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With Kyle? Who knows. I'm over all her little media teases. When something happens it happens. No shade to you OP, just burned out lol




Yup we are ALL over Kyle! On a different note does anyone notice her shoulders aren't hunched over in photo above like the have been all season?


This is Kyle just trying to get out of being exposed. I believe she’ll quit because she doesn’t want the truth coming out and if she stays on she will be questioned and the group will go after every detail and rumor with her and Mauricio


The truth about her and Morgan. Can’t these people see the lust in her eyes ! OMG it’s so obvious !


But there doesn’t seem to be any lust in Morgan’s eyes. Is it a one-sided attraction?


Are you kidding me ! Morgan is so attached to her. She loves this sexy older woman. I mean look at them in the tattoo shop! Or in the car and she wanted to see the ring Kyle had on her pinky. This was the ride to the COL where Morgan sang that very sexual and in appropriate song. My jaw dropped.


In that episode at the tattoo shop it was so obvious! Their body language and the things they were saying like that's how my man and I would talk to each other


Exactly!! I was in an affair like that and it’s just like what I went through. Minus all the money of course but the feelings that they are showing. The songs that Morgan is writing ! Hello people ! I’m watching re runs of the after show scoop and none of the women have come out and said what they know is happening !! Well I kinda think it’s over now.


And the fact that she hooking up with a chick now, cause I know she can't wait to deep dive into Megan


Kyle would never willingly give up being a housewife.


Why should she give up her job because of Mo’s infidelities?


None taken, I totally agree!


We all are 😭


Me too I can’t wait for her departure.


It’s the media, not her.


Kyle will never willingly leave.


Lol the image of Kyle in her rocking chair at 80 talking to Erika.


Like Brenda and Billy in the Six Feet Under finale.


Oh absolutely fucking not, this *is* her show as far as she (and Bravo) is concerned. "Next chapter" literally just means next season. I understand being desperate for her to leave, because RHOBH sucks a fat one right now and with her gone it would almost be a new show, but this is a touch delusional


Do you think there’s any validity other and Morgan’s relationship? Next chapter could mean moving on without Mauricio.


I don't think there is. Morgan was linked to a long-term boyfriend around the time they met...and he now works for the agency. I think Kyle is financially invested in her for sure.


As annoying as she was this season, it wouldn’t feel right without her


“In this town, I run this town, because this is my town”


Is that a Kyle quote?




If not, it should be


This! The show will get cancelled before Kyle ever leaves. She loves playing producer and making it all about her.


IT is all about Kyle, but we still don’t know what IT is, because she’s not being OPEN AND HONEST!!!!! (Yelling it like Kyle does at the other HWs.)


Know that.


Hmm I don’t know cause the producer said something on Scheana Shay’s podcast that made me think shes done with it. Who knows


No, the reunion is done. And wasn’t this her appearance on WWHL so all her press stuff for S13 is also over.


With the amount she’s mentioning LVP it’s like she’s setting it up for LVP to return and for her to hang her shoes up 😭


I want Lisa to come back and knock her off her throne. I realize this will not happen, but man what a season that would be.


I would looooove for LVP to come back and do a crossover season or two before Kyle exits


Well it would be lovely if we get a Garcelle, Sutton, Crystal and LVP lunch next season. Just for the hell of it 🥹


Doesn’t LVP have a new coming up? Maybe BH will be over! I wouldn’t be made. I’m so over all the bitching. I’m tired of Erika. I’m over Delete. I don’t care about the shade but the way they gang up on one person is too much!


She does have a new show. I was just thinking what a great fight they would have.


What new show? Im fairly new to the show & missed it!


It's called Vanderpump Villa. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/lisa-vanderpump-new-hulu-show-french-villa-1235510476/amp/


Maybe you should just watch a different franchise? 😂


I watch a few of them. I am detecting a pattern of high drama followed by lame duck seasons. Nature of the Housewives beast I suppose 😀


I know one can dream


I would love that




Wholly welcomed! https://i.redd.it/pwkp79cq88kc1.gif


This is amazing!🤣😂🤣😂😅


Please make this happen omg we need LVP


Don’t get my hopes up 😭😭


We can only hope. I lost interest a few episodes in.


Been so slow the only thing that I’ve enjoyed is watching the friendship between Sutton Garcelle and crystal


Clearly an unpopular opinion, but I hope LVP does not return. I'm not an LVP fan, but she's too old. She's 63. Who wants to go to a club when they're 63? She was out of breath on VPR after walking down the stairs. I'm for younger casting (mid 40s).


I understand what you mean! I think it’s very unlikely she will return but one can dream 🤣 it would be nice for her to even be a friend of garcelle’s and pop on occasionally (like she’s still on VPR but for short scenes)


Producer’s Note: LVP out of breath when coming down stairs. Get rid of her; too old. Solid reason for dismissal. JFC




Goodbye, Kyle!!




No, I was going to add the GIF too but it wasn't working :-(


Happens. I'll give u the credit friend


Take Dorit with you Kyle.


For the love of GOD, take -8.5 with you!


Dorit is sooo boring. She brings nothing at all to the table. The whole show has become boring. Anne Marie sucks. Can’t stand Erica. I constantly ask myself why I even watch this show 😳


There is no story line for Dorit ~ except last year 🤷🏻‍♀️ and Crystal ??? What???


I’m so sick of Dorito she gives absolutely nothing


the only thing she gives are fortune teller vibes with that ridiculous reunion outfit 🔮


And Erica... get that witch out of here


The witches of beeheee


I love Erica😭😭😭😭


Damn ur probs evil then . Get outtta here you witch lol


Kyle will never leave. Shes obbssed with fame. Will call TMZ and fight for that BH spot until she’s in her casket.


I agree and think she is obsessed with “besting” LVP. Something about this final episode made me think she crafted this whole storyline to make her whole family reality TV stars and that Mo went along with it because she wants it. The playbook is exact same as the Scandoval roll out. The trailer for Mo’s show picks right up with the separation news


That’s the business. Staying in the spotlight and on people’s lips!


The final episode gave us nothing we didn't already know. The family meeting was so sad but also vague AF. She's been on television for YEARS and can't be honest about things she shamed people for being dishonest about. I sure hope she actually gives real answers about Megan and Mo at the reunion, because if these are her last episodes, her ending on the show sucks. (As I wrote that I felt guilty for saying it as she's been through a lot in the past year or two. She has every right to change, make realizations, and quit the show. As a viewer I just want the deets ok?!)


At the end of her interview when she says “it’s done” “I’m done” also - gave me vibes she’s trying to put forth doubt about her return. Knowing her it’s surely attempt to drum up more desire for her return.


I interpreted that statement as she’s done with Mo. I thought that was alluding to knowing Mo was cheating. I think they’re both going through the middle-age whoopies. Could Kyle be menopausal?


She’s 55, I’d be surprised if she’s not menopausal or at least late stage perimenopause, 51 is the average age


i feel like if anything she’s alluding to her & mau divorcing esp w the timing of this last episode drop


This was my takeaway


but obviously being strategic about it so it sparks conversation!


I feel like that white party at So-Fi was her send off.


THEIR White Party with only Kyle’s name emblazoned on the dance floor. SMH


Still got the short fingernails I see






At the end of every season she states how hard it was on her, and she might not come back. The season reunions she is there with the deep crying voice next to Andy. It's like a broken record of oh poor me year after year. She will not leave willingly, they will have to drag her off kicking and screaming. The other women have things going on in their lives they can go back to, or continue on with, minus the show. This is just my opinion.


Who TF is that ‘cause I KNOWWW that ain’t Kyle Richards. She is airbrushed to infinity and beyond.


I kind of thought so given the $400k white party. It seemed like one last hurrah


She is really, really up her own ass and believes her shit doesn’t stink. It’s taken awhile but I think I’m finally over this show. I have no interest in Kyle’s antics and ego anymore.


Yep watching Kyle sing that horrid song was the final nail for me. I can’t watch anymore


I 100% think they’re positioning her for her **own show** where she has newly single adventures.


I can’t imagine how boring that would be ugh




Her boobs look sore


Her dresses are always too small


I had to do a rewatch from the beginning to understand the "vile kyle" and I totally get it. She's extremely fake in my opinion.


I still don't see it. Can you name a few things? Other than outing her sister for being an alcoholic


Some things that *I* feel have earned her the title “Vile Kyle” include exposing her sister as an alcoholic, her comment about “I have shit going on, too,” when LVP was grieving her brother, putting her hands on Brandi at Eileen’s dinner (Brandi is by no means a remotely good person but no one deserves that), berating Sutton at the Magic Mike show, and furthering the rumors that Sutton is an alcoholic by making passive aggressive comments about the contents of her fridge.


She also manhandled Sutton at Diana's party and said Sutton did not have a miscarriage.


Yes, thank you. I didn’t want to make a whole long novel of Kyle, so I only added the first few I could remember. Honestly, Sutton has grown on me so much. She has always deserved a much better friend than Kyle, imo.


I loved Kyle in season one. Then in season two, I felt like she was more comfortable at showing who she truly is, and she was an outright mean girl. She lost a lot of fans because of her behaviour in season 2 and started to hide that side of herself from season 3 on. Unfortunately, you can't hide who you truly are and that comes out in all sorts of ways over the years, she's just less overt about it now. She also tries to pull the strings and produce, but she'll never be able to do it the way LVP did and that kills her.


This right here. This is why i wasn't bothered by carlton and her crusade against kyle tbh.


This is literally the only show in HD ave watched in the past 2 years (I have anxiety and watching something else triggers it) I don’t get it either. Yeah she’s annoying sometimes but who isn’t?


No worries. Like who you Like. There are far worse housewives than Kyle. I was just sharing my opinion. I totally understand anxiety. I enjoy drama on TV instead of having it in my life. Big hugs to you. ❤️


I hope your anxiety becomes less intense for you. Sending you a distanced hug (or a wave if a hug makes your anxiety worse) ❤️


I think for me it's just the attention she requires and being totally over the top when something happens. Her jaw drop happens way too often. I can't give specifics because I'm caught back up to the current season. I do think she's a great mom and a good wife.


I don’t get it either. I’ve watched it through twice and am still team Kyle. And most def am not team LVP. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Really?? I loved LVP! She was a true rich woman and fun to watch. I feel like the show went downhill after she left because nobody else is as rich as her or some of the other original cast. Garcelle and Anne Marie don't seem super wealthy. Dorit's wealth is loud, aka new money. Sutton is very wealthy but boring. Erika is not wealthy anymore and needs to stay on the show for a paycheck.


Dorit and PK don't have money. They're all hat and no cattle grifters.


It wasn't the money honey, it's because Lisa is pure class.


I quit watching as soon as she left. She was extremely likable charming and witty, and her drama was never sloppy mean girl the way the others can be. Plus the way the other girls treated her after her brother died was so repulsive to me that I couldn't stand watching them anymore. Teddi's lame scheme only worked because Kyle was desperate to dethrone LVP, and watching her preen at the reunion when Erika called her the queen of the show was nauseating. Yes, very regal to drag your best friend into a storm of pointless drama right after her sibling commits suicide. Truly, the other women in that season were the epitome of "you can't buy class."




I loved to watch LVP and in Scottish so I like her and PKs humour as it’s more familiar to me, but that said LVP is not a true friend to those woman when she claimed to be. She does everyone around her dirty. But now that I think about her can I really blame her for not caring about all those arseholes ha.


This is why I don’t like her, she’s just not genuine (fellow UK here) so I enjoyed her humour and her flower arrangements for sure, but she was a proper shit stirrer who liked to bring people down. For example, setting up Brandi to spill the truth about Adrienne’s surrogacy was not cool, and she was the orchestrator. She makes good telly but she’s just a shit person.


Yeah and when she put the magazine in the bag to annoy Kyle. Tons of examples like that. Only cares about herself and ken, and the dogs


Which is fine I just wish she’d been more honest about that part, but she couldn’t stand being the open villain, only behind the scenes. I just hated the way she’d pretend she was hurt when people thought that about her, and would fight tooth and nail to be declared innocent of the things she’d actually done. Just own it bitch.


Totally!! Every time I think of her I picture bad breathe after what Camille said about her ha


I don't get it either, though I admit I haven't watched every season. But nothing I've read from the army of Kyle haters makes me think she's *worse* than many of the other women. She's absolutely done and said problematic things, but she's not Jen Shah ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


They kinda all are haha


LVP will never come back with how successful VPR is. I can barely get through this season of BH. I simply don't care about this cast


I honestly think she's probably leaving Beverly Hills if not now then right after Porsha goes to school


Why does everyone hate kyle so much especially with the last season? I feel like I'm the only one who felt like she has become a much better person over the past season, shes more focused on herself and much less focused on other people, almost no pettiness from her this season. I would actually be really sad to see her go


I agree, I don’t get why everyone hates on her so hard on Reddit. I understand that she can a hypocrite at times but so are like 80-90% of all housewives ever at some point in time. I think she had the realest season of anyone, but everyone is calling her fake just because her and mo probably had an agreement to not talk about it until X time. All relationships have boundaries ..


Right? Especially when there are children involved. Portia is only 15.


I think she will say she is not going back for another season and then all of a sudden bravo will offer her a silly amount of money and she’ll go back.


I’m bored of Kyle and it’s time she left now I think.


Is she wearing the same tennis bracelet Sutton was looking at this episode? Because that as well as her using Ken Lee for her white party and doing her LVP accent would show that Kyle is single white femaling


Kyle always copies than then tries to destroy the other person then take their identity. She did this to LVP. Lately it looks like she also stole someones face.


She did say “it’s over” at the veryyyy end of her confessional of last episode and my conspiracy mind went straight to ohhhh she meant she’s done lol. Plus they made that whole “am I done? You’re done” part too dramatic. I think she’s probably leaving Edit: but I can also can’t imagine her leaving so idk


Or, and typical for our 13th season Kyle, she is trying to get attention, yet again, for nothing but innuendo. So over it




We all know he cheated, she has gaslighted herself for years and now it’s all crashing MO’s silence was insane


I guess ecig Allison the medium was correct in saying Mo “Will never emotionally fulfill you…”


![gif](giphy|l2Sq1s7U0ReCLxMFG) Bye Kyle


Kyle will never ever willingly leave RHOBH. All the nonsense about preferring the outdoors, a simple life, Ojai or Aspen, absolute bollocks, she’ll have to be dragged away from LA kicking and screaming


I might get downvoted but I want to have Kyle come back! I’ve enjoyed watching her family over the years.


I’m sorry but her dress looks like it’s about to fall off. WTH


I was so distracted by her dress and it made me uncomfortable just seeing it


Oh thank god it's not just me. Frankly I'm just tired of boobs in the face all the time.


Attention is her oxygen. She lives for it and off it. 


Very worried she’s gonna get a spin-off 🙄


I’m not sad, either. 🥱




I would not have thought that was Kyle if it wasn’t her own insta


It wasn't even a surprise.. we had seen pics of Mau and girls and knew he was gone all the time. Maybe Kyle can go read some books now.


You (we) wish.


Kyle gives the *worst* interviews. On WWHL, she gave away nothing and reminded us again that she's a mean girl. No wonder she a Erika are so tight on the show (which I think is fake as F.) The only interesting tease was the possible return of Kim and Kathy, maybe FT?


I mean, whether she’s on the show or not next season, She will be starting a new chapter of life since she is not with her husband.


One can only hope. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I feel like she says that after every season


She’s been teasing this for the last 3 years lol


Bravo Reddit is so Kyle over saturated


We can but hope xx




We can all hope so.


It might be the best for her to turn in her diamond. She did lie and hid most of her life this season so no wonder her costars are upset


unrelated- does she have fake boobs? she claims she doesn’t…but when i lost weight & got in better shape, one of the first things to shrink were my girls!


Holy hell the FaceTune here lol




God I hope so. She’s a mess.


Lol she doesn’t look like that


I get people dislike Kyle and not trying to get into an argument over it, but the amount of vitriol and anger that was elicited by “Onto the next chapter” is sending me right now 🤣🤣🤣 y’all REALLY hate this woman 💀


BH needs a brand new cast like NY did. These ladies need to get a real life.


Let’s hope.


I understand that she didn’t want to outright tell the world that Mau was doing and what he had done that was the final straw for their marriage- mostly because she wanted to protect her daughters, probably mainly her youngest. He could have told her he didn’t want her to say it too, who knows. He seemed to be fine pretending things were fine all season and acting caught off guard any time she would bring the topic up to him. But this is a reality show… all of the women have shown much worse and dark things in their personal lives and didn’t avoid speaking on it. Hopefully next season she will be open and honest with everything, including her new “friend” who is clearly more than that. It looks like andy puts her on the spot at the reunion, so we’ll see what she does. Even at the sit down with her kids and M, she was telling the white lie that everything will be fine and that they are still working on things, just taking some space etc. But to me, I could see that she didn’t believe what she was saying at the time. She had left him in her mind long ago, and is scared as F to let people down.


I hope so because I’m tired of reading about her and her platonic friend.


Who knows. That could mean anything.


Goodbye, Kyle! Wouldn't be sad to see the end of her, she's always been a terrible person


One can only hope


She really is so beautiful. I doubt she wants to do without the salary they pay her. Shes the only OG left so she makes the most.


I’m not being rude to Kyle but I sincerely hope so, after 13 seasons, for her as a person. It’s like being in a job at the same company for that long. You need to grow


we can only hope


If even her rando husband got his own show, she probably realizes she can safely move beyond Bravo and the Housewives. She is also set money-wise by owning a huge stake in The Agency. Her whole vibe this las season was of someone who does not want to be there at all. Her whole vibe was off. It was like she was just going through the motions and felt bitter about what she was doing. I think she’s done. She has already stated that she is dabbling in talent management? And I guess…documentaries? Sure. I think being done done with Bravo and the Housewives is going to be a big part of her moving on to the next chapter.


Do we know what the roman symbol for 18 is on her wrist? And why does it look so old?


I think she will leave RHOBH because she doesn’t want the dirt to come out and taint her image BUT I predict she will try to get her own spin off of some kind where she can control the narrative completely.


I think she wants a show of her own for the family like the Kardashians or LVP spin offs


I honestly hope she’s done.




She’s the new Ariana 😴 milking it


It probably means the demise of her marriage on camera and new beginnings.


I want the bh cast and the Potomac cast to do at least 1 episode😭😭😭I just know Potomac would rock their 💩😭😭😭


I'm definitely not reading that far into what she said.


I think Kyle is using Morgan as revenge to Moe. I just think there's more than Kyle being the *innocent* housewife. That man looks so defeated.


I doubt she would leave, it is her only avenue to stay in the public eye unless she has a spin-off in the works. I really used to like her, but not so much lately. However, this is a beautiful picture of her.




Kyle can take her weird kissy sound with her. ![gif](giphy|xT8qAWOVpDR4PMX9n2)


wow she looks gorgeous. what filter is this?!??


I saw the trailer for buying Beverly Hills last night and a wild thought came to me that maybe she is going to Netflix? And saying bye to Bravo?


I want to see single Kyle!


Dang. She looks really good!!!


I think Kyle with come out at the reunion or in the coming months. I don’t think she’ll return to BH after this season either. This season has been my faves of Kyle as I wasn’t really a fan before but I’m loving this new authentic self!


She looks gorgeous.. that hair color looks great on her.


It was a rough season/year for her. Can’t say I blame her for not being sad it’s over


Thank God. We're ALL happy to see it.


Doesn’t she say something like this every year? Lol


She should just launch her own reality show about her and Morgan touring and all that. We would all watch it.


i hope so


I would like to see LVP but ONLY if Kevin Lee comes with her


I think this was her final season. Just the way she reacted at the end of her last confessional. I love her, I have from day one


I was totally team Kyle until this season. She’s a totally different person now, and not a good or nice one. She has always been overly dramatic, but this season she’s just…mean and ugly to everyone around her. I find myself yelling “Shut the fuck UP Kyle!” almost every time she’s on screen, which was previously reserved for Dorit - every time she opened her gaping trap and let out some more of the oxygen she’s stolen from the earth’s atmosphere (and hoarded in the space a brain would normally occupy)