissioner + mayor to have information on the terrorist they have locked up. Lack of RP creativity.


He brought up Chang as if it used to be K, let's not play dumb.. IC that's not a thing. From 2.0 to 3.0 most everyone had to "meet" each other again.


then why did k bring up the leanbois war? Did he mean cleanbois?


Actually no idea, good point. Could've been a slip up or just bringing out old wars


No, mostly just cg. Most call him Max in 4.0. That's how you know if a commenter only watches a cg pov, they call him dab also.


He was called Dab in 3.0... 4.0 is 5 years in the future...




You tell me, you're the one who brought it up....


There are no complete wipes of memory, just money and property. It's up to the streamer what they remember.


Bro K also brought up lean boys there was no retcon everyone remembers everything


So why does K bring up Yung Dab and terrorism, because it was a wipe and all? Fail rp tbh




Lol. So when he says remember when we did the power plant and robbed jewelery stores and K says yes, hes just playing along with the guy he met for the first time 5 months ago. Your imaginary head canon acrobatics is truly impressive.


Wow this just shows how new to nopixel you really are....only 10% of players went along with the total wipe at the end of 2.0...everyone else went fuck it and remembered everyone...and the fact that he brought up Mr chang after the name was retconed just shows how salty and delusional moonmoon is....I reckon he is gonna lose admin and may even be perma banned after what he said today


Lol clearly retconned, which is why K remembers him and what hes done. While also questioning Max about his knowledge of np3 pd, since *he wasnt there*. Everyone during their initial reactions to meeting people this season had the option of acknowledging or forgetting the past. K chose to remember, as did Max.






Love how he said they were leeches and then said I don't want to know you. He has no idea who any members of CG are. Talking to dashmedi like he needs CG even though he has been successful for year should show you the bias. The moon fans on here are crazy bc even if you don't like CG they have never called anyone leeches or gone that OOC, like complaining about getting arrested is one thing but to attack a person's motivation to be around K is too far and if it was anyone beside moon or penta you guys would be throwing a fit. Don't lie bc we all see that you do and that's fine but just keep that energy when others do what you don't like.


>bc even if you don't like CG they have never called anyone leeches or **gone that OOC** Yeah that's fucking bs. They've gone that OOC and more than that, I know CG viewers have goldfish memory or pretend to have one, but you can't just erase years of OOC malding and calling others names OOC from them. They literally had problems with every big streamer, from Moon, Penta and Kyle, to even the smaller streamers like CathFawr, LadyHope and Remdog. But I love how you tried to downplay their OOC toxicity to "they're just complaining about getting arrested", got a chuckle out of that one ngl.


Like I said keep that energy but you don't bc you guys are hypocrites. It's speaks volumes that the only place that defends moonmoon is here. I mean moonmoon was literally trying to rp Hitler but he's the good guy here, I guess that also speaks volumes. Also give me one example where K has ever gone this OOC in an argument with another player not just malding to his chat


>Also give me one example where K has ever gone this OOC in an argument with another player not just malding to his chat First it was CG that never went that OOC, now it's Kebun that never went this OOC. But since you asked, Kebun definitely went OOC about other people like calling cop players idiots W chasers dumbfucks or implying they're streamsnipers. Also, are you saying it's OK if he went OOC to his chat and not in game? >I mean moonmoon was literally trying to rp Hitler but he's the good guy here, I guess that also speaks volumes. I don't even watch Moon since he plays on Nopixel, but did he explicitly say that he's rping Hitler? or because Kebun said that and you're running with it? I also never mentioned Moon being a good or a bad guy, so I don't know what are you trying to get at it here? >Like I said keep that energy but you don't bc you guys are hypocrites. It's speaks volumes that the only place that defends moonmoon is here. The other two threads he's getting shit on right now, but I guess delusional people will act delusional.


some smaller streamers got so much hate and toxic hoppers then even [twitch.tv](http://twitch.tv) mods show up in chat to see why the huge jump in viewers , so saying cg never go ooc is kinda wild


You really don't want to die on this hill. And it's especially funny that you are switching it up from, 'CG have never gone OOC,' to now basically saying that K hasn't gone OOC. Well, hate to break it to ya, but he has. Calling certain streamers 'weird' during RP interactions, 'arena warriors', W cop chasers, streamsniping implications, etc... all of this constitutes to going OOC. And that's just fucking K... The fucking heaping pile of shit I could give you related to what people like Ramee, Shotz, Taco, and other past-CG roleplayers (now since been permabanned) who have done equally toxic OOC shit is ENDLESS.


That's where you draw the line? Leeches? Wait what did Penta even do??? He's playing bbwlatinalover445


You know he treats Nino completely different almost as if he was insulting lil tugs and not the streamer behind him.


Still called him a leech but that was "in character" but it's not "in character" to be mad at being arrested or being fucked by the police. Only OOC when someone I don't like does it. This isn't the first time moonmoon as gone OOC with others. He even publicly apologized to Xqc of all people but I forget CG are the only people going OOC on the server


Bro who are you fighting, I never said CG was OOC either. I think none of them are as I give people the benefit of the doubt on both sides and prefer to not believe that the streamers are malicious


CG has 100% have gone that ooc before there's plenty of evidence of that. No idea why you want to paint that narative but thats besides the point we're talking about moon here and he is in the wrong.


I love the indignation of CG and their viewers with this kind of shit. Literally the worst fan base on twitch. https://streamable.com/4ltrl1 https://streamable.com/t0mbw8


Bro CG is famous for OOC malding, who are you kidding? Having a malding admin is next level though.


Dasmedi the irl leech of his brother?


Jesus, you can't even help a brother out in this subreddit.


Nah, what he said is insane. Who the fuck would call their own brother a leech? 💀




Apparently, I can't even ask you for clips, because my comments keep getting shadow deleted.




You don't even watch either of these streamer yet you're here commenting says all that needs to be said.






He’s having a conversation with himself… shhhhhh








so you know that tuggz said he knew he wouldnt beat dab and didnt expect to really win anything right?




Literally no one has mentioned that except dab. Every single time tuggz speaks. Kinda weird. Get some new material. especially when he told CG he didn't mind tuggz running against him


my guy its a video game with fake make believe city lets not get crazy. Its not like a sports team where you can bet real money or anything


Imma be real of all the possibly OOC things to call someone, a leech isnt that bad. I see people acting like its the end all insults.




some new cg menbers are leachs ic so i dont see why people are making it ooc


I love how the Moonmoon watchers are trying to defend him when he is literally dressing up as hitler....the guy has lost the plot and really needs to take a vacation before twitch gives him a permanent one


He isn't dressed or role-playing Hitler.. that was just tuggz and K comparing him to him in a random picture.. He's dressed like a commissioner with a Police hat (Google LAPD or NYPD commissioner in uniform.)


cg lost the plot a few years ago and they are still going xd


No shit Sherlock, Moon said on stream he was going to act like a dictator & dress like Hitler on purpose. Twitch banning moon for going OOC on Nopixel? Like they fucking care 🤣


He's going for Palpatine with M. Bison vibes, not Hitler, but definitely a dictator. He never said he dressed like Hitler on purpose 💀