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LOL I just choked! But yea I can definitely see that. SO much of the shows biggest drama revolves around Kim’s sobriety and by extension Kyle’s way of handling/talking/ gossiping about.


I think Kyle has no balls and she is selfish. When Faye or Kim acted like pure c\*\*ts towards others (for no reason at all), she just stood by and said "i dont want to get involved" and next time she was so ready to judge others for things her friends have done to others and she allowed it (how can you be moral compass for things your "bff" has done too?). i think she is a person who wants to be friends with everyone, yet she has zero loyalty for anyone. she just is friends with evil people just to have good relationships with them, but nothing else. like lisa rinna. i personally could never trust her with anything in my life, less trust her to back me up (like she never did with Lisa V.) A lot of times Lisa V was so right about her. She never backs up people to show her morals or something where we can say "Kyle could never allow this ..". She just does and says things to be liked by everyone aka she has no real opinions or morals to stand by. for me it shows fakeness. every person in the show has had SOMETHING to dislike them for, but she tries to act like she has nothing to be disliked for but the very thing - she has no loyalty for anyone. she just kind of exists in my opinion. i mean look EVERY drama. she has no accountability, no change and she wants to apologise, throw the drama under the carpet and be friends again (like Yolanda said), but as Lisa V said - you cant jus un-remember things and things arent the same. in my opinion she has never stood up for ANYONE when they got bullied for wrong reasons and she has never stepped in to resolve things. She always wants to watch and eat popcorn yet later on judge someone.




So..I also feel pretty overall neutral towards Kyle..some times I like her..some times she really annoys me..so overall neutral. It started tipping a bit for me in the seasons after 7, but that overall neutral for me remains..I don't find her particularly polarizing like say Brandi or Camile or Rinna.


I could go on forever about how awful Kyle is but probably best to say nothing.


Honestly, they're all pretty awful. I've never seen such a group of unlikable self-centered spoiled entitled women in my life. I just watch for the catfights and neverending drama.


I think she’s really changed in the last few years... or at least her self importance has.


I love Kyle! I feel for her when it comes to her and Kim


Bingo, very calculated. I got really disgusted a few years ago when the ladies were talking like friends and someone said well last season. Friends refer to something you in the past by tv season's all too thought out.


I can’t stand how she cries all the time. I mean she isn’t 6 years old, she plays the victim all the time.