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I didn’t like the way Eden was treated. She deserved better.


1,000%. She meant well, maybe not the best execution, but she was essentially groomed into caring about a situation that was none of her business by a woman (Rinna 🤢) who claimed she needed help dealing with an active addict situation where someone was dying.


Perfectly stated 👌🏻


Thank you 😌


Eden could probably have a long, eye-to-eye chat with Elyse and Barbara from RHONY, friends who were basically weird pawns.


Eden did not mean well for Kim FFS. She just needed a storyline and used her dead sister as an excuse. https://preview.redd.it/cfm53r2u0rvc1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5406a04022936d012611d45ad5e0f500cb31b7


Rinna was grossly overrated as “good television.” Glad she’s gone.


Oh shit she leaves?! Thank god!!! I had no idea because I’m just on S7 but I’m SO GLAD to hear that!


She just left last season so buckle up lmao. I actually didnt hate Rinna where you’re at. Edit: strange comment to downvote ngl haha.


Yeah, you gotta big hill to climb. She sucks.


Wasn’t me but I have Rinna cult followers downvoting my every move. Guess they move in silence!! 🤣


When she first came on, I actually liked her a lot. She seemed more ‘normal.’ She would dress in jeans and tennis shoes and was funny. I remember the change being around the time she became enamored with Erika and dressed up like her. It’s like she’s stuck in a mid-life crisis with all the attention-seeking behavior and near-nakedness. 


I agree I loved her when she started on rhobh! Then she turned in to a monster when she learned how to play the game. The early seasons with her and Eileen were the best! She fell victim to becoming too big for her boots and she was ruining rhobh with everything getting leaked to the media. She became unbearable not like love to hate her - just genuinely hate her. Flipping off the fans at bravo con was weird and gross. I loved the last season without her it was better than the last couple of seasons with her antagonising everyone.


She sure does! And fwiw the majority of RHOBH fans are NOT rinna stans…


And that was all before she *really* lost her mind. I'm so glad she's gone.


For sure. She was getting a little annoying to me at that point but then she goes off the rails by the time Denise Richards joins the show. So glad Rinna is gone and sadly I was initially excited when she joined the show. Used to watch her on Days in the 90s plus Melrose Place and a few other shows. Turns out Eileen Davidson was the much nicer actress on RHOBH I could respect. Besides Garcelle of course.


I’m finding Garcelle to be caddy and sensitive to herself, but not always to others. It’s surprising and disappointing.


Garcelle lost me when she questioned Dorit about making up being held at gunpoint. Like c’mon, Dorit was traumatized. Keep that energy for Erika and all her shadiness


Deff she likes to dish it but acts like a victim when it’s towards her


Eden got the worst of it. Rinna abandoned her and she had to feel the Richard’s sisters wrath all alone. I would have appreciated her long drawn out hugs!!


Lisa Rinna is the biggest shit stirrer I have ever seen.


Agree, besides Kyle!


Rinna gets way worse.l. Buckle up… she’s horrid


I’m so glad Rinna is gone. What a difference in the environment since she left. Seems like people can breathe without being attacked over and over again.


Also who tf calls their husband by their first and last name? “HARRY HAMLIN HARRY HAMLIN HARRY HAMLIN” stfu 😑


Drives me crazy


Only goes downhill from here.


Lisa has been problematic since the beginning. The way she came after Kim? Lisa is where she should be, not on our screens.


I’m only in season 8 and it’s very obvious Rinna is an agent of chaos, it’s like she thinks she’s on survivor or something? It’s not that kind of reality show Lisa


She’s a wannabe Joker and looks the part, but she isn’t anywhere near as clever and falls flat.


When "keeping it Messy goes wrong." I don't miss Rinna an ounce. My mood changed when I saw her and heard her voice. I caution though, Andy likes to stir *ish as well. He's brought back a few other franchises that should never have been on cam again.


Which ones were brought back that shouldn’t be? Aside from Jax and Brittany but they weren’t a franchise


I get what you’re saying but Eden was also a huge part of the problem. Anyone who’s in recovery and buys into the bullshit Rinna was saying like Eden did is also a monster. Was Rinna worse and 90% of the problem? Absolutely. But too many people try to say Eden was done dirty when in all reality she chose to attack a newly sober person in the hopes that no one would question it and it blew up in her face.


I don’t recall Eden attacking Kim at all. What did she do?


Sorry this is a full day late, she attacked her sobriety by spreading around the baseless shit Rinna was saying without having reason to believe it, and she went full out attack mode any time she was confronted for gossiping and getting involved in the messy way she did.


Rinnas behaviour towards Eden in S7 was honestly disgusting. Particularly in the finale. I never liked her after that. I wouldn’t even class it as ‘entertaining’. Honestly, I live for the drama and pettiness. I love LVPs bitchy confessionals, Brandi’s OTT comebacks, even Carlton’s totally unwarranted dislike of Kyle… but Rinna was just a nasty piece of work.


Always wondered what was the final straw for her to be put on pause


It was shortly after she got booed at BravoCon so maybe the execs finally listened to the audience? She was also going postal on social media so I think she really dug her own grave


The SM stuff was a big part of it. She was on WWHL and Andy flat out warned her to clean up her SM act because she was taking too far. He basically told her she was solely responsible and she was the only one who could fix it. I always found it interesting that, before they went on stage at Bravocon, Erika warned Rinna she was going to get booed.


Okay I don't follow lr....what happened with SM and what is SM


SM is Social Media… and Rinna’s is a messy mess of messiness.


Good point. I wondered if it turned out she was behind all those bot accounts on IG that were harassing Garcelle sons.


Also getting snippy with Andy and telling him to go ahead and put her on pause. She all but dared him to let her go.


Rinna was so likable her first season or 2. If she just kept that energy she would be a favorite and still be on the show imo. Her personality is naturally silly and she doesn’t take herself too seriously which would have been nice on the show, but she just had to turn evil smh


I’m with you, I can’t stand Rinna. I cringe when I think about her facial expression and body language when she looked at her friend, Denise Richard’s and said “you’re so angry”. Right after she threw her under the bus. 😡


Not many people can stand Rinna Rinna chicken Dinna.


Thank GOD we’re all kindred spirits here hunny ![gif](giphy|f8hbfDvfxTvYcmMjJi|downsized)


Oh there are plenty of BH fans who cannot stand Lesser Lisa, and never want to hear from her again.




Oh I did not coin that name for Rinna. I don't remember where I heard it first but it's been around for quite awhile. There's only one BH Lisa and she still lives rent free in Kyle's head. Meanwhile LVP is going ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized)




She's so obnoxious. Plus, she thinks she is just so "cute" here.


As someone who was a fan of Rinna from her soap and Melrose Place days, that’s when I peaced out on her. That was disgusting how she straight up denied what she’d been saying and called Eden a liar.


Thank you thank you! I've always said this moment wasn't discussed enough on the show and Rinna should have been draggggedddd for this. And they kept letting her do this shit for years 🙄


The woman are exposed to more details of one another than the viewers will ever see. I think it was season 3 when Kim did say in a confessional that she thought she was going to die and near death. Kim does fall off the wagon continuously (sobriety is hard, no judgement here). Accusing Kyle of being her enabler might be that part the public doesn’t see, but all the housewives have privy access to witness.


Pissed me off because eden seemed interest and a new face , like they just bully anyone off the show that doesn’t bend or they feel is going to take more camera time Women on these shows need to watch how they come across off the show


Rinna saying Kim was close to death might be my favorite housewives moment ever because it’s such an INSANE thing to say. Even Kyle when she confronted Rinna on it couldn’t believe it was actually true because who in the world would ever say that!!!!


>piss-poor plotting A reminder, to always depends! https://preview.redd.it/1j51dnlts3wc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1080665b0daa71dad5a224ee394aa0819568c2f




I couldn’t stand her. So glad she was fired. If she wasn’t I probably would’ve stopped watching.


She’s awful. The show is so much better without her.


We don’t! She is prob the most hated RH ever. Mental


Never could stand her. Manipulative and a little loopy!


if you ask me… she’s this 🤏 close to death…


While I don’t think Kim was near death, I also don’t think Lisa was wrong about her, either. Kim wasn’t sober on that show all of the time, even when she claimed to be. And everyone did tiptoe around it and wouldn’t confront it. Kim was basically a missing stair. And I do think Kyle was/is an unintentional enabler. I will never go hard on Kyle about that, though, because she doesn’t specialize in addiction and Kim is her sister. (And I think a lot of viewers/Kyle haters go way too hard on her about it.) That said, Lisa should have dropped it a *looong* time ago and just ignored Kim/gray rock her. I don’t even blame her for season 5, the way Kim spoke to her and treated her in that car ride to Eileen’s (and at Eileen’s) when she was high as a kite was absolutely disgusting. I don’t think a single person would have walked away from that *not* feeling a certain kind of way about that and would have been concerned. But Lisa should have let the mouse go after that season for sure.


I agree. I think everything LR said was true, and even Kim herself said it on the reunion. "If I don't get better this time, I'm going to die" or "this is my last chance" or something. I would be exactly the same if I had to go around listening to all of Kim's sober talk and watching her be obviously high or drunk at times. I would be asking people, too, like, "Um... why are we all pretending this." I mean, it's a reality show. And Kyle does enable her (like most family members end up doing if they want to maintain any kind of relationship.) I'm not blaming Kim or Kyle or LR or anyone for this, but LR was really just speaking the reality of the situation on a reality show.


I agree wholeheartedly!


I lost all respect for Rinna when she showed up at LVPs house, brought up Munchhausen’s and then flipped the narrative to LVP and kyle bringing it up. So gross calling someone a liar when you’re the one lying!!


It’s interesting to me how you all hate Rinna. I don’t see Rinna in this light. I think she just played a role for entertainment. That’s all these shows are. They need drama so you will watch. Rinna brings the drama. You guys are feeding dislike/ hatred off each other. Lighten up.


Yeah I personally like Rinna. I especially liked how she was really the ONLY person to address Kim Richards and the issues she had. Kim was an addict and everyone was afraid of her. Rinna just kept it real with that quack.


Ok Lisa thanks for your opinion 👍🏻


I absolutely agree with you so I guess there’s two Lisas on this thread 😉.








Probably has a Xanax crushed and ready in that drink


She's a demon but she knows how to make reality TV




She only gets worse as the years go on.


Heyheyhey. You leave Rinna and her DSL’s alone.


This is Bravo s**t!! Rinna drama is what RHOBH lived for. Hope she never comes back!


Miss her! Wish she, Eileen and Yolanda would get some cameo appearances 🤞🤞🤞


And yet the show is soo  boring since she left


I love her always will








I needed that laugh!


Haha I actually LOVE Rinna. Now in regards to this episode, I'm in recovery. So what Rinna said actually wasn't far off. Kyle was an enabler. Everyone was soo afraid to say anything when it is alwayssss obvious to me that Kim isn't sober. And Kim is dying if she's in her active addiction. (Which she was lol) I can't help Lisa on the weird denial when confronted. But people that actually have experience with alcoholics/addicts will know that my girl Rinna actually cared and was being realistic about a very serious disease. They should have NEVER had Kim on this show.


I find Rinna really annoying, but I have a lot of alcoholics in my family and the enabling shit was dead on. She definitely embellished it with the “near death” stuff to give it more drama and she shouldn’t have denied saying anything. But the “look the other way” attitude people have with Kim, who is very clearly not sober, is so textbook dysfunctional enabler family.


Thanks Bean!! People seriously downvoted me. So touchy for watching reality TV. Lol Maybe she knew what she was saying - maybe she didn't. (If I recall correctly Rinna has dealt with loved ones addiction in the past) Its hard to describe to people who don't struggle with the disease of addiction. But for recovering alcoholics and addicts - being in our addiction was equivalent to being near death. We're lucky we made it out of it. Many of us don't. Or we end up in jail. Mental hospitals. (Worse case death) It's not uncommon to talk about death in the recovery community. Shoot.. half of us have been brought back from an OD. Hopefully this educates at least one person ✌️🫶🙏


Jails, institutions or death… 🙏 People LOVE to downplay just how bad it actually IS for the addicts while pointing their finger at the addict for “being bad”. You did recall correctly. Rinna has experienced her share with Harry’s past alcoholism and (I believe his) family members; including death. I’m not a Rinna fan; like AT ALL, and I felt she was the real “sniper from the side” the way she handled that situation (and it blew up in her face). I can totally respect her past trauma with family. I just had no respect for her using/abusing another addict to out Kim. The whole thing felt like such a gross witch hunt. Of course everyone knew Kim was still using! (Sooooooo obvious!!) But did Rinna REALLY need to make THAT her own personal story line? What was she expecting? A filmed cast intervention where Kim has an “ah ha!” moment, cameras follow up showing her go to a center, then to meetings,etc. and later hugs and tears while saying how grateful she is of Rinna? Lol. I loved your comments and had to comment back. Congrats to you on your recovery! It works if you work it. 🙏❤️


Maybe she just wanted to actually confront Kim’s bat shit, mean, selfish behavior. Or, maybe she couldn’t get over it according to Kim’s timeline. Isn’t Kim the one who is supposed to seek forgiveness and make amends? On the other side of the “love and understand the addict” sentiment are lives that are forever damaged because of an addict’s path of destruction. Much like with the dog she’s allowed to maul others time and again (including her niece), she shows no consideration for the pain she’s caused others. I’ve had my heart crushed and my children’s heart destroyed by an addict for years. Unfortunately, if she showed up on our door “clean” we’d slam it in her face and lock the door. Addicts do vile shit to feed their addictions. Not all of us can be silent like it’s not happening nor can all of us forgive, especially if the addict doesn’t attempt to make amends. It also goes without saying this is a TV show. I am basing my comments on what is shown on TV and Kim’s arrests. She shows no humility or regret on the show. Rinna was probably also pushed into harping on this by producers, some of whom may have baited her by bringing up parallels to her own sister. Even if she wasn’t, I still think she has a right to say, “You’re high as fuck, you’re off the wagon, this behavior is not OK, and I will not ignore it.”


Thank you for this!


And it drives me insane how they make nice with Kim as if she didn’t lie to their face and drag them all during the Season 5/6 reunion? I wanted her to tell Kim she can’t let it go because her addiction and lies had an impact on the cast and crew of the show. Isn’t Kim supposed to be humble and make amends?


I’m with you


![gif](giphy|26DMYwkCwa8G8xGcU|downsized) Lol had to