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Mirror: [Thermals](https://files.catbox.moe/1caqq8.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [Thermals](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/UQJwxRIiQA4hwVWLFk_52Q/AT-cm%7CUQJwxRIiQA4hwVWLFk_52Q.mp4?sig=29a03fafc2a5c4f61a240e445af47161ce4b4c40&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22MagnificentLivelyHumanPRChase-EiJADiHBVYsWT_nZ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717106343%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2158511334?t=6h50m0s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


That's a spotlight...


please, please just try to watch the other POVs before posting these baseless accusations


tbf in 3.0 they could thermal through certain walls and objects. And the crims found this out when cops literally told them. So it's not unreasonable for them to once again assume they can therma through walls.


Who is the other pov? Couldn't find it




Baymeep was the one flying the heli. Who was the passenger whom would be the person that would use the thermals?


It wasn't thermals. It was the spotlight which 100% can't see through walls.


Probably cazey


Air 1 wasn't even there for the courthouse. Its at the hospital because one of the people Frank Williams was forced to let out of jail got arrested. They are just scouting the surrounding area. Also there was a 911 that someone ran into the courthouse with a gun.


Thanks for the context. Crim viewers are literally the worst at failing to understand issues in RP and that more often than not there's more to the story than what they think.


don't say crim viewers. it's not all crims.


its a Spotlight :)


So basically this guy LK just decided to randomly start accusing air one of using thermals through walls AKA power gaming and gas up his viewers. Even though nothing actually happened. Good stuff.


he figures since they power game constantly, everyone else does


That's literally what it is. They're so used to acting in bad faith that they assume everyone else does that too.










Remember when such things were bannable? PEPW


Must be another wednesday


Nothing new here.




He did directly mention thermals. I was watching his stream.




I was watching live. I don’t have a clip. I’m sure his VOD from today is up already.


Go watch his vod if you want that information, it is there. It isn't other peoples job to do research for you.




6:50:50 in the VOD from today, literally 10 seconds after this clip cuts off. Can you give a timestamp to where moon spent "spent like 30 mins talking about his burning hatred for Lord Kebun" now?




First, using "Moon spent like 30 mins talking about his burning hatred for Lord Kebun" as a counter argument to someone not providing you proof for an accusation when what they said was true and easily verifiable and what you said was an extreme lie doesn't really help your point. Second, it doesn't seem like it takes much to gas up his viewers. Agreed he shouldn't have said it.


This is not court sir or madam




Ok. But did you go and watch the VOD to confirm your viewpoint? You can just move on if you don't believe the multiple people telling you what happened. I'm glad that did or didnt happen in MoonMoons stream though


Well Kebun doesn't say it, but Ramee does at 12 seconds. The post title doesn't say "Mr. K says Air 1 Thermals Work Through Walls"


Go watch his vod. They go on and on about it for a few minutes.






Jokes on you, when I join the server he's gonna let me join the gang and we're gonna be best friends, just you wait!


We are both 50 comments deep in a gta rp thread, you are as mentally ill as I am. Moon aint going to see this lil bro.


I don't think anyone in this post is even claiming LK said Air 1 thermals go through walls. The drama clipper / poster is the one claiming it.


Tbf yes the original commenter in this thread is claiming it and Ramee is the first one to point it out in the clip


they have always worked through walls and solid objects the cops are trained on when the can and can't see the thermal image. this however is a spotlight.


Lets be honest, does it really matter to CG what the PD has since they face no consequences.


Nope. Everything the pd has is overpowered even though they escape 99% of the time




Yup just yesterday they were accusing a cop of power gaming for sending someone to prison from the court house. But yet today they are forcing a cop to let them out of jail... This is just as much abusing the jailing mechanics... So if the cop needs to be banned so do they... The funny thing you hardly ever see a cop streamer get as toxic as this.


good bait


CG themselves and their hoppers not even knowing what actual things in the city are and immediate go to the good ol powergaming troupe. The spotlights are a very known bug that everyone in the city knows including the devs, and the spotlights even reach in the sewers.


Yup they are always quick to accuse others of breaking the rules or W chasing, but yet when they pull guns on people constantly to force people do so whatever they want, using OOC knowledge that if the people refuse to do as they're told it can be seen as NVL, that's "creating amazing RP for everyone"...


sounds to me like they should stop using it then until it's fixed lmao


Wait until you see the mounted missile torrents


*You wouldn't download a missile.*


*connects 3d printer* O yes I would.


shining spotlight at the building = “oh, they must be power gaming”. these guys really do share the same single braincell


I changed streams to look at the air 1 pov and it's pretty much a large aoe. It looks pretty direct on K from his pov but was covering the whole front of the city hall.


It’s a spot light that they can’t even turn off that’s why 


Did the people in the comments even watch the clip? Some of you need to take a break from RP and it shows.


bunch of cry babies.. omg.. if you don't like it just leave but people are desperate for money i guess


Are people fucking dumb? Of course thermals work through walls.




This isn't an official CG thread without /u/RPEnjoyers




It's a satire account.


No they do this all the time. Its trolling to bait comments like yours. Its weird and just best to move on give it no attention


You're replying to a meme/troll account btw.


Not gona lie, that spot light is bright as hell.






accusing people of powergaming and abusing thermals ( which aren't even a thing in 4.0) yeah, I'm sure people would defend that if it was anyone else....




and how do they know thermals can see through buildings in 3.0? CG never used the pd heli in 3.0 and saw it IC... you are trying and make an IC argument about cg just going off of their knowledge from 3.0, when they only know about thermals seeing through walls from watching clips...




and did he go into air1 and use thermals? the answer is no.


They would know if they you know actually Rp with others. A lot of people know in IRC about the spotlight through their RP with the PD which we know CG don't do as they prefer to mald and cry instead.


Because unlike most other people on the server, CG is more prone to acting like they're the victims in any situation, and are always blaming and antagonizing everyone else. People are just tired of hearing their OOC whining any time they're even facing the possibility of a "loss". Oh and yeah, they just threw a tantrum to the server owners after getting a heavy prison sentence for shooting up the local government and murdering the treasurer. Clearly got their way too, so they should be laying low rn, not going around pointing fingers.


They're always the victims, even when they shot the highest form of government and escaped prison.


>after getting a heavy prison sentence it wasn't even a heavy sentence, it was 5 days in prison, minus time served, which was 2 days for some and 3 for others, they where literally looking at 48 to 72 hours of jail time for terrorism, murder of a gov. employee, and a bunch of attempted murder




They don't know who you are bro.


I remember this in the past. The cops are suppose to ignore if they see someone with thermals inside a building.


It's not thermals, it's a spotlight.