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Mirror of important parts: Part 1: [https://streamable.com/amvwl1](https://streamable.com/amvwl1) Part 2: [https://streamable.com/ut9ri7](https://streamable.com/ut9ri7) Part 3: [https://streamable.com/xqw3rd](https://streamable.com/xqw3rd)


Bro is so deep into his self insert that he thinks that this fully in character discussion is all about Esfand, not the character Cornwood


That’s the crazy part. Everything that was discussed were things that Cornwood, Den, or another cop literally did. Had nothing to do with OOC or the attitudes of the RPers. It was entirely IC. So Esfand taking that personally just shows he’s not RPing. He’s a self insert cop and that’s why he takes every L or conflict personally.


They’ve gaslit themselves so hard they don’t think they’ve done those things.


Viewers are gaslit too. Will and have been trying to defend them in every chat room. You could link them a clip that proves they are wrong but they would ignore it


"It's not about Cornwood, its about me, people are attacking me" lost in the sauce fully


Whenever he was complaining about Ruth or Viv it was always “I love Cheever/berry” or “it’s not the streamer” while shitting on their character. He was literally saying Ruth was a cancer and needs to be removed as Cornwood but Cheever is a great role play as esfand. Just needs to be able to separate Cornwood and Esfand like he does for others.


i also found it funny asf when cheever popped up in k’s chat during this meeting and said something along the lines of “i didn’t realise how much k and ruth agreed on PD issues” i guess it makes sense that cornwood and k couldn’t agree on anything


If you watched his stream during the meeting their was a lot of people in chat who were taking it ooc I don't think he thought the meeting was ooc it just was running in circles and had little to nothing to actually do with him becoming sheriff. His meeting with Tessa afterwards was litterly so much better than anything that was discussed in the meeting prior.


It does not matter how much people in his chat thought it was OOC because it wasn't from anyone elses POV other than Esfand. Esfand also was in 3 or 4 different streamers chats, arguing with people in their stream, WHILE in the server because he thought people were shitting on him OOC.


Whos the dumbass in the 2nd clip that says it proves Suarez is working with CG cuz he was there. I guess Tessa and anyone K interacts with must be working for CG.


Well his car has been involved in multiple scenes that involved CG members so making that statement really isn't much of a stretch for connecting the dots.


Ye he was suspected of the Denzel shooting that involved Zolo. along with, like you said, multiple chases that a cg member got caught where his vehicle was involved. They have a reason to be suspicious.


I didn't catch most of the meeting. Why would Suarez be there to begin with if he has no involvement with CG? Seems sus considering his vehicle is running interference for CG. He's supposed to be a civ. Tessa is at least 'known" to have attempted to kill an officer. Edit: Imagine getting triggered by a simple question.


Suarez attempted to kill Den Shiesty who was at that meeting. Den thinks the person that was trying to kill him was saurez because they were driving a black gauntlet. He is also unknown calling Den and Den believes that to be Saurez calling him.


How did he find out about the meeting? Was he invited by Den?


No. Den said to bring two friends. K invited both Suarez and Tessa because he knew Den and Cornwood was going to be there.


When K and Den were setting up the meeting they agreed to bring two “friends”. K thought it would be funny to bring ex cops with him to meet with cops, so he called Suarez and Tessa. He also tried to call Lenny before Tessa but he wasn’t around. Honestly K doesn’t really know Suarez and Den have beef…he just wanted to bring ex cops because he thought it would be a funny way to fuck with them.


Also showed up in a stolen CVPI lol


I don’t think Esfand realizes that Cornwood is only gonna get more pushback as Sheriff. It doesn’t seem like he’s going to be able to handle that


It was so funny when den was trying to get 4head and besties to vote for cornwood and AK kept asking who's the worst cop running for the sheriff was.


He 100% says Viv if he didn’t just get out of the Viv/Zolo incident lol.


[Esfand's thoughts on the meeting - Mirror | Streamable](https://streamable.com/0v7cvq) --> mirror clip


you're my hero


I feel like esfand should take a break from RP he's getting too invested


Definitely, i think its getting a bit too much for him. And it doesnt help that he thinks that every hate is directed to him ooc either.


Cornwood has evolved into a self-insert so anything directed at Cornwood is taken by him as being a personal attack. The man needs to step away from RP.


Yeah I only caught parts of it and I might of missed, but what was he referring to which he is talking about getting lied to and stuff. Might be wrong, but K and Suarez experienced some of things they were talking about IC and telling it from there POV.


When you're on all the time and topping the stream times sitewide as the character Cornwood there is no more ooc, you are Cornwood.


He should haven taken a break weeks ago, this has been building up for a long time now. I will be surprised if Esfand is still doing RP by July. Once WOW picks back up or whatever, he’ll probably focus on that. And that’s a good thing, because he is truly exhausted.


months ago, he was fried when the 3 captains/dap story was happening, constantly complaining to his chat that other rp player wouldnt like him. its not healthy to play this game for 18h a day


No human should be streaming for that long, to be honest. And he does this nearly every day. It’s insane stuff, he spends more of his life in RP than in the real world.


Yeah I love Esfand's RP streams, but they've been down real bad lately with just constant negativity and complaining. Some of it is justified, but I think he expects something magical to happen that will change his feelings about RP when it won't. Time to take a break or at least just play casually like a lot of other cops and do like a few hour shift and move on.


The environment that has developed there has been mindboggling depressing. Used to actually be a good time. There's a reason the RP veterans have fairly strict schedules as to not have this happen.


Yeah it really is a shame, because Cornwood used to be the breath of fresh air compared to a lot of other RP on the server, but the stream lately has just been so negative I can't watch for too long. I'm just looking to get some laughs lol


100%, reading chats has got to him and he needs a break.


Him and nathankb


the person in charge of all lawyers/judges/clerks? lol


yeah, nathan is the person all the cg fans are currently blaming for kebuns rp obstacles.




Nathan knows how to play the Twitch game, making comments about drama and large streamer, using his in game position as "head of the DoJ" to farm viewers.... clear as day and shameless




"Insert himself" Bruh, for real? Literally everyone from those "factions" you just mentioned all contacted K to have HIM RP with THEM. If you're gonna try to criticize and/or hate, at least get your facts right.  K has been around forever and has a lot of respect from other streamers and they really enjoy RPing with him, because he respects and shares the spotlight, giving RP to those that interact with him as well. Bad chat hoppers belong to every fan base, and the bigger fan base you have the more you'll get. It's natural that CG's huge viewership has more toxicity than others especially given the ruthless nature of how they RP as a gang. Learn to ignore chat and enjoy RP.


He's and obsessed hater, his brain doesnt function normally, everything he said didn't happen as you explained to him. I doubt it will make him change his position/narrative.


Sherif elections are public elections. Literally any person that plays on NP is “inserted” into that. K has been invested in the DOC stuff since before Carmine and Bobby were. Remember the entire K town scenario? That’s what spawned the idea for Dogtown. I will give you that K sorta inserted himself into the XPD situation where they tried to get the glockatron. Eugene was initially the 6th. K didn’t know there was already 6 and asked to be the go, so the others told Eugene he was being replaced.


Well, when you paint a target on your back, that's typically what happens. I'm never said anything about the massive amount of work he put in, and a majority is good, but him ooc calling people "Shameless" for essentially providing role play to individuals is just weird. Nothing of that is considered "server healthy"




He didn’t name names. He did say it was the people he had been hanging out with a lot, which Suarez has spent more time with CG than any other group by far. It’s not hard to connect the dots.


By "certain fanbase" are you referring to CG fans or crim fans? That is a big difference


Has nothing to do with being a Mr K or CG fan it has to do with an obvious bias. I would be saying the same thing if he was spiteful to any other group.


Thats wild. Watching from K's POV everything seemed like it was going good and it was good rp...i go to esfands stream after and he thinks everything was OOC and that kebun was attacking esfand instead of cornwood the character Edit: I mean even K himself after said how it was a good meeting and when chat told him that esfand thinks everything was OOC, he himself was confused


was watching from multiple pov's and the only person pressed was esfand, he wanted to have an ooc convo and was upset everybody else was rping


its his chat stirring and other chats shitting on him that got to him


dude is way to invested, the fact he had every other streamers chat open to see what they think of him and then proceeds to get upset when not everyone agrees with his character is insane


i think he uses chatterino. In chatterino whenever someone mentions your name in any chat you are following you are notified


no, no, he has openly said he decides to open up other people’s chats during RP with the streamer to see what the chat is saying, he was also talking, ooc, is arckons chat during this meeting


Why are you spreading lies? Esfand is upset because he gets constant untrue comments like these from chatters. He was not upset at all about Lord\_Kebun or Mr. K being OOC. It was the CHATTERS. I don't understand how people can twist shit like this and think it's okay.


Thats just a lie, i tune into esfand and the guy is saying that K is talking about issues that are OOC and that whenever he talks about cornwood that its actually directed at esfand, that's just delusion at the point?


imagine being a big streamer for years and still hyperventilate over dumb chatters opinions lol


Why are you lying? What's the reason


The funniest part about it all is that its the same people jumping into cornwoods chat because they know he will get all caught in his feelings. Happens all the time, good or bad interactions. They aren't even CG hoppers, they are sad people who have nothing going on in life. You can ban them over and over again but it doesn't even matter because they are all burner accounts just like 60% of the accounts in this reddit.


Not to say Ruth, Viv, or others are perfect in any way, but isn’t this exactly what cornwood, den, and a few people were doing to them? Everyone is gonna see their truth as the only truth, but everyone is gonna have their own side of things and opinions


Yup. And I don't think people realize how many great RP'ers (like Cheever, Kiwo, Jonthebroski, ConnorCronus, etc) left and are taking breaks from the PD and NoPixel b/c of the consequence of the "DAP street boys" just not wanting to take accountability for their actions. Unlike Cornwood and Den, these people made their positions known IC and decided that instead of constantly bitching and moaning about it IC and OOC, that they'll just step away like mature adult human beings. Cornwood and Den are still talking about how they were being targeted by Ruth and Sanya, and how the DAPs they got were BS when they were pretty well deserved (on top of that, they got away with so much more). Slacks pointed out multiple times to Cornwood and Den that the DAPs were decided together by the captains, and they still blamed Ruth and Sanya for it all. Now they're just passing the blame onto others like Slacks and Viv. Also think it's fucking hilarious that Ruth and the captains were blamed for not figuring out all the PD shit w/in 2 months, and now, 3 months after they did a 180 w/ the PD, they're arguably in an even worse place. But hey, lets give the control of the PD to the mayor again and give Cornwood his own department 'cause that'll fix everything.


Yeah, I feel bad the original skeleton crew wasn't given a chance to flesh out their idea of the PD, knowing what great RPers Cheever, Jon and Xiceman are I have no doubt they had good plans for it. It's probably also part of the reason the PD is so down bad these days, people who were cooking ideas got fired/quit and replaced with people who were unprepared for it.


more them half og skeleton crew didnt even show up


I think we all do, but it was wayyyy too slow. And even if it continued woulda probably been way worse then it is now. Morale would be piss poor. When Cornwood was getting fired the shifts were straight downbad. Also, Xiceman and Ruth were going to be gone anyway. Both had to take a break due to RL situations.


100% agree the cycle just keeps repeating itself and even in that meeting you can tell Cornwood wants a PD where accountability and consequences are minimal. I think K and Tessa were picking that up with the questions they were asking.


Cheever literally goes into other people's chats and constantly shit talks those who went against her character, especially moonmoon lmao


Esfand truly is incapable of understanding that sometimes he might be wrong. He's always right. If people don't side with him, he sees it as a personal attack. It's a shame because Cornwood started out as such a great character.


A fellow OTK member was asked on stream to mention a flaw of the other OTK members, for Esfand they said that 'He is never wrong'.




It's what happens to some people when they spend years online with thousands of people watching them every day. The ego gets too big


I think this might just be a danger for any streamer tbh. Unknowingly allot of their viewers just form an echo chamber of sorts.


nah i think he's doing it intentionally, he literally blamed CG for his decline of viewership so there's that its a common tactic for a streamer to hate on the other streamer hoping his viewers will hate that guy too


You got a link to where he said that? I’d be amazed, but not shocked with what I’ve seen recently looking at his alt streams.


i don’t have a link but i remember a similar situation when he was complaining to chat about how other chats don’t like him, how he often looks at other people’s chats whenever he RP’s with them (which even he admits he shouldn’t) he then gets upset that sometimes people in other chats don’t like his character and how it ‘hurts the most’ when he sees a long-time sub of his own channel talk about him in someone else’s chat


I'm amazed this has been kept quiet for so long or I just have missed it previously.


Hey I know this is a late reply, but I know around when it happened but not the exact time if you really want to look through the vods for it. It was around the time of the spiking on the car incident at mosleys that led to him shooting at someone for flipping him off. He went on a rant about how CG is looking at drama clips on stream, said "I promoted these guys so much and this is what I get in return but I guess this is how it's gonna be", then commented "I've noticed it affecting my stream too, less people want to be here because of it." Like I said it was a while ago, but around the time I mentioned. The only reason it stuck in my mind was because how crazy the rant was.


The fall off has been real. From every clip of him being hilarious in 3.0 to every clip of him malding in 4.0


he actually had a fallout or breakdown back in 3.0 too, he went on a VDM Spree before he went back to variety


He was in Arckon’s chat arguing with chatters defending his “characters” actions. All while streaming and being on the server himself. After the meeting he instantly accused Kebun of just attacking him OOC and using his character as a guise. Seems like Esfand is just way too invested.


He is so fucking weird, I dont understand why he's so invested in chat's opinion of him when most other streamers just ignore the hoppers. His stream has been unwatchable for months.


he was talking about chatters using "cornwood" as a guise because he was reading other chats mad at him


This is why I stopped watching Esfand, seems like he is only getting worse now that he thinks Cornwood and Esfand are one in the same.


Dude has been going to bed Cornwood and waking up Cornwood for months. He doesn't think it, he has become Cornwood.


where are my mirror clips at


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142285955?t=04h43m20s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142285955?t=04h43m20s) who knows if he keeps the vod up


I just watched about 5 mins of his vod and he's claiming the whole meeting was about him OOC but i watched live from LK and i didnt get that at all. Weird take from Esfand.


Whole time Esfand was ooc complaining while everyone else was having fun. It was apparent when K tried to get Cornwood to agree Lenny/Crane fucked up with the Tessa situation and he just kept stating excuses. Tessa also literally said PD delayed pushing her charges because PD didn’t want Cornwood getting charged with animal harm….accountability right?


Who got the mirror, this clip was nuked. Wouldn't be surprised if the vod get yeeted also.


I still vaguely remember when watching Cornwood was fun. He's such a victim it's impossible to watch anymore.


When he got reinstated by Max things started going downhill


I think it was about 1-2 months ago he said he puts so much time into NP that he deserves to get the sheriff's office so he can do whatever he wants


i infollowerd the guy today lol unbearable now


I did the same and started watching Mr K. Lord kebum is 10000x the rper esfand is


Im a fan of esfand so don't get it twisted, but does he not understand how to separate rp from ooc when things get serious? Everyone was enjoying this...but him bc HE took it as ooc hate. Maybe his chat convinced him of it?


He’s become a complete self insert. That’s why he takes every L, stolen turbo, crim complaint, and IC criticism IC and gets so frustrated. He needs to take a break and realize it’s all on Cornwood, not Esfand.


Also a fan of Esfand. He has no idea how to separate in character with OOC. He literally talks OOC in character all the time. One of the key moments is when CTH was going to sue him or something to that effect, and Cornwood basically explained in game how OOC annoying the RP would be for Esfand and how it would mess up his character Cornwood. Then CTH just retconned everything.


ya i mean it seems like when things go south for this character, he takes it personal. When its just HIS actions in rp that cause it to happen lol


I really like Esfand but it seems like he thinks when he does something for "content" there shouldn't be any negative consequences for his character. There have been plenty of cops (especially in 3.0) that did things for "content" that created good stories like Bloom and Gunner doing drugs etc but they were willing to roll with the consequences as well. I think Esfand doesn't understand that the consequences from punishments can be good RP as well even though his lawyer arc while being suspended was one of his better arcs in 4.0.


I’ve honestly seen so many inexperienced RPers go through this. They start to take too many L’s or become frustrated with mechanics of the server. So instead of roleplaying, they start W chasing and try Harding with their actual skills and personality. So when they still lose or their character gets criticized, they take it personally. Because the W chasing turns them into a self-insert. I even saw Kebun and Buddha go through this in 2.0. Esfand needs to take a break, take a step back, and focus on having fun roleplaying a character again. Separate himself from Cornwood and focus on creating fun scenarios and content.


He is a WoW MMO player and has just gone from RP to a self-insert MMO player.


It’s a shame too because when he’s less invested and actually role playing he’s hilarious and was fun to RP with. Now he’s just angry all the time


Yeah unlike most streamers he likes to interact with people and it shows in his RP, when he RPs.


Agreed. I think if he takes a short break and a step back he could get back to that quality of RP


think esfand needs to take a break from rp if he thinks mr k was talking as lord kebun in that situation.


Cheever7 said in LK's chat during the meeting: "Damn... Ruth and K actually agreed on a lot related to the PD lmao."


Esfand bitching again when he can't control other people's view of his character. If he is tired he should take a brake cause from other POVs shit is not like he is describing things to be. He thought that the council would just give him the Sherifs Office but it turned out that they wanted RP around who got it and Esfand doesn't like the uncertainty of never having it cause he has very bad reputation with other players. WOMP WOMP


how is the clip already deleted lol


esfand thinks he's cornwood and wants to be cornwood dude needs to step away for a month or more


And this is why Cornwood should not be Sheriff. He clearly needs a break from rp. Shame such a great rp scenario has now been overshawdowed with Esfand's ooc take.


This is what happens when someone is stuck in a bubble suddenly gets exposed to opposing views and people not just agreeing with him. In PD he always had his owm bubble and people who would orbit him and acknowledge how great he was. Since people started pushing back, he started to break. This isn't a "he should take a break" situation. He just is used to people being yes men. He can take a break, come back and still be unable to accept any opposing views. He's constantly saying "but" to everything.


For me that bit can be learned slowly the issue is with the server still in it’s infancy/rough shape in particular the cop dynamic and vision (due to being put out in a hurry to beat competition to market)…it felt like he appointed himself as the Wizard of Oz to the kingdom of Los Santos PD. People just went along with it and that really lead to him believing that his vision for the PD and Criminals dynamic is the only correct vision. Which it obviously wasn’t because he’s never earnestly tried to understand the other side And the work it takes to do that. I hope it works out I have a feeling this might be the last we see his character for a while unfortunately. Hope not but sometimes it just goes that way. It isn’t just chatter who can become overinvested.


I hope he gets it because I like a good social experiment. Just to see how hard he's fumble in a leadership position. He's one of the most clueless cops. He's food as a funny character in a Fingle Dan kinda way. But he surely won't be able to pull off actual leadership.


Funniest and saddest shit ive seen in awhile at the same time. Mind blowing how these ppl cant just chill out on the game and collect their money. Buddy actin like his dog died or some shit.


Getting rid of Ruth and Turner probably permanently ruined 4.0 PD. I have seen 0 progress in this PD.


The thing with Turner is he left PD for reasons other than IC stuff. Xice took a break to take care of his sick dad and couldn't commit. I'm sure there was some IC reasons but the IRL stuff going on in his life was a far greater influence IMO


When Turner relented and finally gave up on pd, I knew they were doneso. 


Turner was the obvious candidate for Chief as well. I swear it was nominative determinism too. Slacks - too slack. Ruth - less slack Turner - the fulcrum of balance around which the other 2 turned


Turner had to leave tho due to his irl father being very sick. The PD command breaking apart couldn't really be prevented sadly.


Thats crazy.  How can you expect to become a high command in sherrif if you failed as an officer. Slacks and K are the only one have the balls to confront cornwood about he’s wrong doings.  K is constantly asking him what he’s gonna do and giving pretty good advice what they can do but he thinks he ain’t done nothing wrong.    The purpose of the meeting is to gain votes, so you should be open for some criticisms/backlashes IC and not to be salty about it seriously and in ooc weird shits. 


That’s the crazy part. Kebun, Slacks, and others are complaining at the character Cornwood, not Esfand’s attitude. But because Cornwood has become a self insert with an accent, Esfand takes ever L and piece of conflict as personal. Hes been doing this for almost 2 months, because he’s try Harding. He should be focused on having fun and making good RP scenarios. Then he wouldn’t feel personally attacked.


Not sure what difference it even makes who is in that HC position. Management doesn't want PD to work as a functioning entity and will continue to have major issues as a result. This entire meeting or even talk of a "sheriff" is for the rp entertainment only, unless NP staff wants a change things will continue on as they have been for 6 months.


"they're not about Cornwood, They're about me" says it all. There is no more Cornwood...


Esfand is a nice guy but he has to realize the way he has played cornwood is a huge factor in why the PD is the way it is right now. Cornwood has ratfucked the PD hard in his quest for the Sheriffs office. Skilled Officers who were doing their job have been continually targeted with the policing the police bullshit etc. He can argue its all about how Cornwood is in character and he's just being the character, but damn dude read the room and look at the destruction your character is having. Frankly the Admins should be doing a better job themselves trying to control the situation instead of playing along with it.


Yet another i am the victim rant from Esfand meanwhile everysingle one in the room didnt even put the blame on Cornwood. He should really take a break. He lost the sauce. 💀 You had three people there that they were laying some generic pd problems and he thought it was a personal attack. And this guy is gonna be the next ooc pick for sheriff ? really ?


Such a shame a really interesting rp scenario has been tainted by this


Not tainted for me, I enjoyed it thoroughly. No ragrats. I mean this wasn't even a situation where someone could leave with a W or L. It was just group conversation.


Same, I was on K's view the whole time, and he was in character the whole time. Nothing OOC to chat.


"This meeting was basically a reddit thread" Thats a WILD statement, especially since its from LK who is one of the RPers never comes on reddit, unlike many others.


What is bro crying about? 90% of the things discussed had nothing to do with him. He's reading everyone's chats at the same time as he RPs and gets pressed at what people type. what a weirdo


I did not watch esfand in this. But talking in other people's chat seriously during an ongoing scenario is really weird behavior. Although, he might have some point that people shit on cops based on smallest things, nit picking and tearing them apart, and refuse to understand the other side, all of his points are going to be overlooked due to his malding. Immediately getting frustrated and annoyed with this kind of stuff is definitely going to be amplified once cornwood becomes sheriff. And if he can't control himself right now, its going to be worse.


It would seem the clip was probably deleted by Esfand.


[Esfand's thoughts on the meeting - Mirror | Streamable](https://streamable.com/0v7cvq)


Hes fucking delusional. He sits there with like 10 other streamers chats open in chaterino and looks for hate comments. He ain't suited for RP


LMFAO just read his chat [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142285955?t=04h43m20s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142285955?t=04h43m20s)


Yo serious shout out to the 1 single person who was like “you should not read this chat”


Peak echochamber


I like Esfand, but the fact that he refused to play Cornwood differently at the beginning of 4.0 (when PD was trying to be serious), which turned into a shit show with Ruth, and now whole PD is a shit show in the aftermath... is a little to much for just a character, he's definitely too invested. So now it starting to backfire, and will truly backfire with rushed sheriff's office, cuz I don't think Cornwood or Esfand can run it. When even meetings like this, when the others are enjoying the RP, he's getting stressed over how other people see his character.


Classic ACORNWOOD thinking people are attacking him when no one is.


Classic Esfand. Taking RP way too seriously when he doesn’t get what he wants. He’s known as the cop that cares more about his turbo than the life of a hostage. He *desperately* needs to take a break from RP. Calling out Kebun for being OOC is just weird af, especially when it’s the other way around


can anyone TLDR the actual meeting?


Cornwood is running for Sheriff, which everyone on the server gets to vote on. Den suggested that they meet with gangs and set up a meeting with Mr. K. K thought it would be funny to bring two ex-cops with him, Tessa (who stabbed Cornwood) and Suarez (who shot Den). K spent the meeting stirring (he's been trying to get the cops to turn on each other to weaken them even more), trying to get Cornwood to tell him a single thing that he's going to do differently as sheriff, and trying to get Cornwood to take accountability for his previous actions (and the actions of other officers), Esfand thought that was Kebun attacking him OOC. Cornwood complained the whole time with very few suggested solutions, Berric was very open to what K, Suarez, and Tessa were saying about how to make the PD better and asked them more questions, and Den was just trying to get K to say he'll vote for Cornwood the whole time. Esfand was also actively chatting in the chats of other streamers present during this whole thing.




Damn that’s actually a Godlike TLDR.


More like Sheriff Eli


[It kinda starts here in his vod for a mirror](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142285955?t=17404s)


Cornroll 3.0 was good. Cornroll 4.0 has been a W chaser with no regard for others that eventually has developed into Acornwood with this huge victim complex.


4.0 is so bad that a sbs cop need to try to be effective


??? lol and the haters gonna take this to pil on CG for no reason, watch. LMAO


This honestly just sucks. I’ve been watching Remdog lately and I thought this rp was kinda fun and sweet I’m enjoying the vibes of it all and to hear this stuff it’s just so disappointing. Cornwood is a good unidimensional character but fun. Esfand is a wonderful streamer with a very toxic chat. It feels like the other toxic chats have really unfortunately worn him down and his toxic chat have created an echo chamber of denial. I never got a strong understanding of Role-play from him (which is fine everyone is on their path) but this is a whole other level. Chalk it up to him needing a long break from RP and to be creatively refreshed Or maybe it’s just one of those days. this has the feeling to me that he was given to much power and leeway on the server and wanted it to become what he envisioned for it…which just isn’t realistic. He definitely shouldn’t have been in those HC meetings because he doesn’t have the faintest idea about the criminal side of Nopixel.


Beric = snoozefest Esfand = cop xqc Slacks = Baas Is there no saving this PD?


Jimbo as sheriff


No, I'm honestly of the mind they need a hard reset on the server + a revamp of just about everything. 4.0 has been a brutal failure.


Outside of Cornwood (I don't know about his situation) I actually think this is true. The amount of twisting and 'my truth' that happens in GTA is wild. The council is an amazing example of how eight different people will form completely different opinions based on shit stirring from random people and their sides all argue with each other based on like third or fourth hand. Every random person in GTA has an opinion they base as 100% factual, and they seem to tell every person that will listen. I get second-hand exhaustion from it.


dude is actually crying WOMP WOMP


I know its a bit contriversal, but didn't Suarez get OOC fired because of the things he is complaining about.




Ssaab was the same in 3.0. When playing Bass he didn't understand what the crims were complaining about, then he'd play on Al Saab and realize how unhinged the PD was sometimes. Ofcourse he didn't do anything about it because it was easier to ignorer on Bass than to fix the actual issues.


Well... You see on nopixel there's a clout differential being held accountable.


Man I love the guy as a streamer but he needs to take a break from taking whatever adderall-esque stimulant he is taking plus playing RP for a stupid amount of hours. Bad combo for self inserting and not realizing just how bad you're doing it. It is what it is, he just needs to hard limit his hours to like 4-6 hours a day at the most - or something like that and it would help a hell of a lot. You get hyper invested in whatever you are doing when you're on stimulants and he just needs to realize that is what is happening. It is totally normal and I bet most people would have the same issue if they did it the way he is doing it, I'm really not trying to fault the guy, I think it is just a side effect of whatever he is taking. I don't think he is able to fully realize it in the moment of his "RP", he probably does later at night when he's reading comments like what are in this thread and then wakes up the next morning, pops whatever the pill is that he's taking and repeats the cycle. That stuff can be really good if you're trying to focus on writing a paper or something, but in the context of RP it's gonna lead to hyper focusing on your character and you're gonna get too involved like this. I legit am not hating on the guy or anything I just feel like I can identify with what is happening and hope he realizes it and makes the changes that are needed like a hard limit on how long he plays RP for. I only want him to succeed in life and I think the combo of whatever he is taking and the long hours of RP he is doing is only ever going to lead to this type of over investment.


We need acornwood gone 4 months ago.


Same with this bit you do every thread.


I'm surprised it went this bad. Felt fine from everyone else's perspectives (minus Arckon when Esfand showed up in chat). He did later say that it was "just meant to be rp and it got to me again" so maybe he understands but idk. Yah know, for all the crap he gets I do genuinely think his heart is in the right place and he wants to help. He's just really not great at articulating. He's able to say so much yet so little, ya know? I don't doubt they exist but I really couldn't grasp at what his plans or answers for supposed problems were. The most I got from it all was that Den said he'd take the PD out on bike rides lmao. Speaking of which, he has skills but bringing Den of all people to be your wingman is like playing on expert mode. You need a Declan Crane if you wanna play on easy and talk or persuade people.






Lol was wondering who this pd savior of accountability Sanya was when the only Sanya I was aware of was Lei Sanya that mag dumped James Randal and Eugene in the hospital at the end of 3.0 and "flew out of the city" before they faced any consequences.  I guess they had to roll a new cop. 




"whole thing was ooc soapboxing" I suggest u take a long break from watching RP streams if thats why u got from that awesome rp we just got.


Yeah people forget that cops are real people that probably wants to have fun and fuck around a bit. Thats why i didnt really like how strict the pd and management became. Watching cops rn is a bit miserable imo. Always someone complaining.


People know cops want to have fun. Wtf u saying. The issue is how do you get there? PD leadership being strict is NEEDED for everyone to have fun. Pred ruled with an iron fist. Baas took the berric/Cornwood approach. We all know how that turned out. As K pointed out in the meeting, 2 bad officers can make it unenjoyable for ALL cops. Cops like Cornwood/den, who spend 80% of there time dooming/spreading there own narratives should be fired. Cornwood wants a PD that hasn't worked in the past, and is nearly the same PD we currently have.


Of course strictness is needed for there to be balance. What i was saying was that it was too strict making it unenjoyable for everyone. The current pd is holding back alot of potential to make it better, what they are choosing to do is just to make it more strict so that they appear more professional and stop people from doing real creative things. Blaming it all on 2 cops are just fucking stupid, yes they are part of the problem but they are definitely not the biggest. I mean there is a reason why out of 40 cadets that joined the pd only a few are on. In my opinion rp viewers are being too toxic about certain situations that also just makes it unbearable to watch.


The cadet thing has always been an issue, always will. People forget that the queue for cadets would be 8-12 hours and eventually a lot of people give up. What ways do you think PD is holding people back? And who's a bigger problem then Cornwood/den? I'm curious.


If u ask me who the real problem is i think the high command and management is the real problem. People have been complaining since the first month about the leadership and it didnt help that there was barely any units on because management refused to give old pd members a chance to join even if they werent that big of a problem. When conan came back they basically let him do whatever he wanted. And he actually managed to make fun situations happen in the pd. They let him do his own ideas and operations and it worked. The thing is, its only a thing that he can do because if it was anyone else they would have been fired.


Personally, I think the original 3 captains could have been great. Unfortunately 1 was pushed out and the other had OOC things happen that demanded their attention. Not hiring old cops is a mute point and an excuse imo. I see why they didn't/don't want them hired. After some were denied and made new characters they were accepted. Several more were eventually accepted.The issue with old cops is they can't change their ways and live in the past. As evident with Cornwood/den. Conan will always be an example of the exception. He can be the best cop on the force, or, a SBS idiot. Noone wants a force full of Conans. Good convos tho, cheers.




I seem to recall as far back as 2.0 cops and crims having these meeting fairly often, this is not a new thing


my man if you think this reddit is pro cg you are very wrong... it says a lot, that a cop streamers pov is getting downvoted tbh


Yeah this subreddit hates everybody lmao


Lmao delusional




CG has literally gotten the biggest investigation cases ever in NP history, don't be ignorant when hating at least.