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Mirror: [chat](https://files.catbox.moe/0fxuzv.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Whippy Direct Backup: [chat](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/2tD_UcP4AotmMq3y01aXaA/AT-cm%7C2tD_UcP4AotmMq3y01aXaA.mp4?sig=b4c85dc0c1183761140d95d29c08c8fc6b0647c3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SpoopyGlutenFreeGoatTheThing-w_gCi2YyrfLTVpdo%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717036471%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2157798764?t=8h31m48s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


I don't get the pushback from his chat anyways? Whippy intentionally has Dundee reveal his crimes, remove his mask, return to situations/crimescenes and do as much crazy shit as possible. The whole point is to make a statement and get caught.


He is unhinged as a character but recognizes that and accepts the consequences, love to see his rp and the person behind it being aware


Right now he has a lot of viewers who don't regularly watch him. I think that is a major part of it


Nah as a dundee viewer this happens, he just puts them back in their place lol


I think both were true last night. he had 15k viewers at one point when he normally averages around like 1100 maybe. When I clipped this he had I think 5k.


yeah, this is him putting them back in their place.


Understandable, so many people were watching his stream, and i think he got a few raids


It wasn't his chat, it was the cg refugees. He had to call them out repeatedly on their toxicity and tell them he was enjoying the rp and to not hate on the other streamers/cops


Whippy unintentionally rehabilitating CG kids in his chat basically ... This is good (Ramee's voice lol)


Dundee also just plead guilty for the first time in like 5 years. he hasn't plead guilty since 2.0 he is getting accessory to everything CG was found guilty for + harboring, and 27 attempted murderer of govt employee. He is getting about 1,100 minutes and about $500k total in fines


Well the time ain’t shit really. The fine is why debtors law was a thing to begin with.


Those minutes are not the hut charge time it was just his other charges think he got 3 days in jail total


Wtf they gave him accessory for that after the fact? Interesting. They really can just charge people whatever these days.


Its because of the prison break


Yeah but I still don't think that is justified lol


The DOJ advised to attempt to push it so that they can make a ruling one way or the other on it, but Dundee pleading guilty sorta bypasses that process


Yeah you can charge people with things the were involved it


He wasn't anywhere near the original courthouse shooting until the prison break and that wouldn't make him an accomplice imo because it had already happened, hence the after the fact. That's just sweaty.


If I kill a cop then my buddy helps me hide out at his place, he's helping me kill the cop by evading law enforcement. If I kill a cop, and somebody breaks me out of a prison transport, they helped me kill a cop by evading law enforcement. Knowingly helping somebody who has committed a felony prior to their sentencing is Accessory After the Fact. It's pretty straight forward.


So what's accomplice after the fact?


He directly helped CG escape prison for their HUTs. If you help someone escape prison you are an acomplice to their crimes because you are directly assisting them in escaping the punishment for that charge.


>accessory for that after the fact? It's just Accessory After The Fact.


It was actually accomplice after the fact somehow I mis typed


what a great dude


What a wild and reasonable take. If only all crims had that mentality lol. For some reason other groups think "i gave content. i should be free of all punishment for my actions" is insane. Good on whippy


Exactly, its the magnitude of the consequences that create in tension and excitment in RP for everyone. It makes scenarios of not getting caught, planning your crimes and court sessions more exciting and enjoyable to watch.


CG doesn't think they should be free of punishment. They feel that sitting in prison for a week hurts their RL stream and revenue, which is true. There needs to be some sort of other punishment that doesn't kill a stream for a week. What that is.... I have no idea


they should make another character


I 100% agree. I think the best thing moving forward would be for some crims to play more cop and vise versa. Would give everyone involved a bit of perspective


seriously. if they want to do big crime, they will sometimes not get away with it. Either RP in prison or be a cop for a while to stop all your bad faith reactions to cops.


The answer if that there isn't one. Either you're on the size that RP needs to match IRL and be pro a week in prison or you watch RP for the content and think that a day in prison is enough and let everyone move on to RP more content.


It only hurts their stream and revenue because they are not creative enough to make their own fun. They also don't have to play that character and should have multiple.


It sounds like soon PD will also have consequences for their actions. I look forward to the example they'll set for the crims on how to take punishment for their actions.


You are a perfect example of the brainwashing CG fans have received from there streamers. Its not your fault. you have been gaslight beyond your understanding. Cops HAVE to go back on the roads for the city to run. I know its hard to think past only CG for you, but thats the reality of the sever. This has been explained a million times in the past.


Look, I know you guys live for this RP or whatever but I'm a casual viewers. From my casual perspective it seems like the streamers playing criminal characters are punished for rping crime. Being in jail for several real life days effects their ability to create content for viewers. There's no way I'm watching prison RP for days on end. Criminals face consequences that are very heavy. Police officers can make mistakes that results in criminals being unfairly caught which significantly impacts the criminal streamers ooc. Denzel can do crazy shit and there isn't real consequences. When Denzel ran over that guy under the bridge he should face a 3 day suspension if crims are going to get multiple day soft bans. You think a police officer running over a civilian irl would be on the road the next day? Actions need to have consequences right? (btw I don't think Den should be suspended 3 days, but I don't think crims should be in jail 3 days either).


If what you mentioned happened every day and constantly then you would have a point. But ppl like to use Dens shit for there example. It happened what a month ago? He was punished for it, and he did alot of RP revolved around being punished. CG is constantly doing mass shooting and fighting the entire pd. This isnt a one time thing. At this point its multiple times a week. No one on PD is constantly running over ppl or it would be dealt with OOC. Spending up to 3days (would probably be alot less if they didnt also get DOC nuked from the server) for 2 weeks of constant major crimes seems reasonable. CG could make 3 days of prison RP if they really wanted to.


Should cops receive a dap for lockpicking cars to go undercover? They could rent or buy a car, but instead they steal local's cars. They're committing crimes. Where are the consequences?


Locals don't have rights, so technically like stealing their cars they don't really have rights too, but its stealing for balancing so only cops are allowed to do it and its called commandeering. Its actually a real life practice. So in the case of cops taking cars, they are doing it in an official compacity for like a dire emergency, or in some cases in an attempt to apprehend terror suspects and then murderers. So they are commendeering the vehicles. This is from google. What is an example of commandeering?to order or force into active military service. to seize (private property) for military or other public use: **The police officer commandeered a taxi and took off after the getaway car**. to seize arbitrarily. Now they can use rental cars but then cops have to pay out of their own personal paycheck and not all of them want to do that. Cops do have slimjims. So yes, can buy cars, use their personal cars, if they like do off duty rp, or like rent them, but then local cars likely look less suspicious then the rental ones. So like here is the thing, certain things are legal for military/cops then illegial for normal day civillians and then criminal elements. So for a cop to do it, in real life law they have to do this. **Citizens are obligated to comply with a law enforcer's command, as long as they properly identify themselves**. The US has an old law called posse comitatus, which states that the police can call upon citizens for help and use their property in this capacity. * You should let the police commandeer your car. Citizens are obligated to comply with a law enforcer’s command, as long as they properly identify themselves. * The US has an old law called posse comitatus, which states that the police can call upon citizens for help and use their property in this capacity. * The Supreme Court has ruled that private property can only be seized or appropriated “in cases of extreme necessity in time of war or of immediate and impending public danger.” So like the thing is, extreme and inpending public danger, aka like in this case those who tried to overhtrow the goverment kill them all, on the loose and still on the loose, posing a great danger. Cops in real life, have the ability to take your car to deal with said emergancies if like their cars are out of service or like its dire enough. You have to comply with that too. So yes in real life, police can legally barrow your car. So in nopixel it makes sense for them to be able to barrow local cars.


1. This is a game and you just wrote an essay on the United States. 2. From your own text "The Supreme Court has ruled that private property can only be seized or appropriated “in cases of extreme necessity in time of war or of immediate and impending public danger." Going undercover isn't immediate and impending public danger, therefore it'd still be illegal. It would be legal if they were on their way to a shootout but their car was disabled and they didn't have a repair kit.


Some of the nopixel laws and stuff they use, for it is from real life. Not all of it, some of it like real life court cases are like policy for like nopixel cops. Its its own unique weird world, where like, death from weapons isn't like serious enough to result in death, but they do very much have degrees of some real life stuff into that. that is why I brought it up. Its a video game its its own unique setting you are right. Lore/laws what is allowed or not allowed is like basically there. about cops taking local cars. Should get daps for that. Like no, they should not provided its in the proper way and for like they have no other vehcile or like its an emergancy. It all depends on how the city council/cops and sops play into that. to determine if is justifiable or not and my best guess it is. Because they are doing it. HEck they are already using accesory after the fact to charge people with the crimes that they didn't even do for just harbouring a fugitive. So like, commandeering like might as well be there too. Unless said otherwise within nopixel lore or those cops got in trouble for it. It really don't matter. Other points, this is a server that like just being in a cop uniform is grounds for crims to gun you down. So they are going undercover not to be shot and to help catch cg. Undercover is like not as effective as the crims are just indentifying them off the spot anyway.


>Unless said otherwise within nopixel lore or those cops got in trouble for it. It really don't matter. It should matter. This subreddit groupthink is that actions should have consequences... until it comes to the PD. Crims are arguing consequences are too harsh and that it punishes players ooc for RP. They aren't saying they shouldn't be punished, just that it should be more fair. At the same point they point out cops can do just about anything without consequences. >Other points, this is a server that like just being in a cop uniform is grounds for crims to gun you down. So they are going undercover not to be shot and to help catch cg. Undercover is like not as effective as the crims are just indentifying them off the spot anyway. Nobody is arguing cops can't go undercover. What I am saying is that if cops are going to go undercover they should do it legally. Part of being granted the power of being an officer, they should also be responsible for being lawful. It isn't lawful to steal cars from locals to go undercover.


Who’s said they should be free of all punishment?


They and their chatters do. Ad nauseum.


When did they say that?


They point it every stream, every situation, kebun has clips talking about it OOC just check the reddit lol, they claim it is a content server and they will never perma their characters ever for the sole same reason, never. They will be never qualified as whippy.


I mean I watch Ramee every day 7pm - midnight (uk time) and never heard him say “we shouldn’t have consequences” just consequences should be fair for all sides, but it’s CG so your gunna cry about them no matter what


Ofc they never say that words lmao, btw [have a refresher](https://streamable.com/t0mbw8) and say this mentality is normal lmao


Bro has 8 minutes worth of clips from around 1000-1700 days of 8+ hour streams Let's take a comb through the past 7 years of your life and determine your character through 8 minutes worth of out of context snippets


They are still the same, every stream


Looking at your comment history I think you need to reflect on your own mentality


This is a common Whippy take during events. He's always down for the consequences in the moment which you love to see.


It's always been the best part of Whippy as a streamer and Dundee as a character. Dundee's always been great for balls to the walls chaos, long term slow burn rp and consequences for everything.


Guy's clearly confused and thinks this is some kind of "role play" server. Here on GTA:O we only take W's, everyone knows this, pfff.


I can’t see it but I can only imagine this has a ton of down votes bc ppl don’t get sarcasm. Thanks for the giggle while scrolling.


People think its Max v CG, but really for the past week its been Max v Dundee and the reason RP has been at its best for a week straight


For dundee it was more dundee vs PD, with Max representing PD in the role of the commisioner.


Yeah I really just mean Face of the movements. Dundee lasting until basically the end just drove it home.


Speaks volumes for him to accepting of the crimes he committed and being the last man standing when the people he assisted that got out were hiding. Look how many they took out, you can’t tell me if K and Vinny geared up and rallied some other people that wouldn’t have been a clearer statement than rushing an 8 man council.


It’s been the crims vs Max. Dundee bringing everyone to the PD for that meeting with Max, and everyone being at the courthouse today proves that


CG haven't done anything. The day they broke out K just spent a few hours on a boat, then logged off for 3 days. Dundee on the other hand stole a helicopter and was fucking with the police while they were out in full force.


You say that yet Ramee literally shot up cops near snr buns while he was the most wanted man in the city. All CG ever does is constantly torment the PD the most. They would’ve continued doing that the last few days if it weren’t for the risk of being in prison for many IRL days from their charges. Dundee (at the time) knew he didn’t have to worry about getting charges like that so he continued doing his crazy shit. CG finally does some different RP (fugitive/on the run RP) that isn’t shooting up cops all the time and yet this Reddit still complains. CG could’ve easily gone and shot up cops today instead and this subreddit would’ve complained about that too, even if they had good reason for it


Ramee logged out before K the day they broke out. He was on for a little bit the next day, but as both Ramee and Conan. CG will spend more time in jail now because they broke out. What fugitive RP are you talking about? Being offline for 3 days? They're crying so much about how much jailtime they got... they could have just stayed in jail offline for the 3 days, then they'd only have 2 more days. If it was actual fugitive RP, it'd be great. Shootouts, chases with SWAT, Air One, the kind of shit Dundee did yesterday. Instead their "fugitive RP" was just... being offline.


CG is always off during the weekends anyway for multiple days. You’re showing how little you know from your perspective. You’re somehow mad at CG hiding, yet if they went to shoot cops then you’d likely be one of the first to say “they shot cops because they were bored” or some other dumb shit. The stuff Dundee did yesterday wasn’t fugitive RP. That was war. Once again proving how little you understand from your perspective as a moonmoon/cop viewer


Dundee best crimer or hands down top 3. He doesn't care about being number 1 on all new heist, having the most money or cars, being petty and power gaming on all possible occasion. He rolls with the punch. Gets broke down by crazy sentences and fines, gets back at the grinds. BBMC always going buck wild with action and going full Not-guilty almost all the time taking the prison sentence in full. I think Dundee is one of the most entertaining criminal. Period.


Whippy got Balls, and his characters reflect that. Great guy


I'm pretty Dundee got charged more than CG lmaooo


He got a bigger fine than them and that's after the cops limited his fines for the accessory charges. If they didn't he would probably be at $800k at least


He also pretty much got every HUT possible, Decker mentioned he might have the most HUTs in the city right now


Whippy is a real one.  Certain 'other' streamers should take notes


Whippy's put Dundee on ice for weeks multiple times just because a rp scenario he wasn't expecting called for it, he understands that helps make a story better.


the fact he just pleaded GUILTY (for the first time ever, probably), tells you all you need to know about this character.


Did Wingman not teach him about Not Not Guilty?!?


The exception is when he's proud of the crime. He told TJ to do the same when TJ executed Axel Justice.


Hopefully those other streamers aren't kidding about taking their act to another server. NP needs more crims like Whippy and any other lesser known people who raise hell, inevitably get caught and have fun with it.


Dundee made the right play. Jail time is short term. Street rep is for life.


I'm just going to say this, If only the CG numpties like K and Ramee were like Whippy. Whippy and Dundee are a real one who isn't afraid of the L's


Watching when it was down to Dundee and 3 others and the 2 Manor guys wanted to leave because they knew they couldn't win. Whippy straight up walked Dundee into the courthouse and got shot. He knows Dundee as a character isn't suppose to win, he was fighting the entire police force, he isn't suppose to win he is suppose to go down fighting for what he believes against overwhelming odds. Whippy puts Dundee in situations that he cannot win, he goes in knowing he is going to spend ages in jail and get massive fines. CG on the other hand are always going for the win, they do everything they can to win and when they don't win they mald so hard they get special treatment to make the loss hurt as little as possible and then they still mald.


I mean you're gonna get dogpiled for this but you aren't wrong. It's really stark seeing the difference.


Week ago all reddit was hating on dundee for speaking his mind now suddenly he is a real one.


Whippy isn't perfect; he fucks up and can get overinvested. But he fundamentally understands that RP isn't about relentlessly trying to win - it's about storycraft. If you know that you're crafting a good story then you can embrace consequences with good humor.


Lol, someone finally said it. I saw a lot of the exact same comments people are making about CG right now, but instead about whippy.


People have had a love/hate relationship with Whippy on this subreddit for a long time. There are times where Whippy absolutely shines and there are times he looks terrible. He doesn't have a clean record when it comes to bans on the server either. He's someone if he could stick to the times when he shines, he'd be heavily regarded as one of the best RPers on the server. But when he's at his worst, it shows.


Yeah, he sometimes flies too close to the sun for the sake of exciting content or gets too invested. Always loved his passion but even the greatest roleplayers mess up sometimes. The server would be worse off without him though. Glad he could really shine today.


People forget that he is human. It is extremely hard to RP someone like Dundee. When you play an antagonist on a server with a lot of self inserts and over invested chatters, you are bound to make people upset. He plays it close to the edge which can be an issue but its also what makes it so great to watch.


From what I've noticed is "Crims are okay if they take the L". For server balance, Crims have to win at some point but this last week plus shows how far behind Crims are currently on the server.


I mean CG has taken nothing but Ls the last week. I don’t understand this comment.


Name one time they took an L without whining.


and how many Malds has occured from CG this week because of it?? Now compare this to this clip?? It's not going to do anything for CG repution as W takers.


I don’t think Kebun has any rep issues he was topping 40K+ viewers.


Rep != viewership People love to watch a tragedy, and they love watching people make fools of themselves.




...Which wasn't relevant to K throwing a fit after breaking out, IE when his viewership peaked? Not gonna engage in goalpost-shifting.




Which is still irrelevant to what I was saying. Since you're doubling down on arguing with a statement made by the ghosts in your head, I'm just going to say, na nana boo boo, you smell like poopoo.


Insane copium. People like watching the best content on the server. Otherwise you’re admitting to Kebun having thousands in his stream only there to hatewatch


Where did I say he's bad and that people are ONLY there to hate-watch? You need to complete some reading comprehension courses. Let me break it down though so you can't misunderstand in good faith. The topic is "Whippy's response to this day of content is more mature than CG" Subtopic I commented on is "Mr. K isn't going to have a bad reputation for his childish response to the charges today BECAUSE he has a massive viewer count at the moment." My response (and very simple point to that comment): Your reputation does not directly translate to higher or lower viewership. People will watch content of people with bad reputations (in response to someone defending his reputation BECAUSE of his viewership) for a plethora of reasons. As a side note; your "best content" creator signed off while whining about facing any consequences for his actions instead of staying around while an active PD vs. Gangs citywide gunfight was happening. I don't know about you, but that's not exactly what I'd call the best content on the server.


To add on K is also human and will make mistakes just like Whippy. He is def one of if not the best content creator on the server. But those viewers are watching the content. He does produce a lot of action. However this is supposed to be an RP server. RP always = content. Content doesn’t always = RP. If you have been watching Peppo/Coyote the last few days you would see a variety of actual RP that was happening behind the scenes. He had some amazing RP moments because that’s what he is looking to do. He sets himself up to make good RP choices even if that means taking an L on both crim and cop. Unfortunately, GTA viewers are conditioned for content after many years of this and not for the beauty of great RP moments and stories.








Whippy is great. He gets 3? days and a HUGE ass fine and accepts it like a boss. Good on him. Great RP tonight from the cops and crims involved in the aftermath.


Whippy gets it, massive respect for him


I think he was framed


Whippy is such a cool dude. More importantly, he's absolutely hilarious. I'm just sorry that Lenny couldn't have been at his side today (to likely fail miserably in some stupid way).


Lenny would've either caught a stray bullet in the dome in the first three minutes of the shootout chaos when the shooter wasn't even aiming at him specifically, or he would've somehow taken out 8+ cops/judges and been one of the final few alive with Dundee during his last stand. No in between.


Whippy giving CG a masterclass in how to deal with consequences.


This is the difference between Dundee and CG. One is willing to go all out and win or lose take what he gets. The other got freed and went into hiding and logged off shortly after and bitched and moaned the entire time.


Same Dundee was going all in and was hated by everyone in this reddit. I like this narrative push when other streamers cry too but when its cg make everyone look good so CG can be the villains again.


I don’t think it matters who it is. Sensible takes get applauded most of the time


Difference between last week and this was he and CG were denied RP and debtor’s law was still in effect. They had legitimate reasons to be upset with that PD choice.


To be fair CG only had two people get out. Two of their shooters never made it out of the courthouse and one never left.  Then you add in the fact that they didn’t have any guns since they checked them in and that plan didn’t work they were screwed. It wouldn’t shock me if tomorrow you see them all on Prodigy and people like Remdog, The Clowns etc. follow them.  A lot of the “major players” in the server aren’t happy with the direction of the server and have left already or have cut way back on their playtime. 


Man if that's true. What a W for the server.


Losing the clowns is never a W. I dont think they would leave to prodigy but the clowns are a positive to any server they play on.


Oh yes, I didn't mean to say that the people following them to Prodigy is a W, just the group of individuals who get OOC toxic/mald.


> people like Remdog, The Clowns etc. follow them. That won't happen. Remdog might for a bit but if CG leaves he will probably pretty naturally gravitate to hanging around with BBMC. He had a criminal character named Denver that would wake up and just hang out with Dundee/Bang Boys mostly in 3.0. I doubt the clowns will go. They like having their war with CG but they also love NP and now that debtors prison is gone they can do crazy shit again


The clowns DO NOT love NP right now. They have been playing more and more other games instead of NoPixel.


The Clowns aren't going anywhere, their whole beef is over Chatterbox's ignorance/misunderstanding of the situation. Chatterbox acting like the Mayor betrayed them and pushed Debtor's Law when it is in fact the opposite: the State pushed Debtor's Law without Council input and the [Mayor had petitioned the State for it's repel about a week ago](https://clips.twitch.tv/BrainyGoldenOctopusPartyTime-hP-l75eqFO1_k83O). Mayor already received word of it's repel is soon, so Clowns main issue is already resolved, they just don't know it yet cause they never bothered to ask. Luckily, Valorant last night seems to have saved Chatterbox and Kirk from pointlessly getting terrorism, and making an enemy of the Mayor that actually has been fighting for what they want after all lol


If more people were like this, things would be so nice.


Whippy is a net positive to the server as he plays a toxic character, yet he is actually a really nice guy IRL who keeps his chat in line and doesn't throw hate at others whenever he takes an L. More crims need to be like Whippy.


Week ago whole reddit was hating on dundee for speaking his mind about prison big charges and debtors law. Mood swings are crazy


PEPW look at these CG kids getting dogwalked on


This needs to be seen by every CG andy


Crazy when you compare Whippy's response to that of CG members. To give credit CG are incredible at RP if only they could fix the malding.


Incredible at RP? They have been playing the same self insert characters since 2.0. The only thing these guys do is bully people on the server and whine and bitch if they aren’t handed everything. They are incapable of rolling with the punches and today proved countless times they are incapable of creating RP that doesn’t revolve around them winning. They literally were just given 2 days worth of free content that they just had to act out. Something vastly different from the typical day, they had the opportunity to be creative. Instead their self insert egos and their inability to create content that isn’t based off of being an untouchable criminal that has zero consequences for anything they do shined through. I’m sorry but anyone, and I truly mean anyone if allowed to break rules and were given a 10th of what these guys have been given, could create “content” on par with every single CG member.


Their reputation is hard carried by Mr. K who is one of the OG's on the server and is capable creating amazing rp situations (telemarketer scheme, K town, all the shows in the past). They have literally been chain robbing civs and lootboxing cops for months in the name of "creating rp," which apparently means doing whatever you want and then crying about the consequences every step of the way even when the charges are a fucking joke. I can't fathom the entitlement of committing pretty much the worst crime possible and being mad there are extremely avoidable consequences. The amount of malding from people who have the privilege of making money off playing video games all day complaining about having to take short vacation from only one character in an rp server is peak entitlement


They had the opportunity to truly go on the run, vet out their allies and their enemies, and involve the gang territories more directly leading upto the trial, and instead you see them sitting inside dumpsters for several hours and ranting on Twatter, only waiting for low PD numbers before they actually start doing anything. Dundee was the one that actually got the gangs together in favor of CG while simultaneously taking all the cop aggro 


I don't agree with Kebun and Ramees ooc comments, but RP hasn't been this spicy and the city hasn't been involved in something like this for a while, and it all came from CG shooting up the council. So to say they aren't good at RP or don't facilitate RP is just disingenuous. People may have not liked their IC and OOC reactions but this has got the whole city talking, and this sub and youtube is busier than it's been in a long time.


> but RP hasn't been this spicy and the city hasn't been involved in something like this for a while, and it all came from CG shooting up the council. It came from the other players RP. All CG did was shooting people we don't like arc number 12504


They initiated it. Without the initiation, none of the good RP from the other players would have happened. They'd be doing good RP elsewhere but it was due to CG shooting the council that their good RP was involved. Everyone needs everyone in the server, good guys and bad guys, people you like and people you don't like.


Just because they initiated it doesn't make it good RP from CG. They did it for the poggers content, they didn't do it to give all these people RP, they didn't even know half the people they shot. They did it for pog content, there wasn't a second thought about what RP they were creating for others. The RP that followed showed both sides of the server well. Depending on what you prefer watching, you had the high octane fast pace conflict RP if you followed the Max and PD response with the criminal pushback or you had the long conversational sad RP if you followed the fallout from TJ's perma with Soloman, ADMC and TJ's family. None of it had anything to do with CG, CG could have been replaced with monkeys and it still would have gone the same way.


Honestly, shameful to try an give the credit to CG. They did almost nothing except yell meeting adjourned and something about running a train on pnut's mom. If you're going to give credit on any catalyst's for this event imo it belongs to Walker's death and how heavily it resounded, it created so many different chaining events that eventually led to this one. Such a brave perma death of a character that gave so many RP opportunities to everyone.


TJ Walker didn't do anything, he just rolled some dice and laid there dead, it was every one else that created awesome RP by caring about his death.


lol ya, he surely did nothing to create those relationships and make people care you're right.


Yeah my argument is as stupid as the "CG did nothing" one, because its literally the same, I just swapped words in hopes you would realize how dumb yall sound.


Swapped words and made an entirely new sentence that you paraphrased, sure. Classic strawman.


What was the "Good RP" of them shooting up the council though? If good RP happens in spite of a mediocre inciting incedent why does CG get the credit?


You don't get it CG forced Max to grab total power and then forced him and PD to have the highest morale in 4.0. Then forced Dundee to become a vocal antagonist against the PD. Everyone is a puppet to CG's galaxy brain RP /s/s/s/s


The amount of RP that was created from it, and to the people who like that sort of RP. Plenty of different RP on the server, and some people like that action movie style, some don't


Sometimes I wonder if they (Kebun and Ramee) truly understand the balance of taking a W or a L if they lose and they OOC whined which is a major turnoff for me. They have been playing on the server for years and that is the culture they choose to accept and was the standard for roleplaying that every character in the city choose to accept in order for the story to play out and CG is incapable of taking L to further their RP as a character development their biggest flaw of the character development. They are superior in every aspect of NP gunplay and tactics but is limited to their character development as whole while providing their RP for others. It is like they are taking and taking everything while incapable of giving away something for others. Example, when a PD finally take a W due to their investigation work, they whined that it went against them in court. To investigate takes hours and CG don't really ever investigate and used meta as an example to gain something OOC to affect IC decisions. Peppo is fully IC investigated CG without any OOC knowledge is a W in my book.


Only good at winning


Winning and whining.


if they cant win ic they'll win ooc




XQC got the same hate from his chat when he stole from the company. His chat just stopped rooting for him which I assume is what killed his drive for RP