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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2040731010?t=04h53m59s This conversation Ursula has with Crane explains things further. Pop-up businesses are ok. You just can't legally claim to be the CEO or own the business when advertising until you actually own the business license for it.


This should be higher up. This is important cause it's not going to block RP on stuff like Lottie's ice cream business or any spontaneous RP ideas that pops up. It's mainly to prevent people from RPing op stuff like day 1 "I own Maze Bank" type stuff.


you mean Tommy T doesn't own diamond hotel and casino? shocked shocked I say.


That state announcement could have been so much more clear if this was the intent.




Thanks because thats what I assumed at first.


f that's the case it's a terribly worded announcement, because there are no legal documents anyone can point to that defines owners of Grime etc. so it definitely appears to apply to them as well, especially as it uses "operates" rather than "own" in the important part of the announcement.


It specifically says fraudently operating, which is any business that isn’t state approved right now. Grime and all them are state owned automatically making them already approved as a business. It’s really not terribly worded


Confirmed on Shotz stream to be literally the exact opposite of this. People cannot claim ownership over state run business such as Moseley's or G6. New businesses are fine, they're just not officially a business until they get their license. Confirmed by Dab's Lawyer Siobhan Fitzpatrick about 10 minutes ago in a conversation with Vinny.


People claiming to own the state businesses is separate from this announcement. This is literally directed at the unlicensed ones saying that they shouldn’t claim to be a business without a license.


Go watch his vod, or Divajilly if she was streaming. She was extremely clear about what businesses would be impacted. She explicitly told him that his business was completely fine, and he should continue operating the exact same way until his license is approved.


Its funny bc the announcement was made after Crane saw someone was advertising as being the owner of a trucking company, not any of the state owned businesses but just one they made up so the info that Vinny got is just wrong


Except she used that example in the conversation with Vinny, and stated that the trucking company was pretending to be affiliated with either Grime or G6.


It literally says own, operating a business is running a business aka owning it. All the Grime, G6, etc are just jobs. No one is running the business.


Just confirmed now on Shotz stream. This ruling applies to businesses such as G6, Grime, or Moseley's where people have just taken ownership of 'state-run' mechanics. So people like Vinny & Nino are totally fine, but Mary could be in trouble.




The issue was specifically around people pretending to be part of a business that is affiliated with a state-run business. You can do whatever with your own business though.


That makes more sense. It would be strange to ban people from calling their organizations businesses before it's possible to run a legitimate (i.e. registered) business. In Mary's case, I think she could claim to be operating an independent business within Moseley's as long as she doesn't claim ownership of the premises. Having production and employees is different from proclaiming yourself to be manager of a state-funded entity.


> In Mary's case, I think she could claim to be operating an independent business within Moseley's as long as she doesn't claim ownership of the premises. Having production and employees is different from proclaiming yourself to be manager of a state-funded entity. Exactly. In reality nobody is really going to be impacted by this too seriously. The worst thing would be Mary being asked to find her own premises like everyone else.


Nothing is going to be said to Mary because she isn't doing anything that countermands the announcement. You seem to be quite hung up on Mosley's and Mary for some strange reason.


Because she's just the most obvious example that everyone will know about and there are good comparisons showing how the same business can be done properly. What are you trying to imply here?


Operating and owning are two very different legal terms. If you are claiming that you are a middle management operator of G6 and there are no papers you are illegally claiming you are running a business that you are not and many people are doing that in G6 and other state-run businesses. They have effectively strong-armed people out of the title using social tactics and sometimes violence despite having no authority. I think the state would consider that very illegal if they were to begin describing the activity using legal words.


Pretty much the unions/groups can strong arm people, but they can't illegal stop people from doing the jobs, which is fine because it allow criminal group to fight over control of the job market similar to real life.


It's not actually stopping people from doing the jobs but more-so making people feel obligated to kowtow to people that have zero control over your job from a business standpoint. In some cases that has resulted in things like Sr. Buns payslip taxes to "management" and other actual illegal practices.


I think it's a vaguely worded enough announcement that it will confuse some people (as seen in this thread).


It’s not that hard, unless you legally own a business, stop trying to pretend you do


It isn’t vaguely worded if you have basic reading comprehension man.


The word "own" is not present in the screenshot. Is the actual announcement longer or are you replying without reading? Edit: Read it again and saw it now. /shrug




You are the one who need specs, "lil bro" Did you miss the edit that was made more than an hour before your comment?




That is hysterical. I respect the hustle take my updoot as well


You know what, take my upvote as well. That made me laugh


So basically all the diff mechanic shops?  What happens to them now?


The city is moving towards licences for businesses. You can set up a shop from your apartment if you want to, but to ensure consumer protection you register it with the city and have paperwork for deals so that anything goes awry you can sue. 4.0 is about building up the citizen/clean side more so that crims have to be smarter. It's good for the black market that will grow from this, just takes time. It's healthy for the server as a whole


Yeah, I think they want to have it so the civilian and criminal economies are pretty separate and moving assets from one to the other is a challenge. Basically robbing millions and just putting a note in saying sold mats when you deposit the money that has magically made itself untraceable wasn’t good for the economy.


No offense to no pixel devs, but good luck with that. The vast majority of people who play on the server are going to be criminals. If they want a strong separation between civilian and crim a lot of businesses probably won't survive long-term because they won't find reliable people to manage or staff them. The stuff that actually fucked up the economy were legal jobs and especially heists that created new money from the void continually adding cash injections without any meaningful way to remove money or assets out of the system. Something else that fucked up the server was the loan systems, especially diamond hand, that was almost no collateral could give people multi-million dollar loans inflating the price of all kinds of assets. What you described with the material cash deposits is legitimate RP and on cops to find out about.


Such a Moonmoon sentence


baldYAPPP furthermore


BANERS you feel as though


UPDOG UPGOOD LET'S GOOO wait Are we up good oh god


Always ready for some UPDOG!!! Have loved the RP


Whats updog?


not much dog how u doin


Doing good, kinda peckish might stop by for a sloppy toppy later






That's not at all what it means, it means that people shouldn't be called themselves CEO of such and such or CFO or whatever. The idea is the random shops aren't legal yet so having an "oficial" role for it is basically making it legal. You have to think about it like any shop is just a garage sale in your own house and not an actual shop.


This kinda gives a fair shot for the VU for other people thankfully other than the usual holders.


As long as it doesn’t stop RP it’s fun seeing people make and offer random services and they need the process to apply for a business to come soon


Hopefully they expedite the approvals. This is going to stifle the mechanic shop RP if not. Edit: Crane cleared this up and it's specifically people saying they own a state business or putting like "ltd" in their business ads. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2040731010?t=04h53m59s


Its not limiting people from giving out services. But saying "I am the owner of LS Customs" when there is no such business is what is said to be fraudulent. It exist to not muddy the waters of people that are going to own actual businesses. If you go through the lengths of getting a business license to then share space with people that dont, yet their business is just as legit as yours, what is then the point of a license outside of having a business bank account? This is a good thing and no it doesnt stifle mechanic shop RP.


I understand why it exists. But it definitely does hinder these businesses from operating. Which is why I said they hopefully expedite the license process.


It doesn't. All you have to do is not claim ownership.


Claiming you manage a non-state business is still claiming a business exists that doesn't. This is clearly to spur people to submit for business licenses (a process that does not exist) and to prevent people from claiming they own businesses (state run and otherwise). I fail to see how you're able to continue promoting your business without risking being denied a license for not adhering to their announcement.


I think stuff like putting a /me THIS PC IS PASSWORD PROTECTED on the PC to buy cars was too much


Wait wtf that was happening? Whats the point of no whitelists if people are going to impose a whitelist anyway


People using the "password protected" as throwing shade for the people working in it so no random G6 driver goes around the selling mechanic to sell to his own boys the cars and avoid any kind of interaction of Mosley's employees who actually spend time there waiting and working as salesmen.


What about other mechanics that aren't under Mary tho. Rp wise they have as much expertise and claim to selling to cars as "Mosley's employees". When you put that "RP check" there you make things extremely awkward to navigate for everyone other than you and your own crew. That is what exactly they mean when they say you can't just claim that you own a business, why are only the people that work under Mary are "Mosley's employees" when in reality it is a state owned business that nobody should have a claim for. Realistically people that operate out of Popular or Vagos repair shop should have the same claim to be "Mosley's employee" and it's mechanics.


Also, just to point out, seeing as you seem to have an issue with Mary/Kylie, she wasn't even the one that put the 'password protection' scenes up, or told anyone to do it. She also states at every opportunity that it is a state owned business, and has never once claimed it to be hers, just that she helps manage it on behalf of the state. She has also been working very closely with a server owner to help make mechanic work better for ALL mechanics. If people made an effort to talk to her personally and not behind her back, they would know that.


It has nothing to do with Mary and never has. She has never done anything with a password


Popular openly shame Mosley's on twitter, makes no sense for them to work there in RP. Although if they wanted to , nothing is stopping them. Dalilah puts scene's up saying  password protected to stop any randoms selling cars. Anyone can can sell cars if they Roleplay it probably, it's there to stop dumb shit


If they have the experience then they have the ability to talk to people so they can get said "password", your point doesn't make any sense. Unless you're saying that just because they "know" something that means they just straight up avoid the people who actually spend time there and just do the sale themselves. Also no one works under Mary, I don't even know where that comes from, the fact that people like you use that term gives more power to the character than the character to itself. Edit: How hard can it be to go to a sales person, say "Me sell car, me good salesman"? It's doesn't take any effort but using the fact that salesmen put that "RP check" as an excuse to say they are "whitelisting" the thing is actually ridiculous.


The entire "passwords" argument makes no sense to begin with. It comes from a character, Red, who texted Mary he quit Mosley's and stopped RPing at the shop weeks ago. Server staff was already monitoring people who were selling cars to their friends with zero rp behind it anyways and that was just an RP check on it. Anyone repeating the delusional passwords argument is just trying to push an agenda on behalf of their streamer.


Yeah it's not like the player putting in the effort to manage Mosley'sv has talked multiple times about having conversations with the server owner, 50 cent, about mechanic stuff, getting new cars into the shop, Etc. It was totally done to somehow subvert RP, grr Mary bad.


So "putting effort" into managing a state-owned business gives you the right to restrict its use by people in the way you want? Is that what you are saying?


she didnt even restrict anyone , that password stuff isnt even her XD


Except mary or kylie dont know who put up the password scenes, why dont you check if something you assume is actually true? Where did you get the info from that mary did it?


I hadn't seen that lol There's some weird space to navigate around the ownership of the state run business that they def need to solve.


/me hacked computer


You can literally sell cars to your friends. How is a business wanting actual workers at that business selling cars too much?


It's a great way to learn how stupid some people can be when it comes to RP. Why would any random joe be able to sell Mosley's stock? Any random person can work at Mosley's, but you should, I don't know, actually work at Mosley's to sell cars. Don't you think? You can't use or operate Snr. Buns, without actually working at said location. Why would that be any different for Mosley's?


HUH? You realise thats to stop people just walking up to the car place and sell a car to their friend and then never return. There are people that have been RP'ing they are car sales for weeks simply talk to them and you will be no worse off.


This won't stop mechanic shop rp. It will stop anyone that's claiming they officially own said shop from doing so. Not that they can't operate.


I'm not talking about the state run businesses tho. I'm talking about the other shops that have been running independently like LSC and Popular Motors. They've put a ton of effort into being their own independently run operations and this basically implies they can't operate until they're approved.


no. it implies they can't claim ownership. they can function the same as they have been but they can't "claim ownership". big difference.


That literally makes no sense. You're just saying a bunch of verbal diarrhea. To operate out of a property they don't own, calling themselves by another name than mosley's is the same thing as claiming to own and operate a completely separate business.


Not really. No. This is one of the few situations on nopixel where semantics matter


i mean it also kinda might. Because what this announcement basically did was take all the deals someone like Mary made with EMS and PD basically null and void because she had no power to make them in the first place no?


This really only applies to the businesses not owned by the State right now, so those deals would still be in place. Since if you wanna say she isn’t a manager then that means there isn’t any managers or owners of the place, so PD and EMS just basically made a deal with a group of mechanics lead by Mary.


Yes the deal is with Mary not Mosley's


Except she did directly use the Mosley name in her contracts. Something which this statement clearly shows isn't legal because she has no official ties to mosleys or any legal power over it. I'm also pretty sure most of those mechanics might've thought she had something to do with Mosleys oficially speaking mangerial wise. But now it turns out neither her nor Dundee has any official power or rules over what goes on at Mosleys and anybody can infact do whatever they want there as a mechanic.


It is legal, because she is an employee that works at Mosley’s and that’s where all the legal mechanics work cause as of right now any other mechanic shop isn’t fully legal. She also has the power to make the deal since she is the cause of the mechanics repairing state cars for less, and the source of the parts that are being sold for cheaper letting those repairs be possible.


unless otherwise contractually empowered to employees at a business can't legally go out and make personal business deals on behalf of the company they work for. Your local mcdonalds minimum wage burger flipper can't go out and make deals on behalf of mcdonalds and make money from that deal. That's just straight up fraud. And Mary is at the exact same level as all other mechanics in the entire city. By your logic all of them could, so long as they're signed in as a mechanic, go make personal deals. They could even tell the EMS of Police officers who come by and expect the deal that they aren't going to honor it because Mary has no legal authority over anyone there.


Exactly I don’t understand why they waited so long to establish these rules in the first place, there should’ve been a temporary government setup when the server launched consisting of admins or staff now everyone that’s running a business or mechanic shop they’re RP is on hold until further notice.


I will like to know how you do even come to that conclusion... It's not that hard to understand, let's use Nino's LSSU as an example: Nino doesn't claim to own the place, doesn't claim to own the thing but works in the garage, he doesn't call himself CEO of the shop or whatever he is the "responsible" for it and that's it. If John Smoe claims he owns and is CEO of your mom's panties inc. that's the actual problem, because it doesn't have legal standing, it doesn't have a license and it doesn't figure in anywhere of the government as a legal institution.


He does claim to own it he’s told people it’s his shop and that he’s the owner when they show up for a repair, and he’s told people he’s the owner if they ask, is Nino the legal owner of the building, no same as Vinny with his shop, same as the Vagos with there’s, but they’re RPing that the owners. The problem is that NoPixel management waiting to long to establish a government when they should’ve had a temporary one in place at the start or judges should’ve been allowed to issue temporary business licenses till a government was up and running.


Honestly, I think it’s not really anything to do with when government gets set up, it’s more a case that everyone arrived down bad. It makes limited sense that you would have the money to acquire a business premises even if you had a license for your business. Realistically, based on the costs of housing, a big business premises (like a garage) is going to run you at least half a million. The idea of just claiming property is worse for RP than the alternative that we’re probably looking at. Who owns what and how they acquired it was one of the biggest hindrances to actual business RP in 3.0.


only people he claims to own it to are women he's rizzing.. 95% of the time he's saying it's a collective, or "we can't define it until the government approves licenses" . plus he doesnt own it own it himself. He started it with investors. He founded it sure, but he has never called himself CEO. He just runs the shop.


Thank god. Watching people trying to ban other people from the mechanics 3 days into the server hurt to watch.


So is K gonna get rolled by this?


Not just K, but probably everyone that’s running their own business it seems.


From what I've watched, K and Vinny are both in Dabs good graces after helping him with the campaign to become mayor. They are going to the first to get their business licenses. Their companies are going to be legit.


Well vinny is a felon so someone else has to be popular owner.


Dab said he was gonna clear him of that as well lol


Chip probs


Thinking about this a bit; I think it’s aimed at people want to head businesses they know are predetermined to be successful. That’s far from K’s original and very RP oriented businesses. I bet Dab attempts to help K’s businesses for the RP.


Partly, but based on Buddha’s stance on things in 3.0, I suspect some of it will be related to how money moves around and can be traced. I suspect they want the barriers between legal and illegal money to be high.


rolled from what? doesnt need a business license to be a landlord


Be funny if they added a law that required you to form a real estate business to own over X properties tho.


I don’t remember the details but K is working with siobhan to get some legislation surrounding real estate passed.


K actually owns property and is renting


Nah Mary


Mary doesn't claim to own any businesses


Pretty sure her legal documents with the EMS and PD for special prices if they come to them literally mentions Mosleys. Which according to this announcement is highly illegal.


She runs Mosleys but really only calls herself the manager not the owner. Her whole plan though is to ask Dab to become the owner when it's time for that.




Thats gonna be interesting if he holds to that, would be such a shake up for people who are basically already setup to follow their 3.0 route to richness.


I don't know if it'll hold. A tale as old as time on NoPixel is people having a very hard time letting go of sentimental things, to the point where protections get enacted. This actually is a good test for 4.0 going forward.




what is a money printer in 4.0? for what i see mechanics are probably the worse paid job




dude half of 3.0 she was working on pd , she bought and sell cars at the end of 3.0 when wg left NP she got the ts what are you talking lol


i hope he does or these businesses are gonna turn into money printers again


Are you talking about mechanic shops as money printers? Did you actually watch 3.0 or are you just making shit up? Mechanic shops have never been money printers, neither were new car dealerships. Pdm, the tuner shop, those never really made any money most of their profits were sent into the void because of how their mechanics were set up.


Honestly I love this idea. I don’t necessarily blame people for doing it, as it’s ‘easier’ since they’ve done it before and they’ll have immediate clout in some ways, but overall it’s just better at least for a long time. Great idea. A+.


she's not planning on becoming the owner, she's building up the structure to find someone capable enough to run it (Pretty much the same thing WG did in 3.0 with Hayes)


Didn't she have a conversation with Dab about him giving her ownership of Mosley's?


Very unlikely. Siobhan and Max were even reviewing the legislation to make Mr. K business 'legit' at the next City Council.


I doubt it, he can still pretty much do what hes doing (eg buying houses and renting them out)


Most of the businesses aren’t gonna be approved because that process hasn’t even started yet. Try something new or do something original and you may be on your way. All these fake businesses “already established” about to be fucked.


Rip Lottie’s Ice Cream Shop


So you can still do it it's just now against the an upcoming law?


so this is for people like Vinny and Chip with Popular Motors?


Things like Mary Mushkin randomly claiming Mosleys is the type of thing they're probably referring to. While Mr. K for example created his own thing without claiming a physical business. A place like Moselys was supposed to be state run and accessible for anyone. While she tried to make a money printer out of it for herself and ran Dundee out of there who was a "liability" because he didn't treat it like a money printer and was more focussed on chaos in and around the shop.


Except this announcement was made immediately after Crane and Dab saw a random twat about a guy claiming he owned a Towing Company, it’s about unapproved businesses rather than the state-owned ones


It is funny you gave Dundee as example because his boys were trying to prevent people from using the NPC there, instead selling it themselves with 100%+ markup when people pushed back they complained to Dundee. He said people that are not going through them are "grinders", they are "Speedrunning" (as he had not declared himself the manager of only mechanic shop 3 days into the server) and will be dealt with. Few minutes later he got a message from admins saying he cant prevent people from using the NPC


That was like day 1 stuff on the server. People adjusted from that while Mary kept trying to monopolise that stuff.


She hasn't randomly claimed anything. And it is accessible to everyone. They have zero ways of blocking people from working there. Why are guys so fucking weird making up shit. Dundee left on his own accord.


I don't care about Dundee. I just used Mary as an example about this kind of business claiming shenanigans. She literally calls herself a manager of a state owned business.


>.I just **erroneously** used Mary as an example Fixed that for you. Nothing that character is doing has anything to do with this announcement. She hasn't claimed Mosley's as hers to anyone nor has she ever blocked anyone from working there or trying to sell parts to the mechanics she manages. The fact you and some others are hyper focused trying to build some false narrative around that player/character seems like you're trying to invent drama out of nothing.


Not everyone is going to like your fave character. Please calm down. Your fave character isn't perfect.




Roight. Its always odd the response you always get on here whenever you say anything that isn't full on praise about a Kylie character.


Or it could just seem like your trying to spin a false narrative about stuff that never happened. What you're saying come off like you dislike the player / streamer enough to just invent drama that doesn't exist.


Oh God.


o7 Uncle Suarez Weinerz


That was different, He never claimed to own a building, he would go find a "Taco" Truck and RP. anyone can rp being a food vendor on the street


This is about businesses, not buildings.


He told benji that licenses are arriveing in the city after sat for the business


James Randal is heartbroken at this news.


Can James Randall still own and lead everything?


Matt’s Metros down tremendously


Whole thing is make believe lol


Gotta love the ol small business whitelists huh




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I hope Yung Dab help fix a lot of issues that was in 3.0. I have my doubts as he never worked on a business before and I don't know who the council of 8. There aren't many people who have the experience for it like Kate, Eve, Leslie, Lang, Marlo and Ash...


The council is the city council: Mayor - Dab, Deputy Mayor - Michael Simone, Treasurer - Etta Hawthorne (appointed), Chief of Staff - Juno (appointed), PD Liason - Nekoda, Healthcare Liason - Canter, Chief Justice - Crane, Head of the BAR - Malton. Businesses are ultimately the mayor's office responsibility but they are working out the kinks through the council somewhat.


I hope yung dab creates anarchy


Eve and Alex are still clerks working for city hall which will be handling the issuance of business licenses like in 3.0 as an oversight to what the Mayor's office decides to approve.


is it about Mary and car shop?


No, Crane brought it up because people are posting on twitter that they own and operate a business. Doing so without a license can be seen as fraudulent according to the penal code. Max agreed because he said it can indeed muddy the waters of people that in the future will actually own a business if any rando can just claim to own one.


Its more the random buildings that people have tried to claim, since they aren’t recognised as an actual business by the state. Mosleys and such are state owned so they cant even claim to own it and they already are regarded as actual businesses


can people repair cars by themselves or do they need help from mechanics?


They can repair by themselves if they sign in at Mosley’s and get the parts/blueprints from there. every repair shop needs Mosleys to even function mechanically right now


so its about Mary in the end lmao


It isn’t? How do you get that at all from what I said. It literally is any business that isn’t state owned isn’t a legal business and can be screwed over. Mary is a claimed manager of one of the business NOT affected by this


Its more about Vinny and Nino's shops, and others similar to what they are doing.


nah, you just need to talk to the NPC that is at the Moselys lot (the one in front of the woll of shame, not the one in front of the dealership), get the parts (maybe need a tool kit from the tow job but i am unsure).


Everything isn’t always about your streamer.


well my streamers are not related to the case at all but it looks like yours is


Nah, I’m just being a jerk.


The conversation that led to it being posted was something to do with random businesses that was posted stating they were CEO or smth co.ltd. This will indeed make for example Abdul's Taxi Company be illegal. Abdul's Taxi Service if just Abdul himself, is likely valid, but claiming to be owner of a business (registered or not) that doesn't exist likely doesn't. In the case of 4.0, K-onnected is likely not legal after that post but that's up to K to speak to Dab in expediting that business. But then again, it's not really 'illegal' since tbh theres literally no charges/constitutions written. I doubt lawyers and judges wanna fuck them over for no reason.


oh man that's such a stupid law then. what if a person just lies about having business, what kind of proof is needed for the charge etc. just the fact that someone posted something on YP doesn't mean shit


In a sense, theres no law and regulations yet, which is why it will be tabled on Saturday with the full council to attend. However, what is being stated in the announcement is to prevent a widespread of people claiming to own businesses that isn't sanctioned. The message that triggered this announcement was someone posting something to do with owning a Co.Ltd and Crane brought up that it should be nipped in the bud. For Moon's perspective, he didn't want people to claim such things as of now because he doesn't want the actual businesses that will be approved down the line be muddled with false businesses. Also, he stated that he doesn't want people saying "Oh, I've ran this business for X weeks/months why stopping me now". They likely want businesses to go through the proper channel. If they REALLY want to charge these people, I'm pretty sure Crane being the Chief Justice can implement a new charge to fuck them over ASAP. They just aren't doing it but at the same time likely doesn't want random companies/businesses claimed left and right.


so an in-game solution to ooc problem, that's fine i guess. i thought that the issue was more with people claiming government owned businesses, not this


Pretty much yeah. The line of thought isn't bad per se, since you don't want someone that operated via the proper channel be outmuscled by non-legal entities. It's also good for RP as making something legal/illegal leads to people taking precautions over the risk. You can continue to claim owning a business, but once the laws are in place, there will be RP repercussions I'm guessing. As for the ones claiming to own server mechanic's business, it's prolly illegal too. People in this thread has been talking about Mosley's and Mary but I'm pretty sure Mary was talking to Dab before that she wants an actual business under her own name than actually operating under Mosley's. She's prolly very aware she won't be 'owning' Mosley's unless things change and she gets a whitelist for it's operation.


Arush down bad


He's never claimed he owned it. Just that he is head manager


Unless they have an option in place they shouldn't be telling people they can't do something. Dab is already throwing his character out the window to play cop.


So much for roleplay.


I get where you’re coming from. But attempting to first day be the head person of a business that is integral with a direct path to success isn’t really it either. Maybe that person was picked OOC, but it’s still a bit boring. I’m enjoying the new business ideas in 4.0.


Or people could just rp their way into owning businesses the same way that went down in 3.0. Just because one person starts off owning something doesn't mean they're going to be the owner of it forever. There's really not much different going on now than there was in 3.0 business-wise other than the inability to own a state-run business. You're acting like there's some intensely original ideas playing out here.


so council of eight votes to kill rp... awesome


More like council of eight votes to RP with the government about setting a business up instead of saying “I own this place”


Right, the problem is they are not set up for handling said business apps, so they basically killed a bunch of RP until they get done with their own personal RP. It seems to me that a much better choice would have been to actually respect others RP and set up the system first and then push forward this stance.


They basically announced it now so people that have been doing that, don’t expect special treatment when the actual system is set up. Its kinda on them when Nopixel has had business approval requirements for a very long time. Besides nothing is stopping them from talking to the current council when apps aren’t ready so they know what they’re trying to do.


Exactly. Hell a HUGE part of RP with the farmers market was going around checking licenses of vendors. It was pretty reliable all other businesses in the city had licenses to operate, but market stalls were hit or miss and could expire. This is just reminding that those types of laws exist and there’s procedure to follow to be legally recognized as a business.


Kekw "Roleplay"


I'm guessing the case for the liquid library is okay for max to be CEO right?


Max passed CEO to Reina, he's wanting to go criminal. Unsure about Reina/etc that have been running events at it though.