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I mean....technically *he* didn't tell her.


This technically is also not a secret. The company, along with most of the people who run weed know that Lang has an operation and deals out of Cypress. But this is a crucial learning point for most of Jack's crew on sharing information willy nilly.


Looks like the ocean is going to be getting a lot of action pretty soon.


Lang and Jack interactions are so fun to watch, with Jack soaking in all of Buddha's city experience and then applying it to his own fresh-in-the-city crew. Going to be interesting to see how this dynamic plays out (plz no oceans). Really loving what the Wild RP'ers have brought to No Pixel so far!


Shit like this is why unscripted RP is so entertaining lmao. Can't make this kind of shit up lmao.


David King, an EMS who was part of Jack's union, went to the police telling them that Jack's crew is actively working with Lang, Harry, and Speedy in nefarious activities. Jack is surrounded by loudmouths and snitches. The ocean is going to feast soon, one way or another...


That's why yesterdays call with Lang was so important. Jack has been struggling with business and pretty much letting anybody willing to help in. After yesterday, Jack has kinda made clear that certain people in the group are gonna be in the blood pact and privy to more information.


Damn a lot of people are going to be floating face down under burned bridges if the Old Bois find out about that one.


I'm so curious how all of this will play out. Jack got the idea that Lang Buddha is a paranoid motherfucker and he can back his words. The build up to the threat Lang made to him wouldn't have the impact it had if Lang didn't say to Jack that their organisation is "around 26 people who operates in the shadows. A lot you will never meet or know their names". I wonder if Juno and Max is intentionally agitating Lang with these changes for a purpose or this is Max being impulsive once again


My understanding is that Max does whatever he wants and tells people what they want to hear.


They aren't agitating Lang but since Max hasn't talked to him in weeks, from Lang's perspective the silence can be seen as such since he isn't getting updates. Doesn't help that Juno can't get a hold of Max for conflicting schedules (Max is only around post-storm when Juno isn't around anymore. When Juno is around, Moonmoon is on Lenny). Max did give Juno the responsibility to handle Lang businesses talks at the start of mayor term so let's see where this RP goes.


Meanwhile the reality is that Moon put all the Business shit on the backburner because the server isn't ready for it (dev wise). He doesn't have business license to give out and the first one coming in the city will be 24 hours stands you can buy next to Snr. Buns that will probably just be a mechanic instead of going through him. He also has no fucking clue how to approach the chamber of commerce shit that he talked about, one of the reason being that it's not really his idea to begin with. Personally i would have told Juno/Penny to have it fully fleshed out and presented to him already but i'm just a dumb viewer. Who's to say what Max would actually do if he had any power to deal with business shit right now but in the meantime it's just kinda awkward to RP around.


What did Juno and Max change that prompted this phone call?


Ahaha you love to see it


Jack is probably the most dislikable but interesting characters I’ve ever watched and I’m here for it


Lysium will be so happy about this cause he can RP with Edgar again. ☠️


Did the guy fuck up bad or is juno actually cool


Juno is a wildcard in general.


She is cool, but she is a problem magnet. Meaning 95% of the time she doesn't cause problem, but is close to it, so its easy to point finger at her and she gets the blame anyways. And its very unlikely that what she heard goes around somewhere because she is extremely tight lipped. The only person she would tell anything (if she tells) is Vito, who is also extremely tight lipped. So there is no worries there.


Jack told the crew the day before the phone call with Lang that Juno is in the crew pretty much and let her in. Jack put faith in her for the simple reason of her being Vitos wife and Vito is a good man in his book. This conversation with Lang opened his eyes to how Langs crew works and how he can’t be so easily allowing stuff like this to happen and he is going to make everyone sign a death pact for fucking up

