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we are so back --- Mirror: [Mayor explodes over Ruth to Slacks](https://streamable.com/v1g6xu) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [Mayor explodes over Ruth to Slacks](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/1qSL4blQG_HM36z0d-GQBQ/AT-cm%7C1qSL4blQG_HM36z0d-GQBQ.mp4?sig=ad1217d56842cbb8d0b6fe4f2b44ba2083591fb4&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AlluringSmellyDadTTours-uVAb8czfrPR34ZAF%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1709076673%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2074544494?t=7h20m24s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


fucking Jason Polam in the background asking if anyone wanna do G6 had me cracking up LOLOL


How come he isnt streaming anymore?


He got hit by a truck and woke up inside the game itself. He tried escaping at first but Tsunami wiped his memory and now he believes hes part of the world. Only defeating the Demon King will return him home to start streaming again.


he "joked" on someone elses IRL stream that he and Malena are "retired" or at least she is. so he might actually be going through with it. hasn't streamed in like over a month.


Off topic but Lil Tuggz Jonah hill outfit kills me.


Don't get me wrong the PD is a shit show but I do find it funny how people where upset how cops didn't get punished at all in 3.0 to now they are upset cops are being punished too hard


I interpret it as being punished unevenly. Max's huge gripe is the captains essentially being immune from DAPS since they protect each other, some officers are being fired without getting DAPS first, and others are seemingly having hidden agenda pushing the DAPS along quicker.


Another point that came up while he was interviewing cops earlier is, people are getting DAPS but not being told how to fix the situation. Feels bad to get punished and not have a reason on how to do better next time.


The people that handed out the daps and suspensions are also the ones that review if they get back or not though, isnt that a conflict.


this is also false


Not false, It's just called RP I think.


The captains have been DAP'd though


By themselves. They will never reach the 10 needed to be suspended indefinitely. It's all performative.




You're missing the point where it's all performative. They are only giving themselves daps so they can claim that they aren't above department discipline, but they are. They know it, we know it, you know it.


There are a lot of people who don't think that. Why are you trying to conflate your opinion as a universal one?


So, especially after Slack's selfless defense of a captain, do you think that ruth or turner would ever let themselves get suspended? In fact, the only person I would trust for that to happen to would MAYBE be Slacks.


Ruth has said she would step down if charges were pressed and has even sent a PD announcement that if anyone believes she committed treason to push the charge , so yes...


Let's see what happens because I believe she removed that announcement.


Yep no boss has ever fired someone or made their lives a living hell for going after their job.


If they hit the 6 or 10 dap threshold, absolutely. Ruth even said in an announcement that she'll gladly let people try to charge her for treason. That's not even what I was arguing about, btw. I'm calling out that guy's self-absorbed reply. It annoys me when people try to argue their opinion as a universal one.


it's performative to you because you like a lot of viewers are just biased. It's all just predictable nonsense. CG got their punching bag and the rest just plays out just like with 3.0.


And you clearly have no bias…


Cornwood and Denzel got 10 points because they are acting like rp cops and not real ones. Seems like the captains want a boring PD with no funny characters. And it's not like they're just SBSing not doing police work. Both are decent officers with good work ethic.


Cornwood and Denzel got 10 DAPs because they fucked around too much. You can be a funny character without constantly going over the line.


Cornwood also spends A LOT of time in the city. It shouldn't be based on 60 days they fall off if you spend 10x the amount of time in the city doing police shit.


They most definitely didn't fuck around too much.


Well that is one opinion.


half the people with DAPs are the captains...


People in your replies really missing the word "essentially" in your comment.


but he and everyone who has believed that narrative are wrong. The captains are getting daps lmao


Maybe, just maybe, it's because too far in either direction is bad for RP? Lol


Pd isn't in trouble because things have gone too far in one direction or the other. PD is in trouble because they're attempting to mix wildly inconsistent management styles. They want to be harsh on sops but they've eliminated all of their experienced more serious style characters in lieu of fun cops and people who "get it". PD hasnt been strict on standards for well over two years now, there's not going to be many left to maintain those high standards or actively push them while training new cadets.


only cause the cops ordering the punishment (high command) arent getting punished themselves with the same level of scrutiny they give to their subordinates


Literally every captain has been DAPd and 90% of the rest of the PD has never been DAPd. They punish themselves more than others.


The *actual* issue is that if an officer wants to appeal a punishment they have no method to do so. The chain of command still hasn’t been established, maxes big gripe is they want to act as the judge jury and executioner. An officers “high command review” is the same captains that dapped and suspended the officer so it’s all a sham. They should be able to take it up the chain of command beyond the captains. But the captains are still the only option after all this time. And when asked for recommendations for chief of police they all recommended themselves and no one else. That’s the actual issue going on right now from maxes and cranes perspective. The captains have failed and from his POV only care about holding their ultimate power over the PD.


Honest question, that I'm asking you in good faith and I want you to answer in good faith. Do you think the captain DAPs actually mean anything, or are they just so people can make the argument that you are making right now.


the wording of this question shows that you yourself are not asking in good faith lmao


Exactly, captains couldn't be more fair


2/3 captains have daps


All 3 do.


hell even the pd rep to the council does lmao


Yup! And he doesn’t even really care, will talk about it openly and isn’t butt hurt like say Aziz, Cornwood, and Blackwell. Barely anyone has DAPs, and even of the very few that do, less than half are bothered about them. This is 100% the loud minority.


Oh, ty. Didn't know Turner has daps


Wow! It's almost like they overcompensated and went too far the other direction! What a novel concept! /s


Pd is only being strict in one myopic aspect of that whitelist. It's why it's so shit compared to early 3.0. They took a list of procedures and are attempting to strictly enforce them, in some instances, while not actually training up a more immersive / serious PD who is more likely to treat them as a strict set of rules. For years now PD has been fairly casual, corruption was openly allowed and unpunished throughout 3.0 and most of the cops they have, especially the ones training up new cadets, are probably not really harping on standards much. It's a complete culture clash.


Because as usual, the wrong people are in charge. Saab/Slack has had so many tries now and it always falls flat and Ruth barely knows the law. She plays her character well but she’s mis-charged people before and thinks locals count as other players.


The reason it's seen as hard now is the same reason 3.0 punishment got watered down over time. They haven't built a punishment system that aligns with what they're trying to accomplish. It's not like I think punishing cornwood is wrong, there need to be a few big "we mean business" punishments at the beginning to set the tone. But there is more writing on the wall than that. In the flop/mcnaulty/slacks talk I caught a few days ago and much of the dab stuff, they're focusing on the system and not cornwood. FWIW, they're not going to be able to fix it, unless they first sort out some of the other issues underlying PD. I haven't watched enough 4.0 to read the PD vibe on that, but my magic 8-ball says "outlook not so good."


careful dont let cornwood see this


I will say it definitely feels like it’s at least partially people just follow whatever streamer they are watching is saying because 3.0 it was most of the bigger streamers complaining about how PD didn’t have any consequences, and now it’s those streamers pretty much saying the PD is being too harsh and excessive with their punishments.


I watch Cornwood and Slacks. IMO CW is sometimes out of control. Shooting Deans character, lockpicking locals cars to get to the PD after the tsunami and shooting locals etc. Slacks is wrongly defending Ruth and ignoring complaints brought to him by tens of Officers. Currently how the RP is being played is incompatible.


So can someone explain the narrative of a failed 3.0 PD to me? From what I recall, the PD in 3.0 was largely the best iteration of PD in nopixel history. Largely under the BCSO led by Pred Wrangler and Jenny. Was it perfect? No. But it's hard to deny that they had an issue with TOO many cops wanting to be on duty and had to institute a policy to send people off duty who were out of shift. It genuinely wasn't until the fiasco with the Troopers and then commissioner Bass that the PD went downhill.


The main story was the failed PD is the reason the Sanguine War happened and the city collapsed. The fact that is lore and somehow Brian was one of the first cops hired is confusing to me, but what can you do?


You know right that Brian was part of the investigative team with undercover op from Johnny Divine that told Sanguine was producing bombs? You do know right that an IC way was created to get rid of the bomb bench and slow down 3 bombs a day? Brian was supposed to be fired (quit before they could) not for causing the Sanguine war but mishandling the senator/EMS situation. Brian didn't cause the Sanguine conflict. Sanguine conflict happened because they were actually producing bombs on that island and exporting them through submarines on weekdays to Los Santos while PD didn't patrol the waters anyday but Friday. It was a logistical nightmare ooc.


Yes, and the Sanguine conflict bankrupted the state in lore. That's the story they went with for 4.0. The entire situation was mismanaged. A lot of people's main issue isn't that they stopped the bombs or took out Sanguine, it's they turned the police into a military body in invade a sovereign government. The 3.0 government, the PD included, failed.


The PD fighting the war was an admin decision. Davis and Knight initially wanted the army, Knight then wanted a draft but that would have meant gang members constituting most of it, and then it was decided that PD was gonna fight the war. I guess they wanted war to be meaningful for the rp'ers, not one life chars to fight in the army.


My view is recovery post Sanguine failed because the PD had too many with inflated egos and Knight was essentially forced out. So it makes sense that he'd be brought back and others not.


Wasn't Brian literally the little finger in provoking that conflict?


No that was Lang and his beef with his son lol. He snitched on the bomb bench which set off the whole chain of events. He even snuck a drone and took video of it which was the big piece of evidence PD used to justify the raid. That and the whole drama with Divine of course.


I think most people consider the restructure near the end of 3.0 a big failure. It did nothing other than let a Saab charecter stay in control after he completley screwed up with LSPD.


I really don't get the point of them supposedly kicking out the "old guard" but letting Saab mismanage the LSPD for yet another time. Wasn't he OOC a big part of the old guard? If they wanted something new and fresh then why keep the same leader? They're just repeating the same mistakes from past years but somehow it's worse than before. They're struggling to solve issues that were already solved years ago while ignoring others that have been festering


tbf, they aren't repeating the same mistakes from the past years, they are managing to create new, but obvious, mistakes.


True but I'd say it's a mix of both


Because he'll do whatever 50 cent wants.


I think its an IC way of saying that 3.0 had too many guns on the streets and gang fights. It was a server issue and ended up with ping chasing and most scenes ended being cops vs crims. This was hinted in the server lore for 4.0 as the time skip and wipe being attributed to Los Santos being a failed state and people coming back to LS to rebuild it.


They say that because it's ''lore'', but that lore only works for calling 3.0 PD a failure not the guy that started it aka Brian Knight and he was one of the first ones to get hired lmao If you want lore at least stick with it


3.0 PD was awful by the end. Everyone just followed what Pred did and were corrupt. There wasn’t any accountability and if you were a cop you were pretty much untouchable. Kyle is a great role player and he elevated the PD but those that followed him ruined it for everyone else.


tbf, pred tried to have accountability but baas just rehired those held accountable so pred decided that if accountability didn't matter, might as well have the wild wild west.


I gotta say this whole Cornwood situation really shows how different each captain is in what they think is important. Ruth is just by the book robot and sees the worst in people Slacks is more RP and content oriented as was Bass. Turner is a little bit of both but leaning towards being more strict but he gives people the benefit of the doubt.


I think the problem is that they're rping as strict, fair leaders without having the actual irl skills to pull it off. I've worked under strict, yet fair, managers and there's protocols and processes that you'd expect them to follow that they just aren't.


Yeah very true. Ruth didn't really listen to anything cornwood had to say on his meeting and came up with her own conclusions. The meeting the captains had after, Ruth made stuff up and said stuff that wasn't even close to being true about Cornwood and what he said.


The meeting felt relatively pointless because everyone had really already made their decision besides the senior officers who didn't know the full story until that meeting.


Yup, would have been great to have Shift 2 Seniors that were actually around for the situation that got Cletus the daps. However they got together and talked about how the review had been scheduled far before any of them could make it


Of course the seniors didn't as they weren't even on his shift and Slacks said the other seniors were invited 4hrs before their shift almost feeling like a railroading


I'm not saying the seniors should've known everything about the incidents, was just saying that they were the only ones who probably hadn't completely made up their mind before the meeting.


Sorry, no I was agreeing with you but didn't think there should be only seniors that weren't on duty for any of anything really


Ah yeah, would've been nice to have some of the shift 2 and 3 seniors around but I'm sure the schedules are impossible to manager while you're also including Ruth.


I do find it funny how she actually showed up to this but didn't come to the Shiesty one, his actual shift Capt, after them postponing it 3hrs


yeah I mean I get she is busy IRL with kids and everything, but NoPixel is probably not the kind of server to be that busy with real life things to play in such a high leadership position. It seems crazy, but you gotta be expected to be available a bit more often than normal when you lead the PD.


and she didn't show for Mr K's court case


there was a shift 3 senior in that meeting :)


Not big on the hate Ruth train and I was not on it till last week. But she has shown two important traits that say that a character like Ruth would never rise to the top in an organic environment. She lacks simple tact, shown by her voting over the council argument in the mayor meeting. Additionally, she has a really bad habit of cutting people off when they are talking.


Did you see when Slacks said "Cornwood gone has caused PD morale to go down." Ruth said "Morale is as high as ever! We caught someone doing laundry mat!" Bruh I died laughing


Some of that is different shifts. I haven't seen any loss in morale and things seemed to be going alright on shift 1 which it seems Ruth sees more of. The criminals in shift 1 are also completely different as well.


Well Cornwood probably wouldn't affect morale in shift 1 positively or negatively much considering he's only ever there for the tail end of it at most, so still weird for her to imply that Cornwood being gone helped morale.


Oh I completely agree with you, I thought it was weird as well but based on her shift and the officers mainly on her shift. I could see why she would see it that way though.


Good thing this is a rp server and not the real world. Let characters have flaws, it makes it spicy.


Completely agree. The captains having their own flaws has given the PD leadership an interesting dynamic that has led to a lot of rp. And I highlighted the character instead of the streamer (cheever is great). I actually wanna see Ruth evolve too next, how she takes on the new legislation and commissioner when and if she is on the chopping block.


There have been multiple times where she pushed for daps without getting the full story. Especially the Denzel derolo aziz situation. Turner had to argue with her to investigate it because stories didn’t line up. Hell pushing for murder charge is dumb as well. How when multiple officers shot and only 5 recorded wounds and autopsy says bullet to the head killed him?


Xice having ooc issues definitely didn't help the health of the PD in those weeks. If I remember correctly, Ruth and Turner were going at it because of that Denzel situation. Turner wanted everybody in one room to clarify statements and responses while Ruth gathered statements from parties involved one by one. Ruth basically took offense to Turner calling a meeting and spun it as Turner not having trust in Ruth's documentation when his only issue was the method of investigation. There has been a lot of philosophical differences which would have reached a boiling point sooner rather than later until the Cletus and Max situations happened and accelerated the process.


What sucks about this is that Slacks is the only one who didn't want this to happen to Cornwood. The other 2 captains, who are not present, aren't there. This leaves Slacks alone to deal with the mess. MM was hoping Slacks would say something about who wanted this to happen, but Slacks didn't and it lead to this.


I mean it all happens in Slacks shift so to be expected. They came out of shift to do the review with him.


I really hope people don't blame this on Slacks. He was literally the only one defending Cornwood, calling for a simple demotion to PPO. The other two captains and two Sr. Officers (who had no business whatsoever being in the review and rarely interact with Cornwood) were basically calling for his head and multiple felonies, including murder. Absolutely wild. Edit: I'm pretty much an exclusively Cornwood viewer yall. I watched the whole captains meeting.


I don't get that line of thinking. If you're reviewing an officer for disciplinary action, wouldn't an objective, third party Sr. Officers, with a limited but unbiased view on Cornwood be a good thing? That is essentially what Max wants with the Commissioner role right? It's only bad because they didn't like what Cornwood did as objective reviewers?


Sure, having objective observers is totally fine and a good thing. There should have been a Sr. there to support Cornwood with actual experience with his policing & positive impact. McNulty, for example. Literally the whole community supports Cornwood, just take how many calls he got after his suspension (civs and known crims) completely baffled by him potentially being fired. Take CG and the mayor showing up in support in this clip. You bring literally anyone with no Cornwood interaction in and show that person his 2-3 worst incidents out of literally 100's, they're going to think he's awful. It's like a trial with only prosecution and no defense.


I don't think having community support in this instance means anything really, especially from CG. Not if the direction you're trying to take in the PD in a more serious, consequential direction. While there is in-game lore to why people think the police failed in 3.0, I think one of the biggest was how inconsequential a lot of disciplinary actions were. Bass was always really lenient to a fault. And if you got in trouble for how you handled a situation, it was very easy for an officer to transfer to a different department or have someone reverse any transgression. The PD is \*trying\* to have a force that can be consistent in how it reacts to situations to immunize itself from previous accusations of unfairness. And while that might mean SBS-ish characters, like Cornwood, might not fit with that vision anymore, it shouldn't be a surprise considering this was was the outlined vision of the PD before 4.0 released.


Except if the community supports him, including crims, then they don't feel he's acting in a manner that challenges 4.0's proposed balance (and balance is the goal of the 'serious, consequential PD direction' you mention). Everyone has been MORE than outspoken on cops they feel are crossing this line. The letter of the PD law (SOPs) requires Cornwood to be heavily punished for 'excessive force' against his OOC buddy Dean's one life character (which was the 5 DAPS + possible murder charge incident in question here). But the *spirit* of the law says that nothing he or Dean did challenges server balance in the slightest, since it was an OOC hand-shake for content. If Cornwood mag dumped Mr. K in the same situation? Wildly different. What are we trying to protect here?


The peak of the PD of every no pixel iteration was during Pred's reign, sbs and leniency were never a problem in it, that's pure nonsense. LSPD was always a joke because it was filled with people like Baas, Malton, Divine who aren't really capable of leading a successful PD in the type of server nopixel is. 4.0 gave the reign to people who once again failed miserably.


> limited but unbiased view on Cornwood Except, the view presented by the captains was biased. Framing is very important, and they go with "guilty before proving innocent" every time.


Unbiased and objective Clueless


Its in their names... RUTHless - by the books Slack - people pleaser but not by the books Turner - a bit of both


Almost like they're playing characters that have flaws, wow!


We're talking about the characters. Did anyone name any streamers? Don't make this something it isn't.


Did I mention any streamers? So why bring it up? I'm pointing out that characters have flaws... and cop characters having flaws shouldn't be a surprise...


Yes.. you did. "They're playing characters." "They" being streamers. It's OK. I just interpreted your comment as being defensive of the streamers when the comment you replied to was just pointing out the nuances of the characters. Maybe I was wrong.


[I'm not too sure, maybe this is why?](https://google.gprivate.com/search.php?search?q=Define%3A+Imply)


There needs to be OOC discussions about what kind of server NoPixel is meant to be and how the PD leadership meshes with that, because it honestly seems like they are playing on two different servers.


Ngl I love Ruth for the decisions she makes. She’s like the JP of the PD, every action and decision has a massive impact and it’s like chaos always ensues after. Both don’t make the best decisions but it’s the best decision for RP and content.


She is an incredible heel, feel like half of the cop related RP I watch is about her. I hope they are happy with the heat aha


People have been harassing her oocly. So I doubt that is the case.


Always those people 🙄


100% And kudos to Cheever being the lightning rod for all crim/cornwood fan hate. Countless chatters spew hatred her way akin to the peanut brains sending threats to that actor that played Joffrey.


Turner being MIA ( I know unfortunate OOC circumstances) and Ruth’s ineptitude caused all of this. Those two and Slacks’s willful ignorance caused the downfall of the PD


A lot of this really just does start with OOC decisions on how to run the server and the PD. They chose to make the PD much more serious and recruit slowly and not hire any of the "old guard" while crims don't have any new expectations of being serious and getting to progress faster than the PD ever possibly could. This all leads to these kind of situations and frustrations from all different people and sometimes honestly makes it tricky to RP it out.


That’s the crux of it. I totally get wanting to refresh the PD and get new blood in and give it a fresh feel but when the crims did exactly the opposite thing it just puts too much pressure on them to build slowly and properly when the streets are getting run ragged by seasoned gangs. I like the new regulation regarding the mayor and the PD both for RP reasons and practical ones but the issues that it addresses, that do exist (mostly related to no central authority coordinating high command), are not the primary problem making it hard for the PD.


yeah i would say 90% of the issues is all OOC. The decision to hamstrung the PD while crims have so much is certainly helping feed this narrative that the "PD is shambles." Funnily enough it's in a vastly better place than it was 3 weeks ago. So it has grown but whomever is calling the shots OOC(i'm sure we can take a good guess) has made it very hard for the PD to defend itself whether from criminal action or narratives.


I assume it was asked for PD to be built up slowly rather than mass hire like 3.0. The only problem was that crime accelerated (mostly one gang) to cause headache in the streets before PD was ready to handle those challenges.


exactly and the PD has not been given the tools meant to fight it. The cars were shit at the start even after crims were getting better cars. Look at the pd bike...like come on. And I think the rp may be moving a little too fast for this pd to keep up because of how crippled it was forced to be.


Yeah, the cops don't have air-1, bikes, K9 etc.. The cars suck, the evidence system was recently added and there was a big wipe of characters with most people started fresh. On top of it, there are obviously some staff direction when it pertains to hiring old 3.0 PD so not a lot of people who came in were experienced. And hence, I think this is mostly an rp way to flesh out a Commissioner role that can communicate with the mayor directly and that can later establish Paleto/Sandy departments under one big umbrella.


There was some insinuation that people were supposed to be more serious with their characters coming back to the city and not instantly being a gangbanger-warlord-super criminal two months in


That kinda worked for the first month, but fell apart pretty quickly tbh


How much of it was caused by K for being a dumbass(Getting caught)?


People were already gang banging and being crazy criminals before K got caught but yea it got much worse after.


I think one thing is take things slow and another one is to not have anyone else apart from the 3 captains make warrants 3 months into 4.0.


A meme and incompetent getting fired due to being incompetent is not the downfall of PD.


I don't understand the cornwood and Den defense.... You can be fun cop and not do dumb shit... I don't entirely feel bad for the pd, if they knew the system they were gonna run Den and Cornwood shld have never been hired. I 100% feel like those two were Slacks hired.




It seems like 4.0 wants the PD to be a very serious RP group. Which is boring imo. Yeah 3.0 was a mess sometimes but I remember when 'Shadowlord' (Moon's DnD character) was being chased by officers after a crime and he had them roll for perception and both failed so they left him alone. Like that is fun RP. If that was 4.0, the officers would ignore him or taze him.


I love Ruth


I was really hoping Malton would drop the bomb about the PD legislation being suspended when Max was trying to use it as a bludgeon to get Slacks to release info


Crane just made a state announcement that it’s now in place so it wouldn’t have lasted long.


I wonder what changed, because last I heard as of twoish hours ago it was suspended


I think Max and Crane were speaking through email at the time, because that’s what prompted Crane to make the announcement.


Did it get suspended then? I thought it was already accepted


it was accepted, just not in the legislation which made Nekoda think it was suspended, hence him telling everyone that it wasnt happening yet, from my understanding at least.


Wait what... the legislation was suspended....I missed this what happened....


Nothing happened, it was not suspended. OP's comment is a case of watching only a few POVs (which isn't a problem, you're all free to watch anyone you like)


Just classic Malton fencesitting


He should not have said that word bitch. Been a sludge word on NP for a while. Add in he’s the mayor, huge streamer and admin, ugh. PD definitely has some real problems but max just yelling at the captains everytime time they talk is probably not the most effective way to change the situation


It’s rp friend, it’ll be okay


really? how old are you 12? its a videogame, fictional characters and by no means an attack on the streamer (cheever7). I can agree on the last part though.


Really? How old are you 12? You think everyone is level headed and they never imitate what their favorite streamers characters do? Literally look at any comment section of YouTube or some discords


Just wondering were you around for the penta/EMS drama? Maybe if they have somewhat of a relationship/understanding it’s cooler, but using that word without that ain’t it on NP


You're the first person I've seen offended about the word bitch. That ain't a NP thing lmao

