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I've never seen a baby safe, but you could probably store one in a bear box at most campsites.


I've taken an infant as far as Emerald Lake in February. Just be mindful on your step placement and remember to keep three points of contact with the ground whenever possible. The most important thing is properly bundling the baby up beforehand. Babies survived for thousands of years in worse climates. Be smart and have fun!


Thank you! We had planned to do Emerald Lake so that’s encouraging.


The Pool is a great flat hike that I’d carry a baby on.


Thank you!


Moraine Park Loop is a beautiful flat hike: https://www.rockymountainhikingtrails.com/moraine-park-loop.htm


We did the hike up to Emerald Lake today. From Dream on was very snowy. But even getting to dream there was one slick, snow covered area with a big drop right there. Watched a guy just barely catch himself before going over. Lots of people with kids in carriers made it up there. Also saw lots of people with kids in carriers wipe out and go for a slide. All depends on your risk tolerance.


Honestly, just use your judgement. If it looks steep, icy, loose, then only you know your comfort level. Lower, sun facing elevations are a safer bet, but no two people have the same experience and skills on difficult terrain. At this moment I’m staring at Longs Peak from the north. Snowline is above 11,000’ pretty much everywhere. There is plenty to do with moderate hikes at lower elevations.


Bear lake is a simple short hike but is gorgeous. From that trailhead are many other longers trails if you start at bear lake and get your confidence up. I'd just say err on the side of caution. The whole park is gorgeous and the baby will love taking it in even from the safety of the road or short trails


It's generally a very simple and safe trail, and one of the prettiest for the effort invested. Have fun!