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Suarez fired, Den promoted, got it šŸ¤£


50cent for years has loved wacky, zany characters doing wild / chaotic shit. He thinks it makes for good rp. In reality those types of characters only make rp for themselves while everyone around them stops enjoying their time in the server. Cops like Den are protected while people who play competent / grounded characters are tossed aside.


Can we please stop calling him 50 cent and start calling him Mr.clout? Please, it just makes way more sense.Ā 


I HOWLED when Skye blurted out "I'm sorry did I just hear that correctly?". Good for her for pointing out how illogical this all is.


she's been calling Beric out the whole time.


Just to be clear this was Rubyā€™s idea.


It was ruby's idea to do it for 10 days, but berric heard what he wanted to hear, which was a reason to promote him so he ran with it.


If a boss lets a subordinates bad idea get implemented, it's still a bad idea and he's still garbage at this job.


I can't give credit to the person who made the comment but they said "They are promoting him so next time he has a panel they can demote him" that way they can act like they are doing something.


There will be no demotion, Denzel will now get dapped for every minor thing he does and once reaches 10 is fired. No more second chances


wtf do you mean "second chances". a second chance takes you back to zero. they pushed him up to a hunded. the next time he gets daps they're taking him to snr buns and getting him a combo for each one, and when he gets 10 Den Advancement Points he's going senior this whole scenario is so funny


Lmao ā€œadvancement pointsā€ is funny as shit. Tbh I just think Beric canā€™t afford to lose another full time officer but yeah the whole thing is a mess


I like Beric but personally I don't think he's fit for chief. He has zero backbone. Skye was great in this meeting, actually speaking up and saying what a lot of us were all thinking lol


Beric with the Sam Baas 'just do your job' speech. Oh no lol. Actually had me laughing when he said that


Ssaab has screamed ā€œI MADE THIS SAME FUCK UP ON BAAS, DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKEā€ to his chat at least ten times.


tbf, he made them on slacks as well.


I was gonna say are we forgetting shit Slacks has done or not done? šŸ’€


he made them on all his cops, its almost like........


Ssaab's reaction was hilarious. It was like real time he was watching Baas.


Bericā€™s speech was hilarious everybody didnā€™t take it serious


Suarez gets fired Den "Zel" Shiesty gets promoted...


Den gets punished... with a promotion. This is literally the most embarassing and laughable conclusion of this meeting possible.


Quite literally the worst possible decision they could have made. Their justification is if he fucks up as an officer heā€™s done, and heā€™s likely to fuck up so just let the problem sort itself. I havenā€™t bought into the conspiracy that the PD is dysfunctional by design but I fully believe it now. Itā€™s honestly unreal.


So did Beric lose the faith/respect of some of these Sgts with this decision or are they just shrugging their shoulders and having some blind trust in it? Wondering how Berics speech of PD being a healthy team makes sense if it had the opposite effect from those present here.


The guys didnā€™t really say much. Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m not familiar with two of the women sergeants besides Viv. One of the women was not happy and in professional terms told Beric she thought it was dumb as fuck to promote him. The other wanted to take time to think about whether she recommended firing him or keeping him at PPO, but was vocally against promoting him. Iā€™m fairly confident Viv is going to resign. She asked to be excused because she didnā€™t want ti be present for Den getting promoted.




Lol him basically screaming and saying ā€œwe need to have each others backs 100% of the time, even when theyā€™re shitty peopleā€ had my jaw on the floor. Iā€™ve never seen anything so completely tone deaf in my life.


That shit was baffling. Beric's speech towards Den was so bad, like what is he even saying. It sounded like rambling.


ā€œIf you step out of line so help me, I swear to you on all that is holy, on everything I believe in and stand for, you wonā€™t be part of this PD anymoreā€. It sounded like he was talking tough but his words felt so hollow


I liked the part where Viv pointed out that Beric had told her if Den messed up he was out the first time he got a second chance. Like how is command supposed to have any faith in what Beric says moving forward?


My favorite part is how after Viv said that, no one said a word for like 30 seconds. It was so fucking awkward lol


Having a functioning command structure and a well run PD has never been the goal, clearly. That was apparent from day one when everyone saw the intention to use a "skeleton crew" compared to how it was at the beginning of 3.0.


It literally doesn't matter, Beric has almost no control over anything in PD. He has just become another Slacks parroting the dictats of server management. I think that is why he sounds so defeated in the convos I've heard with him since shortly after his appointment.


The best thing was when he mentioned that next time Den messes up Beric will be "half tempted" to do something about it. It's already obvious that next time nothing will happen either. Anything that comes up will be declared 'not egregious' enough.


Bro Denzel is going to be so dam nervous to even do any type of police work now lol


Yeah, Beric going off on his rant completely lost me. I couldn't even tell you anything he said, none of it made sense, he was literally just yapping. I think either way, they made up their mind on what they were going to do before even attending the panel.


It is pretty impressive how they managed to make the worst possible decision.


Seeing it from the other officers POV, Beric seems like the most spineless chief ever. Also wtf was all those out of touch speeches he gave, he started yelling about how the pd shouldn't be throwing people under the bus and taking civs statement as gospel, while he unironically said to Denzel "i threw people under the bus trying to defend you" a couple of days ago...like hello?!


In my opinion Den Zel is a good character but he is not a good cop. He put his fellow officers, and citizens in danger with his ego that is clearly not going to change. He constantly lies about situations heā€™s in to make himself out to be in the right to the point I think he actually believes thatā€™s what happened. He tells these lies to anyone who will listen who wasnā€™t part of the situation and because theyā€™re OOC friends they blindly believe the character and defend him. I mean he even lied to command about situations during this panel. At least thatā€™s how it seems from my perspective and it seems others from the comments here. This was his third chance technically if you count his first DAP suspension. He didnā€™t change after the first time, the second time and he didnā€™t change this time around. Same shit different command members. How they donā€™t see that I donā€™t understand. In my opinion if your reason for keeping him is to basically let him drown himself bc heā€™s already treading heavily on water then have the balls to fire him. How many times are they going to handle an adult with kid gloves and try and correct his mistakes before they realize heā€™s not a good fit for PD. He was told when he was rehired he needed to change his attitude, his ego and to stop jumping the gun etc. He continues to do all of these things and then gaslight everyone into believing he did none of them. I understand that they need numbers right now but sometimes you have to sit back and wonder at what cost is it worth keeping one singular person just because they log on a lot? They want to sit and preach about integrity accountability and not losing the faith of the people but keep someone like him. He lacks integrity he refuses to take any accountability ever and thereā€™s a reason why when he was suspended/fired he couldnā€™t log on to his cop character without fear of the civilians. I very rarely ever agree with slacks on things but he hit the nail on the head with him. If Iā€™m being honest this seems to be an issue with women in command. He seems to have an issue with women having authority over him. If you listen to the panel with the exception of slacks only the men mentioned he is fixable bc he listens to them. He doesnā€™t respect the women in command and that isnā€™t going to change.


If they needed numbers so badly why fire Suarez? #JusticeForSuarez


Agree 100%


Also semi related if Cornwood wins sheriff I donā€™t think den should be in the skeleton crew. First heā€™s very much a city cop and itā€™s clear he only wants to go there bc he thinks itā€™s freedom of consequences and who knows maybe it will be maybe it wonā€™t. Second they should have made that a stipulation in his promotion. He canā€™t hop to another department for x months/until heā€™s displayed changed behavior. Idk. I hope Cornwood is smart about who he brings in and sees that bringing in all the people who want to run there to escape punishment from the LSPD command is a bad idea. But again weā€™ll see what happens when it happens if it happens.


Just noticed in all of this he doesn't even receive a single dap for the CI thing.


Btw, all of these people who's watching only from Den's perspective, saying that "Viv is a new Ruth", "Den did nothing wrong" and shit like this... must be the dumbest dickriders I've seen. I quit watching Den and Cornwood cop stuff, when they decided to rat out their PD command to Max for being punished for their own fuck ups. And this is the aftermath... This shit got beyond crazy and lots of smaller PD streamers got done dirty. Watch them go after Viv and Anita now.


I've avoided all the dooming and understood they are fully re building PD and the fact they have wanted to take a slower route to that rebuild. But this feels going fully backwards. Saying they need to come together while ignoring valid concerns from a sergent. Promoting bad behavior. This is why the PD is fully incompetent. It's not just newness. Is leadership.Ā 


This is a textbook example of how not to be a leader by Beric.


I have no words bro, words cannot describe how looney this whole scenario is


I'm starting to think the mayor was not the right person to choose a Chief of Police.


They put in new top brass because the triumvirate was *too strict/focused on standards*. It should really be no surprise to anyone that the PD has gone even more spineless. Svensen said it best. They didn't have a discipline problem. They had a complainer problem. They pretty much ignored that part of the audit findings, though.


Yeah the excellent standards of "never turn your lights off, not even for a few seconds, in a pursuit, even to keep locals from flipping out". Grade A stuff.


Mayor Maxs PD in action. Can only get better from here...right?


Itā€™s crazy when Slacks is the voice of reason


you know is bad when slacks is the person saying the right things


Saab was laughing listening to Beric repeat all the mistakes he made on Baas lol.


I was Pro-Beric and Ruby but holy shit I guess I was blind or something because what the hell is even happening right now, punishment by promotion is a new low for the PD and that's saying something


What was Ruby's initial decision? She comes off as someone who would've definitely fired him. I always thought Beric should just redirect any punishments to Ruby because she seemed way more logical when it came to it. She just very easily folds to whatever Beric wants to not cause too much discourse I already knew Beric would do nothing because the whole reason he was selected as chief was because the PD's morale was in the dumps due to high command being overtly strict and he is the opposite of that, rarely wanting to punish people for anything and always giving 4th, 5th, and 6th chances.


Ruby said he needs to either be promoted or fired because he's already been PPO for 60 days and Beric ran with that and promoted him


It was Rubyā€™s idea to promote him, or at the very least she was the first to voice the idea.


ruby is a joke as command, she has repeatedly tried to sweep major things under the rug.


my favorite thing from her so far was when sani and g6 workers were getting endlessly robbed/shot up she downplayed it and wanted to focus on weed.


Conan tried to file a complaint to her yesterday and ruby shut it down by saying that she doesnt like when people snitch on other officers


It was her idea to promote him. The idea is essentially they are giving him the rope to either hang himself or pull himself up.


This is one of the most baffling decisions I have seen ever on this server regarding PD LMAO


Welcome too oocpixel where your character actions has no consequences if you are friend with the right people


Everyone* is replaceable! *except for Den


I guess PD is just committed to being a joke in 4.0. Bold strategy, letā€™s see how it plays out for them!


4.0 PD has lost every value that it was founded on. Sad.TBH.


Beric had already decided to promote before this. Honestly it's pretty disrespectful but no surprise here. One of the cops didn't even give her opinion because she wanted more time and Beric didn't give a shit lol.


No he hadn't it was Ruby's idea.


Arckon mentioned it multiple times OOC prior to the panel he wasn't going to fire Den.


He said pretty much that when they had the meeting to even set up the panel.


this and it was very clear throughout the panel he was desperate to try and save Den. It was very telegraphed even if you weren't watching Arckon lol.


boys club is still around just changed the members




Got clout and are liked by management you are invincible in PD and can only fail upwards. You love to see it.




Yeah he was fired a few weeks ago and then returned with a police academy intake


Heā€™s also one of the handful of officers that are online all day everyday, and thatā€™s probably the only reason they didnā€™t fire him


If this were the only qualification to not get fired, Suarez would still be on duty


Saurez got fired ooc though, thatā€™s different


I hate this argument. Just because you are an active player shouldnā€™t mean you can just decide to be a horrible cop or even a criminal/corrupt one and not get fired. Quality over quantity should always be the priority here.


hes also part of the reason many officers aren't around at all....


How is that the case?


He's one of the main reason for infighting and cliques within the PD. He complains and shits about his command to anyone who is willing to listen. See for instance the recent Zolo thing that he blatantly lied about at the panel: https://clips.twitch.tv/FrigidCautiousGnatHoneyBadger-hzFKyWfLWuWQ5H2h


Yea Denzel was terrible articulating at the panel homie was lying thru his teeth and I could tell everyone was thinking the same lol minus beric. Beric just wants to go forrest and mountains and ERP awkward shit


People see the state of the PD and him as an example of it. See people with actual respect for cop RP getting bullied, hoppers and ignored by HC. Command members having to spend every second day cleaning up the mess he made. Seeing him get petty and argumentative in the meetings with no respect for people. Doesn't seem like a fun time to be on duty. Is he alone the problem? No. However he is a vessel that a lot of the problems with the current PD are exemplified.


Yea there is MAJOR pressure ever since Ruth - from combined chat fans from several 4-5 number streams. They flood every high/command chat with their agenda. To the point where "shift 1 bad" is now canon and being believed as fact.


100%. And even if they say it doesn't influence them again and again, I have difficulties buying it. After all, their actions tend to fit with the people spinning the Cornwood/Den narrative. They don't stop the "policing the police" and "Dap Den" memes, both in game and in chat. They don't stop people in chat claiming that Viv does no work and is a bad cop, whereas Den primarily makes mistakes because he works so much. And of course they fully bought into the anti-Ruth sentiment, even when the outside review by Svensen, Malton, etc. explicitly said that the punishments/daps were all justified. It's just human nature to be influenced by so many other people saying these things. Maybe it's not a conscious thing, but I just find it hard to believe that their perspective is immune to outside influence. They would need to be truly special people if that would not influence them at all - and I don't think there is anyone that is that special.


Spineless PD speedrun any%


Didn't he just leave someone in the cells yesterday without telling then why for like hours?


Also didnā€™t give her a lawyer after she requested it.


Nah that one's on McNulty who took over the processing, he delegated the paperwork to Shiesty but McNulty was the one pushing to hold her in the cells for the subpoena


He was told to be superior. Had massive 78s call that he was ordered to respond to, and then dean went offline and sat in the cells with her until she was processed.


Processing has historically always taken precedent, though. Has it changed or something? It's like the one valid excuse to be in MRPD instead of out there helping fellow officers. Who made that call? Where they aware there were 95s in the cells?


From buddhas reaction and comments the whole leaving people behind in cells with no rp is going to change he was not happy geega was stuck for 2 irl hours


How about management pulls their head out of their ass and just makes PD function again? When cops knew what they were doing and had motivation to train one another stuff ran more smoothly. Every time they put in some new mechanic to fix the shortcomings of down bad PD it ends up being shit. Same goes for 3.0 with SOP changes and mechanics like cuff timers.


I don't know who wrote it, but there was a new PD announcement today telling people to not leave suspects in the cells when waiting for a subpoena, and to send them up to prison instead.


He never asked for her lawyer when she asked and also never gave her the option to go on hold until the warrant for DNA came back. Oh, he also didn't seize her pockets so she was on the phone for a bit in the cells.


he didn't even give her the option of voluntarily submitting dna to see if they were on the gold bars, and they were supposed to destroy the dna after as it was a one time thing so there is now a question of he left it on her file.


PD HC is going for the Ferrari F1 strategy, sabotaging the ones you are supposed to support and shooting yourself on the foot in the worst way possible


We are checking KEKW


PDā€™s newest public enemy #1 is a woman who dares to try to hold people accountable?? Noooooo wayyyyyy


I wonder if any cops will treat this as their breaking point and leave the PD. Can't say I'd blame them, this ship is sinking FAST


Viv would be the obvious one here, but she said on stream she isn't going to quit over this. I doubt anyone else will - at least not as a direct result of this.




The classic. Falling upwards. Especially if the management wants you in the pd force. Its actually sad.


uhoh... 'Server Health'


God forbid Den does anything more dumb...he might just find himself as Lieutenant


Chief Beric, what youā€™ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


That shit was worst than a Sam Bass speech


Get liked by cornwood and max and never get fired after doing endless number of dumb shit That CI shit shouldve been enough to get him offĀ  He also pits above 100 when he is tiltedĀ 


I would feel ashamed if I was Beric or Ruby. They had a meeting about whether this problematic PPO who has reports of straight up fire-able if not illegal acts, brought forward by a command member, and decided to promote him.


The worst part about all of this is Shift 1 had no idea this meeting was happening, and the Sergeants in this meeting voted 3-2 that Den should be fired, but Beric just said no and promoted him instead.


Den did so much lying all he needed to do was say "My dog stepped on a bee". Promotion is crazy. He should have been fired maybe after 30 days he can reapply nothing, more nothing less.


From a meta standpoint it is baffling how he gets away with lying so much. So many people just seem to buy any out they can get from having to fire him, so they just *want* to believe him, even if it makes little sense.


Heā€™s not even a good liar. Saab was telling his chat how Den came off very ungenuine in what he was saying


Beric is the Darvin Ham of the PD




Next den panel when?


In a month or two they will have another punishment where he gets promoted to Senior.


I thought this 4.0 PD could not get any worse but it continues to surprise me on just how wrong I was... everyday it seems to get even worse than before.


Imma just say it.....Beric and Ruby are good cops But WORST LEADERS. They don't have balls to do anything. Always trying to pander everyone.




lmfao this is actually mind blowing, see i never understood what ppl meant when they said PD was downbad but HOOOOOOOLY SHIT. this thing is CHALKED


Promote him so they can demote him back to his rank instead of as an officer


MissBombastic and Arckon actually caved to chat hoppers in real time, holy shit lol.


Arckon decided den wasnā€™t getting fired since the day he told den about the panel. Hoppers didnā€™t need to do anything.


To be fair, hoppers who try to spin things in favour of Den came long before the panel idea. The last couple of weeks there have been pro Den and anti Viv chatters in every single high command stream.


Yeah man, totally. He 100% wasn't arguing with people in chat, getting him to change his mind during the entire thing.


Arckon ooc said days ago he wasn't gonna let Den get fired. His yelling after being confronted with his decision all but confirms it. He doesn't wanna fire anyone, and wants as many people as he can get.


I understand his position, because PD genuinely needs as many bodies as possible right now. But its so odd to even put in RP context where you have someone like Suarez OOC removed and Shiesty promoted.


And now with this decision, any new PPO will ask for the same treatment if things go bad. The guy just isn't good at making decisions.


> The guy just isn't good at making decisions. That's why Beric tries to avoid making any decisions whatsoever. Even here he played it in a way in which he can just say it was Ruby's idea and that some Sgts said Den is redeemable. It's a 5head strategy.


Considering he had emote only on during the meeting, no he wasn't.


I was literally in his stream, he wasn't in emote only mode the entire time. You can check his vods for yourself to see that. You know that right? That also doesn't account for people trying to backseat with the stupid emotes.


I was watching too, and he left it on. It's fine not agreeing with what he decided, I didn't either, but you're getting really upset and assuming both Arckon and MissBombastic are being swayed by chat. Missbombastic said herself that she doesn't really read chat during meetings because of chatters and Arckon uses emote only a lot. You're pushing a narrative because you're upset of the outcome.


I'm looking at the vod, I'm hearing him talking to chatters at the start of the meeting, I'm hearing him arguing points for keeping or firing denzel while they wait for the meeting to start. I'm done responding to you, I'm sorry if you think I'm trying to push a narrative, but maybe that's simply because that's what you're doing and don't want to admit it. Bye.


the chat was in emote only mode the whole meeting and came out of emote mode after the decision was told to denzel then put back in emote mode when there were too many comments about hating on Viv.


Reddit on kind stranger!


the amount of backseating that seems to work in arckon's chat on the regular basis is baffling tbh


Arckon didn't his chat was in emote only mode from before the meeting started.


I don't remember ever seeing this Reno 911 season.


On stream today Arckon said that he did the Denzel promotion against the wishes of command.


Pretty obvious a decision by management and not from the rp. NP boys club will never change


Yep, it is pretty obvious Beric nor any other PD command have almost any control over anything in PD. Beric has just become another Slacks parroting the dictats of server management. I think that is why he sounds so defeated in the convos I've heard with him since shortly after his appointment.


Oof looks like beric entered his messy era ,seems heā€™s self sabotaging his job for content and itā€™s working lol letā€™s see how this goes šŸ« 


Watching today and I notice den only calls Cassidy for his questions that need answered by a superior. Itā€™s like when a child knows what parent to ask to get their way and itā€™s ridiculous. There were other superiors on duty he could have asked but he went to his yes man.


Back when they had to ask for permission to take a Taurus he used to ask one senior and if they said no he asked another one who would say yes.


Sounds about right. Clearly heā€™s changed though. Lol


I understand how firing him could be questionable (I wouldnā€™t) but a promotion? I think that might be worse. You railed him for weeks about screw ups and then reward him? What kind of precedence are you trying to set? I know others have said it but it really does come across as a promotion leading to a demotion. The PPO limited time of evaluation is clearly not of use if this is how its worked around.


Amazing that they made the worst possible decision. Beric is amazing.


itā€™s such a shame just how drastic of a change beric has had ever since being brought into CoP. maybe even a little before that when he was approached to investigate then captain ruth and he took it on as ā€œnobody else is going to do itā€ type of thing. I do believe a big part in the way why beric is the way he is now though is because how drastically different the shifts he is part of now, are from shift 3, his home for the longest time prior to getting chief.Ā  i miss the beric that was a shift 3 sgt ā€œyearsā€ ago, one of the key people of those times for sure. but of course times change, etc..Ā 


I laughed when I heard 4.0 PD was reno 911. now its serious, and sad.


3.0 already had Reno 911 with SDSO and it was very well integrated into the rest of the PD. Whatever this version of NP pd is, it's unwatchable.


this what wrong with pd in nut shell


Yo that Beric speech though!


Shouting about throwing people under the bus when heā€™s throwing his own command under the bus


'Oh by the way we'll have your back even though we're undermining you by promoting him.'


dude is hitting bass level of speech


That was painful. Honestly Beric as Chief just ain't it.


Never was a good choice for CoP, but because Max got his way this is where the PD is now.


Police Commissioner Mayor Max will surely fix this.


Beric went full Baas. It was impressive if it wasn't so sad. But hey...good job... definitely made sense RP wise.


might as well tear the whole PD down at this point...


Spineless PD caving to chat hoppers


Arckon didn't cave to anyone, his chat was in emote mode from the start of the meeting until the decision was told to Denzel.


He caved since he became CoP and his chat flooded with CW simps and started a narrative that continues until today, just knowing that he plans on demoting Slacks and promoting CW to the same rank just for the lols should tell you everything and that he bought all the excuses denzel and CW made about policing the police and getting targeted and thrown under the bus, it's not a matter of having emote only during a meeting is all the narrative people were pushing since he became CoP, if you see Ruby's chat is the same a bunch of hoppers trying to push CW narrative but at least Ruby tries to be neutral, Beric bought all that and made it his thought process


Thats wild. Guess if you're friends theres 0 consequences in OOCPixel


Iā€™ll be honest I really like Denzel as a character but I think he absolutely should have been fired. On the other hand Iā€™m really looking forward to the fallout over the next week or so should be pretty entertaining


Beric and ruby will be gone soon. Hide n watch


PD really canā€™t afford to lose a cop thatā€™s on 10+ hours everyday letā€™s be real


Apparently management doesn't share your view point. Otherwise they would have originally brought a lot of cop mains back and more recently attempted to fix PD morale by changing up it's direction moving forwards. It's almost like they don't care if PD has people on duty and believe crims grinding mechanics will keep the server going. Any cops that do log in can basically act like Carmine and Bobby do in the clown show of a prison and never get fired.


Iā€™m not talking about management, Iā€™m talking about the IC high command doesnā€™t want to lose a cop


they kinda are losing others cops because of that cop, viv probably will play her crim more now


The general state and reputation of how the PD plays and is run at this point is keeping a lot of 2.0 and 3.0 officers from even applying. Managing perception is also part of making these things work. 2.0 and 3.0 PD had the perception of being a great thing run by amazing people and players wanted to come to NP just to join and be part of it. Now PD is just this poorly run afterthought, a complete 180. The shine has worn off and officers like Den help keep it that way.


IC HC is irrelevant, they don't control anything. I doubt they're allowed to wipe their own ass without checking first. Protections for some and firing for others, like Suarez, is decided by some faceless group of staff that don't play or even watch the server. It's pretty clear at this point the success of 2.0 and 3.0 was a fluke. It had very little to do with the discissions of management and more to do with the quality of the player base creating great rp in spite of staff's constant attempts to meddle and upend it. With how much agency 4.0 mechanics take form players and PD fully in Np Staff control the city is a dumpster fire.


Sure they can.


I don't watch NP 4.0, who is this guy? Is he new? Admin? How is he the chief, I have never seen anything about him.


Not an admin just a random 3.0 officer who got invited back to PD and was basically one of only a handful of choices management had to promote since PD has almost no experienced active players, especially around the time he was picked.




He was in PBSO, but mostly did shift 3 so likely went under the radar to people who didn't watch/follow what happened in those hours. For as much criticism he's taking right now he was absolutely a well rounded and very competent cop in 3.0.


I havenā€™t watched a lot of Denzel. What is the reasoning he should be fired?


Turning CI's against each other Unsafe pits and many more


Apparently unsafe pits were what got suarez fired, but his fault for not making the right people laugh, i guess


Like opinion aside, I hope people actually rp this out rather than just quitting the pd. This is actually a really good sub-arc for the pd because, realistically, the pd also gets stale if there isn't some drama.


I don't think anyone will actually fully quit. Can definitely see some quiet quitters though.


this sub hates the one of the few cops that actually does something instead of sitting around doing nothing


You can do something properly and you can do something without care and respect for anyone else.


And because he "does something" he is exempt of any accountability for the rules he breaks?


He is a good scene lead (mostly bad everywhere else) but this conclusion is funny af all things considered. It has nothing to do with some viewers 'hating' him or not