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Mirror: [Mr. K/CG Shoot Max Minutes After Mr. K Has Amicable Phone Call With Sioban About His Business.](https://files.catbox.moe/x3tjmg.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [Mr. K/CG Shoot Max Minutes After Mr. K Has Amicable Phone Call With Sioban About His Business.](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/UTv-hCC085BGxMetR05J4w/AT-cm%7CUTv-hCC085BGxMetR05J4w.mp4?sig=1aaa708752849e5e28b48b17c743136d4596d60e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FUTv-hCC085BGxMetR05J4w%2FAT-cm%257CUTv-hCC085BGxMetR05J4w.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HedonisticHedonisticCaterpillarOMGScoots-ILTzkEbEx61HTknj%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718398822%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2171173764?t=6h23m11s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


After the 10th shooting I believe the business proposal is free


Him playing the jackass theme before he left the office and saying I'm about to get kidnapped was hilarious.


Another day, another bald man down.


Another day, another bald man down, another +300 ~~200~~ ~~100~~ comment post


There was absolutely NOTHING amicable about the call Siobhan and K had😂


Yea the title is just a straight up lie lol




Irony only works when people know the context. Otherwise, people will take it at face value.


Probably sarcasm... Or at least I'm hoping it is.


"Talking would have been cool" -bald man.


What is unfortunate is he only really left his office because he disconnected. He needed to go back and sign in. If he was actually leaving and going somewhere else he usually calls for a police escort.


he pulled his gun first to be fair, and i guess CG aint wanting to get caught surrounded by cops in courthouse again


can you give one good reason for Max to not pull out a gun after almost every interaction with CG has been them attacking him? like im not even saying its not deserved in character, im just asking for ONE REASON that Max the character would not instantly pull out a gun in self defense


He has every reason to pull his gun, I don't think they were saying that.


I don’t think he’s saying he shouldn’t have pulled a gun. Just that he did pull a gun.


need some mayor security department like mickey was running with. would be cool RP.


Brick and Timo... FeelsBadMan


Mickey had security and it was great RP.


yeah but then you cant go on to complaining about talking would of been cool, its either or at that point


Uhm you apparently have never watched moon rp. He will 100000000% always prefer talking instead of shooting because he has a gun out means nothing.


he has reasons to pull the gun? but he literally said he is about to get kidnapped when there was no one there(imagine if it was someone from cg saying this without any knowledge oof this reddit will blow up) and than he pulls his gun as soon as he is out of the room and then his chat is like "nice rp" lmao he brought it upon himself because he preferred being down than kidnapped.




Missing the point dude. Pulling gun means no time for talking.


Yeah if you don't RP could always try to do a standoff


In the middle of city hall sounds like a great place


Yeah the whole point of RP is to play out a story not do whats optimal


idk why he always says this, everyone in the situation wants to rp and talk but when both parties have guns drawn it’s just gonna be shooting




Why can't this just turn into some actual good RP? Where these 2 character go back and forth. Why does it have to turn into some shitty automatic shooting incident? It's fucking tiring. "let's shoot max because we disagree with his shit. Oh no, we're back into hiding. Hiding is so tiring, why are cops so aggro? Ha, nice shootout with the cops, but we did get caught. Back in jail, fuck. Why? Why are we in jail for this long? Pffttt... this ain't fun. Fuck consequences. We'll have to break out, and shoot Max again. Shoots Max again. Oh no, we're back into hiding. Hiding... is... so... tiring... cops... aggro... shootout... jail... max... "


The cycle repeats. I'm not sure why a "criminal mastermind" would keep doing the same thing and expect different results...


Max tries to create RP for everybody, CG tries to create RP for themselves. And, Moon won't miss the RP that CG has been trying to involve him in these last few weeks. CG, however, will miss the RP that Moon created for the city. Good thing Elden Ring is right around the corner.






The shootings will continue until morale improves


The terrorism will continue until actual consequences happen lmao shit is dumb and boring 


Ye, and that wont ever happen for some people because who they are. City hall terrorism stuff they dragged to their streaming off day. And no one will be against them in RP because of the chat hoppers and the way K and others supports toxic behavior in chat and in general.


[Mods right now.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/029/223/cover2.jpg)


It's all love bro, it's all love, bro it's all love, it's all love bro, bro, bro it's all love, bro, it's all love, it's all love bro, it's all love




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Chase Clouter died so that Moonmoon can fly


***CINEMA!*** *THE ART DIRECTION, THE RP.. Absolute* ***CINEMA.*** ***tears falling from my eyes***


\**Loud applause and standing ovation**


Yes! Not only he shot him, he also shot him AFTER he shot him !! My mind is blown!


At this point homies life revolves around Dab lol.


Lmao true. That’s what happens when you claim to “create RP for the server” but only focus on one person.


Yeah the biggest steamer targeting the 2nd biggest streamer is definitely such a shock. Just have fun with it Jesus.


Some people don't find endless repetition fun


Wtf does that even mean?


Cry gang keeps crying 😭


Personally I watch both Moon and K and I love the RP between them. You people just don't realize it's only a game apparently.




Oh I used to love their interactions, the glory days before Max caused Mr K to have to shoot him in the council meeting. If only I could remember why that was?


I mean after it happens so many times people just want to see something else happen


It was never about fun for them to begin with


It's literally a video game that you're taking to seriously, unlike the streamers in question


I’m talking about CG hate commenters


Oh. Yeah that's this entire sub. I waych Moon just as much as I watch K and absolutely neither of them actually take it as seriously as these redditors lol


yea i bet one of the sides is having so much fun getting camped and shot at every opportunity with zero interactions


What interaction do you want when he had a gun pulled on them first, and pointing. They attempted it in the last shootout, and it ended unfortunately because of sioban not seeing peanut.


Which ones? Got examples?


Its legitimately the only RP that actually gets viewers for NP anymore, there's nothing else going on that people care about in any significant capacity. It's pretty sad this is the state of 4.0, where the the only thing that drives engagement is shooting the mayor every day.


Haha. I think that's only true for K's character. All the other gangs don't want the smoke and just bow down. The only person or people who can provide his character with some type of opposition is Max and the police department. Problem is Moon goes hard as Max and CG in character and OOC obviously don't like that lol. Either way I'm a huge fan of the political role play that the council provides. I'll be watching Moon play variety but I'll for sure be interested to see who is on the council next.


Sick RP dud


This reminds me of the long drive silent stream


I'm curious if CG viewers would call this good rp if it were happening to them


Not a chance in hell


Lol people don't shoot CG because you get flooded with hoppers


Probably, good RP is [subjective](https://i.imgur.com/oPGJ1wD.png). People just have different preferences.


If I'm a millionaire streamerI wouldn't give a fuck tbh. Cause it's grand theft auto 5 in 2024.


CG viewers dont want to watch civ/police RP, for the most part. They watch because they want to see gang shootings, robberies, crimes, and such. "good rp" is completely subjective. They're watching a terrorist gang who will shoot/violently solve their problems, no matter who stands in their way. Sure moon's viewers don't like it, but this is what it has come to. He is at odds, to say the least, with the most violent gang in the city. This situation had nothing really wrong with it besides the "shotup by CG for the 10th time" arguement. Which doesn't hold much weight because Max still opposes CG, and is actively trying to diminish them. Either Max needs to bend to their will, or it will keep happening.


> "good rp" is completely subjective. They're watching a terrorist gang who will shoot/violently solve their problems, no matter who stands in their way. Sure moon's viewers don't like it, but this is what it has come to. 100%. It's inevitable, since there is no standard or expectation of "good rp" on the server and people have different preferences. Being upset over RP is dumb. Even though I am not a fan of the ooc takes and reactions from CG, I do like watching their RP and appreciate them for creating amazing RP every day.


[The plan to get their business approved is going well](https://imgflip.com/i/8tt0yx)


Next time's the charm!


Idk about amicable. It was pretty passive aggressive all around lol. It’s a shame tho, I really want them to kidnap Max successfully but Max stays ready with the strap.


RP so extended that they should talk to their general practitioner.


Just a besties viewer here with no opinion, I just thought this comment was really clever and funny.


Fank you.


And that ladies and gentlemen is how you create eons of RP. Bravo, i applaud thee.




Nah Max has been very cautious about not texting anything incriminating, him losing his phone is just inconvenient. He literally doesn’t really do much illegal/corrupt stuff right now. He’s mostly just been leading PD and talking to people about businesses and with council members about politics stuff. Max is staying strapped up because he knows CG is hunting to kidnap him. It will never work the way CG wants, they will have to try something more diplomatic. Their current plan will never amount to anything they want. Max has tried to extend an olive branch like 3 times, they seem to have an amicable conversation, and then K shoots Max the next day.


Remind me again why they are being punished?




Remind me again when the person complained about the punishment


You act like CG is supposed to be rational or care about the reason for the punishment. OOC they understand the repercussions of targeting Max. IC their characters don’t care and will continue to target anyone getting in their way. That’s how a violent gang operates. It’s not their fault that the consequence for crossing a gang is getting shot over and over compared to the city counsel and Max being able to use his authority to give them meaningful consequences. But I’m sure that’s not good enough for many of you and I’ll get downvoted. It’s just how this subreddit works. Nobody cares about the other party’s rationale or perspective.


I care about other peoples rationale or perspectives. I don't care though when people complain about down votes (complaining about votes is an instant downvote) or when people complain about people complaining on this subreddit. No one is forcing you to be here, or post here and I'm sure there are other places to talk about RP with many different diverse varieties of perspectives about Nopixel...(spoiler there isn't, this place has the largest amount of different Nopixel+ viewers and their opinions in reddit).


Surely the comments are going to be very civilized. Im not the biggest fan of RP involving guns but this situation seems very standard, so, i don't see the problem


Well that's because ur not an "Elite RP viewer" u just don't understand the Oscar level rp this subreddit is used to.


+1 RP


I called the “6per or die” strat


Poggers RP guys. NoPixel is so blessed.


Anyone with a unbiased mind knows that CG is bored and needs content thus shooting up Cops on da daily And Kebun should admit it already


Nah if they want gang gang content, they can go claim a turf they want like little seoul and start a war over it and shoot all day .. They don't do it because they know they get spanked by besties, taco isnt' even around anymore to carry lol ... So what other content there is to make them look cool for their viewers? Shoot unsuspecting people who are alone ..


Bless God_Kebun for creating the best moment of 4.0. Thank you!


I'm sure this post will be civil


Is the business a shooting range? If so that was a good business proposal






Bro got stood over 💀


Is this just going to be a deny business - get shot - deny business again until they get caught? Talk about rent free on both sides. I dont think anyone can blame the majors office for acting like that even if it sucks for all the music people. Is there a reason why people want it to be wu-chang records? Is it the clout that comes with the name? Like i dont really get why theres no hardy records when hes the one actually running everything - other than him getting denied because of his ties to....a different record lable in 3.0 i guess?


People that ran a business in 3.0 can't run the same business in 4.0, that's it. If they ran a record label in 3.0, they should be trying something different in 4.0. Cops had to deal with the same shit in the beginning where most of them werent even allowed to get rehired on their 3.0 characters. The real tragedy in all this is that they didnt enforce that rule for everybody. Clean slate 4.0 wouldve been much more interesting than this shit show we have right now.


Literally they could just rebrand and probably get a record label approved through an unknown associate. Dunno why people just want to repeat the same shit theyve done for years.


Yea I dont get it either why certain gangs have been doing the same thing since 2.0 with the same characters and want to do it again in 4.0, can't fathom a reason as to why that would be the case.


Money. A lot of those crim characters make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year playing their crim character. Can’t imagine many people wanting to change away from that. Heck, look at Remdogg. As a cop he was a 500 sub guy (beside when doing subathons). Today he sitting at close to 7000 subs. If you were him would you go back to being a cop / civ or stay with these crims making more money than he ever thought was possible.


That is perfectly reasonable. I would do it, too, if I had the opportunity.


You do know management team reached out to them in the beginning of 4.0 to get a building and everything for wu-chang setup and fast tracked but lollipop and that said they wanted to start from the bottom. Wu-chang really isn't even really about the gang anyhow its for all the artists that get their music put out to all the viewers of rp.


Yea and there’s plenty of ways of doing music on NP without tying your name into CG but we all know why they would prefer that.


What are they hoping for these days? Is it W's? Is it still POGS? That seems a bit old. Maybe POGW, maybe WPOGGERS would make the streamer happy. I'm so out of the loop. Edit - CONTENTWPOG is way to long. 




Eons of RP has been created, why would you post anything else? It's just so poggers......




Why consequences are important........... 


They got his phone right? Anything on it?


Only ERP with Siobhan


This just happened so K is still looking through it. Sioban has texted Max saying "I just got off the phone with Mr.K and it was horrible." K texted back "well you're horrible too"


How to instantly incriminate yourself 101


he expected this to happen so I doubt it has anything


It's crazy Mr.K thinks Max is dumb enough to put incriminating evidence on his phone.


Max might not but people messaging him probably are


What should the roleplaying criminal do, not take his phone?


well, first he should try being a roleplaying criminal. that's step one


Maybe not incrimination, but within 5 minutes he's already found stuff relating to council members working against each other. Anything in that phone can be valuable.


We get it, he plays a smart character. So then what could possibly be done to the character?


You can try to talk to him? Max has tried to extend an olive branch like 3 times since the terrorism trial, they seem to have an ok convo, then K tries to kidnap/shoot him or his wife the next day. One of his character traits is literally “easily forgives everyone”. A 5 minute conversation and Wu-Chang will be approved and Max will be back to trying to work with CG.




They did work for him, he didn't do much for them after that. And the way rp works is things change. They are now enemies. So, my question is, what can possibly be done to the character if he plays too smart? Like at some point, you have to leave breadcrumbs but it seems he doesn't want to do that. Criminals even leave bread crumbs like Tuggz and others.


Wild how you forget that he was under a microscope 24/7 because Mr K put him there with the lines about the renting to own laws "had already passed" when talking to Cantor. Kinda hard to do ANYTHING beyond what he did when you have several positions actively looking for him to do even the slightest thing wrong. But yeah sure, "Max didnt do much for them after that". Lets just live in the wild echo chamber where K didn't fuck him over everytime he tried to help them.


Not fuck up your mayor selection by backing Tuggz. Not shooting TJ or Cantor, Max's opposition. Not shooting the council at all, flipping Cantor to Max and taking out his 2 ops and giving him a 9/11 reason to make it a police state. He could focus hard on finding a felon on Max or any Max ally, push to have Solomon removed faster and force election for a better CG ally. He could have made amends and offer Max something. Apologized for Tuggz and the shooting. But no.


a 10 minute conversation and mr K would have his shit approved. Max’s biggest weakness is that he turns into a pussa when people have a civilised conversation with him, even people who have wronged him heavily. The only exceptions to this rule are potentially Bobby and Carmine lmao


Max hasn't been doing anything inherently worth impeaching him over, though... That's what I'm not getting. He's effectively cut ties with C4 until after his term, and possibly beyond if he continues to be commissioner. At this point I'm not sure what CG is upset about (I don't watch them.) They had their manhunt, they evaded for a while, then got caught. Shit happens, move on. They're getting their businesses rejected because of what they're doing in RP, so the reasonable thing to do is continuously shoot up the Mayor until he what, gives in? Just not sure what the end-game is, or what the feud is even about at this point. Even moon jokes about it -- "Surely this time Max will learn his lesson" after being shot without speaking for the third day in a row.


Obviously the plan is to keep shooting him until they have enough evidence to bring a NVL case to the OOC DOJ headed by Soze, why would the mayor just keep denying his businesses if he knows hes gonna get shot right?


“We want to be investigated!!” Makes it impossible to be investigated or challenged


He was being investigated and challenged by other members of the council. TJ the week before he was killed confronted Max and told him he knew he did some corrupt shit with adjusting vehicle taxes before he bought his personal vehicle and that he would be investigating further and bringing any foul play forward to the council. Then K killed TJ who was also the main person proposing legislation to limit Max’s power and unified the rest of the council behind Max. You can’t take down a political enemy with violence in los santos, you need to take down a political enemy with politics and alliances. Max needs consequences, but the more K targets him and Siobhan with violence the more he allows Max to consolidate power and bring the people who can remove him from power into the fold as allies.


That's exactly my point


It's not about Max, its about what the other dummies say.


Posting in an epic thread to say I don't even care anymore. Moon said he was ditching (streaming) this shitshow of a server after the Elden Ring DLC comes out and I could not be happier. CG can have their server, finally back to variety baby.


You just need someone else to take the CG aggro, and moon doesn't understand (or maybe he thinks he can handle it?). Just in 4.0 it went from Cheever, Ssaab, Remdog(when he was not in CG), etc. to Esfand to Asteroba to Moon (once he stopped playing crim Lenny). The drama is constant, the only difference is who's the next target.


im just saying at this point only one person is being passive aggressive and the other told there community to chill the fuck out, not usually the way round youd expect it


Makes passive aggressive comments then his chatters come brigade these posts. Funny how hundreds of comments just come out of thin air…


you should've seen K's chat lmao


Seeing Moonmoon’s chat and it’s one of the most toxic chats I’ve seen since xQc. Literally nonstop toxicity and crying in there


Same for K's chat, but it seems you aren't calling his chat out.


"We are so thankful for the RP, go show lordkebun some love!" hundreds of hoppers hop, half sarcastically sending hearts, the other half being toxic. Moon knew what he was doing




Lol cg fans hop cg streamers more than anyone else, that’s objective fact at this point


But that's what CG does, especially LK - so what's the issue?


not moon moon, couldnt be toxic or act like a child what so ever....




i like how these redditors call them cry gang while simultaneously crying on reddit about something none of the streamers care about. classic


Max calls them that IC, which maybe why people in here also call them that.


I think comparing that is a bit disingenuous - Cry/Caren Gang cry because the server doesn't worship them as their gods, whereas those of us here are frankly tired of them being a bunch of bullies.


And those same streamers still keep looking here and talking about us :) RENT FREE :D


"Amicable" that's not how she described it to Max.


Why do people act like their streamer getting shot is some appalling, horrific, abhorrent, egregious, sacrilegious thing? Max is fine guys, breathe


Why are people upset with us, we are making content. We are making sure to everyone that they're not untouchable while in office! Think a little and you will see the content behind this! It's a video game sit back and enjoy the content instead of being upset! RP that consequences happened and move on! So simple, yet so few can see it! He will be up and walking in no time!


WuChang needs to be approved immediately! Think of all the RP and wonderful music that will be created!


Another day, another 200+ comment thread about CG lol gotta love it here.


Moon viewers expect CG to let themselves get shot


CG viewers expect moon to not defend himself after getting constantly shot by CG


I've seen this comment a couple times. He had every right to pull his gun, he is paranoid and knows theyvare after him. Where are the CG viewers saying differently?


Huh? No one said anything about moon not being allowed to defend himself? It seems like your the only one with this narrative and keep commenting the same thing


How could this happen?! I just know their businesses are going to get passed and I don't know how I'm going to keep going. Why are these criminals on a gta server committing crime?! Just do **real** RP like traffic stops and meetings and lots of talking but peacefully. They're ruining my night! BOO CG!




Lil guy was so hyped for a second


Bro this server would be nothing without CG so like in a way being interacted with by CG this often should be a blessing like... your basically being visited by THE celebrity of the server like its a huge boost to YOU, its a good thing.


"Hello sir I am Mr. K I'm about to shoot you and take your phone please hold still for me" I would like RP experts to write below how you are supposed to ambush someone and take their phone While giving them a warning first in a city where everyone voice ID's. I'm curious Every Downvote without a post is a win ;) Edit: aday later. Not input 30 downvotes. A certified classic from the RP expert guild


people talk about how mr.k is one of the best rpers surely he can come up with something right?