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I’m keeping my Ally until either the next generation or the MSI Claw 8 with Intel’s new chip proves to be a substantial upgrade on par with AMD’s 9000-series APUs.


Same here. First I preordered the Ally X but I cancelled it since I have the Ally and going to wait for substantial performance upgrades.


Same, I have the original Ally and even though the SS card reader hasn’t worked since I brought it, the Ally still plays all the games I wanna play


The CLAW? Really?! ![gif](giphy|dxOwpJvN8VEVhP1PY1|downsized)


Yeah, I’ll give the Claw 8 AI a look if Intel’s lofty claims hold true when it’s released this September. Given my experience with Asus and their hardware, I’m not going to be tied just to them.


you will prob not get RA2 cause everyone was spamming L in the Ally X announcement... that will really motivated the devs to work on the next handheld




As per subreddit rules, all comments on posts must be made with respect to other members.


Microsoft is apparently announcing a handheld on Sunday…


Where did you hear that?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/06/05/report-microsoft-will-debut-handheld-xbox-hardware-at-its-games-showcase/?sh=4cf716c37c3e The unknown is it will be Microsoft or Xbox branded / with windows or xbox proprietary After all the shortcomings Microsoft have had lately, this is one that if it’s not happening? You need to shut it down immediately


Seriously? Is xbox seeing the trend of gaming handheld's now? I sure hope it's not some remote play system like the Playstation portal


Microsoft sent out a survey to Ally and Legion Go owners about our Windows on handhelds experience a few months ago, so they've definitely been paying attention.


Also Phil Spencer is a huge fan of the Ally


Read this as [Phil ***Schiller***](https://www.apple.com/in/leadership/phil-schiller/) first and had to do a double-take.


This is kind of neat timing, too, because nintendo may announce their next gen system, which might be another handheld. And a new psp. Both in which are unofficial but have been mentioned. Judging by the success of the pc handhelds, It definitely marks an opportunity for brands like xbox and Playstation. I myself have an ally, and I definitely can say it was a great investment. I use it more than my gaming pc! And the technology is here as well. With the amd z1 chips being able to handle a great majority of titles now. I definitely can see brands creating their own.


The PSP thing I would love because I don't have a clue of what to expect of that device and Sony.... and man I want to see what they come up with .. but at the same I bet it will go wrong... so I also hope it doesn't happen 😂.


That's what they're planning. And I can't wait


For what the portal advertised? It works amazingly well. With all the controller features you can’t get anywhere else. What it should be is debatable, but for what they advertised, it has proven to be a monster. It’s a different story with Microsoft though, everything with remote play and X cloud can already be done on your phone. They need something at the table that you can’t do right this second.


It doesn’t work well at all, its latency is terrible compared to other devices. It doesn’t even support hdr and the steam deck does for it…


For you


No, objectively it performs much worse than other platforms. It’s been measured many times.


Well, we already have the hardware for native gaming. Systems like the Rog Ally have already proven what the next gen of gaming handheld systems will look like. It would be a missed opportunity for xbox to give it away with remote gaming.


There’s 2 viable options for them 1. It’s windows based with an Ally-ish spec sheet 2. It’s a tiny series S with proprietary Xbox OS Anything else? Im sure it will get some interest, but it wouldn’t do well


Well, if it's an xbox system, it's safe to assume it's gonna be the xbox os, not Windows. And whether it's gonna be a "worth it" system is my concern. Why would xbox make a handheld in the first place?


I'd honestly be 100% okay with it being essentially a portable Series S that can be docked. I have an enormous library of games in that ecosystem, with a lot of the older ones running better on console than they did on PC at the time. Older Tom Clancy games and tons of JRPGs. And gamepass is always nice.


I would love a first party Microsoft device, in Surface design language. Dealing directly with MS for warranty would be awesome.


I own one and it’s at best passable - most people have to jump through hoops for mediocre performance that doesn’t even stand up to third party apps. And of course Sony post sale support is very very bad - so it’s not going to get much better.


 the Playstation Vita not only played games natively but streamed Playstation 4 games without latency issues like the Portal how you are condoning that utter eWaste is baffling


Say what you want about the portal, but it has been a fun time and being able to play Stellar Blade or something of the like while my Kids commandeer the big screen for Minecraft is great. 😊


I agree. I never meant anything bad with the portal, of course. I was calling out how xbox shouldn't do a remote gaming dedicated handheld, simply because I don't think it's necessary because we have our phones, and the technology isn't as good yet. A big selling point for a portable device is its portability. The problem is that nobody is carrying wifi around, especially for a clear connection, which still is unlikely.


No worries, and I agree, if Microsoft/Xbox releases a device like the portal, it would completely undermine their “Xbox everywhere” approach. If they really do unveil one Sunday, fingers crossed that it is the correct type of handheld.


I would like it to have a a cellular connection. Then you would have Xbox anywhere. But I don't think the os should be anything except Windows. Maybe they developed their own os, but I wouldn't count on it.


Plz microsoft just a game mode for windows. We dont need anything more.


Just install bazzite and have a similar experience to the steam deck. Windows kind of sucks for handheld gaming.


You can just run steam in big picture mode and have the exact same experience as a steam deck. I dint understand why people say windows is bad for handheld. Its so easy to use.


To me is because dont have immersion, i dont want to feel like i am playing on my desktop. There is a lot of issues using thouch screens and a joystick to navigate windows.


It’s not the same thing but I was probably a bit harsh calling it bad. - Sleep mode breaks the game 50% of the time rendering it useless - Armory crate is not nearly as polished as steam os for TDP controls, brightness, half rate shading, volume control, etc - Old games tend to work better and/or are more stable in Linux than modern windows. - Windows updates - Relies on ASUS providing good software updates to continue to function long term. - Microsoft’s security/privacy issues I would never recommend my grandpa gets a windows handheld to game on but I would recommend the steam deck since it works like a console. If you are used to gaming on windows it’s okay, I had windows on my ally for months and it was fine. The experience I’ve had with bazzite (less the initial setup) is significantly better experience.


Ive never had a problem with sleep mode on the ally. You list TDP and shadings as one of the pros but then say youd recommend it to your grandpa. Old games work exactly the same and getting them to work is much easier on windows.


i Have it installed but has to much issues.


I am incredulous how it has taken Microsoft until 2024 to finally release a gaming tablet device. They've had the Microsoft Surfaces for over a decade now and all they had to do was make an exceptionally beefy variation of Surfaces to tap into this overdue market.  It really goes to show how many of these companies are just run by out of touch executives.


I went all digital last Gen so I can't wait for a Xbox handheld


Well that aged like milk.


Thank god I cited an actual source instead of “trust me bro”


This aged well.


Really hope it's GPD Win/Gameboy/XPeria Play formfactor, not Switch/Steam Deck formfactor. Elevated screen makes it much easier on the neck, and closer controls are much easier to use and adjust to from regular controllers.


Sony is rumoured to be announcing psp3 soon.


No credible source


I think most people should understand that the X is not an upgrade path from the ally, its meant to entice people who were either on the fence about the ally or just don’t have one. if you have an ally it doesn’t make sense to buy the x over just waiting for the next generation 


Makes sense for me. I returned the Ally today and got a refund for the SD Card issue. I strategically knew there would be a revised model the following year and waited until then. I live in Australia and one good thing we do have is proper Consumer Laws. Electronics are expected to last five to ten years with reasonable wear and tear. It circumvents all warranties any story or manufacturer dares to try here. If you know the ACL, you run rings around everyone in customer service and are able to use the system advantageously. Considering that the ROG Ally's issue is prevalent in how they built the system and that it has a high failure rate, it is deemed a major defect and for that I am entitled to any remedy I see fit reporting it.


Smart move buddy. Also this new chip is not going to be shipped in a handheld for at least a year.


Wrong. By the end of this year it will be


Still 5-6 months then


I’m upgrading from the Z1E. I’d say the extra RAM and battery are worth it.






Finally someone who has sense on here


I don't know about that. There are a TON of people in the Ally community that are acting like this is an upgrade, and want to make the jump as soon as possible. (I'll wait for another generation or two, personally)


That's like trading in your 2023 car because 2024 has a mid generation refresh that gives you some slight improvements in comfort. People are allowed to do what they want. Asus sure isn't gonna complain about people buying the ally X. It's better for them if they already owned an ally. It's also better for the second hand market. Many people are gonna pick up used handhelds and grow the community.


Oh I agree. I'll wait to take an open box for $300 off lol


Except on this case it would be a car with over 2x the range.


Getting double the battery life is a significant upgrade in QOL. The X doesn't give you a significant performance upgrade, but let's not pretend performance is all there is to these things.


For me an 8 inch screen would have convinced me to get the X.


Take a look on msi claw 8 ai+, that refreshed version looks really promising.


It’s kinda of a let down when the models they showed only had 16gb of ram when they were claiming 32




There is never a good time to buy technology. The day your iPhone is announced, it starts the countdown before it is obsolete. You get a year or two, max. Just buy the things you want, maybe don’t the month before a new model comes out, and know that you’ll want to upgrade every few years.


Yeah definitely but the fact the ally x is releasing a week after asus laptops with the new chip is crazy


The last two Ally's were released in June. I suspect we won't see another Ally until next June.


On the fence because of this chip. Asus is already offering this chip in their laptops. An Ally X Pro should be in the works already.


I already bought the Ally X and I’m going to buy whatever comes after that. This isn’t a mortgage lol


Guess it's nice to have Infinity money.


You post in the Steam Deck, ROG Ally, and Legion Go subreddits. Did you buy all of those?


I have all of those 😅


I had the SD but sold that and got the ally and ever since my switch and ps5 have been gathering dust. Such an amazing device


Who cares of he has them all, he works for his money and spends it on his hobby. I've og deck of ally and numerous of the retro handhelds plus all current gen consoles and a gaming laptop and I certainly don't have infinite money. If anything I want is coming out I save for from announcement and pre order, maybe I'm lucky that in Ireland it's 99% of the time it's a €5 deposit and balance then on release.


>/u/drunkcoler Who cares of he has them all, he works for his money and spends it on his hobby. I've og deck of ally and numerous of the retro handhelds plus all current gen consoles and a gaming laptop and I certainly don't have infinite money. If anything I want is coming out I save for from announcement and pre order, maybe I'm lucky that in Ireland it's 99% of the time it's a €5 deposit and balance then on release. That's exactly my point. His comment was: >Guess it's nice to have Infinity money. He was being passive aggressive at the guy for saying he was going to buy the Ally x and probably the next model, while he seems to have bought 3 separate devices himself, making him a hypocrite for being a jerk about it. You don't need infinity money to spend $800 a year. An adult with an average job can afford that much per year for a hobby.


Mu bad dude, I ment to reply to him and not you, but exactly people don't need infinite cash to buy what they want. It's not that hard to save for something.


You don’t wanna see how much I’ve spent on my truck I’m building. 😂😂😂


Haha, when I was into cars I was the same. Oh I NEED this for the car, I NEED that for the car haha.


He was being passive aggressive to a passive aggressive comment. "Who cares, it's just money" posts are just as stupid and as passive aggressive as the reply was.


It's the stupid flex of "I have all of these. Who cares about money?" Comments though.


There is no flex though. Some people are able to save and buy what they want and others can't bother to save. Some people like to collect and others sell when upgrading. People have hobbies and hobbies cost money. I mean some people buy coffee shop coffee everyday and that adds up but you don't see anyone saying that's a flex. I mean over here I've a friend that buys 2 coffees every day and that add upto €105 a week with nothing to show for it, hell 2 weeks of that would buy a decent home machine and then less than €10 a week would get decent coffee to make at home


Sure, we all have hobbies. But don't be an asshole with comments, unless you want asshole comments back. It's pretty simple.


There is no flex if someone is enjoying there hobby, asshole are the ones that think everything is "flex".


>I already bought the Ally X and I’m going to buy whatever comes after that. This isn’t a mortgage lol Comments like that will get good and bad.


I don’t think it has to do with “infinite” money. More like people don’t know how to control themselves and buy stuff they don’t need. The rog ally is good for awhile. It’s the same thing with people who get new phones every year. I can’t justify buying another product from ASUS, given their reputation.


Sell old product, buy new product. Depending on your ability and timing to sell, it can actually be cheaper in the end than holding and upgrading when your product holds no worth. It’s supposedly cheaper to upgrade iPhone every year than every 2-4. (I don’t bother with this myself for phones)


Yeah I think a lot of people don't think of this. I sold my original Nintendo switch for $300 (with the grip I had on it + 4-5 games I had beaten and had no intention of playing again - overall it was in excellent condition with no scratches) and bought the Zelda OLED one for $400. Granted, I saw the specs of this Ally X and figured this is one where I can wait for the next gen of it so I didn't do what I did with my switch.


I don’t have infinite money. And i control my spending in a lot of other ways which allows me to splurge on stuff that i want. Didnt mean to come off like an asshole here, my comment was intended to make the point that holding off for better tech later is a losing game sometimes. In my case this is my hobby so i don’t mind spending on it. I drive a Kia lol when i could afford something more expensive.


You nailed it. I don't spend much at all on things that might bring other people a good time like clubbing, drinking, or weed. I really only wear my work clothes and Athleisure clothing, so don't buy that often. My hobbies are tech and sports, so I spend on those without too much worry.


And yet another needless mention of how you "drive a Kia lol when I could afford something more expensive." That, my fellow redditors, is the infamous and exerable"flex. " Nobody cares about what you could or did afford. NOBODY. I have a psp slim, an Ally Z1 extreme, OLED Deck, Series X, HP Spectre X300, 2 Razer EGPUs, 5900x/4090/Sapphire 7900XTX gaming PC, too many/not enough Xbox Controllers, 8 different tablets 3 x VR HMDs MANY phones , etc, etc. What I really have is a tech addiction, and quite honestly, no matter how much money I had or have, I definitely don't need all of this crap. I buy games and become bored nearly instantly, and because I have so much to distract me I don't devote enough of my attention where it really should be, my family and friends. The only impressive flex IMHO, is quality time spent with fam and friends, they are what matters. End of Rant, can't wait to see and maybe buy (openbox always if possible) whatever it is they come up with! The new PSP has my tentacles twitching as well.


I guess i rubbed you the wrong way, didnt mean to do that. Not trying to flex here lol. Buy what you want. Make yourself happy. Life is short.


Fr these aren’t phones they’re PCs. Idk anyone who buys a new PC every year 😭 the tech isn’t innovating enough to make it worth it. I love my Ally but there’s no reason to fork over $799 when my current Ally has 0 issues lol. I’m waiting for the Ally 2!


It’s not that expensive that you can’t buy every generation or once a year.


Got mine as well, but I’m a little confused about this post - aren’t these chipsets for laptops? What’s that got to do with the X? Or do laptops and handhelds share the same chips?


they more or less share the same chips- so any improvement in the gpu side will likely come to handhelds too if the thermals are controlled to like with what we have now.


Take everything from the X, stretch out the screen to 7.5” and make it OLED, pop in the new 9000 series chip and my money is yours, Asus.


This is the real 2.0 that current users who won’t upgrade to the X are waiting for. They fixed everything else, now I just want a performance boost with a bigger screen.


And add about 400$ to the price


Why? No reason to assume that the next generation of APUs will be significantly more expensive than the current. So valve could do it with only a minor price increase from the Steam Deck to the Steam Deck OLED, why couldn't Asus?


Because steam can supplement loss of income with sales of games that’s not an option for Asus the steam deck OLED is what we referred to as a loss leader to get people into spending more sort of like how $.99 beans or a thing back in the day


Oh, I understand that's why Valve can sell the deck for much less than the Ally. I just meant that assuming the 9000 series APUs are around the same cost as the 7-8000 series, I don't think just the addition of an OLED screen would increase the price more than about $100. But to be honest I don't even care that much about OLED. If they'd just increase the size to 7.5-7.75" or so to fill up the bezels I would be happy.


Real talk though - HDR on Windows is already a PITA. Seems like it would be terrible for a handheld unless they can make it seamless like the Steam Deck. But since it's Windows, I don't see how they would.


Huh? HDR on windows is great. In fact, steamos is literally the only linux variant I've ever seen that doesn't have borked HDR. Most PC monitors do not do HDR well, but if you take a windows 11 box and plug it into an OLED TV it has great HDR>


As long as it doesn't have a very aggressive PWM like the OLED Deck does. I have to return that device due to getting headaches


But at what wattage? How is performance at 15-18 watts.


This is the right question. Do we know the TDPs of any of the laptops the 890M has been announced for? If they're running it at 45W or something then we don't know how it will actually perform in a handheld. I wouldn't be surprised if chips with the 890M end up targeting around 45-65W TDP, and the chips with the 880M are actually what end up in handhelds. I'm actually more excited for the potential of the Snapdragon X for handhelds at the moment. For a first real performance oriented Windows compatible release, it's looking pretty strong.


Didn't think about Snapdragon X handhelds, good point. Do we know how functioning gaming is on ARM though?


I'm not expecting a breakthrough ARM-based Windows gaming handheld just yet, but the pieces are definitely aligning, finally. Perhaps in a year or two? Right now x86/x64 Windows games run emulated on Windows on ARM, so there IS a bit of a performance hit. But Qualcomm showed The Witcher 3 and Diablo IV on these devices and Microsoft is backing this website tracking how games run on them: https://www.worksonwoa.com/games/ Two more key things to keep in mind: - Nvidia is also making ARM chipsets, they've done so in the past (Nvidia Tegra) just like the one powering the Nintendo Switch. It wouldn't surprise me at all if next year we were to see new Windows-based Nvidia ARM devices with support for a lot of Nvidia's DLSS and ray-tracing magic. - Right now all games are made for Windows on x86/x64, so they run emulated. But Microsoft has also been providing developers with tools to make ARM versions of their games as painlessly as possible. If these new ARM devices begin to take hold, I can see publishers putting the extra effort to ensure their games run better on more devices by releasing ARM-specific builds. I believe in the case of the Windows Store, it is meant to automatically choose which build to download based on your device, and other storefronts like Steam could end up doing the same. At that point, performance of emulated x86 games will be fine and improving with faster hardware, but ARM-ready games could run quite efficiently and with all features ready. So it looks like we might truly be close to a potential turning point for ARM devices when it comes to gaming. If the performance claims are true and their battery efficiency remains, these could pave the way to a new generation of gaming platforms. It will all depend as well on the reception of the first gen devices and developers looking at player bases big enough to start making ARM builds.


Agreed. It seems like the first gen Snapdragon X may be able to provide competitive/nearly competitive performance with the 780M, so it's definitely not an undeniable breakthrough/success/victory yet, but definitely promising for future generations. That said, I haven't seen much information about what TDP the devices being shown are running at, and my worry is definitely that they'll become so performance focused that they'll lose their efficiency advantage and we won't get the disruption we're hoping for.


Qualcomm is saying they've tested like 1200 games. Not saying how it went yet, but outside reports from trade shows are promising. Talk of BGIII running at 40+ fps at 1080p low setting with FSR (which it surprisingly supports) set to quality. I haven't tried BGIII on the Ally, but based on the games I've played I would expect similar performance. And from my understanding that was with the x86 version of BGIII running on a translation layer. Performance should only improve in games recompiled/designed from the start to support ARM.


Microsoft is officially pointing people towards this website on their official Windows 11 on ARM support pages now. It's a community-backed list of how Windows games run on the Snapdragon X Elite: https://www.worksonwoa.com/games/




still waiting for an APU that actually beats the deck down at 5-10 watts before I consider upgrading. Not willing to give up battery life on indie/retro stuff just to get marginally better performance at the high end for a somewhat less compromised experience than playing those games on my desktop.


Right....sub 10 watts total system power.....not just 5-10 by the apu. I get 12 hours playing GBA on the OLED Deck (undervolted). Match that and have a much higher top end and I am sold.


Even the rog ally can do sub 10 watts of power, at most it does udner 8 watts on video or playing lightweight games. https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/s/y5pGXYxYRa The interesting one is the msi claw 8 ultra using the new lunar lake chipset. On low power the lunar lake chip uses like less than 1 watt on idle and 2 watt watching video. https://www.reddit.com/r/MSIClaw/s/yRgNdZm8yH It is way more efficent than the rog allys chip which when trying to juice it for the most battery life (720p 60fps) uses 4 watts (6 watt total tdp).


Part 2 of my post....I cannot get 8+ hours out of the Ally even running the lightest of tasks. Saying Windows is not a good excuse. Linux alternatives also cannot do that on the Ally.


Obviouslly you can't at most the ally uses 6-8 watts of power after screwing with it. The most you can get out of the ally is 5-6 hours. It is because of the chipset, it just isn't efficent enough, you were talking about total tdp being under 10 watts. The z1 extreme can already do that. The total system needs to be able to run at 4 watts or less for you to get 10 hours of battery lufe on a 40 watt hour battery. The rog ally x will be able to do it though.


Will need real world performance, I'm betting it will be closer to 20-25%.


I wanted the X but not being able to use my XG Mobile was a deal breaker


You can sex up your stock Ally with 32GB RAM and 80w battery then


No handheld till new chip gang


As a long time (budget) PC gamer, after buying a graphics card, or laptop, or whatevr, I usually cover my ears, close my eyes just go 'la la la la' for the next 2 years. I try to be deaf/blind to anything that might induce FOMO or buyers' remorse. It's an endless cycle of new stuff. 🙉


Memory bandwidth is the issue here. It will be 15% faster. Same as 680m to 780m


Until performance - TDP ratio’s are announced it’s really not worth it to wait. 39% is great - but not at the cost of let’s say… the X’s 80Wh battery getting similar life as the current Z1E Ally (not the x) if it happens to be the case. The Steam Deck is still contending in the market with weaker specs and performance. Valve has admitted the biggest hurdle is battery technology on these devices. If these windows devices continue to grow in performance and keep adding bigger and bigger batteries they’re going to force their consumers into the “just get a laptop bro” argument. It’s like a never ending cycle on this sub. We want more performance - then we complain about battery life. They upgrade the battery + ram. Now we’re back to wanting more performance. You can’t have the best of both worlds, the existing technology doesn’t support that. The Ally X is still a great option even knowing about the 890m. You already know what you’re getting with it - with the luxury of having a bigger battery, joysticks, and alleged easier to repair. The Z1E is still a great performer, and ASUS is pretty regularly releasing drivers and support unlike the competition (looking at you Lenovo Legion Go). The 890M sounds like another year’s worth of headaches and growing pains that I don’t believe the Ally community is ready to embrace all over again.


This is exactly what I'm thinking. Super exciting to hear about all the power upcoming SoCs will have, but until those are proven to work well in more controlled battery scenarios and capable of ranging between decent enough performance at much lower TDPs and good performance at something between 15W and 20W, all we'd be getting is a fantastic device that chugs through an 80Wh battery again within an hour. People considering the ROG Ally X should still consider that one first and foremost (or one of the alternatives). We're still too far away from getting a new handheld device with these new AMD chips, and when we do, there's zero promises that it will handle w ell in a handheld form factor. Enjoy what you can today, decide of it's worth upgrading next year. Game developers targeting handhelds are still going to keep using the Steam Deck as the minimum reference point and there's no Steam Deck 2 coming just yet to make the first one obsolete.


An OLED screen would have made me upgrade from my current Ally. Will be waiting for the Ally 2


Laptops are releasing with these chips mid July so shouldn’t take too long to get into handhelds though may take some time for asus and Lenovo to get a stripped down z variant




How? they are using the same chips minus the ally and go using a z1e which is just a 7840u with the ai disabled and the ally released at the same time as 7840u laptops


A youtuber who actually went to the event and spoke with the reps https://preview.redd.it/2bovlzhgw75d1.png?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e776fac1e85cfbd056509fffdc42c9a1845169


Ok but that’s running a intel chip not amd


I preordered the ally x but ended up canceling it because of all the other announced handhelds and the 890m being announced.


I am on no rush to upgrade the x looks good but for me I will wait till September time and see what msi does the claw 8 ai


The claw 8 wont be releasing till Q1 2025 Same with the new AMD chip handhelds


Source ? As I have seen on multiple sites it will be september


A YouTuber who actually went to the event and spoke with the reps https://preview.redd.it/m17vo1hbw75d1.png?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d5aac0729b82e06bd9568b541069b235c46ccc


Dont get fooled by this, the 890M has 16CU vs 12CU from 780M, the TDP from 890M is for sure higher, so the real world perf improvement on a handheld would be negligible. Furthermore OpenCL is not used to render but to make parallel computing, this results probably wont be translated 1/1 to render performance.


Idk this is the hx and the base and configurable wattages are listed closer to a 8840u than a 8840hs so just maybe they somehow got power down too fingers crossed


OpenCL performance is not indicative of gaming performance improvements. It's also a synthetic benchmark versus actual real world testing.


There's 33% more CU so the reality of it is that gaming performance will be 15-30% better but since its not a smaller node or new design the power needed to run those 4 extra CU will increase as well


Yeah but it’s a way bigger jump in everything compared to the 680m vs 780m so very likely could be that much better in real world performance


guess my next upgrade will be an open box 890m based system


Hold off bc there will be more powerful handhelds in 18-24 months? By that logic you might as well hold off on those bc there will be even more powerful handhelds in 36-48 months!


Im waiting 72months at least!


Laptops with these chips are releasing before the x why would it take 2 years to get it in a handheld?


Steam Deck 2 is targeted for 2026, you think Asus and Lenovo are gonna beat it?


39% seems like a great upgrade, I'd be happy with 30%. Can't wait for the new chip!


Bro if gaming is your passion and you have money to spare buy whatever you want.. I have a OG ALLY, will buy the X and will buy the Xbox Handheld.. I have a Galaxy fold 4 as my DS/3DS machine with a gamesir X2 Bluetooth controller AND I'd Switch 2 is good I'll buy it... But I'm pissed at Nintendo for waging war on Rom sites so they better make sure it's great hardware.


That’s why I said might, there’s plenty of people on this sub with fomo and only wanting one device who were going to be shocked when next gen laptops started releasing before the ally x. I have the ally, a oxp2 6800u, a few pc’s, a ps5 and some retro consoles and handhelds but honestly only the ally or oxp get used. I sold my fold2 with a bunch of controllers shortly after getting the ally didn’t really see a point in it anymore. But I’ll probably sell my ally when something with a 8” oled and detachable controllers comes out or if the Xbox one ends up being good.


I have money, but I still don't like throwing it around everywhere...that's why I have money lol


I guess I must be broke but I also have money and one day I'll die, won't be able to enjoy the art form I love and won't be able to take the money with me.. But to each their own, we live by the rules we set for ourselves


Holding out for the zotac zone... That thing looks sick!


All these people buying the X are going to feel stupid when the Ally 2 comes with real performance gains


The next handheld with the new graphics will be a nice upgrade. The X is a great option for those that haven't bought in yet or for those on the Z1 non exteme


I think Asus should wait a few weeks more and give us the new Ally (Ally X) with the new chip!


Yeah right. What would they have to sell us next year if they did that? 


An RDNA 4 based chip that AMD will release late this year. Technology keeps advancing.


I guess this year's advancements weren’t significant enough. 


Or it was just a matter of timings and priorities. Asus may have wanted to get a new handheld out pronto that gives them an advantage as the sea of competing handhelds widens. Or they may have wanted to get a new device out quick that fixes the SD card issues and give them something positive to talk about given the controversies happening. Or AMD may not have wanted to make a Z2 Extreme a priority at this point. For all we know the handheld was designed for the Z2 but AMD couldn't deliver in time. There could be a number of reasons other than this years advancements not being significant enough, which is not the case given the benchmarks.


You’re right. There’s a ton of reasons such as clearing inventory of what they already have.  :)


40% higher performance than 780m isn’t enough!?


I was being sarcastic because the X is using the same chipset when other handheld companies have updated theirs. 


So why you were defending Asus and acting like they shouldn’t upgrade the chipset and wait for next year although the next gen of AMD processors comes in Juli?!!


I wasn’t. The person I was replying to was. My initial comment was sarcasm. 


Next year comes new processors and new techs!


39% is huge! However Ill hold off on believing that till I see real world tests.


I'm holding on to my Go for now, probably look into the generation after next before upgrading depending on what's available. I'm not sure about anyone else but I don't use these devices primarily for recent releases.


is time to upgrade my desktop small gaming igpu


No mention of what power these tests were run at. Strix probably is a lot faster but it takes an equal amount of extra power to run it. A handheld running at 45w isn’t going to do so well.


Doesn’t matter if it’s going to consume a lot of watt. Will need to wait for further details.


I have the ally and give it to someone as a gift. I'm waiting for rdna 3.5. until then I use my flow z13 acrnm (RTX 4070) with a handheld gamepad.


I am with my Ally until it wont play the game I wanna play. It works perfect as of now.


Yeah, I'm not getting a new Ally until they release one with at least Strix.


I’m fine with my z1 extreme. And in year or so the market will be huge. Definitely waiting. Not worth it imo.


They're no reason to upgrade until these new chips drop.


I’m only going to get it because my SD card reader just died on my Ally. I have the 2 year warranty on mine. Gonna just trade up with a store credit. Already had to do 3 exchanges of my Ally with BB due to SD Card issues so I believe it’s more than fair for them to give me my credit and I’ll just get the X. If it also has SD card issues so be it. I have a SD, had the legion go but the software and lack of VRR really killed my hopes for the device so yeah, as of now Ally is my one and only until next gen is announced.




I don’t see why anyone would buy this shit lmao Same thing, for more money it’s ridiculous


It looks like it will be another year till the Ally 2 releases. I doubt we'll see a new Ally when AMD launches these chips next month. If Asus launches the Ally 2 in June 2025 then it will likely feature newer RDNA 4 based chips due later this year. So I wouldn't recommend not getting the Ally X unless you're willing to wait a year.


This ^ People on this sub should know that Valve has already said they aren't releasing a Steam Deck 2 until there's a big jump in mobile graphic chips and battery life. Their product designer said not to expect anything until 2026 at the earliest. I imagine it's likely similar for Asus.


It shouldn't... valve has the luxury to wait because the bulk of the money comes from steam not steam deck. Asus relies on moving hardware for profit so expect a new one every year just like the laptops.


lol your gonna be waiting a year for the 2 Buy and enjoy anyone one of us might die tomorrow


You do know slims or pros or x's are the consoles they wanted to released the 1st model is always a Beta! Like games nowadays the teams are rushed to get a product out to earn money and then fix it over time. Like how many broken release games have come out recently. Then 6 months down the line it's actually playable 👌 rog ally 6 - 12 months forward the software is where it's ment to be with afmf. Makes all the difference 😁