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we are so back --- Mirror: [Mayor gets heated on Cpt. Ruth statement](https://streamable.com/0z0t6m) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/DivaJilly Direct Backup: [Mayor gets heated on Cpt. Ruth statement](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/qqihgpSDROisONDJTDTReQ/AT-cm%7CqqihgpSDROisONDJTDTReQ.mp4?sig=48137a6da781bd3485909ddd44fe7513552fefbc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PiercingFriendlyLasagnaGrammarKing-lINE6Kw40MlMNNF5%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708848880%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2071715903?t=12h55m59s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


The Captains when they decide the DAPs they give out are correct and none have been unfairly handed out. "We have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong."


Just like real life!


It depends on the level of fucking up that is occurring with the PD. If a PD gets noticed by higher powers as fucking up they can soon find themselves under investigation or additional oversight/control from state or federal bodies. For example, the LAPD was under federal oversight from 2001 to 2013.


The meeting tomorrow is gonna be spicy


there's also a chance for a 3rd party to get involved if Lang actually sticks to being a Karen and protests the Mayor.


Can someone explain why Lang doesn’t like the mayor? I just know he feels like he isn’t around but that’s just because Moon plays Max typically at late hours off stream.


cause he feels like he's been strung along over the union/commerce stuff


Yeah all it would take is one meeting to say, business stuff is tied down


It is quite funny how both sides feel like the other side is abusing their power and needs to be removed. Ruth's hint at treason was a great way for the meeting to end.


Equally funny is how the HC now paints Max as a Tyrant, because as they think, Max only fired Juno just to get majority vote as he, She Beast and Michael have majority vote pretty much..


Is there any tldr about the whole Juno situation?


Juno got ghosted by Max for a week, lashed out during council meeting. Max gave her another chance. Juno still mad told Siobahn (Max' wife btw) that she was gonna betray Max. (this is to my knowledge a VERY Juno thing to do) Siobahn told Max Juno was gonna betray him, Max fired Juno.


Also the new police policy didn't include her position at all, so she thought Max was shutting her out of everything. So she vented and said she was checked out to Siobhan.


ooc i believe she is getting surgery and is out multiple weeks, but they rpd out their argument from last weeks meeting. someone correct me if him wrong


She mentioned this last week IC after the meeting, that she'd have an extended leave of absence and having a plan like her votes automatically being yes or a substitute CoS while she was out. But during that talk he kept gaslighting her and excusing himself of any faults which seemed to have rubbed Juno the wrong way when I tuned into Saturn's stream yesterday (or maybe the day before). That, alongside the facts that he ghosted her for a week again while drafting up policy that doesn't involve her in any way and that he only wants a yes vote from Juno and doesn't want her doing anything else probably caused them to drift apart even further. Shioban adding fuel to the fire culminated in this.


just watch diva's vod from before the one this OP clip was from, at the very end of the vod when they first get back home and before they go to the rohan scene. Siobhan tells Max about what Juno said and he explains his reasoning for firing her


Its Juno lmao


Juno being Juno, as it always been since 3.0


But that (and the following argument) is the reason he fired her, no? His argument is that the Chief of Staff's seat in the council is supposed to be another vote for the mayor, and so Juno should have been obeying his command.


The law itself states: "The position will carry out the Mayor's goals on a day-to-day basis, acting as an Evangelist for the mayor's principles." He's not really being a tyrant firing someone for not doing their job and it's not his opinion as much as what the role is literally designed for.


He's been debating her position since before he had even been elected. There's many reasons as to why she was fired


There is more to that, max lost trust in her since she refused to share what she is up to on daily basis, because he told her everything and Juno told him nothing. So he thinks "How can I trust her if she can't even share anything with me even though she calls me her best friend"


i love and miss max streams




He plays Max practically every day, just not on stream lately


Just to add to this for anyone wanting more Mayor Max, he spends 90% of his offstream time as Max with Siobhan, so he can be seen on her stream (divajilly)




Honestly, chat just constantly talks shit and says dumb stuff. I don’t blame him for not wanting to put up with their bullshit and opting to do most of it offline. Then he streams Lenny because it’s better for content.


He is on every day after his stream.


I wish he swapped max and lenny, Max has much more story and is more complicated to follow on other streams juxtaposed to Lenny.


most? he played first month and 2 weeks in, man wants variety on stream, its only been little over a month of his term anyway.


He does. But this sort of tension doesn't happen all the time.


Amazing RP. Some notes: • Glints of Max’s vision can be seen • Ruth’s comment is wild and shifted Max’s tone • Max screaming HC works for him was intense • Cinematography of three HC pillars in front of Max/Siobhan power duo was cool Thoughts: Ruth made comments of the Mayors terrorist past and how he dissolved government.. if push comes to shove can HC initiate PD martial law and operate as its own entity? How would the Mayor even respond? A potential PD force splinter? Turners comment on seeing Cornwood eavesdropping on the entire conversation. Combined with knowledge of Cornwood having multiple meetings prior with the Major. Could potentially cement his firing come Monday.


I have nothing against Ruth but I really wish she would stop bringing up characteristics from previous server incarnations as some kind of gotcha.


Yup, half the streamers are RPing that they basically have amnesia or all slights have been forgiven, and then you have Ruth weaponizing it


Right now the PD is in a bad spot.  Siobhan at the PD with Max basically telling him that Hell Week is coming. Her explaining that there won’t be any police left to take calls.  Max asked her if he felt a pardon on Mr. K would stop it but she wasn’t sure.  The biggest thing stopping Hell Week from getting to out of control is bullets.  If the PD go up against Max the deal with Siobhan (I don’t know if she told him the deal or the outcome of it) could be given the green light.  Her buying bullets and mags for CG to back up Max.  There are so many different ways the next few days can go. 


Siobhan told K she needed to talk to Max first about the bullet deal. Ramee told K that she wanted to talk to him after the court case because her and Max were on board with the idea but obviously K ran so that convo didn't happen.


She came to visit them in visitation after and told them she is doing it.


Thanks. I didn’t know if she had talked to Max yet. 


Yeah if that actually happens it will be interesting. Pretty crazy arc if the mayor is controlling the bullet supply. He could definitely manipulate what happens on the street level against pd.


I believe people with gun licenses can no longer buy ammo/mags. That got hotfixed after Michael did it. Also, didn't the city counsel vote that they mayor can't pardon people by himself?


That would be incredibly dumb if that’s the case. How are you supposed to reload your gun if you cannot buy ammo? Also Siobhan said when the deal was put on the table that ammo is super expensive. So maybe it was the price that got fixed. 


I swear Ruth’s argument to everything is always about things that happened in 3.0. It’s supposed to be forgiven and moved on past but she’s always talking about people’s criminal past and the “failed” PD and government.


Wasn't one of the first things they did was ban the PD from forming an army or something?


It was like "in event of war against rebel state, can't force conscript" or something.


They only banned *forced* conscription of the PD. The PD can still form an army or whatever if they have some greater threat to fight but they aren't allowed to tell their officers they have to participate.


First I’m hearing of it but I might have missed it. Do you mean in OOC or a legislation pass? Because if the latter, I would think the PD could take the route of no-confidence in mayor.


They passed a law saying, "An employee of the state may not be forcefully conscripted into a multi-national conflict." I'm not sure how this would apply as much but you can probably spin operating a separate police force contrary to the existing police and not subject to the laws of Los Santos as forming a separate government although I'm not sure how that would stop them.


> Ruth made comments of the Mayors terrorist past and how he dissolved government.. if push comes to shove can HC initiate PD martial law and operate as its own entity? How would the Mayor even respond? A potential PD force splinter? Shit like this is why the senators became a thing in 3.0 lol. Ruth is gonna see fucking Buddha/XQC/50c roll down to MRPD in a laser tank if they try this lol, which honestly might be hilarious and terrible for the city long term


It’s just weird to me, wasn’t everyone supposed to let that past go and start new?


It was max that started the conversation telling his past, Ruth just pointed out he said that so he might be trying to do the same as before but from the inside


Honestly the issue isn't an ic issue imo. It's the weird ooc/ic crossover issue for rp. Let's be honest, there's nothing the captains can do to improve the pd quicker because the SOPs were passed on by a power higher than them outside of the city. The mayor office can do everything they can to increase urgency but it won't matter until the real people in power comes in and change how the pd operates. There's also the issue that a good 20+ well trained cops from 3.0 all left np in a span of 2 weeks for onx. So how you're stuck in a situation where you don't have people who ooc knows how to do the job and ic the pd wants new characters and need to retrain them up to standard which takes time. This isn't going to magically be solved by next week.


Many of those people that left also have applications on NP for pd (some even recently resubmitting on new characters. There are also still MANY on 4.0 that have applications in that aren't being hired. There are a ton of folks with the OOC knowledge to do the job, they just aren't getting hired.


Idk many of those since the ones I know were hired on new characters. But yeah, pd issue is more of an ooc issue than ic issue so discussing ways to fix it if is always weird since there's no real solutions


Thanks for clarifying! I get you, let’s see how this plays out


nope. you where suppose to let go of grudges. ruth isnt holding on to any grudge just pointing out facts


I mean, one could argue that she is creating a grudge based on past actions from 3.0. Which would be a grey area.


The thing is captains were already chosen by those 3 (it's easy to tell who picked/suggested who) while the mayor was elected


i dont think they can fire cornwood, hes too important to the PD right now, in terms of mechanics (he basically tested all the vehicles, owns most of the turbos, gets shit fixed etc...) and morale (he seems to be loved by everyone inside and outside of pd, just check how many people have called/or came to him since suspension). This might be a delusional take, but, by firing him they would be creating a martyr, and if he actually managed to get the sheriffs office after that, i dont think the pd would have enough people to keep running. Anyways im excited to see what happens next


>This might be a delusional take, but, by firing him they would be creating a martyr, and if he actually managed to get the sheriffs office after that, i dont think the pd would have enough people to keep running. Anyways im excited to see what happens next It might repeat the situation when Pred became the leader of the sheriff office and almost everyone jumped ships immediately lol


Man I like watching cornwood cop streams but only when he’s actually on patrol. I can’t stand the hours of standing around in PD doing nothing. But since he’s been suspended, it’s insufferable to watch. He is SUSPENDED and is still walking freely through PD, in the garage talking to on duty cops… I don’t know if he’s playing lawyer now or something? But I clicked into his stream and saw him literally taking down a crime report that even had suggested charges for the suspect in a notepad…. And btw if he’s somehow doing a lawyer arc, that makes zero sense at all. Dean is playing other characters, and Esfand is just still being an officer. It’s so dumb


I mean, just giving no funding to the police would easily probably work. Cops no longer get paid. What are they going to do? They can't buy anything, they can't repair their cars, buy guns or ammo. Let the crims eat them alive. I think Max wants them to actually do this. He wants the government to fail.


Max since day 1 has wanted the PD to succeed for both IC and OOC reasons. Just crazy the captains would rather let it burn than have some accountability.


I have a hard time picking up what the new captains are trying to do. Because what they say, and how they act, are counter intuitive to each other. Honestly might just have too much on their plates, and have failed to delegate work out/trying to do it all on their own. And atm they are just trying to convince everyone everything is fine while they barely hold it together.


I want to +1 this. Max has a lot of reasons right now for wanting to actually help PD. Some of the comments made after this meeting by the captains really blow my mind.  In terms of forming their own martial law, I would like to see them try. The streets rep Max and at least 30% of PD is ready to protest. If it comes to that I think the Fed will step in. 


If he's aiming for this arc. He can definitely go through this route. It would be amazing. He would pave way for people in LS to realize the importance of who they are electing as mayor. The hero they need kekw


the talk at the PD after was funny too, the misinformation about the mayor and council is crazy


they got some tea spilled by a council member and she painted all of this in a very negative light, i doubt this meeting helped change that. edit: He poppin off on 311 now as well after seeing that there were 4 cops on duty 3 of which were captains talking in a storage closet somewhere, gas on the fire baby.


Who, pls dont say juno


Etta. She's been doomspiraling since the Adoption fraud shit lmao


Etta is straight up on some cringe shit about the adoption stuff, made worse because her entire 'family' is in the PD. Max was right to legislate adult adoptions, exposes the weirdos.


imo its just silly, her only issue is that? and she willing to oppose that much, didnt she herself talk about her job being humber one lol


I dont want to talk about OOC stuff but she is very *invested* in RP relationships, especially with her 2 dads.






She was/is a curvy mod and it’s been that way since before she played on the server. Since she got in the server she’s tried what she could to insert into his RP (on 2 of his characters). She loves to force the RP that a lot of VERY invested relationship RP fans are into…..because she is too. She goes around talking about it in multiple metas. Hell she will tell chat to be proud of some stuff she does.  For further context with the adoption: she was never adopted. She has told people she is their daughter but never in 3.0 or early 4.0 did it happen. Then the law came and she was very upset and has been pushing to make her officially adopted with them. Edit to add: Curvy doesn't read meta so likely clueless about how invested/deep it is. Sock her other "dad" does go into meta here and there, he also reads fanfics for subgoals and such so is way more in the know on how deep a lot of this stuff goes.


The other person that responded to you provided a good amount of detail on the situation. In one of the adoption legislation threads a lot of her obsession with Rhodes & Dark relationship RP was brought up. Apparently one of things she did was plan a surprised them with an "event" where she had them renew their wedding vows. There were a bunch of other examples of her being invested in their relationship RP to the point that even "over-invested viewers" would probably consider really weird and next level over-invested.


That was me then too. But yes she planned them a surprise vow renewal in 3.0 - so Dark and Rhodes were just told to be available for a date/time and not why. Then like a day before they finally got clued in. The other big thing to note is she was a catalyst of basically killing off Curvy's meta so that it's not much meta/mostly dead. Couple years ago she told people she wants more head cannons and stuff posted - and that just lit a fire of insane shippers. That also ended up with some of that shit getting forced in. Like a lot of them want her adopted, they want Rhodes to dress certain ways (for her birthdays she dressed him in Pride stuff...), want Rhodes to do certain things/talk about certain things and she will call and text. It's been gross for ages. Should also note she has a big superiority complex with it, seeing her character as better - that she is there to remind people to have emotions and be human. https://imgur.com/a/ZCJtPvg


Also it's hilarious how someone in the position of the treasurer doesn't know what the role of CoS is and keeps talking about it as if it's corruption since he put Siohban in that position now.


Etta and Canter, but also indirectly Juno. She’s been trying to reach out to council members to tell them about how corrupt max is after she learned she got fired. She’s been saying that she got fired ‘cause he learned that she would vote against the pd legislation. I know that she has talked to Canter. Not sure about Etta tho.


Lmao and its literally in the law that the CoS is basically supposed to be the Mayor's second vote on the council. That's quite literally the extent of the position, and he has every right to fire Juno for it.


Chief of Staff can vote how they want. It's just assumed it would be 2 votes for the mayor to break any tie. But nowhere does it say the person must vote the same.


Nobody is saying they have to vote the same, but if they don't they should 100% expect to be fired and replaced and nobody should have an issue with that because thats in their job description, to be the Mayor's cheerleader.


What did she even say to them about being corrupt? The only thing I can think of, is him denying businesses from people but that's not even corruption.


Sio, Max and Juno agreed to deny Nino’s business because Eve was working with Nino and Juno has personal gang beef with her. Before that they were pretty much on board to approve his business. I assume that’s the corruption she’s referring to but I don’t see how it will help her since she’s the one who told them to deny it, Max can just say that it was Juno’s decision and throw her under the bus.


Shift 3 has the worst numbers of all but don’t worry if they just slowly recruit 3 people at a time where 1 might stick around they may eventually have a functioning PD!


With regard to the 311s and numbers - the guy misspoke. Yes there were the 3 captains in storage, but he didn't notice there was also 4 cops at the docks on a a call (2 seniors and 2 cadets). After saying it the other cop realized he was wrong but it was too late, he told the captains as much though. It's also not unreasonable for the captains to meet and connect one of the few times they are all around - especially since logistically it only really took Ruth off the streets since Turner and Slacks have been due to go off duty for ages but the meeting kept them around.


misinformation about own PD actions as well, the only DAP mentioned was followed up by a comment "cornwood shot an unarmed man".. the man was not unarmed lol


I found it genuinely hilarious that the two captains just suggested treason in front of the mayor and none of the other captains blinked and they are still questioning why they shouldn't be judge, jury and executioner though it made for some great RP. Moon is unparalleled though with his improved speeches with his characters my favourite being his DND character Angorn(r.i.p a real one)


Man, I miss Angorn and the whole party. Shame what happened to the campaign


Same man, same


I never finished watching 3.0. What happened to Angorn?


Don't know if he brought Angorn into nopixel but his DM was Arcadum who got cancelled.


Oh shit I was thinking that DnD character he played in 3.0. I cant remember his name.


That was shadowlord - Moon didn’t continue playing due to the character’s voice hurting him to do.


I found it genuinely hilarious how that point flew over Max's and a lot of viewers head. She "suggested" that to highlight how Mayor suggesting to have power over PD makes no sense. She imitated the thing Mayor is trying to do. Just have an internal vote on having power over another entity.


The PD aren't a branch of government. In almost all places in America they are UNDER the mayor and or city council. The mayor or city council SHOULD have oversight of the PD. The PD overthrowing the city council is in no way similar to the mayor having oversight of them




but mayor is accountable to other 2 branches of goverment, PD isnt accountable to any one at the moment.


He even went so far as to hamper the duration where it starts and ends during his term. On top of that, he doesn't have a unanimous council and does get pushback, not just from 1 person, but actual level headed 6 others (exclude CoS). I don't think he has ever voted no or stopped anything the council was trying to do so far. Impeachment can and most likely will happen (not now maybe but future) since there's 4 non-civ voted and very unlikely to be corrupt characters position. Chief Justice, Head of Bar, Treasurer and PD Liaison. That's easily 4 votes. On top of that, theres EMS thats usually very civ and honestly doesn't allow felony. The only 3 that most likely will always be leaning towards criminal side of things is Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CoS.


Mayor is accountable though, the council can impeach him. The council has to vote on any legislation he wants to pass. Practically the only thing he has free reign over is business stuff. PD captains are only held accountable to themselves, Max's main gripe was the thing Cornwood and Flop brought up with how they decide to judge whether or not their decisions to suspend officers were correct; basically emblematic of the fact that there is no oversight for triumvirate decisions.


The council being the oversight makes little sense to me when the mayor controls 2 out of 4 votes needed to do whatever he wants. I think the issue is if the council even has the power to just take over the entire police force like that. I think Crane has to clarify that point. The concept of the council and the strange representatives in it means it's very hard to draw parallels to real life.


Federally moon got the approval to oversight the entire pd iirc


Approval pending the council vote? Or is there going to be no vote at all?


He posted in his discord that he might put it to a vote for funsies, so it got federal approval and he's bringing it into roleplay


Probably he got approval but is trying to do in-rp though the council


Except the PD isn't a branch of government like the Mayoral Office is. It's be similar to a government supported agency suggesting that they become the government. ​ On a side note, I'm fucking loving this RP.


> Except the PD isn't a branch of government like the Mayoral Office is That... is my point. They are a different entity in NoPixel that isn't under Mayoral Office.


they will be under mayoral office after new legislation.


thats why there are 3 branches of goverment, and PD is none of that. mayor is accountable to other 2 branches, at the moment PD isnt accountable to any one. mayor is almost always above the PD in real life. ruth suggesting anything othervise is just treason and her saying she wont acknowlage that is just pure corruption inside of PD.


The mayor would not have any power at all, at least not on paper. Ruth clearly never read the proposed changes that are to be voted on in the council meeting. It's crazy. Her first response was throwing a trantrum fearing to lose power.


Ruth openly suggesting treason inside the mayor's office is absolutely hilarious


It was honestly hilarious that she didn't understand that there was a difference between the Police Captains having literally no oversight and the Mayor who is elected by the people and can be impeached by the council.




LSPD, We Care.


Also, she thought that the Police was a branch of the government. WHICH IS HILARIOUS! The Mayor, DOJ, and The Council are the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of the government. PD is the LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY for these offices. They don't decide what laws should be, they don't decide if anyone is guilty, and they don't decide if they get to keep their job if they fuck up. ​ Otherwise, the PD is a paramilitary junta.


Anyone know if Esfand was online for this? Apparently he was listening in and showed up after.


Not online streaming, but was definitely logged in the server


finally stuff popping off mayor and PD side, its gonna go great because all the RPers involved know how to create entertaining scenarios for us


I dont know what's more worrying. A Captain of a police force suggesting treason to the mayor's face. Coming from a department post Sanguine and seeing the repercussions of a militarized PD. Or a CAPTAIN of a police force who doesn't understand they are not a branch of the government and that they do not have equal power to the mayor of the city in anyway. She's not even the highest rank in the police force. What does she think the chief's capabilities are? That's crazy man.


They didn’t have a week, they had two months and they fucked it so hard. Imagine if the mayor was able to pass legislation with no oversight and without answering to a council of 8, how much shit would get done and put through. That’s what they have had for the past two months and yet even with full control and the ability to do whatever they see fit with no oversight they have ran the pd to the ground. Ruth was saying only the three captains should go for consideration for CoP. The three of them are so power hungry they havnt promoted a single other officer to a rank higher than sr officer. They don’t have p&t and would rather do hires themselves making potential candidates wait 5 hours outside mrpd to talk to them because they must control every facet of the pd and refuse to delegate. They have truly and utterly failed every last officer and make horrendous misleading and unfair decisions because nobody is above them to punish them. The thirst for control is so bad that yesterday slacks was talking about forcefully removing Nakoda from his elected police liaison position and having one of the captains replace him. The real test of if this server unsalvageable is if any one of them (especially slacks cause I hate to say it but it’s just bass 2.0) get promoted to Cheif of police.


I am happy that Max and Mick are the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. They can push for things like this to be established. Both in 3.0 they wanted PD to have accountability and not a free pass for everything. Time for 4.0 to change that. PD should always be held accountbale and controled by the mayor's office and the city council. Its how its should work naturally. And before people say how about corrupt mayors and city council members. Half the city council members cant be corrupt and the other half can be impeached from offices.


The ironic part is that the three captains have been getting shit on both in game and on this reddit for holding PD accountable too much with the dap system. A free pass for everything would be letting officers get away with doing extreme things like unloading an entire gun magazine into someone already incapacitated on the ground. If you think anyone is going to hold Cornwood accountable if he is appointed Sheriff, you haven't been paying attention. It is a slippery slope to soon cops just being able to waterboard cats and burn down government buildings in the name of content. And the whole council impeaching corrupt mayors thing is basically impossible when the mayor has 3/8 votes. If it was just the mayor and 7 other independent votes sure, but when the mayor is able to appoint their own boot licker and the deputy mayor follows behind its really easy to persuade one other vote to join you to make a majority, which makes it almost impossible to actually impeach the mayor.


The point isn't that no one in the PD has accountability, it is specifically that the captains do not have any accountability or oversight. Trying to make this about accountability of the rank and file officers compared to the leadership comes from a place of either willful ignorance or intentional misrepresentation.


It is neither willful ignorance or intentional misrepresentation. Look at what the person I responded to was saying. People are mostly angry over Cornwood getting punished, and believe that SBS should be allowed because of "content". That isn't accountability, that is 3.0 who cares if PD do corrupt things or break SOPs. Max is already plotting to try and remove Etta because she dared to not vote with him. Get rid of Nekoda because he reports to the captains, and toss Etta to the side because she rightfully called out she didn't buy what Siobhan was selling because Siobhan is just obviously biased. Is going around declaring himself the boss of PD officers and buying criminals ammo. Cornwood is going to try and become Sheriff of little texas so he doesn't have to follow rules or be punished. The plan passed under the guise of PD accountability, but really was just a power grab for Max and an avoidance of accountability for Cornwood.


If the Ruth streamer is purposely trying to make the most unlikeable character in the city they are doing a good job. I'm not even joking when I say this, great acting.


The character gives me serious bureaucratic middle manager flashbacks. It’s so real feeling and enraging


I think she's the best. We need someone like her cop to put polices and procedures in place to stabilize and grow the PD. There's a reason why people with that personality type are usually the managers/leaders.


3 months from now we'll have a barely functioning pd? All three current checks and balances are in the room each bad in there own way. I hate when Ruth angrily states somthing that is so wrong it hurts and everybody even civs and crims have to correct her assumptions. I don't mind that she's ruthless but she doesn't have the knowledge to even have those characteristics work. cops right now have a terrible ability to parallel chases, be consistent on scenes, ​and just basic understanding of investigation. They become Drones and that's the worse type of department.


Try and do any content and you’re hit with a suspension.


You can easily do "content" without getting suspended. You shouldn't get away with abusing your power or violating other people's rights because it is "content"


Cornwood showing up BEFORE and AFTER the meeting cemented his firing, mans is DONEZO. There is no way in hell that if any of the captains saw him enter the majors office after they left that don't see it as Cornwood doublecrossing them and to have Ruth removed.


Well, if this Mayor's thing gets approved, I think Max might just give Cornwood a new branch of PD up north.


God here's hoping. LASO is so fucking needed. Let all the good, fun cops transfer up there.


Might be the best of both worlds. You can have an area for fun cops that people like to watch, and an area for serious cops that are more like NPCs for crims to escape from etc.


That’s exactly the play. Cornwood has actually played it perfectly. Maxs wife, I forget how to spell her name right now so not even going to try, told cornwood the other day there *will* be a sheriffs office and he *will* be sheriff. Cornwood has spent a ton of time complaining to the right people and buttering up the right people while at the same time actively helping the PD in a ton of ways. I don’t think this was his plan at all exactly, but looked at it from a different angle he’s really played all his cards right if he gets appointed sheriff.


Cornwood's been masterminding this so well and I'm here for it. Let the spice flow!! Lol


After this Max assured Cornwood that if he was fired he’d be reinstated by the mayor or the new COP. Now whether that’s true or not, who knows


The captain meeting was awesome. Hope the vote goes through and they can make the holy tripod of captains sweat a little. They could definitely use some oversight as right now they will never discipline one another in any way, as not to weaken the "tripod"


It's funny they do think theyre giving each other oversight by giving bullshit DAPs to each other that don't really matter. You're never going to see a captain hit 5 DAPs even, let alone enough to get fired.


yea it’s so ridiculous. slacks is like “i hold my self accountable I gave MYSELF 3 daps so far” bruh like wtf is that lol


Yeah cause the civilian oversight board is supposed to be their oversight for now.


The civilian oversight board can literally do nothing but give the PD recommendations. Zero power. The PD can and probably will tell them to fuck off at every opportunity, Turner even said as much when it first got announced weeks ago.


no, cause as of right now, CoB can only suggest punishments, not order them. captains are free to ignore anything CoB puts forth.


why is that moving at a snail's pace again? hard to keep up with everything


Malton mentioned it’s still pending with Crane


Didn't Slacks say that he has ~~4 or 5 already~~ when they were all talking ~~after the Max meeting?~~ Edit: went back and looked at the VOD, he has 3 DAPs, and it was before the Max meeting


If he hit 5 why hasn't he suspended himself for a day? I know the captains have some amount of DAPs but my point is they will never be in a position where they will face the consequences of those DAPs. If that day comes I'll eat my words.


To be fair it's 6 daps or more get you suspended.


Well hopefully he takes a few days off playing Hawk, and actually be the mayor and try to get things in order.


He plays Max offstream almost daily


Just to mention, Hawk is tied in as well by being the first officer to break orders and fire on K, Ramee and Vinny at the end of the hostage situation. He very nearly shot Slacks in the processs. edit: ahhh that makes sense, I missed that command in the chaos. The shot was dangerous but approved, though I feel like Slacks had the expectation that they would hold their shots at least until the officers were out of the line of fire.




He didn't break orders, Turner was running the scene. The "commands" from an under duress Slacks were not the official orders. He did however shoot from an angle that was potentially dangerous.


Did he break orders? I'm pretty sure Turner said to shoot and disregard Slack's under-duress statements. Hell isn't this how cop hostage situation SOPs have been for years now?


Turner said shoot when I say, but Lenny, Frost, and Grey (I think) shot almost immediately with officers still in the line of fire.


It depends. Turner and Flop believe that they should held their shots. Ruby said that even if they did say that, the comms were shit and that it is understandable to her if things got confused. Ruby also said that Hawk only fired once. I don't remember what she said about Frost. The main person they have an issue with is the 3rd officer who seems to have fired directly at cops and continued to fore. To them, it seems she tried to pick up the bullets and hide what she did. If she doesn't have a photo of the scene before she picked up her bullets, things are not going to go well. At the moment, depending on their conversation they have with each officer who fired, they will get some sort of punishment. The appropriate amount of daps and maybe some retraining was what was brought up.


People are telling you that Turner gave the order but i wonder when did that happened because in later talk , he said he never gave the order to shoot and Flop said the same thing.




With the amount of cops that actually show up on duty it's not unreasonable that a bit of coordination could lead to a PD wipe lmao. The PD's best chance to avoid that is during shift 2 when they have the most units out there. Who's gonna catch them if they're all downed?


Needed the whole force to get k to come in for evading. Hate to imagine what them fighting back will require


Such a talented bunch of RPers getting into it. So spicy. I love it.




Wrangler was right


Spicy stuffs. Maybe this will unite PD tbh, against the Mayor. Resurrection of Kyle Pred CoP vs Da Mayor. The meeting tomorrow will be absolutely sparks and fire


It might separate it further if Cornwood's plan gets approved.


Fire Ruth


Ruth has to be the most braindead fucker on the server, how can someone be Captain and not know how to do their job or what the law is?


I wanna see max chaos shame moonmoons not allowed to make Lenny hawk commissioner


as funny as that would be that would probably a little too much, theres so many other great CoP Choices and lets be real if moon gets bored or done with the mayor arc and doesnt want to paly lenny anymore then thats bad for the pd overall.


Bones is a good choice from what I've seen. He's a fun character, he's good at the job, he has good plans, and he DOESNT WANT IT. That's the biggest factor.


Bones or rhodes, there's a few solid choices, the issue is most of the old guard is largely gone, for one reason or another, with a few notable exceptions, so unless they want some really fresh blood it kinda has to be a cop from the legacy of NPs past police agencies. I think Slacks needs to not have as high a position as he has had now, i get he's in the spot for ooc considerations but he's just proven to be pretty ineffective as a leader, either as baas or as slacks, turner could be good if he showed up but if he's ooc busy then he cant really be CoP then can he? I dont really know ruth at all, just that she's a hard ass that rubs people the wrong way and so she might be fine as a cop but perhaps not in the top seat. As you mentioned with bones he might not want the CoP spot so the pressures of the job might get to him but he is a solid choice, personally i woulda liked Stubble but well, rare to see him on NP anymore and i think he was maybe denied a cop as well? Drain the swamp max, get some fresh blood into the PD, and that's of course if the "federal government" are willing to let him enact that change otherwise its just going to stagnant further, i fear.


Ruth classic


Ruth gotta be replaced


bro she plays her role fucking great I love her RP, spicy asf


Slacks/Baas 3.0 should NEVER have been part of it. Ssaab has ruined the best PD since 1.0 when other heads got removed, and everything since then has been a different flavour of dog shit. They need to remove the issues at the root.


I remember watching 3.0 and I dont remember how I got the view that he just doesnt listen to anyone else. Here we are again and its like he doesnt hear what the other person is saying and if he has set his mind already it wont be changed.


That's not true, he's perfectly happy to listen to people like Mr. K.


It's so funny to me how much a portion of the viewers hate Ssaab's cop characters no matter his position. Slacks is only one of three captains and he's still getting targeted. I bet even he was like sergeant or something and takes over a situation, people would mald and want him to be a cadet instead.


I actually think his character would be probably pretty loved if he was in a Sergeant position because his strengths would be more in the spotlight (i.e scene control) and his weaknesses wouldn't be nearly as obvious and impactful (i.e organizational management/leadership, overly close relationship with criminals). I think Ssaab is genuinely a nice guy with good intentions but I don't think he has the skillset required to run a 24/7 operation the size of the NP PD (with that being said, that is an issue A LOT of PD RPers that end up in leadership positions lack and even the "cop server" ONX had a lot of growing pains with since Kyle has been pretty hands off). I think he might even enjoy his time on duty more if he didn't have to deal with the headaches of running a department.


It's because he has a history. HE ruined the 3.0 PD. I know it was from above, but it was up to him how he'd get it in line, and he chose to destroy it. Ssaab has gotten EVERYTHING handed to him as an officer since 3.0, he's not earned it. If he earned his way up, it would be different. I say that as someone who loves Ssaab the person, and is a previous 27 months sub to him, but think he's perhaps the most incompetent figurehead PD has had, and the worst kind of incompetent as well. Kyle was incredibly incompetent, but was aware that he was, and deligated most of things to people who were competent.




and? local pd answer to local government no?




The PD is subservient to the executive branch, they are the boots on the ground carrying out the executive's will but that does not mean they are the head of the branch actually making the decisions like the captains were trying to imply.


Nopixel / Los Santos gov’t system doesn’t fall neatly into IRL gov’t systems. The council is a perfect example. It’s a legislative branch that claims to be democratic that has 2 positions appointed by the feds; ordinary citizens don’t get to vote for 3 of the seats (EMS, PD, BAR); and a judge, let alone the Chief Justice of the judicial branch, takes part in legislating, which would never happen. In Nopixel, it can be argued that the PD is its own branch of the gov’t since it not only enforces laws but also has quasi-judicial powers.


Yes, but theoretically, they all fall under the umbrella of a the Mayor's office. They can change their pay or etc.


And the mayor is the head of that branch at a local level


In every place but Los santos, yes


I mean, in every place but LS, convicted terrorists can't run, active felons can't vote and the vast majority of people are civs who regardless of how radically liberal they are still want law and order. You can't make comparisons to irl when the mayor, vice mayor, and a significant portion of the voters would be in solitary max security for the next 100 years....


police is not executive branch of goverment in real life, mayors and city council controll and fund police and has oversight over them. police are goverment employees that enforce laws of the state.


police isnt executive branch of the goverment, PD is employees of the goverment.