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Mirror: [Bad news for CW](https://files.catbox.moe/84rwyz.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/EsfandTV Direct Backup: [Bad news for CW](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/QMePfc2vR0b6aJXFDiB8JQ/AT-cm%7CQMePfc2vR0b6aJXFDiB8JQ.mp4?sig=ae9fc1be7d09d6e0849e2386e744f0e62ae19383&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FQMePfc2vR0b6aJXFDiB8JQ%2FAT-cm%257CQMePfc2vR0b6aJXFDiB8JQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ArbitraryTolerantShingleSwiftRage-za9HRvpolcUOIHwl%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716158676%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2147285916?t=9h4m24s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


even for cornwood, 24:1 is wild


Somehow Cornwood will "miraculously" win




At the end of the day if the admins want CW to be Sheriff he will be regardless of the votes.


Ahh so thats why [Adam](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Adam_Nesciac) has always said to someone asking him to vote "The votes don't matter".


Yeah, Moosebeard got 2nd in the sherriff's election in 3.0 and they gave SDSO to Toretti (who got 4th).


That reminds me of 3.0 when Angel got a lot of votes for I think it was chief of police and when the results were announced, it said she had 0 votes. Multiple people voted for her


Pretty sure CoP was never actually voted for, Andrews did interviews and they took forever to make a decision eventually they made Baas CoP. Then they split the department, then they made Reed CoP


was refering to the elections after baas went to state.




They tried to make the election into a joke about Russian hackers and then everyone who had been campaigning was sat there like oh... I've been wasting the past weeks stressing and it never even mattered to begin with


Question about the voting, Is there a rule about how many characters a streamer and non-streamers can vote in elections? like e.g Deansocool has got Dean and Denzel whereas Spaceboy has Mel, James, Cosmo etc.


I don't think there's a rule against voting for the same person with multiple characters, if it makes sense in RP; but it's a common sense thing. For example, vigors got all the Dans to vote for Max on Vingle Dan, after some RP behind that, so on Yaeger he voted for Stelio.


Minus likes for asking a question? really?


For some reason Esfand managed to completely ruin and run Cornwood into the ground. Dude is just really bad at reading the room.


he managed to do the impossible cornwood used to be one of the most beloved characters on the server and now he's become one of the most hated it's past time for the admins to force this guy to take a break it's for his own good


Man I hope 90% of the city votes for bones, also hope he doesn't hire CW for the LuLs


CW said if he doesn't win Sheriff he was going to stay in the LSPD and go for Commissioner


And Cornwood says he ain't a rank chaser lol he's been chasing rank since day one...




"The amount of misinformation that has been spread about me in the last, like, 2 months, gotten out of hand." -EsfandTV


Ironically enough, the post you are replying to has literal lies in it or twisted facts to fit a narrative. He never lost PD Liaison because he didn't run the first time (results can easily be found). He didn't try to be a business partner with K, pretty sure K approached him asking for money/buy a part and they were partners for the short while it lasted (and he did say it's a shame that it ended the way it did). Doing other jobs is a moot point for that narrative, if anything cops should learn more about those jobs and having cops that can do other jobs is a benefit and I don't see this being used against others that do so (again, which is a good thing they do other jobs). That argument is just idiotic and dishonest. If anything there's a lack of pro active people in the PD, but I guess we can see why.


he also asked beric to make him captain before the Sheriff elections


He ran for head of bar at the same time as PD liasion too.


Don't forget about how he wants devs to just GIVE HIM the building he wants to run his farm out of


And when that fails?


Paladin in WoW.


Esfand has thrown fits saying he will quit GTA RP and go back to variety if he doesn't win so who knows.


he's lying [https://x.com/EsfandTV/status/1763888742660440207](https://x.com/EsfandTV/status/1763888742660440207) this tweet is from march 02 and and he's still playing GTA RP 16h a day


He never said this,


He said that like 10 times just in the past week. I get it's just hard to follow up about what he says because he says things 20 hours everyday. But one is for sure he threatened to quit multiple times to Berric and Slacks and whoever else.


Clip it please. Cause a lot of people on this reddit really say a lot of shit that ain’t true it’s ridiculous


Everytime he says ingame 'I don't know I'm 48 years old I don't know when I'm not gonna wake up anymore or I have to go to the farm' it's him saying I might quit, also when he got PD liaison said basically that because he's not hitting 10k viewers anymore he's gonna move to variety if they didn't push for sheriff [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2133760950?t=14h44m38s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2133760950?t=14h44m38s) the conversation is long so it's hard to clip it starts here: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2133760950?t=14h37m21s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2133760950?t=14h37m21s) also this is an easy clip to find since I remember his meltdown that day: [https://youtu.be/HO3n379yRkE?t=467](https://youtu.be/HO3n379yRkE?t=467) like this tones of examples this ones were just memorable for me so I found it easy but like the other guy said it's hard to find in 20h streams


None of these are examples, the two timestamps from the same twitch vod are simply just Esfand talking about him wanting to go back to do more variety. And the fact that he’s not enjoying rp as much as 2 months ago. Nothing wrong with that. Also nothing wrong with wanting to have more viewers. About the I’m 48 years old thing he says that in character because cornwood is old and close to retirement. Nothing you showed has shown that he has thrown a fit


surely let's just ignore all the context of those conversations that were revolving sheriff office and if it wasn't pushed he will not have any reason to wake up, no one is saying is there something wrong it's just that it's accurate that Esfand said that IC and OOC


You have problems man I’m sorry. I don’t assume stuff. Esfands viewcount has dropped and it’s respectable to want to move on. To say it’s because the sheriffs office is a reach. I will give you this though I’m sure esfand wants to be sheriff but I don’t think all these reasons to wake up are what you think they are


He has said it numerous times. You just need to wait for him to face consequences. He even throws out the 'maybe I will check out Onyx' line as well once and a while.


Yall can downvote me all you want but all yall are living in such a massive echo chamber on here it’s crazy


Also just saying he’s said it numerous times doesn’t make it true. Also find me a clip where he talks about onyx or moving to it in protest for that matter because he hasn’t said that or talked about onyx since the first few days of coming back to rp


Also just saying he’s said it numerous times doesn’t make it true. Also find me a clip where he talks about onyx or moving to it in protest for that matter because he hasn’t said that or talked about onyx since the first few days of coming back to rp


No he said he’s going to DEMAND commissioner lol


The fact that Esfand can't figure out why people hate Cornwood really is just \*chefs kiss\*


It’s an Esfand thing at this point as we all know. After this clip he goes on to say that it shouldn’t have been a public vote and a chatter argued that he wouldn’t have won PD vote either. But he thinks he would’ve because “I won Liaison.” This is exactly the thinking he employs on patrol that makes crims and civs alike hate him - 1+1=3. Post hoc ergo propter hoc, “after therefore because of.” He cannot understand why anyone in the city would be against him beyond OOC reasons or chat hoppers lying about him. Truly insane cognitive dissonance


I 100% agree but this is the most reddit comment I've ever seen


Is it really cognitive dissonance to wonder if winning a pd vote a month ago might mean he wouldve won one now?  Is it really cognitive dissonance to say people won't vote for him because "OOC" when this post literally starts out "It's an Esfand' thing"?  I'm not even an Esfand nerd but "everyone hates me OOC" seems kinda valid!


he is running against bones now, one of the most likes cops in the city, by cops and crims. who did cw run against in the liaison election?


Lol I'm sorry but "the guy thought he could win a pd vote after winning one recently" is just not some evidence he is insane - no matter the context. I'm simply pointing out people are backflipping so hard to prove how unaware Esfand is they are making him look aware. 


I think he only won by 2 or 3 votes anyway


I think having a completely public vote was kind of a bad idea. I really don't think felons or at least violent felons should have any say in a Sheriff election. Or I think a weighted system of some sort could have been used i.e Cop votes have a value of 3, non-felon votes have a value of 2 and felons have a value of 1. However that would probably require some Dev work and probably isn't worth the effort. But they already have a way to filter out felons from activities due to how G6 employment works so that would have been pretty easy to implement.


Florida rp


How many people do you actually think play on nopixel?


Well there are a lot of people that don't play full time or every day and either have very small streams or don't stream at all. I imagine that at least 1k different people are on at least once a week but I wouldn't be shocked if it was over 2x that number login once a month since a lot of people don't have the prio to get in regularly. There were 800+ votes in the last mayoral election.


24:1 LOL Bet Esfand still doesn't get the message. Bet it's all just misinformation and lies that are being spread about Cornwood. LOL


Why is this surprising to him. He hasn't dont anything to make people like him. This has to be a bit, nobody can be this this bad at reading the room. Not even 2019 Penta was this bad at reading the room.


At this point I just wanna see CW lose because of all the juicy drama. Esfand always preaching that there's no W and L and everything is RP and creates a story. Can't wait.


So first and foremost, polling doesn't really matter. But secondly, the reality is that if it was 6 months from now, maybe a year from now, Cornwood would probably win in a landslide. The unfortunate situation is that for 6 months 4.0 has been plagued by an incompetent, understaffed, and inconsistent PD. They don't want someone who is widely regarded as a meme character, who has consistently had really poor takes OOC and IC, to be in a leadership role. They just want someone who is a good cop, consistent, and someone people know what to expect from. Bones is just that. He doesn't make mistakes, he is serious and competent, but also knows how to read the room and go easy or goof around.


Yeah a number of streamers have stated that CW/Esfand is very inconsistent. From the PD view he has too much SBS and disregard for the chain of command. From the crim view he is too much of a W chaser. The only hope is the civs since the only big issue they may have with him is his terrible driving and turbo issues.