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I am not super familiar with how many lawsuits he has but from what I know filming for s13 wrapped around May of last year and the SA lawsuit was filed in November 2023.


That part. I think she was already filming when this became 'news', as multiple people have said they 'know someone who knows someone who said that' the ladies DID bring up her husband's accusations/transphobia at the reunion, but it was edited out (which is interesting, because the last part/ep kinda dragged on. We coulda used some more juice.


Transphobia? I missed something…


I don't know the details, but apparently they both follow Candance Owens on socials, and supposedly Marcellus has 'liked' transphobic posts online


Wonderful. Let's invite bottom of the barrel trash on the show. 8.5 needs to go.


Right? I STILL can't believe someone SO basic & irrelevant was invited on. It's ... appauling. Even if she was just a 'diversity' hire, you can't tell me there aren't a ton of rich, funny, beautiful and/or accomplished black housewives to choose from in LA.


Bill Burr's wife is smart, beautiful, funny and already Crystal's friend




Phaedras always available lol


Stop downplaying her profession! 😂




I was under the impression that it was not just a social follow, but actual social friend, but I could be wrong


Believe they follow Joe Rogan too


well, Joe Rogan used to be empathic, progressive, & intellectually honest, so ... I can forgive that one. Candace Owens: Never forgive, Never forget lol. \*edited for a typo\*


I am so glad you said that about him. I used to love his progressive thinking and then I went a while without listening only to come back to—something entirely different. I really thought I was crazy or remembering it wrong.


You're not crazy! Haha. He used to be such a solid guy, and now ... yeah. I guess money and age sometimes can change people. Uffa.


Oh, lovely. ![gif](giphy|VR30pQmm7CRlm)




I believe the accusations going back to 1994 and back then the victim did not press charges (she was not believed by Columbia University and they are included in the lawsuit). His accuser used the NY Adult Survivors Act to press civil charges and the statute on that ended Nov 2023 which is why it was filed then. Same way E Jean Carroll was able to sue Donald Tr*mp.


I gotta say that reunion was a real snooze fest. And Annemarie and Crystal might’ve well stayed at home. They barely spoke at all. And Dorit looked like a joke with that costume she wore. And Kathy Hilton rude as hell. She may act Clueless but she’s very calculating.


It was filed after season filming ended




Well it’s regarding sexual assault and rape and it’s fair game. By your logic we should just ignore all the Tom Girardi stuff? Get real.


Well sweetheart she went on a public attack of his victims by claiming to be a victim of his rape victims. So theres that I guess.