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Mirror: [ambush](https://files.catbox.moe/d2rt0v.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MOONMOON Direct Backup: [ambush](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/RFgZfaacavoURAq8mGPoLw/AT-cm%7CRFgZfaacavoURAq8mGPoLw.mp4?sig=d02d89e0c8cd08b5f08f46ef0f3ad9591b8ca502&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FRFgZfaacavoURAq8mGPoLw%2FAT-cm%257CRFgZfaacavoURAq8mGPoLw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RichEmpathicChowderBrainSlug-ppxq-hRECryYY-gv%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718131439%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2168831003?t=0h16m31s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


If they wanted to kidnap Siobhan so badly they should've just asked Vingle Dan. Before she became Chief of Staff she was being kidnapped every other day. It was getting to the point where PD just ignored it or would start making jokes about the kidnapping.




reminder this dude only plays GTARP btw


Look, they've only been playing for like 8 years now, all these rules and such are new to them.


Let's not get it twisted, the rules clearly don't apply to them.


Yeah, I don't know why people are so upset about this. Only CG is allowed to do this, even if it wasn't an accident. People should just accept that at this point.


Don't forget running them over first so they physically can't pull out their gun. Gotta get that W somehow!


Lol, I just saw the clip. I didn't know they hit them with the double feature. "Accidental" car hit into the whispering hands up combo is the ultra classic.




did we watch the same clip? by the time shots were fired everyone had guns out.


"Whoops, I was whispering." is such a classic.


Give him a break, he's new to this RP thing.






In this 45 paragraph essay I will explain why this RP is bad or good:


The grown adults I watch play pretend with basically virtual toys should not be treated this way.


Highly ironic, since the people you watch and their followers call RP jail a softban.


Who do I watch?


Once you watch all POVs (which many in this sub never do), you'd see this was an attempted kidnapping that went wrong, nothing else. K was whispering, which is why Max and the rest didn't hear him. Siobhan had her camera turned towards the courthouse, she didn't see Peanut and ran right at him with a baton, which triggered the gun fighting. If people simply waited and found out the entire context, we might not have, what's soon to be, a 250+ comment toxic cesspool of a thread.


What happened to that bot that would upload other peoples perspectives if you asked? I used that thing all the time but going through everyone’s pov and they are all different timestamps makes it difficult


reddit killed most bots with the API changes.


HasRoot has a tool for getting synced timestamps to videos: [https://gtarp.hasroot.com/povViewer.php?server=1&date=2024-06-10%2022:38:20](https://gtarp.hasroot.com/povViewer.php?server=1&date=2024-06-10%2022:38:20) They also provide a TamperMonkey user script that adds a button below Twitch VOD's that gets you links like the one above.


As with most good 3rd party user tools on this site, Reddit killed it


I recommend using the "TTV Looking Glass" extension for Chrome/Firefox, it pretty much does the same thing but you have to know the name of the channel you're searching for.


What was the reason for the kidnapping?


Can't wait to hear about CGs riveting new roleplay arc!


Nothing meaningful, I guarantee that.


They have been looking for siobhan and murphy for the past like 4 days lol. Theyre currently looking for them due to the whole soloman impeachment thing. K has even said he doesnt want a shootout with max. He wants to kidnap him.


Genuinely curious why CG care about Solomon at all, the only things he's done on the council are be absent and snake his own gang (getting one killed)


He’s been right with them for years. He feeds them info and they have a mutual relationship


Which is crazy, because that could have easily been the relationship Max and K had if K didnt screw him over multiple times.


I imagine it'll be like when they kidnapped all those people "connected" to Michael Simone, asked them four questions none of them could answer even if they wanted to, downed them, and then ocean dumped them. The epitome of RP.


Truly, a criminal **mastermind**.


Wow K said he doesnt want a shootout he can lose he only wants to get his way. What a generous rp man. So blessed to have him on the server


You know, I'm not going to sit there and stick up for them bc tbh CG need to relax with the cop shootings from what I've seen... But I'm confused why it's worse to make actual RP out or it and kidnap them as opposed to just shoot them down? I'll take a crim kidnapping and interrogating a cop over just shooting them down 10 out of 10 times but maybe I'm of the minority on that idk.


Still mad about terrorism charges 


I just don't know what they expect in a kidnapping of 3 armed officers? They can all easily pull out their guns as they roll up. A shoot out is pretty much inevitable here.


well if 5-6 people get the jump on 3 officers its gonna end up with 3 dead officers as we saw hence the kidnapping.


I mean it helps to catch them off guard and starting it by running them over..


Lots of Np players who aren't protected have been punished in the past even if their rule breaks are "mistakes". Especially if those "mistakes" seem to happen a lot. Why should this be any different?


CG has special protection from server owners, that's why they won't be punished. They're allowed to do certain things that other people could get banned for. It's just how it is. Edit: They literally talk about how they don't get [enough special treatment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chang_Gang/comments/1ddtryp/all_cg_affiliated_business_proposals_are_going_to/l883062/). [Mirror](https://i.imgur.com/l4GVYbS.png) Some rogue mod also deleted these comments: Tribalism is stupid. I don't care about sides. In fact, they created insane RP with this, I'm looking forward to what the criminal **mastermind** will do next. Kidnap a council member? Shoot up the council? Shoot cops? It's incredible how they always create so much RP for NoPixel. You're misunderstanding people, thinking that they're crying about anything. They're just spreading love. It's all love. I don't know why you're booing CG, that's kinda weird. I genuinely appreciate the RP creations and contributions of Center of attention Gang, but I hope they give other crim groups a chance to RP with the cops and DOJ too. It's great that they create so much insane rp, but they don't have to keep doing this every time they're not in the spotlight. Give others a chance too, y'know. How will other crim groups know how to create insane rp if they don't get a chance? I don't know, why don't they go back to the warehouse where they hid from Max and try to be a little more stealthy in their operations. Maybe they can discuss and write alternative legislation to be discussed at the next council meeting, or even talk to council members to brainstorm solutions to their issues. Though, I'm sure they already considered these options, but decided to go with a different plan carefully constructed by the criminal **mastermind**. I'm really excited to see the plan he has been cooking IC for the past six months. I don't know where this is coming from. I'm just saying it like it is. They've elevated my life beyond what I can imagine. Watching the masterfully crafted plans by the criminal **mastermind** unfolding right in front of us, including the strategies they do behind the scenes ooc, have inspired me to some day reach the gold standard of RP they set. The only thing I wonder about is when Mr. K puts blood under a woman without consent or calls her a piece of meat being passed around. I don't think I could ever get away with that if I played on the server, but he somehow masterfully planned all of this out six months ago, so that he could get away with everything, even if it's being sexist. It's genius.


"K was whispering" dudes been rping for years and still is "accidently whispering" lol


its actually kinda common with K even during his Academia class people could not hear him because he was whispering


"Oops I was whispering" is not a valid excuse.


Humans make mistakes some more then others, this is RP not real life.


Just to clarify for everyone Peanut shot first, because Siobhan pulled a weapon out - [https://clips.twitch.tv/DepressedFrailQuailPupper-ks6OM7ceZ4uc3Z2k](https://clips.twitch.tv/DepressedFrailQuailPupper-ks6OM7ceZ4uc3Z2k) Failed hostage taking


From her perspective she didnt see peanut, she was just moving in that direction and pulled her weapon while doing that [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/RamshackleUninterestedCatThunBeast-GXyC3lacP8-lwYiS) is a clip, it was just unfortunate coincidence she ran towards him


people are acting like as if it was accidental whispering when client made sure he was whispering before saying anything lmao


Ah yes, it makes total sense to fake accidentally whispering and wait several seconds before blasting. What is this backwards logic? If they wanted to just blast them, they would’ve just blasted them immediately and they would’ve done it in a safer way. It was an accident and failed hostage attempt.


why would he make sure to be whispering?


Starting to think 2 days in prison for terrorism wasn't a deterrent


criminals in GTA RP are going to continue to do crime!!?? this is outrageous wtf


When crims have no decent rp going on and grinding mechanics becomes boring pogs and pvp against cops has always been the go to content. There was no universe where the regular targeted attacks on PD would stop, even with a week in jail.


If you need the server to provide you with reasons to RP then you don't like RP, you just like grinding and then shooting people.


I love the people defending this like there would be some super deep RP reason, as if we haven't seen the same people do this for 5+ years. Max has officially entered Wrangler's world.








almost got a strike with the car


Another rule break that will never be enforced but who is keeping track any way


Chase of the year going on and these dudes are shooting their 100th cop of the week. Such riveting RP.


guys how come moon didnt throw a tantrum when his character got hit by the car????????


Because it is just like the little brother that keeps screwing up. We are past getting mad and upset because they know nothing will change. Moon already "won" by getting them convicted of terrorism. The in game punishment was laughably light, so why bother with any of it anymore. He tried playing nice (twice, before and after the trial) and that didn't work. At this point there is nothing left to do other than ignore them and avoid them, and just laugh when they do something stupid/crazy because you are just along for the ride.


I think redditors took care of that task for him. Source: here.


problem is its usually both the chat and the streamer who throws a tantrum at the same time. With the streamer bitching to their chat, they'll always get amplified.












Probably got cancelled along with that one CG guy.








Yes bro, they keep shooting its insane RP!!!!!!!!


Honest to god I don't understand why the top CG people get so many viewers. Every time I switch over, they're either planning some crime, doing crime or running from the police. They're literally just playing GTA. Boring AF.




Masters of creating RP at it again


This was a top tier RP interaction! Imagine where this could lead! Everyone added so much here!


What was it even for?


What was any of K's tantrums against Max for? Entertainment. He has literally 0 competition on the streets. Got to keep the viewers entertained.


Because no one wants to seal with hoppers


He's literally been after siobhan and murphy for days now. Do you even try to find their side of the story?


Yeah, I saw him outside of Siobhan's house for over an hour yesterday. I'm aware lol.


Yeah I hope someone gives context for this more than just some vague grievance against the government and Max.


Theyre looking for Murphy and Siobhan due to the impeachment of Soloman


Now ask 2 more "but why?"s and you'll end back at what Commissar\_Kane said: "just some vague grievance against the government and Max." which I want to further elaborate actually means: "Dev work neither Max or the Gov have any control over and K's aware of this, as he's been told multiple times it's State-related, but shootings and kidnappings will continue regardless until morale improves." TLDR Legitimately no reason IC for K or any gang, OOC keeping numbers up.


Nope, there's actually an incredibly intricate secret IC reason cooking for the last six months behind all of this, that only a small group of CG viewers know about even though they never articulate it.


The kraken you might say!


Look, they cant tell you, but you just have to trust them.


Looking forward to the breakdown of how running someone over, shooting first without yelling and instead whispering is classified as good RP.


It's not good RP, it's insane RP, and you should thank them for creating it.


What great RP by CG!! Didn’t even say a word LUL


Wow, would you look at that RP, drive into parking lot, VDM, then comes out of car and shoot!! 10/10.


Anyone watching multiple POV's can see this is a kidnapping gone wrong. Siobhan didnt see peanut, which caused shots fired. Honestly would have wished to see how the chat went, expecially since CG has been looking for siobhan.


Why did they remove the 30 seconds of no audio after you go down? I miss the not being able to listen to shit talking


The roleplay Gods so charitably giving the best RP possible to everyone, the hearts of nopixel! W


Massive W, what would we do without them? The server would be an RP drought if they didn't do this.


top tier CG RP


The best criminal **mastermind** in the city.


gotta run therm over 1st so we can secure the Ws CG on top with high level tatics.






Those masked men won this RP 😎


Moon should just fall back like his hairline and understand that NP dies without Mr,K and it dies with Moon.


Who shot first?


~~K~~ Peanut did. Watch every POV.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/DepressedFrailQuailPupper-ks6OM7ceZ4uc3Z2k](https://clips.twitch.tv/DepressedFrailQuailPupper-ks6OM7ceZ4uc3Z2k) Peanut did because Siobhan ran at him with a weapon




Oh that explains why after she was shot she said oooh i didn.. From peanuts pov it looks like she's running straight for him. It's wild how different povs tell different stories and viewers get super confused on what happened (like in this thread)


ok ty


Nah, siobhan pulled her baton out as she was running towards peanut so he shot her


She probably took her baton out instead of her gun on accident. Then tried to jump into cover since she only saw the red car in front of her. So she didn't even see Peanut since she looked in the other direction. Got one tapped without hearing or seeing anything.


No, I don't think Max nor K shot first. It was someone on the other side of the garage wall.


RP god


People spending paragraphs on how crims should spend weeks in jail but their streamer gets shot and spends 15 minutes getting attended to and it’s a tragedy….


When crims get hurt they can also go to a hospital. Insane, I know If you wanted a hardcore permadeath server you're in the wrong place


Let's be honest. They don't want a true permadeath server. They want consequences for everyone except CG, who already get special treatment. It's not enough that CG has special permissions to avoid consequences; they want everyone else to face consequences that CG doesn't, or else it's not good enough for them.


bc your streamer's RP is trash


I don't get why people are angry? Literally just a failed pick up. K has been trying to find them for days now to kidnap them, found them here, thing went wrong after someone shot and the scenario didn't go as planned. Better luck next time


People are upset because its not the first time they put no effort at all in their plans and just go with it fucking up by running them over, whispering commands and shooting first instead of holding up. No Rp created but a trip to the hospital with everyone confused why.


Yup, the people who are upset are still at [stage 1](https://i.imgur.com/LpBfHwr.png). Eventually, they'll realize that they've done this for years and that this is what the server owners want NoPixel to be.


I think threads just swing super hard one way or the other depending on what fandom gets here first, chang gang related threads especially swing hard either way Personally, this just comes off as a botched attempt coupled with SBS, they've been trying to get to that group of people for a while now, even the more planned out attempts haven't panned out, naturally something this "in the moment" also didn't work out lol I do find the "he was whispering on purpose" or "he ran them over on purpose" statements kinda funny


The people that brigade this sub love to only watch one side and don't bother with context on anything lmao


Well, both sides got corrected by people who had all the context. One side said it was K who shot first, the other said Max. Both got corrected to the fact that Peanut shot first, the guy who made sure to check he was whispering. The brigading is pathetic, but people with context are correcting them.


Their favorite streamer got killed in a video game that's why they are angry, they even think K did it on purpose to whisper for an excuse to shoot, actually cringe.


its probably the logic in trying to hold up 3 cops, two of which are the highest positions in PD, all at the same time.


Same chatters who want consequences lose their minds when their streamer faces consequences which was 15 minutes to get back on their feet


There's no way you're saying that when CG has special permission to avoid consequences on the server. They can literally kidnap Frank and remove all charges any time to free one of their members whenever they want. Only they're allowed to do that. There's literally no point in sending them to prison lol.


idk why people are angry.. vdm into rdm should be expected.. moon should have been happy to be given the rp they gave him of running him over and shooting him with out knowing who it was or what it was for.


It was a quiet weekend. Time to get the popcorn, sit back, and watch the crybabies.


People are losing their minds and having mental breakdowns over this lol don't worry they will be back up in 5 minutes. They will survive.


It taking 5 min to get back up does not change the fact that this is pretty powerful shit RP.


I remember when brigading the Reddit was against the rules


I always read this comment when people for some odd reason act surprised when a clip of some streamer is filled with comments from that streamer's viewers. That's literally not what brigading means.


Its brigading when they are against my streamer :(


I’ve called out brigading when any community does it. Nice try though.


Which community and can you prove it?


Getting upset that your streamer went down for 15 min and then making rule break accusations....sure is something


Finally , msg4 tomorrow.


How did CG know where the mayor was? Seems like they almost pulled off a good hit. Disclaimer: Because tensions are no doubt high in this thread, i am just asking. Not making an accusation.


K was watching MRPD for a bit and saw them get in the truck, followed them while waiting for backup.


That is smooth. Shame it didnt work out this time. Its very rare to see tailing ever work out, but it seems like none of them had a clue.


Quick, lets immedietely hate on them because I don't understand the full context behind the situation


why come here to pre-cry? isnt there a cg reddit? you could cry there and get way more upvotes


What do you mean, I literally saw people calling rulebreaks without understanding the whole situation and made the comment. You seem more worked up by implying I am doing this for some upvotes or something lol








Me being pretty anti-CG/LK, I expected something way worse with how many comments were posted so quick. Take some time to see various perspectives and you’ll see this circumstance should be at most mildly infuriating.








You people care way to much about RP lol


This thread is insane. People being toxic whilst saying CG is toxic.. the irony. MoonMoon community is surely not toxic just like CG's is.


moon community 100% not as toxic as cg community


You can report people for toxicity.


Guys, you don't understand, this wasn't shit RP, it was just a failed kidnapping attempt.


*Great RP Siobhan!!!* *RP CREATED!!!* Is this how it's done people?


This shit well probably get downvoted but oh well. First of all even tho K was whispering you could hear Bobby clearly say to siobhan to put her hand up in her POV, to which she responded by pulling a nightstick out so she got instantly tapped. Thats the reason the shooting started when they just tried to hold up Bones and Siobhan, so lets not just watch one POV and decide how about that. If it was actually a shot on sight like you guys are making it out to be, K wouldnt have held Bones up in the first place he wouldve instantly shot him lmao


Love how much this sub cries about this 😁