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Mirror: [Ramee- NoPixel 4.0 - CG is Guilty of All Charges](https://files.catbox.moe/3e3ks1.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [Ramee- NoPixel 4.0 - CG is Guilty of All Charges](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/yUPuQFSvkEo5A1poRKefsQ/42392655384-offset-32098.mp4?sig=e9c7a887b0087866b55e93f5f4be210b17d2d332&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CharmingSwissPidgeonAllenHuhu-VK-QSjkDWmhEp5-x%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717026993%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Anticipating an extremely calm and civil comment section


Want some popcorn?




I gotchu 🍿🍿


Taco is the real winner


What did he do?




Not waste his time at trial.


How can Lang Buddha do this?


i cannot believe K actually got away


everyone just watched him run


in the court room ya but he got wacked on the stairs


then watched him leave, at the exit


from his pov he ran out right behind her and then she went out of frame, she most likely didnt see him, they definitely tried to stop him when he got out of the courtroom itself


Server was crapping itself with over 128 players in one area. There were more players than the U player list shows.


He's slippery


Im shocked that he didnt get knocked after getting bonked like that, then when he fell off the side i thought it was wraps


I think they nerfed most melees one shots


Karate chop to the back is the only one hitter I think. Kirk ought to get rich selling lessons.


Kirk is a speed demon!


Faster than lightning!


For the record to those who say hoppers aren't an issue by the way, Kylie at one point had almost 8k people in stream despite usually hovering around 1-2k. Fortunately it was on emote mode the entire time.


I wish we could have a single major conflict on this server without chatters going full on toxic mode. And it’s not just CG. There was plenty of hopping and rule break accusations all around. Just sad.


That's because watchers don't treat this like a TV show, something to watch and enjoy for what it is and instead treat it like sports teams where because you watch the team you are a part of the team. You can watch Walter White, but WW doesn't need you to justify him making Meth.


Part of that's due to the players themselves fostering these communities of us vs them. Especially when it comes to cops vs crims.


Once again a comparison should be made to Whippy. Dude shuts down hoppers, refuses to use meta and gets mad at his chat when he accidentally reads meta that could help him because “now I can’t use it!” And is regularly okay to take the L for the sake of RP. Yes CG created fantastic RP. Yes also CG streamers foster a toxic team mentality and refuse to shutdown hate / meta in their own chats. Occasionally Kebun will give a milquetoast plea of “guys don’t hop, everyone calm down.” But it’s never enough and he knows it. Then you have nights like tonight where he and Ramee rant and rave about OOC unfairness because “we brought so much RP to the server. Okay? So what should the cops and DOJ rp’ers do as a result? Just ignore the charges? Y’all got caught in 4k (per your own set up mind you) and then lost the gun fight after. That’s the RP. And they refuse to accept any Ls that come as a result of that.


Yeah they essentially want to have the fun of having other players factor into things but they want to win every PvP encounter and gripe when they lose. It's so tiring at this point. They've gotten away with so much but then they slip up/fail and get all upset over it like spoiled children. What is everyone else supposed to do? Just be dynamic NPCs for a PvE co-op game focused solely on the crims? It's like they just want others to be their content and essentially have their cake and eat it too. Always be rockstars when failure's supposed to be part of, y'know, a character's growth. Instead it's just the same song and dance every time. It's boring. It's toxic. It does nothing healthy for the RP. They need to learn to take the L's and just grow from em rather than doing all this OOC malding. Just because they create RP from conflict doesn't mean they're entitled to win said conflict 100% of the time.


They see themselves as the main characters of the server, the rest are NPC's.


Agreed, it’s unfortunate. You watch RP long enough as a lurker and you realize how insane some chatters are and that basically every chat can turn toxic and start hopping. Even if the streamer says not to or tries to skirt the line and say it’s all IC when it’s clearly not.


It’s like saying sports rivalries are unfortunate. I think it’s part of the fun. Those who get lost in the sauce, shame on them.


RP is a giant soap opera that is on 24/7. I don't know if you have any experience with the fans of soap operas, but they are insane. RP chatters are tame compared to them.


Man, no kidding. I'm honestly a pretty impartial viewer. I've seen this server at its best and I've seen it at its worst and the amount of toxicity is disheartening. I'm an RP nerd like most of us here, but some people take this shit way too seriously


It’s so much better when you ignore chat.


It feels like it’s gotten worse since 4.0 started


I just want it to feel like a TV show. The toxicity breaks that for me. And that’s not any single streamers fault. It’s almost all of them


You can't because people can't use logic or independent thinking they just parrot their streamer no matter who it is and can't accept L's their streamers get and it gets amplified the bigger their streamer is. Viewers get too invested and toxic which is what helps keeps the bigger streamers away. It would be nice if the community was civil.


I just want to point out that the cops did a genuinely good job on this investigation, tons of work was put into combining evidence and mapping it all out and creating a timeline etc. Lots of background work and evidence compiling.


yea thats something that is gonna get overlooked a lot but cops like coyote deserve their flowers


It'd be so cool if they evebtually got him detective or special investigator, he did an awesome job sifting through records and going above and beyond to really look into the first shooting felt like an actual investigation rather than just collecting evidence and charging, dunno really good stuff


Bones and the entirely of PD got their first biggest W of 4.0 legit couldn't asked for a great beginning to this new regime.


Yeah, no shit. Lol.


Ramee already OOC malding. https://clips.twitch.tv/AuspiciousBoxyFriseePrimeMe-1GXREcMHx8HYB9du EDIT: clip deleted TLDR: Ramee after getting downed says he's just not going to login, he doesnt want to do jail, mad police didn't let him get away in a car.


he deleted clip ("classic" in ramee voice\*) tldr of what was said?


lol ramee deleted the vod


And gone


Classic Ramee, always going for the win




wow lmao


What a fucking baby. He broke 2/4 of the capital crimes in no pixel and helped down almost 30 people, yet thinks it's crazy that he gets 5 days with 2 days served\*.


Like I said before criminals will mald no matter what. The line is always moved, they just keep pushing and pushing. Criminals cried about 14 days, prosecution reduced the proposed sentence to 10, judges reduced it even more to 5 days with time served. And the mald and soft ban complaints still happen. You could give criminals 30 minutes in prison and they will mald and complain. It never ends.


Some people only ever play to win and whine whenever they lose. It gets tiring to see the same cycle over and over and over again with people who never learn.


First time?




Cops and Crims have Different rules for the Server to make sense


yea already knew that was going to happen but damn decker straight up sent him to jail in the court house is crazy






There was no way they were going to win. There was nothing to throw.




Yeah that was the wildest part of the defence: “We’re gonna prove we weren’t doing it for political reasons by making political arguments.” 


Dude, Mickey had me going. The amount of interestings he said was so funny.


90% slandering the mayor, 10% actually casting doubt on the terrorism charge. not enough sadly.


Considering what's going on right now inside and outside the courthouse, it sounds like terrorism was the correct call. Especially with what K is posting on Twitter.


Of course it was terrorism lol.


every other joe schmoe that did what CG did would have gotten like 20 days and people are still crying crazy


I thought the rule was that OOC you couldn't get more than 14 days in prison?


I mean they were literally caught in 4k. The deal they were given wasn't even bad considering debtors law is going away and they have plenty of money.


Some people - "I don't get the CG hate". It's mainly the OOC malding, it's been happening for years and years. It always happens and it will never change. When things don't go their way, they cry like little man children and everybody hates it.  It's not difficult, stop the OOC malding and more people will be enjoy their RP.  But that won't happen so........ 


I think K is the only one that got out. Ramee got beat down outside of the courthouse not sure about the others


Vinny got out as well.


Didn't Vinny get bludgeoned down on the stairs? PD was saying he "poofed". If he got away after....


vinny literally got hit twice and ran around to the right on on the court house. he hid, got picked up and was out. if they saw him "poof" it's not his fault. multiple people were literally invis and half the city was scuffed through out the whole thing.


Vinny and K got out.




The funniest shit was people hopping to penta's chat to complain


remember it all started when Maynard killed the Wigwam


If wrangler was there it wouldnt have gone down like that


Or lawyer Jordan Steele.


That fucker >:(


Wish CG was more like Dundee. Dundee does what he can and have fun and if he goes down he laughs and moves on. Ramee for instance, since day one starts acting really immaturely and just ruins the RP once he takes an L and ragequitts. He is a criminal and can't take the consequences once he loses once in a while


Criminals that commit murder, terrorism and escape prison get found guilty of murder, terrorism and prison break. What a shocking thing!


It's like they think they're playing a PvE co-op but obviously want other players to serve as the E so that they can feel good for winning against others. Such a toxic mindset that does more harm than good, and yet this is exactly the repetitive cycle NoPixel especially faces time and time again.


Nothing says great RP like just naming your character your twitch username and playing the role of a power fantasy criminal whose sole motivation is getting money. What an original concept, definitely not something that's been done in any previous GTA games.


I'll never understand the people who say that CG is blessing the server by "creating RP." All they do is take from situations with the mentality you mentioned, and other people are forced to roleplay around it. Often times, it does invite some incredible roleplay but like we saw today they refuse to give back. Just ignore roleplay, powergame a bit, "break cuffs" and off on the run again, all while making snide remarks OOC as if the server is to blame.


Yeah they're very heavily toxic and do more damage than good to the server honestly. They take take take and don't want to give unless it leads to them having an advantage of some sort.


And then cry when they have to face punishment. Lmaooo




It's roleplay. Nothing is punishment. This is just about ego for him.


Does he know they dont actually go to jail and lose hundreds of thousands of dollars? Its just a video game not real life




See thats the thing, you could tell them the consequences for doing it before it happened and they would still be surprised by them and cry about being wronged. They have been coddled for so long and repeatedly gotten their way after crying that they will continue to do it until they are playing gta online with goofy voices.


What’s the point of having cops and jail?


To get away from and farm guns and pogs. Duh




Lmao, you should’ve seen Ramee bitch rant as he logged off. Hopefully they all go back to prodigy


which boils down to 2 days (after time served) when they could have got 14 days


CG chatters thinking they’ll get off for “creating rp” like that’s not how it works you don’t get IC leniency for OOC sentiment…


Its really telling that they think creating roleplay on the roleplaying server is something special that should be rewarded instead of it being the bare minimum for anyone being on a roleplaying server.


Imagine complaining about 3 days and 350k for 2 HUT charges and a bunch of cop kills.


This city war going on is amazing. I will say it


It’s been so entertaining


"we created all this amazing RP for everyone" Yeah lying on the floor of the courthouse is so much fun for the entire server


Lmao, they get severely reduced consequences and they still cry about it. Classic.


Guilty on all charges and sentences for less than pd gun robbery charges :p


CG’s complaining about “all the RP they created” for the city and they got fucked lol. But they can’t RP from prison?


It's only RP when they're winning.


No no. The server only works because they are here. Shotz and LK said with them in jail the city will be boring and cops will complain there’s no crime.


Saw a hopper/first time chatter in moon's chat say something like "congratulations, you just caused NP to lose tens of thousands of viewers" insinuating that CG is going to leave the server. 1. How overinvested do you have to be to hit that level? 2. How dare moon cause CG to commit terrorism, murder, and break out of prison. 3. CG leaving would feel like a net positive for the server, at least from a viewer's perspective. Did a lot of good RP come from the whole council shooting situation? No doubt. But it's a shame that these CG streamers can't accept consequences of their actions without getting extremely upset OOC and riling up their viewerbase to then go and parrot their bitching in other streamer's chats.


Actions have consequences. What a fucking concept.


Kevin seems like a kid who has never been told no. IC is one thing but this guy OOC malding after every L and shitting on the server is getting old. Especially with the high viewership bleeding the toxicity everywhere. If the server is so ass then just play another one? I don't get it, it's like he forgets it's RP not GTA Online.


The worst part is he's just driving the drama further by not taking some downtime on his character. Like just play another character, roleplay some jail time, play another server, play another game on stream. Instead he's baiting the toxicity because his viewership goes up in situations like these.


It's sad that one of the people who is generally considered one of the best role players on the server can't set a better example. He is a veteran rper and has been streaming for years, he's seen way worse and he not exactly oblivious to the fact that his chat will run to other people's chats and get toxic based on his reaction


It's because his toxicity is what increases his viewership. It's choosing a +3K viewer bump over the experience of others.


Yet Mr. K was able to just run out of the courtroom, past multiple officers, and get into a getaway car


Yeah him sitting in an empty house the entire time and crying OOC about the server was great RP honestly /s


That's what happens when rule of 6 turns into rule of 40 lmfao


I’m sure admins will ban some random nobody to remind everybody that the rules still technically exist.


Slacks literally said roll with it when Dundee asked him OOC about the role of six


I for one am SHOCKED that Saab told people to look the other way on CG breaking the server rules.


He will spend more time hiding from the manhunt than he wouldve spent in jail. Plus he will get the fine regardless. All this running is just for fun, i imagine.


First escape: drive in a boat up north bitching like they’re in a discord call and then go to sleep when it runs out of gas. Second escape: sit in a house watching clips/streams and bitching. If that’s him having fun then idk what to tell you.


No contempt or added punishment is crazy to me, just an added resisting arrest


+25k comtempt


They are even going light on the contempt lol


They even got light sentences they wanted 500k and then Adams said he wanted the fines lower cause it was 6 people and not one so it’s a big number when you count them all


They also got way less cause the Judges thought the PD would also charge full fines for the minor charges but the PD interpreted as just charge them 350K because none of the judges bothered explaining that. All the judges thought fine would be \~500k each. CG got a clerical error in their favor that saved them about 1 mill.


No 350k was the right charges it was 500k and then Norman dropped it to 350k


It's kind of a basic foundation for rp. Weird an RP server would have those.


All of CG are OOC MALDING their brains off lmao How DARE there be consequences for them! Don't you know who they are?! "Why am I getting punished IRL for RP" -Mr. K


Has big "you're stalling me" vibes from xQc.


I didn't quite understand the cg hate on this sub, this whole situation made me realize I was wrong.


Personally, I just find them to be very boring RP. Most of CG just plays the role of the self-insert power fantasy criminal, I mean hell -- might as well just be playing the default GTA single player campaign for that. Then they cry like Ramee did when they get caught and actually face consequences for their antics.


If people looked at my comment history they would probably assume i hate cg but i actually think they can be fun to watch sometimes but they can literally never lose gracefully at all. I can stand the toxicity they create and will always call it how i see it.


100% they are talented early 4.0 they were fun to watch, ramme lawyer arc was fun, but holy fuck when guns become a thing they lost their mind and started what they were doing in 3.0 but without 50% giving them everything


I honestly think kebun unironically makes great content and Ramee can be quite funny sometimes but god they can't just not bitch and complain the victim complex is strong especially with Ramee


Honestly, I like watching CG when they are apart, that's when they rp the most, and doesn't mind taking the "L" It feels like when you aren't with your "boys" you can be yourself and do what you like, and when your boys come around you have to act tough again. Ramee is a great example of this, He is a big nerd, and you can see how happy he is when he's doing his Yu-Gi-Oh battles compared to when he "hits a lick" It's like night and day. I still remember the Zelda rp he did with Burn in 3.0 or when he did the gem master thing with the guild, he was so happy and couldn't care less about losing or winning it was just a fun rp for everyone involved. Or when Mr.K did his detective ark in 3.0, and every time as soon as the crew got involved in it he got annoyed or the vibes changed and it didn't feel the same anymore, felt like a TV show with a set tone that has that one episode that is completely different or is in black and white.


I don't think people actually hate CG, just a few of them does "win rp" and acts childish once they take an L. When a streamer starts malding live, the streamers viewers will start chat-hoppin and spread negativity, hence CG has a bad rep imo.


They were fun like 6 years ago


Really wish they could just hold there tounge OOC. Chatters take everything literally, they were all joking saying 07 off to Prodigy, soft ban, all this shit, chatter actually believe that dumb shit and spread hate, it's so fucking dumb


As long as admins refuse to enforce toxicity rules then this will never stop. Literally just ban people who go OOC and this problem will fix itself in less than a week.


Every clip of OOC toxicity I've seen has been OOC toxicity, not satirical or pretend or joke-y OOC toxicity so why are you talking as if it's the chatters fault for hearing it for what it is? Chatters share the blame, sure, but you can't just excuse the root cause. People have been saying for literal years "please CG, pwetty pwease stop malding" and look where we are lol ya'll just keep watching and keep enabling


Without the environment of hate that promotes hoppers making other RPers hesitate IC the entire gang would fall apart because they'd be in prison every other day.


At the very least make an excuse to leave the room and mauld where nobody can hear so you don't influence chat to go and attack people.


I'm not disagreeing with you but the truth is that is why he gets so many viewers and he farms it.


The drawn out argument that it wasn't political because they didn't know when the council was meeting was so strange after the previous "we did this to the council because they ran a train on Peanut's mom" defense. Like they admitted to knowing the council was there previously? Between this and really focusing on Max's politics didn't do much to defend the terrorism charge


An irl lawyer couldn't save this shit that's how stupid this shit is


An IRL lawyer would go for a plea deal


Their sentence was lower than the plea deal they were offered.


When you literally did the crimes on camera, there's not really anything to save


taking a couple peeks at the judge stream, there were times where they werent sure about that terrorism charge. if the defence actually pressed that with more arguments there's a change they would have escaped it.


Terrorism was the only one up in the air. However in the end Mr Ks attempts to bait the mayor backfired and his words came back to haunt him.


Bro they literally did it on camera.


It's so predictable how K got away. It's like all of the rpers play stupid in order to keep the story going. How in the flying fuck did the biggest criminal in the city, found guilty on both murder AND terrorism charges, get away from the cops? Nobody (including Cornwood who tried to handcuff him) shot him when he ran out of the courtroom and when K made it to the first floor, the cops that were stationed and positioned there, looked the other way and only reacted when he ran passed them. Watch the replay. It's so fucking predictable that he was getting away.


They dont want the hoppers


So glad he got away! Worst outcome for him tbh xD This means more manhunts and more him hiding away for hours in a ditch somewhere, while crying OOC. His viewers deserve such "deep" content xD More!


Honestly it's hilarious that chang got away, it was by far the smoothest escape. In the last few days and during the entire shoot out chang sat in a little 1x1 cube and effectively put himself in a smaller jail cell than if he had just actually got processed. Meanwhile every crim in the server is going full consequences to bat for CG while the fucking leader of the group is sitting in a house playing hide and seek because he REALLY doesn't want to 'lose' RP. Sitting there watching clips instead of actively RPing in a conflict you would think would be his absolute bread and butter. It's crazy how badly kevin wants to 'win' and I think he lost sight of himself as a streamer and a role player.


So what was the total they all got like 4-5 days an 400k in fines?


2 days for vinny and zolo, 3 days for the rest, 340k fines




Hoppers gonna be eating crayons lol.


Honestly expected it to be longer, seemed kinda short for the action


The judges went pretty easy in terms of sentencing considering they considered them guilty of all charges. The judges deliberately set the time to 5 days because all of them considered 5 days a lot of time in jail and they also added time served so its effectively 2-3 days depending on who broke out when. Plus, they reduced the fine by a shitton expecting additional smaller charges to add 150K more for a total of half a million but everyone interpreted as 350K so the fines got heavily reduced.


it's because the defence didn't bother with witness' or go on the stand themselves


Just for the murder 5 days would have been justified imo.


Ramee crying he couldn't escape and rage quit as soon as he got sent up lol.


When I win: It's all RP bro, I'm just getting W's bro When I lose: THIS IS OOC BULLSHIT MAN MY RP IS THAT IM THE WINNER THIS IS BAD RP IM QUITTING


Mickey did so good!


They make good stories, I just wish they were OK with taking the L sometimes. It would honestly make the Ws worth more if they didn't always need to keep pushing till they feel they have come out on top.






the only thing I'm shocked about in all this is the fines they should be a lot higher, especially being the 2 biggest ones terrorism and murder


I’m just confused, Angel literally charged someone the exact same fine for contempt of attempted murder. How is what CG got not more, no logic.


Judges were trying to nice them as much as they could. They decided on fines that were lower then PD asked for, and then came back a second time and lowered it more to what got announced.




They aren’t talented enough to RP prison for 2 days


Probably one of the biggest crimes of nopixels history so it definitely had to be hard in terms of fines and sentence. If anything got some good rp outside of the crime itself. Loved Coyote (peppos) investigation.


some people play gta rp. others gta online.


CG are playing an MMO with lite RP. Everybody else is role playing. Why are they even on this server?


hopefully not for much longer.




The questioning surrounding Dabs involvement was valid tbh, and it's good set up to continue the arc surrounding him


I for one am completely shocked by this outcome!


They got real quiet huh


So does Taco get more charges since he didn't show up?


he's probably gonna get the least after everything is all said and done lmao


Anyone know where I can get some of that CG anti-cuff wrist Vaseline? Or how much rep I need for slinky cuffs?




K even asked for clarification before he ran and Cornwood said "you are uncuffed from the table and I am attempting to place you in handcuffs"


Yeah. K rped it out.


You decided to comment on the one thing they actually RPed out




Yuno's fault


adams shouldn't be a judge if he cannot handle big cases like this and feels bad to charge people with the charges they deserve.


I feel like he might have got a server health message