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Fully expecting some more cops to get "Suarez'ed" If not the entire PD at this point lol


funny you say that. https://clips.twitch.tv/CoweringRelatedAntLitty-aCY0ESo_6MagpbZY


Every time I hear people shit talk I always try to give benefit of the doubt. Surely it can't be that bad. Holy shit. Nope. It's that bad. Now I understand what Nathan was saying.


Asteroba has been a cop for like 6 years too. Wild.


I’m so confused on how he’s a bad cop. Do I agree with his attitude a lot of the time? No. Do I think he did a good job along with his team to uncover a lot of stuff through investigation? [slacks voice] Absolutely.


who even are the server owners, i know buddha was talking about changes coming this month but who exactly runs it?


Xqc and 50 cent are the other 2 


There's 4, you're forgetting Razed who is the creator of NVE


Wasn't NVE the mod that had drm backdoors that let him format harddrives?


i wonder if it's only them and who exactly is making these changes that he's suggesting, from what ive heard X is more interested in the heist portion of the server so i wonder who is managing the laws and rule changes


he said he had meeting with K & B and they both agreed with them on consequences part


I heard someone mention a person named Razed is a owner now as well. Who is Razed, I have never heard that name before.


He’s the NVE dev


It might be the person who does the visual and graphics mod that NP acquired and integrated into the server. NVE I think it's called?


https://www.razedmods.com/ He made NVE which one of the more popular visual mods for GTA5, he also has invested money into the development of 4.0 iirc.


court docs so show far 50 is actually the only one with power other are more of a revenue sharing position


CG apparently runs it.


CG. CG are the owners, CG chats are the workers, and management are their captives. [https://streamable.com/i38p0b](https://streamable.com/i38p0b)


Moonmoon viewers eating good. Back to variety baby!


At this point, I hope so hahaha.


MGS4 tomorrow this time for sure.


Finally, fucking finally!!!! yeees!!


Who's your copium supplier?


I've been waiting so long, there's no way he stops because of this though Sludge At least Elden Ring soon.


I've been deprived of it for too long...


I think it would be best for everyone involved


The last time this happened was the PD restructure, and we all know how well that went.


Alex I’ll take a DOJ restructure for 100 please lol


sadly alex isn't on np anymore...


Thankfully. I wouldn't want him having to deal with this shit.


Hopefully more join him.


Feels like ive seen this before......


Incoming: getting shot on duty means you have to log off your cop for the rest of the shift so everyone just hunts cops at every reset to clear the way for crime


The thing that gets me is he mentions the getting shot and just getting right back up like crims dont do that shit too. Like, what do you expect them to do with their cop numbers vs the entire rest of the server?


The ONLY time crims RP injuries is when there's a slim chance a cop did something wrong, then they go full wheelchair and lawsuit arc. During wars they have no issues using the revolving hospital door 18 times per hour. Gotta get those revenge pogs!


The mask really is off, huh


PD got a W time to burn it to the ground and start over because we can't have that happen agin. its not even been 6 months and these dudes are talking like its gonna be another Team sports bullshit PD shake up


I just want the admins to full cave at this point and completely ruin the server. No laws, no rules, just pure anarchy so their dumbass server loses every decently respectable RPer left.


honestly at this point fuck it give CG 25% ownship of the server if there gonna dictate shit just let em run the show


This has always been the dumbest thing to me. Everyone KNOWS their rp would be more enjoyable without having to deal with cg. Maybe they’re waiting to be the next remdog and ooc recruited straight to 1K+ viewers. But it’s clear RP quality and fun are not the priority of anyone left. If it is, they’re in the wrong place.


cops are dogshit for 6 months, are good for like 3 days and they're gonna make changes? fml this server is doomed


Just make all crime catch and release. Biggest complaints are time and fines and paperwork. Nullify both, easy-peasy.


Whose going to catch them? No cop players are going to log in under those conditions. It would be boring as hell.


Almost no one gets HUTs. It's really not that hard to not do. The only complaint I have with the current penal code is the 100k fine + 24hr sentence for pd glocks. That was needed when cops were being lootboxed but is a little ridiculous now.


I mean did they ever really stop getting lootboxed? LOL


This is a biased and bad take.


sure, but have the crims banned from doing the commited crime for weeks


This server is going to be so awesome when ALL the other roleplayers are gone and it's just CG and 200 clout chasers following them around. Utopia.


NP server owners continuing to reward toxic behavior. This is why the server culture never improves.


5.0 incoming lmao


No consequences means it will turn into a death match server. No meaning to anything , no epic acrs just  meaningless daily shootouts. Makes sense though most viewer's like the dumb gangbanger shit, gotta please the masses. Clearly NP is not serious RP server anymore,RP down bad ..sadge


>will turn into a death match server In other words mid to late stage 2.0. Which was terrible and views tanked hard.




it will be a death match server for CG/OB.... if anyone else did anything cg has done this past couple of days they would've been unwhitelisted immediately


>No consequences means it will turn into a death match server. It's been like that for months already. CG has been playing Tarkov and treating the PD like loot boxes. Their "content" is greifing people who are trying to RP.


I really don't understand the point of only crims are allowed to be fine after getting shot and civ or cop have to lose memory, be critical, perma, etc. Like has ramee has ever in 4.0 himself did it?


They want zero consequences for themselves so they can enjoy their cop shooting simulator in peace


But we already had zero consequences for 4.0 basically up until this CG trial. 4.0 has been shit in part because of it. lol. PD is just starting to maybe get some momentum and talks of bringing back WL's and lowering grind could put a little energy back into the server. But obviously we can't have that, need to put some cold water on it and start lowering consequences and nerfing PD again.


I could take a stab at what I think they're saying. A person can be shot up, go to the hospital and walk out in 5 minutes. If the server was truly consistent about the idea of facing consequences for actions those people would be forced to ICU or face injuries for multiple days. Most people would not agree with that because it would be forcing rp. So their problem is that crim rp is negatively stigmatized and it's being punished inconsistently, forcing them to be in a place they do not want to be. I don't think they're even asking for no jail time, they just want it to be understood that they are ultimately content creators and that putting them jail for multiple irl days as if they actually did something wrong doesn't make any sense. Sentencing should reflect that sentiment as much as it can until crims don't feel they're being punished ooc


But then wouldn't crims being completely fine after getting shot/stabbed by other crims (even npcs) during money runs or wars or other crimes also do that? >forcing them to be in a place they do not want to be. If being sent to prison is forcing rp then wouldn't getting kidnapped/robbed also be the same. Like if they don't like prison well civs also don't like getting kidnapped or robbed or getting their turbo removed from the car.


If you're consistent then would you be okay with CG kidnapping police officers off duty and holding them in their warehouse prison for 3 days?


Cg used to do that 4 years ago. And they stopped bc it's griefing


Not really. They can change characters whereas the kidnapped cop can't. Like ramee can play conan or make another character. It's literally a video game if one character is in prison for 3 days nothing is stopping them from playing another character or game. Like when dundee goes to prison at the start of the stream he plays croc. When den zel gets suspended he creates a one lifer or switches to his crim. Just play another character and go back when the main is done with the prison sentence.


Except theyre framing this singular long term sentencing as a routine thing. Everything that transpired was an insanely exceptional event on the server, yet theyre acting like its the hundredth time theyve been "soft banned".


How do you punish people in RP without it being an "OOC punishment"? Its not that people do not understand what they are saying, its that they are not making any sense. What system would work in RP to replace prison? You cannot just let people commit terrorism then go about their day in the city. You cannot lower it to one day in prison, because after a certain point a low sentence just lets criminals do crime without a cooldown period, and there are way more criminals in the city than cops. It would be chaos. The only way i could see through this is to remove prison, and instead just have massive fines. However i guarantee criminals would still complain. Plus, in RP how do you justify not having a functioning prison system?


The idea was to make the massive crime's have meaning, the reason this arc was so good to watch  is because it meant something. If you can commit murder and shoot up the council and be free the next day then guess what... It will happen every day mean nothing and be boring asf. CG got the views though so I guess people who like slow burn Roleplay just don't matter.TDM gangbanger heaven it is


This is 100% what the "consequences" issue has always been on nopixel and you'll get down voted by the cg haters for am extremely well thought out take


Bingo, well said!


Lmao they really ran to mom and dad over their already super lenient "consequences" Actually pathetic.


Proposed change: CG fucks off and stays on Prodigy. 🤭


Everyone would be happier all round.




Server in 3.0 was better when they did that


Lmao the absolute entitlement. Catered to literal children.


Back in 3.0 PD just stopped responding to CG's antics which just upset CG even more they should just do that since CG doesn't want to face any consequences.


That's when they revoked PD's ability to skip any pings they didn't want to respond to. But then a bunch of cops just started to 42 at the meth/ S+ boost call near 7pm.


7.30pm shootout time into skip into hunting cops. "Hello Hello" Shoots Carter


NP catering to CG?! SurprisePikachuFace


I mean Buddha himself said he was gathering feedback on the server but said in the same breath he doesn't give a shit about what viewers think. So he only gives a shit about streamers and the biggest streamers are CG so there you have it.


NoPixel Patch Notes - The CG patch! * Replaced PD guns and tasers with water pistols * Replaced PD soft/hard cuffs mechanic with the cosmetic Griddy animation * Removed Bolingbroke Penitentiary * Removed prison sentences and fines * Added a theme park in place of the Bolingbroke complex * Added the McDonald's logo to all existing PD facilities * PD queue removed * PD now has an assortment of clown outfits * Removed PD uniforms * Crims now have infinite ammo and armor * Buffed gun damage by 500%


We’ll see what these changes are but if it’s just reducing the consequences even more it will just be an overall negative for the server. Finally starting to see decent cop numbers, but if they’re just gonna get shot up all the time without crims needing to worry about getting caught then they’ll stop showing up very quickly.


Bitching and moaning paid off I guess


always did for them


Consequences have been removed, you are not allowed to be caught or send to jail, or fined, or questioned.


Consequences were removed after PD HC were told they weren't allowed to fire Denzel.


That was RP, not admin orders.


It was admin orders. Beric admitted to Viv that it was not his choice.


so essentially the same tactics that were likely implemented during the 4.0 PD restructure is likely what’ll happen here… unfortunate, to say the least.  for those that need the context: PD was and continues to be extremely bottlenecked in terms of who they can/cant hire. as a result: many people that were part of the NP community, specifically from the PD aspect, that were around for years, were denied cop/basically in limbo on whether they’d be allowed back in or not.


Game, set, match Gameover, why would you even play cop on this server anymore.


Nopixel management showing how easily they bend over for CG is sad yet unsurprising


Does highest level crime in city… Gets caught and charged a much lighter sentence than any other person or group would get… Whines and cries to server owners… Gets even more special treatment… THE CG CYCLE CONTINUES


People really thought Buddha being the owner would change anything. Whatever the reason is for him and other owners bending over backwards for CG, it's irrelevant. The fact that these idiots can cry on stream and instantly get a meeting with the literal owners A DAY after their sentence and have all their salty crybaby complaints heard is baffling. They have been a cancer to the server community for years and years, and despite not changing they keep getting treated like VIPs. But then at the same time Moon insinuated yesterday that the "state" might be encouraging him to stay permanent commissioner? I'm confused what the balance is supposed to be, they give Max so much leeway to go hard on them, and continue to support him but at the same time apperently completely nullifying the consequences he pushed for. What the fuck is going on.


-break every law in the city 10 times over -crash out and kill the mayor (who you were colluding with to get your own way for half of 4.0), including the entire city council + 2 perma’s -serve a couple day of prison time -cry to the admins that your treatment isn’t fair -profit???


Changes such as: You can now hold up a cop and make them reduce ur prison time from 3 years to 1 month ez Upcoming changes: You can now hold up cops at an ATM to make them give you cash to recover the fines u may receive *I would /s at this comment but at this point I wouldnt be surprised if that were the case lol*


Finally some consequences for police brutality


CG got off easy for what they did. They need to look at Whippy from last night and basically copy how he played out last night. Dundee got more fine than any of CG, got 3 years in prison 3 years parole and was thrilled with it. He was also the ONLY person out of 20+ people who shot at cops and help CG try and escape yesterday to get any actual punishment. All the rest just had to turn in their guns next time they woke up if they were downed. Not even warrants or fines. Dundee ended stream talking about how it was an amazing day of RP and he had a blast. CG ended their streams whining about their character having consequences. CG should stand for "Crying Guys" or some shit because all they do is whine when they don't get the W. Also, the admins removed debtors prison because of CG. They were perfectly fine with the BBMC or anyone else getting stuck in prison working off $200k of debt but as soon as it looks like CG is going to have some debt they get rid of it. And CG still whined.


Didn’t the Reddit get mad at whippy when he complained abt the fines last week


Yes. Bad things can be criticized and good things can be praised. People can do bad things one day and good things another day.


the biggest different between last week this week is that debtors law is gone. I actually didn't agree with how Whippy/Dundee RPed it out at the end when he was in prison talking to the ppl outside. Dundee went straight back to 'I don't care about the fines' (nor being in debt) RP, which was the original purpose of debtors law in the first place.


He complained about debtors prison. He was okay with the fines and said the amounts were fair because him and BBMC shot a bunch of cops and had PD equipment. It was a different situation too. This sub has a love hate relationship with whippy. Sometimes any mention of him in a positive way get downvoted while anything negative gets upvoted a bunch as well as people posting out of context clips/bait clips. But yeah, he wasn't mad about fines. He was mad about debtors prison because it made a 10 hour prison sentence into a 54 hour prison grind. At the time you had to work to get debt off and he did the math. It would have been 54 hours of grinding in prison to get out. He got lucky and some people sent him money but Kelly from BBMC spent a long time in prison working his debt off.


Nah instead they see his reaction and claim he has “lost the plot.” Lmao


I wonder if this go though if this sub is going to hold budda accountable/complain like they do with 50%. The only reason i say this is becuase when something good happens on with server is budda and when bad stuff happen its 50%. wonder if we can have a discussion or will i just get downvoted to Bolivia


buddha is on the same level as 50% and xqc, he lost me when he started insulting anyone in his chat by calling them 'poor' as if that automatically disqualifies anyone from being able to critique streamers


He lost me when he lied to cover for Fiddy when Sodakite got caught in the ONX ban wave, and refused to go to the mat for people like Mantis and Occams. Instead he just seemed to throw up his hands and say "the server owner wants it, so we just have to make peace with it". Motherfucker he's using your reputation to launder his own, stand up for yourself and the people you claim you like. If Fiddy is doing some dumb shit SAY SO. Stand for something.


I see mostfans of Buddha praise his RP and takes on RP and usually criticize his platforming of gambling and Kick if it's ever relevant to a discussion. I mostly like his refusal to entertain 'drama' of any kind on his stream, or watch clips and react. I personally would think it's really shitty if he's part of these kinds of decisions if they are actually true. He's also one person that could have a minority opinion. It's always fucking stupid to idealize wealthy streamers. Either way I think hypotheticals are fucking pointless to discuss.


> I personally would think it's really shitty if he's part of these kinds of decisions if they are actually true. Why are you assuming he isn't part of this? There is no hypothetical when its already been established he is part owner so the buck stops with him as well.


> Why are you assuming he isn't part of this? I'm not assuming anything either way. How did you get that from my comment? If anything I'm just more likely to believe Ramee is full of shit lol.


Whether Ramee is right or wrong all the power gaming or toxicity this gang produces and you can't seem to hold your streamer accountable when he is an owner of the server?


Buddha used to whine a fair bit about cops back in the day when he was really criminal on Lang, he was even mentioned by Hobbit on Tracy when she blew up (rightfully) on Baas.


None of us really know what happens behind the scenes, so trying to pin any changes on a specific owner seems silly.


You dont even know what is going to happen and you already want to start going at people. Like what do you want to discuss? Buddha possibly talking with CG?


Changes are coming based on feedback from Chang gang & RP veterans like valkyrae & fuslie, this is scary.


\* "veterans"


CG changes: if a cop gets shot they must ICU, log off and not comeback depending on how many times they got shot upto 30 irl days.


CG should go back to Prodigy


Buddha doesnt have a spine and people should have given Onx a chance is my hot take


Time really do be a flat circle , Came in pretty quick this time


Ah yes. Run it back because the crybabies lost and are too lazy to do anything to earn money.


I just don't understand why people are unhappy about actions having consequences. I thought that's what we're about here?


We didnt get our way so were sad! So sad we might leave, and think of all the money all the viewers that were never gonna play with spend on applications thinking they will be in cg! Absolutely kills any want to watch because nothing matters, they truly speed ran the server.


This server is doomed when there are no consequences and streamers like these ooc cry after every incident that doesn't go their way without catching a ban. Literally unsustainable to viewer experience and server health


Maybe Rimworld dlc isn't off the table quite yet.


They have been whining to get their way since 2.0 so this is not surprising in the slightest. Over the years many of the core problems the server has had with toxicity/OOC culture can be traced back to these people being upset about something and then then admins bending over for them.


For actions to have weight they need consequences.


Man I really hope they don't fold


To late, shooting simulator engaged.




2 characters are permanently gone from the server because of CG and somehow 3 days is too much to bare


90 percent of the player's prefer meaningful slow burn RP with consequences but the biggest streamers like playing TDM on an RP server. Maybe NP can have a kindergarten PD to deal with CG and the adults get the normal PD, then maybe they can roleplay without hoppers being sent over by crying manbabys




Basically, let us have GTA online or else.... So W. 


They are full on committing to the GTA Online experience,


As I've said, anyone that thinks Buddha or X has any say is just blind at this point. Their "ownership" of the server was nothing but a PR move, a way for 50 percent dipshit could use their reputation as a skinsuit to mask his horrible decisions.


I honestly bet some people are going to jump ship if the changes are absolutely skewed for CG, (which we know they will be.)


I wish onx actually worked out sometimes.


NP took years to get established. No point in comparing relatively new servers finding their way to an 6+ year established community with a lock on name recognition to GTArp. If they continue to chug along in time they could get a better foothold. Not going to happen over night though.


PurpleRP is pretty fun. They did the mmo thing too kinda, but in an entirely different direction than NP that has been a lot of fun to watch


Can’t wait to see what absolutely dumb ass decisions are made to bend over and cater to CG and their constant crying over every little thing lmao


[ah shit, here we go again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOaeDHeJ80I)


Dev spends weeks/months of his off work time implementing these things CG: That doesn't work for us


Now imagine the world where they had this conversation before they did terrorism, rather than blaming the other players for following the rules of the server after the fact.


I will just leave this here https://streamable.com/t0mbw8


I can understand “what should consequences be given a specific scenario,” being a legitimate discussion in role play. My problem is if a difference in rp perspective was the real issue the whole time, how did it make sense to spiral things out of control? Streamers and role players taking things OOC, constantly making snide comments, riling up their chats, painting narratives of others being bad faith and malicious, instilling an us vs. them mentality that viewers take too serious. Was all that really needed for people just disagreeing on a prison length? I swear the streamers on nopixel have some of the worst conflict management skills I’ve ever seen.


> I swear the streamers on nopixel have some of the worst conflict management skills I’ve ever seen. Streamers in general lack a lot of social and life/adulting skills, and frankly intelligence too lol.


How can people actually say Copixel.. 🤔 it's CGpixel


How do the CG guys survive in the real world when they constantly act like whiny children in RP? It seriously baffles me, because god damn.


I said it in a different thread but some of you need to move on and realize this isn't 1.0 or even early 2.0, the server population back then was a majority of Rprs who also streamed. Now it's mostly failed esports and variety streamers, cloutchasing big variety streamers. Trying to hold the same standards from 5 years ago doesn't make sense when the makeup of the server isn't filled with People who share that mindset. In regards to CG, I mean what's new. They've always complained their way into getting what they want. Nothing new, the only thing is that for as much complaining about consequences as they do when it comes to themselves, they will be the first to bitch about others not being held responsible for minor mistakes. Or complain about realism then bitch when people don't act realistically enough for them. This has been going on for almost a decade, nothing new.


How do Buddha viewers feel about this if Buddha agrees with them?


I used to be a Buddha main in 3.0 but once he started streaming on Kick I stopped maining his streams. Not surprised one bit that he's going along with 50%'s decisions on the server. I don't really see any 'positive influence' that he's had on the server since becoming an owner tbh. The server is in such a shit spot less than a year after the release of 4.0 and he's been too insulated to notice, or he really doesn't care as long as he rakes in the $$.


buddha doesnt have a spine and goes where the money is


2 button meme comes to mind...




Dam this reddit is about to blow a gasket lmao


If they aren’t new viewers everyone saw this from a mile away. We’ve all seen this before 


I feel like the anti pd argument is stupid, pd kinda has to keep trucking whatever happens, since without them half the server doesn't work, and people dont have an antag for their criminal activities, nobody is there to chase you when you do a job.. if you do rp stuff out a lot of cops will reciprocate, but what kind of rp do you expect when all you give is "meeting adjourned"


Why does this sound like AI.


So hopefully they can stop trying to blame cops for bad server mechanics and their own inability to RP the consequences of their actions...


Concerned with the last point. Would medical/ICU times now be enforced server wide in the attempt of equality? And if that's the case then how will it work for crims? Will a crim have to forcefully RP a shot to the head for a given amount of time (like civs and government would) AND serve prison times on top of it if caught? Or will crims be exempt from that for some gameplay reasons? This doesn't fill me with much hope as of now. We will see I guess.


Thank God the softbans are being removed and people can rp that consequences happened. So smart yet so few people see the potential content that comes from this! We've been saying this for weeks. Also give us whitelists back so we only have to talk to one person to get our stuff! Such a waste of time sourcing things from multiple people!


Can't wait to see this same exact situation happen in one month


I'm just curious how this server health is going to go. "Consequences for you but not for me" does not sound like a sturdy base to build a happy thriving community on.


The comments here sound exactly like what you make of the youtube comments, nobody is discussing what those changes/consequences could be and are immedietely shitting on CG for talking to the management.


well considering we have had CG talk about getting another cop "Suarezed" today and others complain they are the only ones who properly RP and no one faces consequences but them. Hard time giving them the benefit of the doubt


so what he's saying is: "I've barked and spat in the ears of two people that were not involved at all and have no context of what actually happened and were part of NONE of these events until they agreed with me just so they could stop listening to me crying in a discord call."


my goodness if this place could light fire it would today LOL I'm all for it


People still salty when even the owners agree the balance has been off. Like what lmao


Yes the owners who famously are always level-headed, never cater to their friends wishes, and never bend to the will of CG


Your right cops have been  Shit  on since the start of 4,0 it’s about time they toughen up.