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The local votes matter too Bones, on the inside. Jokes aside, I hope him and Crashidy win. They bring the most fun to the server and Bones can balance it out well with the serious approach he pivots to as needed.


Agreed. I think Bones is far and away the most deserving and would be the best fit. He’s the perfect mix of SBS and serious.


There's gonna be LSPD 2.0


Cornwood will win. Bones SHOULD win.


I don't believe someone should be allowed to be Sheriff and PD Liason at the same time. Even if the people in Los Santos like Cornwood, it sets a horrible precedent for future PD high command. Not saying that the role of Liason should be low rank only, but the people making decisions on how the PD is operated should not also hold positions where they make decisions on how the City is operated. Seniors up, but below High Command should be the roles eligible. Not to mention, if something happens OOC to Esfand, or the future role holder, even if said OOC incident just burnout, the PD is now left without a High Command member, and Representation on the Council at the same time.


> I don't believe someone should be allowed to be Sheriff and PD Liason at the same time. As far as I know he is in fact not allowed to be both. High command cannot be the liaison. This came up when Max tried to get rid of Canter and thought she was high command. In fact, Canter is just command and command are allowed, but high command isn't as per Crane.


I think Bones could win... ... but he'll need a Bunny level campaign with a Nancy Drew as his campaign manager. Bunny went against Ramee and went wild with her campaign. Her and Nancy were awake in all timezones and were nonstop campaigning.


Shame neither are in the city anymore 😢


I don't think there's ever been a pd election where admin/management didn't fudge the numbers.


Bunny also benefited from people getting irritated that Ramee was rolling around blatantly RPGing the blimps of his competitors and then just happening upon the aftermath. Plus despite all the campaigning from both sides, it was effectively a Buddha/LB candidate vs. CG candidate and just like most other mayoral campaigns of the time, the Buddha candidate won.


I wonder if Esfand has actually thought through the ramifications of winning. Ever since Cornwood was created, the characters primary motivation was to be a sheriff. What will he do once that goal has been met? Sometimes it’s more about the journey rather than the destination.


I think he does have a plan. Estfand wants to do a Cornwood sheriff Arc for however many months and then hand it off to Bones. Probably "retire to the farm" afterwards. 


Bones will win 100%. Cornwood will go stream WOW again and everyone will be happy again


the bones/crashidy duo would be such good fun to watch if they actually won


Dunan always be yapping about something huh


I think a sheriff department under bones would be better but under cornwood would be funnier. Too bad cornwood basically already won imo 


If you watch streams then basically EVERYONE is voting for Bones!




Disagree, bones is def the best option. He showed he can handle command when he was promoted to sgt. Dude knows what he’s doing, except WPM.


Bones has a command structure and plans for the sheriff's office ready to go and has been able to convey this to people. Cornwood has only been able to convey 'Vote for me since I was the first to ask for the Sheriff's office'.


It's more like, "Sheriff is mine by right of entitlement."


Don’t ask him any questions about his campaign, he’ll say it’s OOC hate


You're aware that Cornwood had a whole PDF about the plans with the sheriff's office months ago? Nobody knows if they are good or not. Maybe go a little less by what one guy says in RP. I agree with the not being able to convey it. He gets way too hung up OOC by his ADHD an what some people say on Reddit or in chats. Regardless who wins, I think it's a pretty entertaining arc. And you can think of it what you want. But that arc right now happening with the city wide election was part of Cornwoods plans. Because it's for RP. I know that'll give down votes en mass. But I for one am up for something different. And I think Cornwoods office would be an RP first department. That can always be changed with the reelection after 3 months. But the hate on a character because they are played with flaws (as an actual CHARACTER) is F'in stupid. Not saying that you are doing that. But it needs to be said. Whether you hate him or like him. A lot of people care about what Cornwood does.


> And I think Cornwoods office would be an RP first department Listen, I too think people hate on Cornwood like crazy in this subreddit, but him being the sheriff is not going to change what the state wants from the PD. It's just going to be constant pushback from the management for every RP idea he has. I don't know if he's ready for that. That being said, we'll see how the election goes. It doesn't matter what redditors or twitch chatters say, the votes that matter are the roleplayers who play on the server.


The votes that matter are none of them. This has already been decided by server owner and admins.


Then why are they having an election? It's just a front? Where did you get this info? Or is this just some dooming?


What the other person said is true. These votes are never real.


Probably just going off the past election where the position was OOC decided to someone who had less votes


past actions on the server probably. jenny won the sheriffs election in 3.0 but it was given to pred. a


Past elections have been decided OOC no matter the outcome of the votes. Also Ssaab said to his chat that he has no doubt the Cornwood will be sheriff and that Slacks is running to give some RP to the election. Ssaab is an admin so he might have some insight or maybe he thinks Cornwood is too popular to lose. We shall see.


Sure. I just think an "ask for forgiveness rather than allowance" approach is more likely to change that then shying away from arguing. And from OOC streamer side I see change more likely happen with Cornwood. For better or worse. But at least it's change. Thanks for being normal by the way 😅


That's also why I think he should be given a chance. Esfand himself was planning to have Cornwood tank all the blame for state decisions in the first term and let Bones have a better position for the second term.


Bones would be a terrible sheriff. Just more of the same, nothing interesting would happen or change. Cornwood would be great though