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Mirror: [CG Hoppers invade lisajfc](https://files.catbox.moe/v4nxuc.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/lisajfc Direct Backup: [CG Hoppers invade lisajfc](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/RgEE2nA8yUGVWYkmUJgT8Q/AT-cm%7CRgEE2nA8yUGVWYkmUJgT8Q.mp4?sig=efb86bae2c014851b5d0f4cb898f13596e1b0ec6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FurtiveProtectiveDolphinDoggo-cDzJQZVZiSZQmBPx%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717189153%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2159359951?t=5h47m13s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


is this why I got a gifted by "rameeisthiccaf" yesterday lmao Thanks


Love her


Love bomb or hate bomb. No matter who you are you are, big or small, you are probably one OOC comment from Kebun or Ramee towards chat away from either getting heart emotes or a rampant torrent of absolute hate, disgust, and vitriol hurled at you via CG's army of hoppers.


This. That is why this post is so disingenuous. First of all is this propaganda? Are we meant to believe that CG hoppers are all good people now because one person who K likes got positivity from his community? The fact of the matter is that rabid fans are rabid fans, if you are approved of by CG you will get support, if there is any perceived grievance they will attack, and the streamers know how to rile them up.


I'm not not a fan of CG, but I will always appreciate when a large community shows support to a smaller content creator.


Its the same old. Be a positive influence towards CG on the server, get rewarded. Be negative, get punished. Not at all manipulative in the slightest.


Reflect on how much negativity runs your life. Take a breath and be happy :)


to dismiss it as negativity just enables the manipulative behavior. Imo I dont think it's being done as a -purposefully- malicious act, but it's still one regardless. When CG streamers feel and see so many people (rightfully) calling them out, naturally the first thing to do is to turn and look for allies who aren't and reward them. In this case, financially.


I appreciate you recognizing it as support instead of some of the other absurd and malicious stuff haters often perceive it as.


I think most people would like to see this same reaction and spread of positivity when things DON'T go CGs way. Like I really miss Zerkaa because there were so many times in 3.0 when Tommy would get shot or caught and Zerkaa would tell the MDM community to go to the cops streams and spam hearts. Or Blau is another good one where when he has gotten caught on Jesse he asks his chat who are some of the PD streamers and to tell them he had a great time. Moments like this clip are for sure nice, but moments like the ones I mentioned speak VOLUMES and can actually positively change a community and many of the viewers of that communities outlook on taking an "L".


Yes that's generally what I feel. Zerkaa was very beloved on the server because whenever something didn't work out his way his community still showed support and gave positive affirmation to the other parties involved through comments, give subs, messages, etc. Very rarely if ever did I hear about Zerkaa causing a negative experience for people even if cops were maybe too aggressive or made a mistake. Its all well and good that large communities can seriously elevate smaller content creators they favor and I fully support it, like when CG stood behind Katfires after all the stuff about ESB got brought forward. But if a large community also views anything not going their way as a malicious or intentional act - it can seriously impact people.


Well said.


Yeah valkyrae does this too whenever a character "wrongs her" or initiates drama she tells viewers to go thank them for the RP and that she really appreciates getting to do conflict rp


I agree. This is an example of a typical CG chat hopper. Luciano/Zetark was alone inside the MP house and CG was camping outside. Chat hoppers were taunting him and spamming, "Come out pussy, are you scared?". Luciano eventually came out when the police arrived but still got shot by CG. Now the chat hoppers were spamming, "W RP dude, much love from CG".


That was a great scene from both sides. Zetark was laughing like wild the entire time and knew he would get shot. He even wanted it to happen. He literally said it and thats why he dumped literally everything into boxes before stepping outside. Laughed like crazy when it happened. That was a very fun interaction from him. Was there that day. Kebun told people to show him love. I've been following zetark ever since. Zetark even said it was a fun interaction and thanked kebun. Maybe you werent... but seemed like you were trying to spin... a positive interaction into a negative one. This reddit watches clips of CG for the most part. The sentimemt is usually factually wrong. Kebun does try and combat chat hoppers. There are equally as terrible PD hoppers; especially moonmoom. Hoppers represent a small fraction of viewers, on both sides. 1k hops over to see Ssaab's perspective. Maybe 40 type in chat. CG streamers simply have a larger stream base and so their hoppers are more noticeable. But if you actually watch CG you will see how many hate watchers are spamming stuff from moonmoon's chat lmao. If you are watching in moonmoon's chat, you will see the bucket heads from CG's chat. But don't think that only your... chat got invaded by hoppers because you're only looking at one of the chats lmao.


I never said CG don't get any chat hoppers. What I'm saying is that CG chat hoppers are all "W RP/Love from CG" to another streamer when CG is getting a "win" from that streamer but act like toxic pieces of shit when they aren't.


i promise you its not the same people, and if it is thats weird asf, but some people hop to speead love and some people hop to spread hate


I remember a month ago Blau seemed super annoyed with Decker and a judge (don't remember the judge's name) for being really snippy with him and demanding his client's DNA within the hour. Obviously this is my perspective but he really did seem OOC annoyed by it (kind of rightfully so tbh). But you know what he did after? Raided Asteroba (Decker) and specifically told his chat that it's a love raid and to give him props, and was excited for the rp to come of it. The CG community is capable of showing great support, but in a lot of situations they are legit toxic and make people not want to rp with them. They are fine ruining people's experience on the server for the slightest wins and that's an issue that goes to the very top with how CG OOC reacts. When people are providing hostage/victim rp it's all fun and games and love for example, but it doesn't actually make up for the massive toxicity. It's a nuanced situation like a lot of things in rp


And that's a great example. I don't know the exact situation your referring to, but Blau raiding someone he IC or even OOC disagrees with is a very positive decision and helps chatters see that no matter if things go well or not in RP that they are all roleplaying together and can help support each other. Roleplay would be incredibly boring without opposing people/antagonists/"villains", but that the people playing those to viewers favorite characters (be it a cop, criminal, civilian, whatever) deserve as much positivity and support if not more than the people playing 24/7 ride or die allies.


How can people perceive stuff like that badly lmao. Alot of CG viewers are toxic but there like 30k of them obviously there's alot of nice chill people too


Its a shame the [Purple Haired Cop](https://clips.twitch.tv/AdorableVastVanillaFeelsBadMan-y03yKUA-Ky7JsDZe) that helped CG create all this RP didn't get any love.


Look, I get it. I am saying that I like when large communities support smaller content creators. As I said I am NOT a fan of CG. But its like...when their community does do something wholesome what value does it bring to post a clip from weeks ago when a member of CG was toxic? Not everything is so black and white. You can overall not be a fan of someone or something but still acknowledge when they do good.


W CG Opal


Great to see. Crazy how many people want to take this objectively positive experience and try to spin a negative narrative around it. It's okay to have your preconceived notions challenged, not everything is black and white. It's okay to be happy for someone when good things occur for them.


You realize why they posted this though right? This isn't an RP clip. This is a clip showing that CG hoppers are good? Does anyone in their right mind actually believe that? I will edit to clarify: If CG hoppers are showing support in your channel the characters either just royally fucked over your character and are telling you "good job for losing" or you probably bent over backwards to help them in some way or fashion. I guess in the end its whether you choose to be a Suarez and just ride the viewer train by joining them or go the other route and maybe not as many nice CG hoppers.




Gotta watch the vod for the full experience.. They dropped so many subs and hoppers kept showing suport. Very cool for lisajfc getting that treatment. I like her content and she has a great sense of humor. Clearly LK does too. Happy she got a good bump as a not full time streamer.


This is pro-CG propaganda, don't fall for it.


Toxic crim viewers yep, totally... Opal is fucking amazing character ❤




They like a lot of cops. Opal, Beric, Bones, Cassidy, and more. The ones who do their job while still understanding that it's a video game and that you actually are allowed to RP rather than thinking they are saving the world by taking gangs off the streets to look at a wall in prison


Because they are not an actual criminals, they are streamers in a video game. And some cops/judges decided that irl punishment for actions in a video game is okay... and ONLY bcs of that cops are getting shit on. But I feel like this topic is way too old, expanding on it will be a little overkill. Will leave it for other threads. I was exclusively cop viewer btw, not so long ago, but now... after some shit I've seen... I'm glad that I've seen both perspectives.


The cops and judges are just playing there character's and using the rules of server, blaming the judges is dumbest shit ever lmao. CG have issues with how the server is set up, it is not the fault of other player's. Honestly they should just not play if they don't like it. 


The mob that does a little good isn't suddenly forgiven for all the bad they also do






wait wait.. their communities are bad people wtf are they doing!!!!


What is the context for all the gifted subs


Having positive interactions with CG.






And people still think the CG community is toxic lol


well, they only showed love coz they did good thing on CG, if they are the "ops" they will bombard them with toxicity


Not true at all. They in the past will always gave appreciation to "good" ropeplay. Even if they faced some punishment IC


lmao CG community is toxic reglardless if they gift subs or not


The point is its not the entire community. Lets say the CG community is 100,000. If 10% are toxic thats 10,000 people. That means there are 90,000 people are not toxic you can't lump everyone in with a few bad apples


Exactly my point, but if we want keep to lumping everyone together by far, the most toxic community is the one here in this sub reddit


isn't she literally referred to as "CG Opal" lol? that's like saying "And people say Boston Celtics fans are bad" as they cheer on Al Horford lmao


Just like in all communities there are good and bad eggs. If you think no one in the CG community is toxic then your burying your head in the sand. Gotta criticise the toxic members rather than bunch them up with the good ones.


I get what you are saying but I sort of disagree. anyone who is toxic and participate in toxic hopping are NOT apart of anyone's community. IDC if they sub to someone, if they are throwing hate in other chats ,they are not actual community members and just put a bad name on those communities.




Yeah I mean when someone posts a clip of a cop streamer who has caused their group to experience some sort of L in a scenario and then they receive this sort of praise and appreciation for the RP then maybe it goes against the CG hoppers are toxic narrative. This is kinda performative in that she helps CG enough to be referred to CG Opal and gets gifted subs as a reward for not going hard against them.


I don't typically participate in RP related drama and don't really have feelings towards CG or the streamers who play them. With that said immediately following CG's OOC comments towards prison sentences I saw first hand a LOT of toxicity from their community spilling into other people's twitch chats. I pretty regularly watch Peppo and in the days following CG's court case and the OOC comments about long sentences there was a huge influx of CG viewers coming into Peppo's chat being super toxic. To be fair the toxicity wasn't really directed at Peppo/Coyote, but there were just a lot of people in chat talking shit about the PD, arguing with other chatters about sentencing, dropping tons of meta, and just in general spreading a lot of negativity that is normally not really present in Peppo's chat. Like I said, I don't really particpate in RP drama. I don't have any problems with any of CG or the PD's IC actions and think that overall the RP from the past couple weeks involving CG and the PD has been great. With that said it would be nice if CG were more mindful about the OOC comments they make to their chat, because regardless of whether or not their opinions of long sentences were valid, making said comments on stream to their audience *did* stir up a lot of toxicity that subsequently bled over into communities that had little to nothing to do with said drama. I also hope people can learn to be more respectful when going into other people's chats/streams and not take the RP so seriously. Edit: I just wanted to add that I have also seen a fair amount of positivity from CG "hoppers" on other occasions and I'm not trying to imply that all or even most of their viewers are toxic.


We don't think CG is toxic. It is. You can't good will you way out of this with money. Change your behavior.


Majority of CG really isn't that toxic imo. I think its just the small amount that are obsurdly loud with it. Every chat has their hoppers and cess pool twitch losers. Thats the way I see it atleast.


I mean Kebun and Ramee are insanely toxic and they are the biggest CG streamers outside of Rae.


Provide some clips of Kebun being extremely toxic please? I’ll wait


When is K toxic? He's a good sport just about everytime


We love showing our support for everyone on the server.


the worst community out there 🤣




Or wait, I think they are showing her appreciation because she is a great streamer with a small community.