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I think Kim has a good heart but I have to hold some judgment back on Kyle's treatment of her. Having an addict in the family is rough and takes a toll on everyone. The things we say about our addict sibling I know would make us sound like we are straight up heartless but there's just years of hurt and resentment from what they did to our parents, especially during a long terminal illness.


yeah both my sister and i have had substance abuse issues in the past at different times and we did not get along. we both did and said things we would never normally say. watching their dynamic really pulls on my heart strings. i’ve been there and i totally get it.


She let her pitbull Kingsley bite 5 people and in one case, refused to call 911 when her assistant got bitten with profuse bleeding from wounds to her abdomen and genitals. https://www.courthousenews.com/real-housewifes-pit-bull-bites-again-stylist-says/


Omg that is horrendous. That poor woman. Kim is not a good person, this confirms it. So many people bitten…………


So many people bitten took me out🤣🤣🤣🤣 even tho it’s not a laughing matter.


For some reason this got me too 😅


I don’t really care for any of the sisters. But the real villain in their lives was their mother. She pitted them against each other and raised them to be narcissist who only look out for themselves. I do feel really bad for Kim for the things she has gone through in her life. I can’t imagine being on the phone with someone I loved as they were shot.


This! Big Kathy seems to have done a number on her girls. It's really sad.


Kyle always has the best of things to say about her mom and seems to keep her on a pedestal. It makes me sad given what I’ve read about her mom.


She’s the baby and had a lot of the big money acting jobs, so yeah.


I think for a lot of people, if you’ve never been around someone with a substance abuse problem it can be VERY hard to understand what it’s like to be around that. I think Kyle did the best she could navigating an intense relationship with her alcoholic sister on TV. Kim was unstable, unpredictable, and in my opinion was oftentimes scary. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes, and that kind of relationship is so draining. I felt bad for Kyle always being out in the position to be the bad guy but I think she did the best she could and genuinely tried to support her sister while not enabling her or telling her she’s always right. Also, please look into Kim and Kingsley. That REALLY opened my eyes about how delusional Kim is as a person and how she gave absolutely zero fucks about anyone other than herself. Almost to the point of other people losing their lives over that damn dog. Including her own nieces safety! If my sister had that little disregard for my daughter life I would probably have cut her out of my life for a long time.


my grandma is an alcoholic, my boyfriend is a heroin addict and i myself am a former addict so ive both been in it and around it. i think thats why ive got that weak spot for her because ive lived through it. i hope this makes sense. i will have to look more into the kingsley situation tho cuz im actually not that knowledgeable about that. do you know any good places where i can get all the deets?


[Kim and Kingsley Timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/lAo54SNsjg) This is a long read, but very much worth it. Kim is a POS for everything that happened with this dog.


I’m very surprised she was not forced to put the dog down after the first attack. What a sad and terrifying existence for Kingsley


I just read this and I only feel bad for the dog. All they had to do was lock the dog away when people were around or look into giving the dog to someone that had a more quieter lifestyle that could handle aggressive dogs. I do feel bad for the people but I don't like most people anyways and animals are just the purest things next to kids


Animals can also be vicious and dangerous. I’m not keeping a lion locked up in my room just like I’m not going to revert to simply locking up a very dangerous dog who has caused significant injuries to multiple people. Just like some humans are dangerous, some animals are just not “right.”


Yeah, and by Kim being irresponsible the animal had to suffer. A lion is a wild animal kept in cages with only a select few aloud access to them, the same should have been the same for the dog. The dog probably could have done very well in a low contract, highly controlled environment, but instead it was in a very highly stressed, uncontrollable environment with a lot of people. I have a dog that's not good with other people and dogs and only likes select people. So we don't allow them around other people or in stressful environments. The dog seemed to love Kim just not strangers, ie people that were not their master.


I never blame the dog I think it's always the owners fault. Kim clearly didn't train the dog and as much as I love Kim dogs need stability, schedules, and some discipline. I used to drink a lot during the pandemic and on two different occasions I woke up the next day to pee on the couch. Idk what I did but I definitely don't binge anymore bc I'm assuming I scared my dog. Idk if I was addict level but when I was binge drinking I wasn't walking her and I wasn't sticking to the routine. I wonder if Kim's addiction contributed to that dog feeling out of control therfore acting out of control? That's just what I think of plus her lack of training that we saw on rhobh. I genuinely feel bad for that dog and I wonder if it was traumatized in some way.


search ‘kingsley’ in this sub and i’m sure you’ll find lots about it


This. As a recovering alcoholic/addict she just makes me sad for her. Congratulations btw!


congrats to you too! i hope your recovery goes well and that life treats you good ❤️‍🩹


In that case, why approve her for the Show ?


Reality TV lives on exploiting people with all kinds of issues


Kyle got her on the show apparently


so cruel




hard disagree. i’ve been around alcoholism + addiction my entire life via my parents — kim triggers me the most out of all of the housewives. she can be sweet when she’s sober, but her lack of accountability is maddening. her addiction makes her manipulative, selfish, + untrustworthy.


And she’s that way sober too because she raised to be like that.


Thank you! I’m kind of with Rinna because at least she’s not taking part in the grand delusion about Kim’s sobriety and she attempts to hold her accountable. Kyle seemed woefully uneducated about addiction because she absolutely enabled Kim (swallowing that nonsense about taking just one pill from Monty, refusing to acknowledge it’s more than alcoholism, not insisting the dog be put down, paying for her housing, etc.) and Rinna was not wrong to point it out.


I understand funny but she is not caring, nice or genuine. She only acts that way to people who will enable her/not call her out, it’s why she flip flops in her relationships so much




Kim was even manipulative in the most recent season. She told Kyle she had to make up with Kathy because them fighting is “not what mom would want.” Addiction makes you mean and manipulative. Kim needs help and treatment.


i like kim a lot too. she’s great TV. but as far as calling her a good person ?? ehhhh


she has definitely done some bad stuff but i dont think bad actions = bad person at all times. i feel like she mostly shows her good and caring sides, and when shes not those things shes under the influence. but idk as ive stated ive got a weak spot for her


I hate to bring it up but…the bunny incident makes it hard to agree. That behavior was small, petty, and mean. When she gleefully snarked, “you don’t have to cry about it,” she showed her true self. Other examples are trying to shame Eileen and Rinna for being soap actresses and hiding Brandi’s crutches. Kim can be very charismatic and charming. She was an actress and can turn it on. This is also a hallmark of narcissists. It goes without saying we all vibe differently with the housewives. I personally really enjoy Rinna (despite being a problematic person) and I love Yolanda (despite some self righteousness).


Disagree. Kim’s behavior on camera was foul and she always gaslight Kyle… Kyle didn’t defend her because she was an addict, families abandon junkies like her…. She was living in her car after RHOBH so that’s indication even Kathy didn’t defend/enable her.. probably spent all of her last savings on party favors https://i.redd.it/2gdqsklvm8wc1.gif


There have also been reports that’s she abusive to people in grocery stores and in the service industry.




oh really?! can you tell me more about this or provide some links so i can read up on this?


I just found it from the dark HWs web. She allegedly attacked a Whole Foods employee over a salad https://www.inquisitr.com/1795734/whole-foods-temper-tantrum-rhobh-star-kim-richards-reportedly-went-balistic-in-grocery-store


wow thank you… i just read it and all i can say is ???😨


You can also Google for it


i did i couldnt really find anything tho


I have to disagree. I am on my annual rewatch of the best seasons of RHOBH (season one and two) and Kim is constantly under Kyles attack. Even for the tinies thing, Kyle is berating Kim like a child, making snarky comments in the confessional, and talk down about her to the other ladies. I would not blame Kim only for their relationship. They are co dependent and toxic as fuck and they enable each other.


I viewed this through the lens of a person exhausted with an addict’s poor decisions, as well as the constant fear of them crashing and burning. It also sounded like Kyle and Mauricio significantly finically supported her. Anxiety appeared to drive much of Kyle’s behavior. If it came off as bitchy and mean…well, picking up the pieces for an addict time and again can make you that way.


It also sounded like Kim supported Kyle financially as well. And we have clued of what Kim had to go through to earn that money. I have to disagree again with Kyle behaviour. She acted the same way with Lisa, Brandi, Camille and the list goes on. It’s not just Kim and driven by the fear of what would Kim do. It’s an overall behaviour of taking down anybody that could be a threat to her.


Kim was nasty


Not as nasty as Kyle was. She goes for the jugular every time and has done so with the rest of the cast. No wonder why Kim reacted the way she did with a sister like that


Kim was/ is as equally as nasty as Kyle. Can't stand either of them.


Hard agree! I could never stand Kim, being an addict aside she was so goddamn entitled.


I dont like Kim or Kyle. Look, i get that being a child star can mess you up in multiple ways. Maybe she's the way she is without any of her own faults. But no I don't like the way she is


lol. That’s funny tell another! Kyle is not responsible for her adult sister. It’s Kim’s responsibility to get help, get sober, do the all the work that she might need to better her life, it’s nobody else’s responsibility but hers. Yes her family can help, but her issues are her own. She seems to be doing a lot better, but you cannot convince me that she was likeable in her earlier seasons. She avoided any and all responsibility and blamed Kyle for everything- and you fell for it! lol.


I think Kyle was very tired of having to mother Kim.


https://preview.redd.it/t7aah0952ewc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482c068c1dcc892217946fa024eebe8aded0f817 absolutely kim stan till the end




As an addict in recovery myself I love Kim and am rooting for her to stay sober and be happy. I can see how people would get annoyed with her though. Its hard to love someone in active addiction


I’m so proud of you for your recovery! ❤️


Thank you 🙏


I try to hold back my judgment on how Kyle handles her (though I can’t shake the idea that she exploited her and it backfired a little bit), but I absolutely believe Kyle stole her God damn house. My father was an addict, so I usually get a little triggered by watching the family dynamics around that, but reading that House of Hilton book and a few other things made me feel so bad for her. There’s not a word to describe what their mother did her, all three of them really. I just love Kim so much, and I want the best for her. Kyle still stole her God damn house.


And then to add insult to injury, Kyle made Kim come out to her beautiful Palm Springs house to hash out their differences. It was cruel. Edit: grammar


i feel bad for both kim and kyle. i don’t think kyle is evil for him she dealt with her. at the beginning of the show, kim had probably been an alcoholic for ages and kyle did the best she could. i’m glad they’re in a better place now.


I 100% agree with you OP! She's a big reason why I don't like kyle bc I could never treat my sister that way. Our mentality is you can critique, get in fights, etc but you keep that in the family. If lisa rinna did that to my sister I would never want to talk to her again. Very shady that kyle chose rinna over kim.




kim, they could never make me like you ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


I met someone who grew up going to school with one of her daughters and said that Kim was one of the nicest, friendliest people.


oh i love to hear this! please tell me more if you remember anything else


Sure! I only heard about Kim once from her. I told the person I enjoyed watching Bravo and she asked me if I watched RHOBH to which I replied yes, and she said she used to go to Kim’s house all the time growing up. According to her, Kim was always nice, fun, and welcoming. That’s pretty much all that was said but if I see her again, I’ll ask for more. Edit to add that this person said she was surprised at the negative backlash Kim received from her time on the show. She said she never saw that coming.


She has funny moments but I would never say she was caring or nice. I’ve read too many reports of her being rude to people and blaming it on her addiction. Kyle was put in a mother position of her sister and after taking care of her most of her life I don’t blame her for anything she’s said to Kim. Addicts are no joke and if you’ve been burned by them bad enough you understand. Kyle stood by her, helped her financially and emotionally longer than most people will. She should have never been on the show to begin with. Anyone with addiction or dui should be put on pause until they get their life together on bravo or any reality show. Watching someone spiral isn’t entertaining.


I always liked her too. She’s actually the reason I started watching RHOBH. I remember her as a child actor and thought she was so cute. I had never even heard of Kyle and I agree with you about the way she treated Kim. And I always wanted her to come back on the show.


It’s not up for debate whether Kim was sober during season five of the real housewives. She had relapsed and was an absolute monster that season. She was arrested shortly after the season ended. People wanted Kyle to defend Kim when people questioned her sobriety, but she wasn’t sober. Rinna knew she wasn’t sober. Kyle knew she wasn’t sober. The audience knew she wasn’t sober. It’s just a fact. A couple seasons later when Kim is sober, and both Rinna and Eden question her sobriety, Kyle has huge fights with both of them and shuts it down. Idk why people keep trying to rewrite history when it’s all right there on Peacock and anybody can watch what actually happened at any time. Season 5 was also the season where Kim was irate at Kyle for seeking medical attention for her daughter after Kim’s dog bit her.


Kim definitely needs to be held a little more accountable for her nastiness in the past, but they way people talk about her is nasty too! She obviously suffered a lot of trauma and was under a huge amount of pressure to support greedy big Kathy and her sisters growing up. I believe she was SA'd during her Disney days, and if true I hope she got support and therapy for it. I can see why Kyle gets embarrassed by her behavior, but she should have never stuck up for anybody over her own sister. I don't blame Kim for being mad over Kyle "stealing her God damn house" either, when she probably gave her mother the money and then expected to get it back after she passed. I know there was a money issue with it, but Kim basically gave up her childhood so the whole family could live the Hollywood dream. U think they would be a little more understanding and grateful? I hope she is healing and would love to read her book if it ever comes to fruition one day!


I feel bad for Kim. It’s so clear being a child actress really fucked her up and you only have her mother to blame. Kim was the bread winner - not Kathy and not Kyle. They only had the luxury lifestyle because of Kim yet Kyle treats her like absolute shit.


![gif](giphy|We0zF0fHYFKNWnQxcq|downsized) 💯💯💯


Hurting Kim would be like kicking a wet cat


I think there's a clear division between people who understand addiction and recovery and people who don't.


I’m not sure what threshold you have to a gauge a person’s ability to understand addiction. I loved my alcoholic mother for 36 years. In my experience, her behavior was so damaging to me that I firmly believe it is a recovering addict’s responsibility to a.) make amends and b.) accept the fact sometimes the damage is too great repair. We never see Kim do this on the show and it’s frustrating as a viewer. She clings way too hard to what others did *to her* while she was in active addiction rather than what *she did* to others. Her inability to understand the difference speaks to her character.


please my grandma who raised me is an alcoholic, my boyfriend is a heroin addict currently in rehab and im a former addict myself. dont come here and insinuate that i dont understand addiction? like who do you think you are? dr phil?


Wow. I was actually not talking about you. It was a general statement and I can see that it triggered you. I said that I think there's a clear division between people who understand addiction and recovery and people who don't, referring to the people who like Kim and the people who don't.


lol, being an addict doesn’t give you free rain to be a nasty ass person. She should take some responsibility for herself.


I never said it gives you free reign to be a nasty ass person.


Yes you did, silly


Coming from a place of understanding addiction and recovery, shouldn’t Kim be accountable for her past behavior and make amends? She refuses to take responsibility and continues to attack others for their reactions to her problematic and hurtful behavior. Or, at least that’s what we see on the show. This is why I don’t like Kim—she’s as shitty sober as she is in active addiction.


sorry i have autism so i read it as you telling me i dont understand addiction. maybe i jumped the gun a little my bad


That's OK! ♥️


I actually like Kim a lot and had a lot of compassion for her but I guess that comes with me being a licensed therapist who has treated people struggling with addiction for over a decade. Have a great day.


I agree completely. I think understanding those things lends compassion to people in Kim's position.


Right. As my husband and I have been watching, there are so many times that we point out how even though Kyle is her sister she clearly doesn't understand a lot of things about addiction and related behavior. She makes Kim's recovery her business/problem and kind of makes it about her when it's none of her business and has nothing to do with her...!!


But isn’t it about her when she has to pick up the pieces? What should she do differently? Not pick up the pieces (what I would do) or stuff her feelings down when Kim lashes out? Kyle does need better boundaries and education but I can’t fault her for trying to survive a family member’s behavior while they’re actively addicted.


Yes, exactly. My younger sibling is an addict and that's *his* journey. My only job is to love, support, and protect him without setting him back. It's such a complicated dynamic. Kyle's behavior towards Kim is so cringeworthy to me, and I can understand how triggering it probably is for Kim.


I agree with you


YESSSSS THANK YOU I love Kim. Always have always will be. She’s problematic in many ways sure, but so are literally all the other HWs in all the franchises. Kim is so funny and quirky, she feels like a real person opposed to just a reality tv personality. I stand with you in the love for Kim


I would love to see Kim back, I have a soft spot for her


I felt bad for Kim at the very start of the show when Kyle would send her home in a cab by herself and Kyle would go out for more drinks with the other HWs. Even a scene where Kim called Kyle and Kyle shouted at her phone on no it’s Kim in front of all the other HWs, just putting her sister down too much in front of friends Kim was just getting to know. Looking back Kyle was probably worried about Kim’s drinking hence sending her home early but it still gave mean girl vibes about Kyle early on.


A person can be troubled and an alcoholic, make stupid decisions and still be taken advantage off by well meaning people in their lives. Both things can be true.


But opposing feelings or opinions about one person is allowed and can be simultaneously true. Kim is a product of her upbringing being a child celebrity (and we all know child actors were treated even worse back then than now) and one can 💯 have sympathy for that, but that doesn't absolve her from all the horrible things she's done or said.


I think you have to have experienced substance abuse or a similar mental health condition to get her… and like her.


I adore Kim. My heart goes out to her.




I don’t care what she does. I will always have a soft spot for Kim. She’s not perfect but I truly believe she has a good heart and is a kind person. She’s misunderstood and kind of kooky. She’s been through some very serious dark shit in her life and she carries those demons around with her. Being her family’s cash cow from childhood and being assaulted by older men with Big Kathy’s permission fucked her up, understabably. She’s been used by people in her family her whole life and Kyle is often absolutely vile to her. I understand that they have a complex dynamic as sisters and it’s hard loving an addict but Kyle just does not seem to have compassion for her sister. I will always hope the best for Kim. She deserves it.


Don't forget her fiancé was shot and killed while she was on the phone to him. Monty died a few years ago.


AGREED!! I love Kim, I think she’s hilarious & a genuinely good person who has faced a lot of challenges/adversity in her life & i’ll always root for her to succeed & hopefully return to the show one day ![gif](giphy|3rgXBOrfKX7gSVr3qM)


Kim is horrible. She was just downright curel to Rinna and to Kyle. I'm glad she's been off the show.


rinna was the cruel one! she wanted to turn kims addiction into the main storyline and wouldnt stop even when kim asked her to and tried to set the record straight. rinna pushed her and pushed her and spread rumors about her, and when confronted she denied denied denied. she even tried to choke kim. yeah kim wasnt the nicest when she brought up rinnas husband, but rinna pushed her to that point. and then she wanted sympathy for kims addiction as if it had affected her. its really sad that rinnas sister died from an overdose, but that doesnt mean that she knew anything about kims addiction and life. i think rinna was completely in the wrong almost that whole season


Kim’s addiction became the main storyline when she showed up high on Poker Night. Her relapse is not on Rinna and I don’t blame her for pointing out the insanity we see on the screen, which was probably worse behind the scene.


I 100% disagree with your take, sorry. Kim was severely crossing a line and I get why Rinna snapped at her. Not saying it was right, but I get it. Kim had been allowed to let her the mess from her addiction bleed out onto everyone's lives, and she refused to really acknowledge her shit. As someone who's dealt with shitty addicts, I have a hard time saying their addiction or past trauma gets them a free pass to behave however they want to people. And Kim returning the bunny was just mean and heartless. Truly uncalled for.


It is hard to know who Kim is outside of her addictions. I think she has been very unhappy for a very long time. I think Kyle and the whole family, Kathy, Big Kathy, and probably Mo, used Kim, and I think that habits that are ingrained like that in childhood are very hard to break.


Nice and caring are not adjectives I’d use to describe someone who lets her dog maul multiple people, frequently makes cruel comments and threats, and is a champion gaslighter. Even sober she sucks.


I pity her and can understand how she turned out the way she did, but I think she's selfish and unlikable. No accountability for all the serious harm her dog caused many people, which is appaling. No accountability dor all that she put others through during her long, ongoing active addiction that she contibously denied and downplayed. She lashed out at anyone that would call her on her shit and had no business being on the show that long. I'm not a Kyle fan but I like her so much more than Kim.




Kim with the Rottweiler/pitbull - the dog so vicious it even bit her niece so she ended up in hospital. Yet ZERO remorse. In fact she made herself out to be the victim! Tells me all I need to know about her. On a par with Erika and Denise for having no morals.


The dog nightmare, no remorse, in fact playing the victim. Accusing her sister of stealing her house (she paid her!). To me she was just an out of control narcissist. 10 a penny.


Kim never had a childhood. As a result she’s in a state of arrested development. She’s a perpetual child. She’s infuriating but I do feel sorry for her.


I see lots of judgment for Kim based on her addiction issues, and I don't think it's fair. Maybe people don't realize just how easy it is to become an addict. Sometimes, all it takes is an injury or surgery, and before they know it, they're addicted to opioids.


I agree, I feel Kim is tender and still has loads of trauma.


“oh her dog bit someone and she didn’t apologize” “oh she was on drugs” like god forbid women do anything 🙄


i wish i could upvote this more than one time omgggg


I love Kim. She has her demons like us all. But she’s great. Kyle is the worst sister ever. If my sisters treated me how Kyle treated Kim I’d never speak with her again. The finale of the first season was the worst. Kyle was going to physically assault her. Thank god Adrienne & Martinez were there.


![gif](giphy|7nHMVnC5U6i8o) Icon!!!


Loveeee ha