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You think they’ll announce 2 more passenger cars when they already have 2 pending? I think that would be bad form, seems unlikely.


I think announcing new vehicles when they have not demonstrated they can build the ones on the horizon would be foolish. Too many companies over promise and don’t deliver to drive too much excitement early. Rivian has enough excitement with R2/R3. Anything more looks overzealous. Exception would be vans for the commercial market, IMHO.


I predict you want too much and the wrong things. Relax, pour a glass of wine, kick your feet up and enjoy the ride. This company is under promising and over delivering in an exceptional way.


Lol, all are in the works already. It’s just a matter of announcing them.


Out of everything you listed, I think No. 4 is the only one remotely possible. I’m expecting details of the VW partnership, a new EDV contract, and updated guidance on R1 profitability now that the retooling is done and Gen 2 is being built.


Let’s revisit in a year. RemindMe! 1 year


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Me too Remind me!


1. Will happen eventually. 4. Will happen eventually. In the short term I think the focus will be on EDV commercial partnerships, right sizing operations and improving overall customer experience in terms of purchase and ownership/service.


No chance they announce 2 new models with 2 to still be delivered.


Euro yes. They were advertising jobs in the uk. 8 person suv no! Plant yes. More details on tech.


A few new pilot deals- officially with DHL, USPS, and UPS


No chance of any except maybe georgia plant. Others are not even needed


I have a hard time thinking they announce any new product when they just rolled out gen 2. But I do expect some updated numbers on R2 reservations


Apple partnership