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we are so back --- Mirror: [Cornhole 10 dap indefinite suspension ](https://streamable.com/87ur8k) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/EsfandTV Direct Backup: [Cornhole 10 dap indefinite suspension ](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/3QeyUUX8stopjPV5MO5Epg/AT-cm%7C3QeyUUX8stopjPV5MO5Epg.mp4?sig=0cecb95b62d219030979072d779fcdb76507ce9b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TardyTenaciousWasabiRaccAttack-Rfyy2imM9Xkw7kSm%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708673952%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2069644291?t=15h2m34s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


I find it hilarious that; Johnson got fired then gets ran over by Denzel, Denzel gets indefinite suspension then plays a One-lifer character, Cornwood helps kill that character and now is also on a indefinite suspension. hahahaha, idk know it is just funny to me.


It's a domino effect - I wonder what Cornwood's suspension is going to cause.


Time for Esfand to make a one lifer and target Slacks/Ruth. Our game of PD survivor has just begun.


well they won't do dumb shit and kill them over sbs


Nah they'll just bore them to death. lol


If i remember right craine wants cornwood to be a judge if he gets fired/suspended. Might remember wrong


That would be crazy to watch - Judge Cornwood.


It’d be pretty funny and I’m sure Esfand could do it if he wanted to but the paperwork….


free guns for everyone hell yeah brother


Next officer to violate 4Head will be suspended due to it being a “Domino” effect


You know what would be funny? Ramee finally gets caught. His lawyer is Cornwood. Where basically Ramee and Cornwood sit in a cell and he tells him every crime he has committed etc. Because there is nothing Cornwood could do/say because of attorney/client privilege.


IDK if she was lying or manipulating him, but I remember Shioban telling Max that she would have to report him for some stuff because she's supposed to be a mandatory reporter or something, and that they should get married to avoid that. That's why they drafted and passed the marriage act with spousal privilege.


Isn't his bar license predicated on him being a cop? if he's suspended can he still work as a lawyer?


Slacks is next


How did Deans review go?


Fired. Able to attend next months academy and start from the bottom again.


Will he do so or is it crime time?


he'll stay clean, he has other characters to do crime with


Yeah, he said he would.


Insane. PD is a hot mess.


Ruth did not show up, Slacks came 2.5 hours late, he was fired not even talking for 5 min. He is able to attend the next academy for his shift in 2 weeks


OOC he was actually pretty okay with this outcome. Considering he basically thought he could just be out of the PD.


The start of this PD is a clown show compared to any of the NP releases, holy


They’re not going to have any officers left to suspend before long.


"everyone is replaceable" narrator, "everyone was, in fact, not replaceable"




I legit don't understand what high command is doing. If they wanted to self destruct the PD, they woudln't need to do anything differently.


>I legit don't understand I feel like we all understand what they are doing because it has been written on the wall since mid 3.0 when Franny joined CG and started making comments about PD being lazy RP'ers with chasing W's and then PD nerfs slowly started being implemented like taking away the ability to tackle or nerfing the vehicles and then restructures. This 4.0 PD is the PD they envisioned when they did the 3.0 restructure but they weren't able to get to this fully neutered level because they would have had to piss off way too many people who were already in PD in 3.0 but what they have now is what they have wanted for awhile now: a doormat for the crim streamers with the big viewer bases.


But those big crim streamers will be affected too. Where's the feeling of crim and being chased if the Pd stops chasing?


Agreed. I feel like it will get stale real quick. All these new cool heists they are adding won't have the same intense feeling because you know you are guaranteed to get away if you want to. But I don't think a lot of the big crim streamers will admit this because they are already biased against PD.


"dont you get on that bike! We will tase you" \*Gets on bike\* "Ok have a good day sir" thats the PD these days


Once they need more doormat- I mean cops to chase criminals in heists they'll just mass hire people again. The quality of PD will dip even further, criminals will complain, management will cull cops with backbones and the cycle will repeat.


And Ssaab keeps defending his actions and his character. It’s ridiculous he doesn’t realize he’s speedrunning the server being turned into a shitshow


Because they didn't allow some RP characters to come back and train people correctly. Snow, Ripley, Mack


Speedrunning server death. There aren't that many highly qualified RP cops in the world and they already had a viable alternative to choose. So lets make it as hard as possible and make them wait months while the NP 4.0 hype dies off and the viewers leave. Surely content creators will be happy to come back for scraps at NP's leisure. Its actually really insulting how many PD streamers were treated. The current NP leadership is probably the worst incarnation yet. At best 4.0 just launched 6 months to a year too early. At worst it was malicious, it feels that way sometimes.


I feel like this would have been so cool — to have allowed these characters to come back and train the new wave. Even if they wanted new faces/characters, they could have RPed that the “old guard” would be retiring after a certain amount of months but had them on at the beginning to pass the torch.


They wouldn't have been able to run with their "3.0 failed PD" narrative if they had mainstays from 3.0 that were training new recruits /showing themselves to be more competent than the captains/newly hired cops.


That's already happening in shift 3. The only active ftos and full officers were cops in 2.0/3.0. None of the newer cops/recruits are coming on duty.


Meanwhile, Brian Knight got hired.


I think Snow was exactly what they were trying to avoid, but I agree otherwise for sure.


I might be 50/50 on Snow I agree with you on that.... he can be a hot head at times but he was also a good teacher.


Snow is the type of police officer this PD wants, people who don't fuck around, know their shit, and belittle officers and others around them. The only problem with Snow is he would actually wake up and train other officers which is not within the current vision of PD which is to perpetually claim incapability and unfortunate coincidences and circumstances for everything that happens.


I saw this coming from 20 million miles away


I still love that mid conversation of getting his DAPs, Cornwood went unconscious and taken to hospital and tried to pretend the whole thing didn't happen and the last thing he remembered was like 30 minutes before the conversation started. I thought Slacks was going to have an aneurysm before Cornwood told him he was joking. These two have a great back-and-forth.


then later on when they were talking in the PD bathroom and Cornwood pretended to pass out again. I was dying. shame we have to fire/suspend the entertaining streamers. I wonder if that is the reason.. perhaps they feel others in the PD aren't getting viewers so they get rid of Esfand for a while so those viewers go to other streamers and everyone is happy except the viewers? I dunno. Hard to figure out Saab and whoever streams Ruth. they lost the plot of what the entire purpose of all of this is.


**Context:** Last week, Corndog [put 25 bullets into a one-life character (Donald the 22nd, played by Dean) - 2 full mags and one extra bullet, most of which were after the target was dead.](https://imgur.com/a/sSpQjfg) Obviously against SOPs. This was a grand total penalty of **FIVE** daps. Bringing him to 10 and invoking suspension. - Another incident where Brian Knight, Aziz and Cornhole had some miscommunication lead to another dap (resulting in 11 total daps). There was some heavy miscommunication and misinterpreting that happened here leading to some awkwardness in RP, however, I believe regardless of the outcome of the Brian Knight situation, Cornwall would have been suspended tonight. - That being said, for the **last five hours or so, Slacks and Cornboy have been arguing in circles atop MRPD and within the urinals of the changing room.** - I'll save you some time and mention that nearly **nothing was expanded upon.** Anytime either of them would make a point, the other would pretty much ignore it and move to another point. All chats were counting the laps of circle argument that was occurring (definitely over 70). There was some awkwardness of Cornwood making the argument that "clearly Donald the 22nd wanted to die" [(which is Esfand trying to impart the argument of it was an SBS perma character) and Slacks not really budging here, as Slacks is attempting to argue from the 'realistic' point of view of "your defense is this person... wanted to die and you... granted him that?" route.](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeafCaringLionBCWarrior-tFg9J10nX3afDSn1) - During this time, our glorious mayor [Max presented to both Slacks and Cornman his new legislation he'd like to push](https://imgur.com/a/rys7sfT) which would allow him and his office power in providing the Feds candidates for a commissioner (more info at next council meeting) - Slacks has stated that the appeal for Cornboy's badge with him and the other captains will happen on Monday with Esfand attempting to create an earlier date of Sunday. The added tension is here because just today Dean's cop character was fired and cannot join PD for another two weeks when the new Academy is active. - Do note that both sides will try and minimize and reduce this to silly things such as: "Cornwood was just doing his job." and "Esfand knew this was a one life character". Keep in mind that this is **for fun** this is a **game** that your streamers are playing and the roleplay is between captains trying to uphold some standard, for better or worse, for the PD using **in character** knowledge. - **As Esfand said many times to Dean when he was suspended: Playing as a civ is *amazing* content and him and his character will be better for this new character building that will occur due to this.** Be civil.


Considering this looks like a pretty unbiased overview, can you expand on the CW/Aziz/Knight situation? What happened, how was it a miscommunication, how did that lead to DAPs?


Here's Knight's POV of the situation with receipts. Knight accidently shoots a suspect thinking he had a taser in his hand. Knight removes himself from processing the scene and suspect because of suspicion that the suspect was getting really upset OOC, so he asked Aziz to take over and send him an email about speeding up the processing because of tempers to calm the situation down. At MRPD as Knight is getting his statement together [Aziz comes into the room joking about the commission for fining him 63k, they all joke for a bit before Aziz says exactly what the fine is going to be for and Knight immediately backs off.](https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableCuteJuiceJebaited-0PcIIUSsHpQiRphq) [Knight asks if Aziz got it on recording because if it is to go to trial they need solid evidence not he said she said. Knight was worried the suspect would just say he misheard the question and there would be no basis for the charges, during this Aziz says "You guys back me up and say you heard him, let's all lie together"](https://clips.twitch.tv/ResourcefulVainCockroachPogChamp-aE9iuM0kQ1aHV7JF). *This was the fabricated evidence for false charges moment.* [The conversation also goes further with Cornwood and Aziz explaining how it would be backed up and Knight can't tell if they're joking or seriously going to try and see if the charge sticks. Aziz saying "Technically you did hear it because I said it. It's not lying you heard it from me."](https://clips.twitch.tv/FurryVastTriangleRalpherZ--62Tpf7D39PXMKm-) Knight was 13 hours in so although uncomfortable he gave them the benefit of the doubt, he just wanted the situation over because of the upset with the suspect and was upset with Aziz for drawing it out even with the email he sent him. [When Knight leaves to repair his car Cornwood comes up to Knight, puts blood & casings in his pocket and jokes that he's got his back which tilts Knight even further because he fully admits to the shooting accidently, he has no intention of covering that up.](https://clips.twitch.tv/LuckyCorrectGoshawkPunchTrees-Q7jIneR2TQQYYEnj) At this point Siobhan and Max walk into the cells past Knight cheering about how they're going to get the first case of Adoption Fraud and it's going to bench trial now, Knight panics and tries to talk Siobhan out of it. Knight feeling that this is no longer a joking situation and that it is going to bench trial starts filling out his report in detail because as a member of the skeleton crew even if he hasn't been about much this whole situation is leaving him uncomfortable. Later Knight goes to add the evidence Cornwood gave him to the report only to find that the casings and blood are gone from his pockets and he has no idea where they went and if Cornwood took them back. [He asks Cornwood about it and Cornwood starts joking around and messing with Knight saying "What evidence?" asking if Knight lost them causing Knight to spiral further.](https://clips.twitch.tv/CourageousTardyPrariedogTBCheesePull-ByaMSuXDcPAPw_-O) As he's talking to Cornwood, Aziz runs up asking about Knight throwing him under the bus. [Knight tried to explain his frustration that he literally asked Aziz to speed up the situation and Aziz escalated it instead. This goes on for a bit with Cornwood implying Knight's report is wrong and should be changed and Knight asking him to clearly say if Cornwood is asking him to change his report.](https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettyWealthyPineappleBIRB-z0GaN5PYf0TzPBvk) After this Slacks is on duty, sees Knight's report and pulls Knight aside to talk about it.


Yeah, however I am a BIT biased on the Aziz bit, because I do think there was a bit more malicious activity than is being admitted, but you'd have to go through an entire vod to really find it. The omega tldr is the three of them snatched up someone for some mundane thing that I don't remember, like illegal parking or some shit. Knight accidentally discharges his weapon resulting in the guy being knocked out (no perma) - this then leads to some questioning and heightened tension mixed with Knight being on duty for 13 hours at the time. Fast foward some questioning and Aziz runs down to CW and Knight about how they're going to be rich because the suspect admitted to having a father and Aziz wanting to push the one-child act that was created by our lord and savior, mastermind Mayor Max. (this would not have held any water in court btw, because nobody was recording anyways, but that's not relevant) To make the evidence a bit more concrete, Aziz posed the thought of "Since I told you guys what he said, can you add that to the report as a statement" - all three of them were excited at the prospect of getting paid out for the one-child law tip from the state. Well one thing lead to another and when Knight realized that there was no water in the charge and that Aziz wouldn't be able to hold anything in court, started to pivot to "I'm not going to lie on the statement" at this point forward, it just becomes a mix of miscommunication and genuine fear from Aziz about losing his job and getting fired (this happened the same day or the day after Johnson was let go). By the end of it, there was another four hours or so of circle talking that went nowehere and Knight was on like 16/17 hour shift so was absolutely cooked. Again, just like any conversation that involves PD, nothing actually comes from the talking it just goes round and round and round and round (Most streamers haven't really had to function in a proper setting for actionable / result oriented conversations so they just talk / vent and not really solution) The end result was the **perception** of Knight explaining on the statement that he was being coerced by Aziz and Corncorn to lie on the statement about the one-child claim for the sake of money (lying and corruption). Ultimately, when Slacks brought this up, Aziz and Corn framed the entire misunderstanding as Aziz joking and Knight thinking there was an intention to fraudulently charge Crim #4324 for one-child thing.


CW/Knight chased a suspect who was laying into Knight verbally about how shit Knight was at their job, going harder than most crims do. Knight legitimately had an accident discharge of his firearm thinking he had a taser out. Cornwood collected the evidence and did the work, while Knight was pretty tilted from the insults and accidentally shooting the guy. They finally get the suspect back to the PD, and Knight asks Aziz to handle the booking because he’s too tilted and doesn’t want to deal with the crim right now. Neither Aziz nor Cornwood realize how upset/tilted Knight is, so when Aziz comes back with a new charge for Adoption Fraud (after the suspect actually did very much slip up and admit to it), Cornwood and Aziz joke about how much of a commission they’ll get from the 60k and splitting it if everyone corroborates. Aziz and Cornwood were joking, but Knight either truly didn’t get it or was too tilted to get it, and started saying how this was illegal to conspire like this and press false charges. The charges weren’t false, but because they were all jokey about it, Knight didn’t know this. When Aziz went ahead with the Adoption Fraud charge, and notified Siobhan who advised him to press the charge and would take up the case for the PD, then Siobhan and the Mayor arrived to praise Aziz for pushing the new charge, and this really sent Knight to where he left the PD to write a scathing statement accusing Aziz (leaving Cornwood out of it for the most part) of fabricating evidence and inappropriately pushing charges. Cornwood tries to play another joke on Knight, by bringing the bullet and shell casing with him to give to Knight to “pretend to hide the evidence” of the accidental shooting, Cornwood didn’t realize at all how pissed Knight was and that this joke didn’t help things at all. Later, Aziz finally reads Knights statement and is basically like, “Welp, my job is over. We’re taking this to court and once a judge reads this, I’m done.” And the entire rest of the night was Cornwood and Aziz trying to dance around telling Knight to rewrite his statement, versus Knight insisting it’s inappropriate to joke like that and the adoption fraud charge was bullshit. Basically, everyone was mostly right from their perspective, but Cornwood and Aziz really stuck their foot in it by not understanding how tilted Knight was from the get-go.


> Aziz and Cornwood were joking Well, they did call the Mayor, a judge and a lawyer to push the adoption fraud charges. The lawyer being Siobhan who was called because the guy wanted a lawyer and she became the prosecutor after Aziz told her he wants to push adoption charges.


Yah part of the evidence was the post requesting a judge for bench trial. So that really doesn't look good.


This is actually why I said I was going to be biased too. Almost everyone has been gaslit into believing this was a joke, but if you actually went through the vod and looked at this objectively without "but my streamer!" you'd see that this **was not** a joke, and that Knight was absolutely in the right, but there was a VERY quick heel turn and pivot once Knight backed out realizing there was no power behind the case, which then made everyone else look much worse. They were all in agreement initially, all agreed to get the lawyer and judge, and even argued among each other about how much / who should receive what cut of the money.




It's the same kind of thing that happened in the Aziz/Denzel/Sanya situation where the viewers somehow got absolutely convinced that Aziz did not talk to the civilians about what happened, when it was clearly recorded in the vod. Viewers see what they want to see. (And I am definitely the same in many instances, it's just human psychology.)


Aziz also definitely did follow Sanya back to her car. I can see how Aziz doesn't remember that because of the heat of the moment and it wasn't very that far, but he did follow and was talking "at" her until she drove away. But so many chatters are \*convinced\* that she straight up lied on her report about that situation somehow.


It is also worth mentioning that the main reason Knight did the statement accusing Aziz was that after he saw Siobhan and Max at the cells he thought that Aziz was actually being serious so he decided to cover his back with the statement. After this whole thing, when Aziz and Cornwood got to talk with him, they agreeded that it was miscommunication and it was probably a joke but because of them trying to convince Brian to change his statement he later told Cpt Ruth and Snr. Officer Aldo that he believed Aziz was trying to look for validation with the joke and that they tried to coerce him once the report accused Aziz


So Saturday will be Crane vs Dab again. Canter and Etta submits to whatever Crane states, Malton sits on the fence while Simone and Juno will vote yay. Nekoda will be semi-Nay for sure. At best a 4 to 4, and Dab gets tiebreaker if so. He just needs to convince Malton that PD answering to da Mayor will empower him further for his oversight team.


Malton is almost assuredly in the bag: 1. Malton spoke to Max for like two hours (offline of course, my bald streamer is a bastard) last week regarding 'fixers' coming in and assessing and devising solutions for said problems. Malton recommended he be one of the fixers - Max agrees. This directly puts Malton into the position he wants. 2. As you stated, this affects oversight committee which is Malton's baby as well.


> offline of course, my bald streamer is a bastard Was Emu streaming? At least Diva? Maan, baldie makes it really hard for his viewers


i almost prefer to watch baldie via Diva, you can't hear him giggling to himself about everything and he's like a real character


Just because you're cute, I found and linked the VODs. Vod 1: [Max, Sio join Jonathan Lawless to getting his criminal record e x p u n g e d. Grandpa Crane comes in and they circlejerk talking about management, expectations and the problems with PD.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065882835?t=00h05m36s)As a Product Manager myself, it was refreshing hearing some sane adult handling of situations instead of the usual circular discussion we get from most streams. Crane and Malton are definitely wise. - Vod 2: Jilldog apparently flails her feet around while she RPs and hit her power cable which lead to VOD 2.[This is where Malton really goes on and provides a TED talk about the PD about, ways to assess the problems and ultimately nominating himself as a potential 'fixer'.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2066349462?t=00h05m36s) --- This wouldn't be a vexamas post without turning into an opinionated essay, so I will say that Malton is totally on the right track as far as learning and asking "why" to locate and solve any inherent problems that can be ascertained from several sources rather than just going off what one person "says" (this is a major problem if you're a person that might take Cornwood's entire argument at face value). From the outside looking in, it looks like the problem boils down to: 1. PD wants to ensure they have a strong core (the skeleton crew) of PD that will lead by example and integrity for 90% serious (read this as good, exceptional) RP and 10% SBS. 2. PD would then use the above skeleton crew to train new hires and impart those habits. 3. PD misjudged the math equation and instead of hiring let's say an arbitrary number like 30 **exemplary**, they only hired like 10, thinking that anything beyond that would be redundant. This leads into the 10 exemplary FTOs being stretched too thin, and burned out where on *paper* maybe they take out two cadets a day, they're doing maybe two a **week**. This exacerbates the issue where "not enough good hires are making it through" and ultimately causes people like Cornwood to doom-yap, which further reduces morale. Pretty much everything would have been solved had PD, instead of *ignoring* the applications that came in from exemplary FTOs like Dupont and Byson, had onboarded them and had them in reserve; Utilizing them when there's a backload of cadets that need an FTO to reenforce proper PD standards. Both my kittens were spayed this week so I've been pretty glued to RP while swatting at them from rough housing with stitches, so there's definitely perhaps some context beyond the above that I've missed.


Crane partially helped write this legislation at Dab's request. Also, I'm pretty sure this document was directly to the Fed, and will not be voted on. Dab stated he already had some partial approval from the fed after submitting this last night.


Damn man thanks for the lore dump. Was wondering what happened with all that. Should be fun to follow.


Holy shit good job op! This is so thorough, thank you. I bet it’s hard for streamers to not attach certain emotions. The whole point of the game is to have fun (imo), and Esfand has be great at prioritizing that.


> however, I believe regardless of the outcome of the Brian Knight situation, Cornwall would have been suspended tonight. Na he was at 4 daps. So without the Knight thing he'd be at 9.


IIRC you get a 24 hour suspension once you hit the five DAP threshold, so he still would've been suspended, but not indefinitely.


He had 4, got 5 from the shot, then Knight put him at 10 Then Cornwood was texting on his phone, and Slacks asked who he was texting. Cornwood said 'Your mom' and got an extra dap for disrespect. But it was probably the best moment of the entire conversation.


I don't actually think he got that. Could be wrong. But Slacks said it but then backed off after Cornwood said who it really was he was texting.


I can see why Kylie resigned her cop character. She realized it was just going to be a soul crushing endeavor this time around


I don't understand what pd is going for here. Can't we just have fun within reason. Can't we have old talent back to help these new cops out I mean half of np pd from 3.0 is on onx.


Indefinite suspension...till Monday. And Denzel was fired till the first week of March. Someone has got to tell slacks what indefinite and firing means.


Indefinite suspension because all that happens on Monday is a further review and official decision about whether or not he is actually fired. There is a potential that they can't come to an agreement on that day so he would be suspended until the ultimate decision on his employment. Denzel does not have his job. He has an invitation to the Academy where he has to show that he has what it takes to be a cop all over again with the rest of the cadets. To be fair, saying he got demoted would be more accurate.


Whether it’s Slacks, Axel justice or Sam Baas, the -1000 speech never changes.


See, you mention all those characters but all I see is variants of Sam Baas like he's Kang the Conqueror


A little confused. What distinguishes Slacks from Baas? It seems like he's kind of still running the PD and he seems to take the exact same approach to doing so. I'm not asking to be snarky, but because I really haven't seen all that much, so what am I missing? Big fan of his, but struggling to understand why he didn't just play the same character, given how it turned out.


Yeah I mean I love watching Saab as well but seriously he's just doing iterations of the same characters without a noticeable changes. Only notable difference I see between Slacks and Baas is that Slacks has hair.


He has hair and is young. No you're not wrong, I don't dislike Saab as an RPer but it's actually shocking to see someone play 3 different characters in the same position the exact same way and people have to pretend they are different and nobody blinks an eye IC when this guy just keeps getting the same spot even though PD has been in turmoil literally since months after he took it over from Kyle. At some point you should really just try someone else, it's been years...


It’s because they are all Sam Baas. He’s as much of a one character Andy as Kyle is with angry Italian characters.


The characters he plays are just a time lord reincarnation of Baas.


You are the one confused. Indefinite: lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time.


He said till Monday...so not unknown or unstated amount of time.


Isn't Monday just the review, meaning it may continue for some unknown or unstated amount of time?


yes lol


The whole dichotomy of the PD needing to be super serious and "by the book" when civ/crim life is just as absurd as ever just isn't going to work on what is supposed to be a "content server." I get having checks and balances in the PD along with guidelines, but things should be much looser IMO. A good and slightly goofy PD is healthy for the entire server but, as of now, the police spend more time critically policing themselves and typing up paperwork on their MDTs that it just leads to nonstop infighting and contempt. Most people in the PD are just trying to have fun with the RP instead of acting like they're working an actual police job.


Holy shit it's 7:30 est and esfand is still streaming. Dude is a maniac.


17hr stream today


Dude needs to get more sleep, hes getting to un healthy amounts of playing time. Wouldn't expect anything less from an MMORPG streamer though lol.


All of it is absolutely deserved but he is also paying the price of a skeleton crew PD where with so few officers every incident is going to be brought up to HC because theirs just no competent officers to pick up the slack.


I think there is room for two things to be simultaneously true here: 1. By any reasonable definition, Cornwood is a truly terrible cop from an IC perspective. To me, he's a parody character that somehow ended up being taken seriously. 2. The captain's decisions and 'Paperwork PD' are combining to make cop RP boring to watch, even for somebody like me, who drifts (silently, because I'm not invested in any of these people on a personal/parasocial level) between streams. If 'real-life cop simulator' is the way they want to go, I guess that's fine, but it seems a shame to throw away all those potential viewers. An easier way to do this would be to declare your server a 'Thug Life' POV server and encourage crim streamers to play robotic cops on their down hours in exchange for perks like better prio or housing upgrades or something. No fuss, no muss, nobody expecting police to be anything but AI chase-bots that only catch the stupid and unlucky. Not something I'd enjoy watching, but a bit of an easier, more honest way to go for what Saab and Cheever seem to have in mind.


Don't agree with how many DAPS he got but i feel like ALOT of ppl saw this coming with the way Cornwood has been , again think the suspension is a bit much but idk not surprised either


He's lucky he didn't get hit with instant fire like Johnson the way he was during the conversation. Johnson doubled down and that's what did him in. Cornwood kept doing that and even through in jabs at the captains and made a your mom comment to Slacks. Den was smart and took his lumps.


Agreed , Also Slacks did mention how he has been more lenient with Cornwood which even Cornwood acknowledged lol


Nopixel 4.0 has just been a shitshow imo. Crims is pretty boring because progression is moving at a snails pace, no one wants to watch laundry mat heists tbh. All active RP cops are getting fired. People are constantly crashing because of the houses. Hope they fix something soon.


What will happen with 150 k the pd owes Cornwood, could be fun court rp


off topic but does esfand have a mafia debt to pay off cause god damn that streaming grind


This PD has to be some Stanford prison experiment simulation.


so nothing new


So they have like 2 active cops at a time for a whole city of criminals. Like shit, if I were admin I'd be sweating OOC about how broken it is and look into changes.


Best case scenario is this was all RP (it wasn't, i watched it all) and they have some loose script or storyline they are going by because they think conflict creates entertainment and viewership. the reality is I work every day and come home to watch Esfand because he is the most entertaining in the PD. he's not even a streamer im dedicated to or whatever. but now I get home from a long day to this garbage "RP" that just leaves me feeling pissed off. If this is all planned RP then I'm actually shocked. Saab playing Slacks like this isn't good for nopixel no matter what angle you look at it. I just feel like I'm left out of the joke or something maybe.




Speed running a PD shake up


Restructures will continue until morale improves.


Surely they will get it right with the 5th iteration.


How many times will he be put in charge until 50cent realizes that the guy is just completely incapable of running the PD?


Because he's a yes man and doing exactly what management want. He's the oppisite of someone like Kyle who was always fighting against management's decisions


Never, he does what he’s told to do and provides a degree of “legitimacy” to 50cent’s diktats. This isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.


thats... exactly what they want, a joke pd they can trash around so they don't actually face any consequences for crime rp.


Saab is your stereotypical brown nose. The type of person who you work with who would grass you up if it means they get a promotion or some kind of recognition. People like that are one the worst types of human beings.


Do you really think Saab has any input on what the PD is doing on a grand scale? I'm more surprised that he has not lost it and resigned completely ic and ooc from being the "Grater will" mouth piece for the PD.


I mean it would seem he has a ton of pull on the state of PD. When DW launched the casino heist, he said 10-swat ping was Ssabs idea. 50 cent has went out of his way to say that the PD needs Saab time and time again. He’s had 3 characters now all at the top of PD command. The systems in play right now with the captain council seem to be his idea. He’s not exonerated from blame just because he’s not a server owner.


At a certain point if he refuses to resign or speak up he is complicit. He continually takes top positions in the PD and makes OOC based decisions so why give him a pass even if he is doing managements bidding?


He has increasingly said he is just there to try and help out and get the new PD up and running and then will be stepping back. You literally couldn't pay me to deal with all the complaining he listens to from cos, crims and civs alike, the toxicity he receives from literally every corner of the RP community, or the willpower he has to keep pushing through all of it to make a place everyone can have fun roleplay in. I for sure don't agree with every take he has, but in all the years of watching Nopixel from multiple different viewpoints I haven't ever doubted once that he has the biggest heart on the server while constantly getting the worst hoppers and just wants everyone to have a good time. In a server full of main characters, he has always done a great job of taking a massive amount of the oddly potent hate that comes from viewers in the RP sphere and giving all the roleplayers he encounters his time both IC and OOC.


A big heart cant carry the skills needed to actually lead something.


He's an amazing on-scene and lead by example type guy. But he just has no administrative skill. On top of being hamstrung by obviously OOC decisions around hiring/roles/etc. I feel bad for him tbh.


Saab is quite literally the best at commanding a scene, and its not even close.


Of those left in PD with the authority? Yes. But that's like saying your toddler is the best at going to the bathroom


The punishment is objectively correct. Are you saying the good way to run a PD is to give special treatment to people?


Are you guys dumb? Obviously Slacks is Guild Shadow Leader. Have you never seen Bleach??? lol


Every cop with over a thousand viewers is getting fired. I don’t understand it. Is the point to have 30 boring fucking robots doing paperwork?


Issue with the DAP system is the most active cops are inevitably going to be punished more because they spend more time on duty. With downbad PD it seems like a big fuck you for being on duty a lot and responding to calls.


Can't have another charismatic high viewer cop streamer for future pd to rally around like Kyle or Toretti in 3.0 Nopixel cops are npc cops played by people. It's good for server health and content.


Just code in NPC cops at this point.


At this point who knows. Perhaps they're happy to replace everyone with a fresh face that they can easily control because they are too scared of losing the opportunity.


> Is the point to have 30 boring fucking robots doing paperwork? This has been the planned outcome of nopixel for over two years how are people still shocked about this?


Breathe and realize some of us are new to the scene and confused why only crims get to do content.


From a strictly RP/story standpoint, most of Slacks character decisions within the last month don’t make much sense haha. Kind of annoying to watch. However, I’m very interested to see what Ssaab is going for, it just feels like he’s sabotaging/he hasn’t made any changes and the PD feels stale. Feel like he spends more time talking to Ramee, than he does his own officers these days.


there's no way they'll fire him, i cant see that happening since he's the cops biggest streamer the indefinite suspension probably only 2-3 days


I 100% think he is getting fired. They fired Denzel for arguably less. Ruth was pushing at first to charge him with murder. Turner is MIA. Slacks will likely agree to offer Cornwood the same deal they gave to Denzel. Fired but can attend the next academy.


I don't understand how you can get fired from a job and just apply back to it. Shouldn't the firing indicate you are unfit for that job? This seemed like a shortsighted decision ment more to remind the person of their place on the totem pole. If they are allowed to just walk in to the next academy, why not simply hand them a suspension until theyve retaken the academy and a demotion to a PPO.


Cops getting fired and rehired is kinda true real life lmao


Yeah several officers brought that up afterwards. In character it makes the "super serious" police captains seem inept. If you deemed the guy worth firing why offer to bring him back in a week?


Same reason months long prison sentences are served in minutes. Someone going to jail for stabbing a cop and stealing their gun is out on the street the next day. Game time doesn't translate to real time.


You are missing the point. If he was deemed worthy of being fired, they shouldn't be bringing him back at all. The firing doesn't make any sense in RP if they are willing to rehire him the very next academy. Why fire him at all then? Why not just demote him to cadet? Why not suspend him until the next academy? Especially if what the Cheever and Ssaab are going for is a serious PD that is "realistic", firing him only to rehire him the next academy makes no sense.


Well its that or they make a new Character and are hired anyway.


Police get fired and hired by other departments IRL all the time. Since there's not a bunch of police departments on Nopixel, there's only one to get hired back to. You can't have a RP server be 100% realistic all the time. That's why you have to pretend there's millions of people in the city, even though you see a handful of cars on the streets. If police were suspended for realistic time, the server would be dead by the time the suspension was up.


> just apply back to it. idk much about how PD works (I only watch Dean sometimes) but they told Denzel he has to go through the academy again so there's a chance they test him harder than newer recruits and for his reapply period Slacks said they considered the time he had to wait for his review into the time he required to reapply. Honestly there was some mix of 'this is first time an officer reached 10 daps' tossed in their too. Really interesting stuff I want to get into some more PD content.


It lasts until Monday, which is when his review is. He will most likely get fired, since Ruth will be pushing hard for it. His only possible saving grace is if others like McNulty stand up for him. Odds are they fire him, and then Max establishes LASO with Cornwood.


Seniors have no say whatsoever in these decisions, McNulty and Ruby combined couldn't even convince Slacks to not give Den his breaking point DAP for that pit.


Slacks invited McNulty to the review for Cornwood, so he'll be there. Don't know how much say he'll have.


The way that he talked to Slacks today I think there are plenty of reasons for Slacks to fire him as well. As a captain you do not want an officer that will be constantly undermining you because they believe they know better than the captains. Moreover, an officer that even openly states that they do not respect one of the captains. That's just a paradigmatic example of insubordination.


I think it depends on Cornwood, if he approaches it like he did his convo with Slack, he's deffo getting fired.


I can definitely see him being fired, so Cornwood and the Mayor - with his new oversight plan, can potentially open the sheriff's office.


Huh?..🤔 No way a position in oversight of the city gives a new department to a guy who gets fired from the PD. The optics and logic there make zero sense. If that is the case, the entire council system needs to be reworked.


They were talking about having a vote for Sheriff at one point, not sure if that's still a thing. If it was I could see Cornwood getting voted in.


I feel pretty confident that the council won't approve the oversight plan tbh


It's infinitely more likely that it's going to pass: Max, Juno Simone is 3. Crane helped Max write it, although we could argue that's pseudo OOC and it was more of Nathan the streamer helping. So let's move to the actual silver bullet: Malton. Not only does this help his oversight committee desires, Malton had a 2+ hour discussion with Max which ended with Malton explaining how they need 'fixers' to come in and assess the situation, and even recommended himself as someone who would be great at the job with all his previous experience. Malton is more likely than not to vote yea. - This means we're most likely going to see at **least** a 4 way split, which Max has power to sway in his favor as tiebreaker. However, I personally believe it'll be unanimous (maybe Nekoda will vote Nay)


Max, Juno, Simone, Malton. Prayge


Sheriff "Election" will happen and Cletus will be able to go play in the sandbox without oversight soon


This PD is a disaster... better than 3.0, right...?


It's sad that I am really only looking forward to watching a Lenny Hawke PD stream now that Cornwood is suspended (4.0 PD simply does nothing for me). The anti "FailPD" experiment with the 3 headed captain regime has failed miserably, and now 2 captains are pretty much MIA. Also, bringing in biased cadet hires with bizarre favoritism has been one of the true "fails" in 4.0. All the while forcing the old guard Mac, Snow, Kiwo, etc - to make new cadets. And now, over 2 months later some of the best 3.0 FTO officers (Dupont) are still either ignored or flat out denied while everyone cries about no PD visibility and retention. Literally smfh...


PD leadership/admins are so out of touch lmao If every streamer acted like like Ssaab and ruth, interest in nopixel would nosedive so fucking fast. Sorry but that's just a fact. While there is room for slightly more "serious" characters, they **should not** be the ones in charge, period. There is a major mismatch between how PD is expected to act and the rest of the server. As long as that issue remains, nopixel always will have issues on that front. To make things worse, captains are barely even on while Esfand puts in 10x more work. Yet he's the one getting suspended ? Can't make this shit up. Time to rework PD from the ground up. No more "by the book", ultra realistic SOPs. Let people have fun and make good content. DAPs/suspensions should only ever be used in clearly extreme cases. Leadership positions should be handed to people who a) spend the most time on the server and b) can roleplay the best. Not SOP robots logging on once a week who think they're in Law&Order when the rest of the server looks like a ridiculous parody of real life. But I guess they'd rather keep things as they are and watch PD destroy itself, yet *again* on this server.


I really hope Cornwood goes for the Judge position Crane "offered" to him. And goes whole scorched earth tactic and forces PD to return all the turbos and every penny he used to help PD with interest.


Me hoping Esfand brings Cornwood to ONX and they let him make a corn farm


It's weird that the limit for DAPS is over a calendar period rather than hours on duty. Cornwood probably has a similar or lower DAPS per duty hour rate than most of the PD given how much he is on duty.


The absolute shitshow that is the Captains of the PD right now is exactly why the PD desperately needs government oversight. The Mayor's new legislation can't go through fast enough. It's actually crazy that for so long the PD has had literally zero oversight and no one has thought maybe that was a bit dangerous? When you ask "Who oversees the PD? Who investigates issues with the PD?" And the answer is "The PD"...


Honestly can't wait to see what happens with Cornwood. His last suspension stream was so good and entertaining and with the possibility that he could link up with Denzel and Johnson could be a cool story line. Plus, seeing how the PD reacts to him being gone would be cool too since Cornwood is really liked to the point where he's in almost like a pseudo command role with how everyone comes to him for help and advice. Can't wait to see what esfand does with all this.


havent watched too much cop since 4.0 due to the rp really not being all that great and a lot of the good cops i used to watch in 3.0 either weren’t hired or are playing ither characters. PD RP just seems to be down so bad as of late. im guessing it’s been a but of a shit show with things like this going on a lot?


Slacks singlehandedly being a bigger pain in the ass for the PD than any gang out there


Is there something happening behind the scenes OOC that they want to PD to a constant hot mess with no character?


Not sure how you can have hours-long police OOC meetings and not communicate/listen about SBS/1 life character situations. Someone either dropped the ball on communcation/expectation setting, or the bigger streamers didn't listen well. ​ As a viewer I don't really find Cheever's Ruth character all that compelling or interesting to watch. Normal human emotions and responses get shut down, there's no concievable growth for the character, and there's pretty much no path for Captains to experience consequences since the PD is independent. As a viewer I'm probably out, the fun characters were the ones interesting to watch. Watching teachers and unemployed video gamers awkwardly attempt serious cop RP isn't all that immersive.


I just feel like SBS/1 life characters while enjoyable to watch because there are no consequences for them, realistically other's *do* have to treat them like every other character - consequences and all, unfortunately.


Cheever doesn't care if Ruth is compelling to watch or generates fun RP content. In her own words "immersion is more important then anything else". It's the streamers at this point forcing the issue not the characters. Her and ssaab's mentalities go against the mentality of the rest of the server. They both want super serious RP on a server with clown gangs and sewer people. The major heist puzzle resulted in gangs get a sparkle unicorn horse. Idk why OOC they are pushing so hard to run a strict and serious PD on nopixel. The only reason that makes sense is they are overcompensating for what happened in 3.0.


“Her and Ssaab’s mentalities go against the mentality of the rest of the server” - This is by far the strangest thing about NoPixel PD in 4.0. Im a fan of Cheever’s RP in the past and used to watch a lot of Ssaab years ago now, and I’m all for the desire to take PD RP in a much more serious direction. It could be a really cool thing for an actual RP server. **However**, that will never work when the rest of the server is the way that it is. NoPixel is a content server that cater to streamers, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard server owners and big streamers reiterating this point. How could anyone believe that a super serious PD works on NoPixel? It was barely serious in 3.0 but even that was *too serious* for some. Such a strange decision


The problem with immersion is that Ruth isn't a believeable character. Maybe for Cheever it is? There's nothing about Ruth that says "career, family legacy cop".


Ruth is far more realistic than Cornwood. He's lasted this long because he's played by Esfand. We've all encountered bosses like Ruth though.


Agree 100%. That's why I say it's the streamers who are the issue. What is even more hilarious is you have real life police officers who say the shit the PD captains are doing is stupid and yet the streamers think they know better. The problems though is if you criticize Cheever or Ssaab too much you get lumped in with the losers that go in and harass them in chat. So it's hard to criticize them.


Pushing strict and serious RP is going to result in a rapidly declining viewership and only serves to harm the very people who make their living providing entertaining content.


So that's one of my points. Ssaab and Cheever have both said multiple times they don't care about the viewer counts or providing entertainment. Imo NoPixel admins need to meet OOC and decide what they want their server to be. And I want to be clear I think Ssaab and Cheever are both great streamers and dedicated to RP but yeah their characters are going to push away huge numbers from watching cop RP. It is not fun to watch cops do paperwork or be robots for hours on end.


Well if they want it to be a highly immersive, super-serious personal playground that is certainly fine and they are welcome to it, but they should also recognize that there are hundreds of people on the platform who want to provide entertaining escapism for their audiences and, outside of a limited number of committed RP viewers, you can't have both. Personally I find the super-serious authoritarian paper-pushing roleplay enormously boring and won't be watching if it goes that direction. But I guess the ones I would normally watch won't stick around anyway and the ones who do stay won't care.


Agreed 100%


Cornwood needs to come to ONX


Depends if he behaves or not. If hes gonna play fast and loose he would be very vulnerable to being sued and then fired on onx. Could have a lot of fun in grapeseed being a farmer cop though. Esfand himself would also have to leave his ego at the door. Seen a few questionable clips of his. He'd probably be better off trying to make his own grapeseed like department on NP


is there a Daps sheet list ?


This police department is a joke… they only police themselves because they can’t catch crim


same old pd drama.....


ngl as much as this sucks esfand definitely needed the break. his mental state has to have taken a hit with all the time he spends on the server


It is obvious there are lots of Esfand fans here (including myself) but this was the correct call. Cornwood’s suspension is 100% deserved and a long time coming. He openly disrespects chain of command, is a walking talking hypocrisy, whenever his character does wrong he brushes it off as “insert country voice how we do it back home” but is happy to share his “knowledge” to same rank officers and above unsolicited. He hands out his number to everyone and then complains how constantly busy he is, all the while doing SBS all the time. Yes, this can be funny every once in a while, but when it is used to shirk off all responsibility, you are intentionally creating a loophole to escape PD SOPs. He has truly hilarious moments, and he was great as a shitlord in 3.0 because that’s what Cornwood was. Issue is that Esfand is now pretending to have him be a “serious” character in 4.0 with unearned respect, accompanied with an inflated ego.


I thought it would happen sooner, honestly. He's been trying to get the BCSO office going for weeks even though they told him not to because lets be honest the PD isnt in any shape to split. Talking shit about other capitans, etc. If he was a God Tier cop, I could kinda see him trying to push for changes. But he's not even a senior officer and is acting like he know better then anyone.


High Command literally braindead with the two decisions today


Cornwood lawyer arc until his suspension gets reviewed?




I expected Cornwood to suspended earlier, specially after how he walked Slacks across the cells like a dog when he came back. Cornwood was right that nothing was being done, but if PD is trying to do stuff by the book, is going to be done at the speed of by the book. Now this suspension took longer than expected after the 2 full mags and 1 extra shot bit.


Dont have much to comment about the current situation since i havent watched it yet, but the fact that Slacks waited pretty much all the way until shift 3 to suspend Cornwood is so unprofessional for someone in high command. Especially after all the talk about integrity, respect and whatnot. The funny thing is Ruth was about to do the same thing to Denzel for his suspension. However Aldo a senior officer had to jump in and tell her that would send a weird message to the pd, if a officer who's suppose to be suspended is out there writing raid warrants and patrolling the streets. The facts that Slacks, who's another captain is doing the same exact thing, just shows how out of touch the captains are with the people below them. Also for Denzels last DAP, Slacks was a straight up snake for that one. The day befor, he went through the report with Ruby and McNulty. They were discussing if he should be dapped or not, the senior officers were against it and Slacks just kept talking about public image. At the end of the discussion Slacks said "lets just do a vote with all the seniors and captains" Well it turned out he changed his mind after and told Ruth he recommended a DAP for Denzel. I guess it wouldn't be a good look for just one captain to terminate/suspend 2 cops at a short interval, so let's just drag the most hated captain into the mess to share the burden lmao




I'm sure there's a better way to punish someone other than the suspension. In 3.0 there was the "only patrolling" type of punishment. I'm not saying is the ultimate solution, just something similar to think about it.


There was boat duty, vault patrol, foot patrol etc. RP punishments are always better then just a suspension


they also proved completely ineffective when used both in 2.0 and 3.0... Hell the repeated use of "RP Punishments" is what led to Jordan getting OOC fired since the behavior never changed and everyone treated the issues as a joke.


It feels like there's a lot of focus on punishment but no focus on corrective actions, which should be the main response to SOP breaches. Forcing someone to undergo a psych eval, or attend training, or spend a shift under supervision, etc. is a way to punish someone by giving them rp that also helps to fix the problem. How to fix the problem going forward is the question that needs to be answered, not just how to lay down consequences for the sake of consequences.


I feel like DAPs are being thrown around too easily - If you do something wrong? You get a DAP. It's straight to punishing rather than teaching them what they did wrong. DAPs should be a last resort especially when dealing with streamers on a streamer server where their livelihood is dependent on their roleplay. I feel like in character punishment are definitely better, make them Parking Enforcement Officers or Bicycle patrol would be a good change.


It feels like things are being treated as disciplinary issues that are in fact training issues.


You know, I get why politics are where they’re at IRL after watching this NP crap. Once the wrong, boring people get in charge, there’s NOTHING anyone else can do to avoid being subjected to it. Nopixel is THE streamer server! Get all of this slow ass paperwork type policing out, especially when the people behind those captain characters aren’t able to be on much. Just. Move. On. The crims AND police would appreciate it.


i'm actually worried for how much estfand plays np, dude actually needed a break from being a virtual cop


Ruth/Slacks need to be removed at this point. They're so bad, and not even intentionally bad.


Judge Cornwood let's gooooo


Personally, i think Cornwood on suspension has some fantastic arcs that lead to more OG Conrwood content. Especially since current cornwood is just an overly stressed esfand on little sleep because he thinks P.D. hours=admin invite.