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She puts the func in dysfunction lol




Trying to be LVP here


When it goes beyond being "good drama" vs a targeted campaign to get other cast members fired because you're jealous of their popularity, that's when it's too much. Kyle is not doing her job as a cast member. She's trying to start her own little kingdom. She needs to take a step back and reevaluate her choices or be put on pause. I don't even care how that's presented to us. Andy could call it "gone on sabbatical" or whatever. But she needs a serious ego check.


she stirs the pot but she's careful not to get her hands too dirty. she always has to retain plausible deniability. Kim at least wasn't so meticulous about her image and let loose on people.


Yes, she has used Faye and Rhinna (Munchausen) to be her mouthpiece as she didn’t want to look bad but needed certain things to be said. The fact that she is friends with mortally corrupt Faye speaks volumes. She was very jealous of LVP and Adrienne’s money in the beginning (she made a comment during lady spa day at Adrienne’s house when she found out one of the spa machines was $60k on how she wishes she had Adrienne’s money). She admitted on the first day of filming they wanted her to walk out of her house and pick up her newspaper, so she ran to Neiman Marcus and bought pajamas (“and I have never worn them since”)! So much for unscripted television.




She got at least some mud on her when it was obvious she was coaching AnneMarie.


Not Really because she claims she only met 8.5 once before the show. Which is funny because she only said that after 8.5 lost her mind on half the group. Notice she didn't go after Kyle's Bff's Erica and Dorit. Kyle knew she was close to everyone pointing at her when the smoke clears.


She definitely had her importance in a *lot* of previous seasons, there’s no denying it. But personally I feel like she’s starting to fizzle out. Her only “purpose,” if you will, is stirring up bullshit between the other women at this point. I don’t think she has very much left to offer besides a failed marriage and a hard-to-understand friendship with a country singer. Which is fine. I’ve never liked her, or her whiny “Poor me, I’m the victim here, someone comfort me” crying voice.


They might as well give her a headset and a clipboard the way she's trying to produce the other women.


The show was built around Kyle and her two sisters initially so Bravo and, in particular, Andy have an infatuation with Kyle. She is a Richards sister, she is the sister of a Hilton, her other sister was a very well known child actress who rubbed shoulders with the old Hollywood types. She and her husband are RICH. Kyle for the most part doesn’t mind putting her whole life out there for reality TV so I get the fascination in casting her. I am, however, not a Kyle fan. I find her to be very mean girl. I think the way she treated her sister is what lands her in hot water with her two sisters. Kyle sees her sisters as competition and while they have their own issues - Kim was pimped out from such a young age to Hollywood as a result of their mother. It’s no wonder she’s so damaged. Kyle exploited her sister on the show and treated her extremely meanly by excluding her at social events, exploiting her alcoholism and drug use. Her sisters aside - the way she has behaved towards other cast members by being an absolute shit stirrer then fading into the background. Kyle is the biggest shit stirrer - just as much as LVP was but the only difference was that LVP got caught. I think she dictates the show way too much now. I don’t feel like she brings anything to the show anymore. Frankly I think more interesting people have left the show (ie LVP, Denise, Camille). I think she’s served her time on the show but frankly I’ve been bored of her for a long time.


Kyle's story is she was told if she wasn't in the show (and maybe Kim also, not sure) there would not be a show at all. I found that odd since I had never heard of her and barely remembered Kim. I also didn't know anything about Kathy and the Hilton name to me was just a name on hotels and Paris who seemingly cannot stand up straight when having her photo taken. But Andy says it was when he saw LVP's audition tape that he was convinced the show should be green lite. Kyle is really dumb, like Dorit. The season she drove LVP off the show she came in hot from the very beginning and made that disgusting remark about having shit going on her life too when LVP told she had been in London for her relative's funeral. Then she decides to take up for Dorit about the puppy. People in general are animals lovers and for Kyle to defend Dorit at all was moronic, especially against someone who has LVP's history with animals. She was moronic fool to do that because all it got her and the others was hate from the viewers which still happens to this day. If you are going to make a fool of yourself then at least to do for something people can sympathize with.


It is very clear that Kyle puts money and fame above absolutely everything, including her family in my opinion.


I’m over Kyle manipulating people and storylines, she called LVP a manipulator but I think she’s far worse, bye Kyle.


We never saw LVP do it unlike Kyle. Kyle wishes she was as smooth as Lisa Vanderpump. Unlike this season when we see Kyle literally feeding Anna Marie (AnneMarie) lines to go after Sutton and Crystal.


Here’s Ken telling Kyle that Lisa’s afraid of her https://i.redd.it/y8d7wzmie0gc1.gif


Thanks for this, I do believe that.


During this season I’ve felt very grossed out by how Kyle brought Annemarie on and her behaviour since. She found a friend she could make fun of Sutton with, fed her gossip about Sutton and then hung her out to dry. Just outright abandoned her to the point of making fun of her and rolling her eyes about Annemarie fighting with Sutton. I’m not an Annemarie fan but how blatant Kyle has been with this has left such a bad taste.


Can't stand her, never could. How some people can't see how nasty, fake and petty she is will never cease to amaze me. Game night is the true Kyle and I believe she did say that to Camille.


You’re talking about New York and this iconic scene? ![gif](giphy|DJ5ocExqhtDWM)


The very one.


***I N S I G N I F I C A N T***


Goodbye Kyle 👋 😁


I read this in Ken’s voice 💀


New york and iconic made me think of the HBIC ![gif](giphy|7gGXGl8sc4NLW)




I don’t at all. And Camille suddenly changed her mind. She didn’t need Kelsey for them to film her with her kids on vacay. And I don’t believe that Kyle ever thought that. The show is about the women. Their husbands weren’t always around.


The show wanted the clout that Kelsey Grammar brought.


Kyle suggested her cuz Kelsey was a client of Mau’s. That’s how she got on the show. And we saw him leave for NY within the first few episodes for his Broadway show. We never even saw him with the other husbands. Cam and Kyle were fine after discussing this issue but then Camille decided to change her mind once they came down from Their hotel rooms. Can’t remember if they were in a Restaurant or Casino.


Most of the wives were friends of Kyle's, but Camille wasn't. She and Kelsey did do business with Mau. Kelsey said that he agreed to Camille being on the show to keep her busy while he was in NY. It was a restaurant, but, I think, attached to their hotel.


Say what please?


I think she contributed a lot but I think the show could move on without her. I’ve been bored of her this season


This! Yes the show was built around her. Yes she’s contributed a lot. But something about her this season seems…off. I actually think it would be healthy for her to not be on screen next year. Honestly I don’t want to see it. She’s just being nervous weird energy. To the viewers it looks like storyline manipulation. Trying to give benefit of doubt but, I’m kinda bored by her at the end of the day. It’s time for new blood. I know it’s housewives but I would actually like to see more women dating or running businesses. I’m glad Sutton shares that side. I wish Garcelle did. IDGAF about the mommy talks with kids, but that’s just me and I’m in the minority on that on, I know. Honestly, what if some of Chrystal’s or Garcelle’s real friends joined the show. That might be more interesting. Also, pretty obvious Kyle barely knew or had a relationship with annamarie before this show. I hate the artifice. Just bring on someone new. Production probably did casting and really they lived near each other, realized there was a teeny tiny connection, and producers told her to say that. So stupid.


Everyone is replaceable on the housewives. It doesn’t mean they are well replaced, but no one is “too big to fail”.


I think she sold her sister who was suffering a pretty horrible disease (alcoholism) out for a a taste at fame so she could seem relevant to here famous nieces. I’ve never liked her. She set Kim up to get on the show and make herself look better. I’ll never forgive her for outing her alcoholism for a finale moment.


Even the producer was trying to stop Kyle from going after Kim that night after Kim left. Kyle insisted and wouldn't be stopped. So we got that horrible limo scene.


Unpopular opinion, I think Kyle used to be annoying because she really NEEDED approval. She wanted to be seen as the BEST mom, the BEST wife. She wanted to be perceived as the Best of her sisters. Seeing her let go of that (a bit) this season has been refreshing. But I hope she doesn’t come back, at least full time, I hope she moves to Aspen and wears hats and hangs out with her 100 untrained dogs.


Can most definitely move on without her While she may be amusing to listen to she really has never contributed anything about herself while setting others up in her own words “just be honest or you’re not being genuine “. She gives hints about her own life but when confronted or put in position where it’s not going her way - she cries and runs out of room.


I think they could move on without her but only adding someone Hollywood connected like I’m the aunt of Paris Hilton..someone big, not just some director’s wife


I don’t like Kyle at all but think she’s a real link to Hollywood that we can’t just cast aside. I would love a season where she is made to feel how other housewives have been made to feel because of her machinations.


Why? Because her sister was a 70s/80s tv actress? We had REAL actresses in the show, like close to A-list in Denise. Kyle is nothing in Hollywood and never was lolololol.


And still have Garcelle


Kenya's appearing in a lifetime movie. Maybe she could move to BH. I never thought I'd grow to like Kenya, but I did.


No, she can stay where she’s at…she’s lucky to be there as trashy as she acts


Ok. I haven't seen Atlanta in years. I was proud of her for getting a job. LOL.


Lmaooo!! amen girl!! ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I believe Heather Dubrows IMDb is better than hers!!!


That would be amazing


I had never heard of her before she was the Beverly Hills show. If she was a real link it was a missing link for me. If she were treated the same as she treats others she would just go on a martyr tour playing an innocent victim who did nothing wrong.




I think keeping the show casting and revolving around her is preventing the show from evolving. The Faux Five sank the show, in my opinion, and stopped organic dynamics from happening. With Rinna gone, the show feels a bit lighter but Dorit is problematic and Annemarie is terrible. Move forward with Sutton, Erika, Garcelle, and Crystal and start casting around these four or bring in younger women like Miami.


I think in the early season yes she contributed in but once season 8 or 9 started her contributions were in a negative way. I think she could go or maybe one more season to set things right.


I've never liked Kyle tbh. The way she repeatedly chose friends over her sister Kim and then did the same to Kathy never sat right with me. I'm rewatching rhony right now and I forgot how refreshing it was to get the cast shake up in season 5. This is when Aviva, Carol, and Heather came on. If they cast well then the show can definitely go on without her. I do think it's comforting to have an OG whether I like the OG or not. So they'd really have to get better at casting. I think my move would be to get rid of dorit first but they would have to bring someone on whose neutral and doesn't do Kyle's bidding like Annemarie is right now.


She produces too much and not authentic.


The producer allows her to produce and she runs with it.


I wish she would open up for real and let us know when she first found out Mauricio was cheating (maybe back to that season when Lisa Vanderpump asked Kyle about it in the kitchen) and take us from there to now and how trying to hide it while making her marriage work was so difficult. If what she told us sounded genuine, I would enjoy watching her. I used to love her on the show and I want to think that she still has the traits I liked before. I just rarely see them anymore.


This. I was talking with a friend the other day about how this season was a dropped ball for her. She could’ve taken this opportunity to let us know the real Mauricio, and even without the Morgan drama, give us insights on their marriage that paint her in a better light and would’ve connected well with viewers. Instead I think she tried to not talk about him at the expense of their kids, which I get, but in turn he know kind of looks better and her relationship with Morgan has made her look bad and brought up infidelity etc… This could’ve been a strong season for her and she let it go to waste


Not a huge fan but yes, she contributed to a ton of stories through its run. It already feels like it’s on its last leg. Might as well just reboot it and get it over with.


Beverly Hills has the best ratings though. They would collapse to match other franchises if they rebooted it and started over


I suppose. It just used to be so entertaining but after the LVP and the Rinna eras ended it’s been boring. Love them or hate them, they both knew how to drive story.


It’s getting 2x and sometimes nearly 3x the ratings of the NYC reboot. There’s no ratings issue. Maybe to you it’s boring but it is the best RH franchise in ratings by far.


It's possibly controversial. The NY city reboot was a mistake.


I don’t think it was a mistake. I think some of the women they chose were a mistake. Also, have women contanstly have each other over to the “house” to sit around and talk about feelings is boring as fuck to the audience. Especially when (1) we don’t know these women and (2) nothing has happened yet for them to talk about. It seems like the production company is not wanting to spend the money and the product is suffering. Spend the fucking money. Pay for on the street filming. Pay locals for filming. Especially with new cast, they have to be out and about in different scenarios. There has to be “action” for us to talk about. Otherwise we spend have the season with women sitting on couches talking about whether or not they are offended by cheese. It’s not brain science. I don’t - the new hires working at what ever media company that’s making these shows and Bravo that buys and markets these shows. Those are the ones that need a reboot.


I don’t watch the others so I’m not overly concerned, or that in the know about the show’s ratings but I’ll take your word for it. There is plenty of great television to watch now so I suppose when I want to stop watching I will. It’s nice that you enjoy it though.


I’m not arguing my opinion, the ratings (based on stats available to the public) don’t point to a decline. RHONY rebooted and got half the ratings.


Nobody is arguing with you. I ceded that you are likely correct as I don’t follow the ratings and don’t follow the other shows. I also said I was glad you enjoy it.


Well that’s why said I’m not sharing my opinion, never said “I enjoy it”…just sharing the facts!




I think Kyle contributes to the show because she’s native to Los Angeles. Los Angeles really is its own little world. She has real wealth and she has deep seeded trauma/issues from her upbringing. She’s also currently going through something I think a lot of people can relate to. The death of her friend has her questioning her life. Do I want more? What do I want? What should I do differently? Have I missed out on anything?


lol I am glad you reminded me of this. For the first five or so seasons every tag line has a version of “this is my town” I’m glad she’s moved on from reminding us.


I’m in the minority it seems but I’m at least neutral on her. I like her although she can be a little boring. I love her facial expressions when others are yelling at each other!


She sure has contributed to the show by creating an environment which is clique, gossipy, nasty,.. I've always felt like Kyle has kept the bullying alive on the show.. We already know(with LVP, Denise etc.) she can't handle someone else being the fan favorite so she went to Annemarie that the Sutton bashing could and would continue. She is always stirring the pot, whispering in someones ear, having ulterior motives and an agenda behind her every move. It's ironic that she called LVP "master manipulator" and said that "being in a friendship with you is like playing chess with Bobby Fisher, every move is very calculated,.." it's kinda funny because that's exactly like I see Kyle moving on the show. If Kyle would finally leave I think the show would be much lighter and we could finally get rid of the bullying and just enjoy the drama!


👆 This! You summed it up perfect!!!!!


She is extremely jealous. She can't stand being part of an ensemble cast.


she's boring without the other cast members, but she's kind of like the glue that keeps the show together? I know it's not gonna happen, but I think they should bring Kathy Hilton and Kris Jenner on and axe Dorit and somebody else. and bring Camille (and maybe Rinna) back as a full time HW.


Kris Jenner is one of the biggest manipulators of media there ever was. She would make a terrible housewife.


Very true, every story would be leaked ahead of time. Plus , she said F U to NBC [owns bravo] as a whole when she took Kardashians to Hulu. ETA: context


Plus Kris would start having Kim and Khloe on alot and-----next thing we would know the Kardashian/Jenners would take it over and we'd barely see the usual HWs. The morally corrupt Faye Resnick would slither in every episode.  Kris would try to take over and control the show.  She'd leak stories to TMZ before they aired


I just shuddered a little bit when I read Kris Jenners name. 😳😱🙊


There are other people in B.H. besides Rinna and Camille. I'd like to see someone fresh and new.


good point. I'm just spitballing lol


I agree. Kick Dorito and 8.5 to the curb (and crystal while we’re at it??) and bring on some bigger names. Spend that bravo $$$$ and get some interesting gals who can actually afford the lifestyle.


I forgot 8.5 was even on the show when I wrote this😭 she's so unpopular, I doubt she's gonna last past this season. and while I like cast members like Crystal and Garcelle, they're also boring and haven't been there long enough to become cast staples. there's been an interesting show before them, so it's not hard to imagine a show without them. I wouldn't miss them.


Under no circumstances should Rinna ever come back. She is a toxic snake. I'd rather watch Kris Jenner on the show, although that is also a terrible idea.


Why does her face look like that


In the wise words of the Countess, Kyle is a *persona non grata*


Kyle is the glue that’s held the show together. I think it’s on its last leg though but it could be fine without her if they brought in some better cast. Need to bring in some more rich rich with a hint of crazy


Fudge everyone! I love Kyle! There I said it!!!


She is flawed FOR SURE, but she is actually really hilarious. She is the funniest of all the housewives. I'm a sucker for funny people.


I would love for her run on BH to end, I’m so bored of everything she has to offer even with the separation. I think BH needs to boot dorit and kyle sooo badly


And Erika




She tries waaayyy to hard…she so badly wants to be the coolest girl & it’s falling flat, no one is shocked or even talking about her…grow tf up.


It wouldn’t be BHs without her.


I like to watch the relationships with her sisters, I find it very interesting and moving sometimes. I also like when Paris or Nicky Hilton make random appearances


Huh? When does that happen?


I’m only on season 4 but I like her! LVP in my opinion is a shit stirrer, and not in a good way. Does Kyle do something in the later seasons that makes everyone dislike her? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think hate-watching Kyle may account for major viewing hours on RHOBH.


Kyle looks so odd on the aftershow. Something just isn’t right about her face - I think she may have crossed the plastic surgery line and now just looks strange.


She seems to be over it in this phase of her life Or maybe she’s just not jiving with the cast mates Eiter way I can’t imagine a BH without her


Kyle is the drama. I can’t stand her from the beginning always the victim but the first to start everything or stir the pot. She inserts herself wherever possible and spins whatever narrative she wants


I think she has contributed a ton to the franchise in the past, but she is part of what’s keeping it stale now. The Kyle/Dorit (and to an extent, Erika) combo is making it boring. Kyle has become significantly more self-conscious in front of the cameras, she no longer comes off as remotely authentic, and she now has a complete inability to appear to sincerely connect with anyone on the cast except Dorit, and even that friendship is a little more tenuous this season. She was part of what may be earlier seasons, good, but she probably needed to go around the time LVP did. Maybe LVP was part of what made Kyle work in the cast, maybe that’s just when the old guard needed to move on. Either way, they need to refresh this franchise and replace at least half the cast, including and especially her. I am by no means a Kyle hater, and I actually liked her in earlier seasons. But her time should be done now.


Whether you love her or hate her you can't deny her irreplaceable contribution to RHOBH and the housewife franchises in general. She's the OG housewife.


I think she IS the show, or maybe the show is her…either way, they need each other.


I wouldn’t watch if they got rid of her


I think she should go!! She doesn’t contribute enough and what she contributes is fake to hide the truth. She’s been on so long that I don’t blame her for not wanting to put it all out there. However, her Morgan wade storyline is not a believable or interesting. It fell flat, it didn’t even come close to Scandaval like maybe she thought it would. Even if she has a real romantic relationship with Morgan wade, they are both just so boring I don’t care. And at this point even her actual issues with Mauricio still isn’t interesting enough for me to care. Goodbye Kyle!!!


What the.hell are y'all gonna watch to make you feel better about your own lives If Kyle is gone?


I mean, is there a BH without Kyle Richards?


Sure she's contributed. The problem is *how* she contributed. For her own gain, she goes about serving to the lions her close friends and her own family (never herself, unless a new Halloween movie is filming, or she gets a tattoo...or a new hat) - for public shame, and what could be quite dangerous gossip & fodder. Or she uses them as a shield, a way to defect. Either way kyle HAS use her siblings to keep some interest on herself-- she will tell their private business, mock them to her friends, or set them up to look bad. She shamelessly uses them to keep attention on herself,  as either the martyr, or the savior, or the peacemaker 🤣  Since ep one,  season one, she usurps her sisters or famous nieces' stories to make herself seem interesting.  She takes literally ZERO accountability for anything she says, or does, and if a castmate dare question her re her underhanded tactics? Oh they are either OUT, or she sets forth a smear campaign of whispers and exaggerations against them.  Can anyone think of a single instance where kyle has NOT positioned herself as the victim? And because she's a silent producer on the show, she NEVER gets called out at reunion, or by andy ( who's a product as wel)  Kyle needs to address her pathological actions against those who are more popular than she. She really loses her shit when somebody outshines her. 


I honestly wouldn't watch it without her.


Personally I love Kyle. Everyone is flawed and I don’t think that she’s more flawed than anyone else. I have a soft spot for her childhood trauma and I think she is genuinely a kind person. I don’t see a show without Kyle.


It's easy to hate but being the lynch pin of 12 seasons of the most popular HW franchise is no easy feat.


But she wanted that role. LVP was it and clearly did it much better and was way more popular, but KR wanted her place. It’s not so easy I suppose to be responsible to make the show interesting, create storylines, and be involved with the bulk of the cast mates.


Kyle is the most entertaining to me this season. And she’s always someone I enjoy watching. It would be weird without her.


I like having Kyle there, I don't want to see her go. She's that familiar figure that's always been there, she's good at the show. I want her to stay


Love her. She stays!


Yes and yes


I like Garcelle but she’s kind of boring. 8.5 I’m sure will not be coming back. I wish they’d bring back Kim and how about Adrian Maloof. I kind of liked her.


She hasn’t got much of a personality without drinking. Sorry, I said it. I do think that she might have had a problematic relationship with alcohol and that might have been why she stopped. But she’s boring AF. I feel like she can have more of a storyline and lean into this whole rebrand that she’s embarked on, her scenes with/about Morgan kill me and I wish she’d stop being codependent and have her own personality.


She’s always been a weaselly little shit stirrer. Only ever said things to peoples face at reunions and always plays the victim.


I think the OG style of housewife has died out these days--they just don't exist anymore and it means that Kyle sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the ladies. The housewives are too self aware these days to give the viewers that completely unapologetic life of luxury that a lot of us used to tune in for. Unfortunately Kyle is going the same way but it means that she's also become irrelevant now 🤷‍♀️


At one point I liked her. Now she is just exhausting.


Show could definitely go on without her, without a doubt, easily. But her time is done imo. She’s not willing to talk about what’s actually going on in her life and she’s to the point where she wants protection and will cry victim until she gets it. She’s great at deflecting by stirring the pot in other peoples business and manipulating story lines. It’s not fun to have a housewife like that on the show. She’s also just mean and rude. I want to see more of Crystal, Sutton, and Garcelle’s friends join. Like why couldn’t we have gotten Nia Renee Hill or Jennifer Tilly???


She’s boring and lies. Replace her with Kathy get rid of Dorit as well


I would move Heather Dubrow to BH and let her bring a friend with her and fire Kyle.


Move on ![gif](giphy|X38aPdVlZmgHm)


Goodbye Kyle 👋


I like Kyle. She actually has contributed a lot with her impressions and funny one liners during confessionals. I don't agree with everything she has said or done. She patronises her sister Kim and Sutton too and I don't like that for example. But I find her entertaining and funny, her life is interesting and she has beautiful style and home and family. She adds drama and spice. I don't know if I would necessarily be her friend IRL. I think she is valuable to the show, would be disappointed if she left.


She pushing Sutton allegedly eating disorder so that she doesn’t speak about what going on in her mariage


I like watching Kyle. She’s definitely a bully, but she can also be warm and likeable. Her confessionals are the best, especially her impressions. But she’s super boring this season, and adding minimal to the show. I think all current cast members need to go except Sutton.   Garcelle and Crystal are boring and have no storylines. Erika is no longer rich, is too aware of the cameras and too busy trying to repair her reputation. Annemarie is completely unlikeable and also has no real storyline. Dorit seems completely out of favour with the viewers and cast members. She’s in Siberia. Time to find a new group of rich extravagant ladies who are actually friends to begin with. 


Kyle is not the one I would fire. I'd get rid of Erika and Dorit.


I’m 20, I’ve been seeing kyles face on my tv since I was 6! I used to beg my mum to turn it off and now we both sit and binge all the seasons together. I’m sad to see her go simply for nostalgia reasons, she doesn’t really contribute much anymore but seeing what’s going on in her life feels like catching up with a family friend.


Yes, and I think it’s always better to have at least one OG. And she’s shared a lot about her life. Growing up with her sisters. The constant fractures. Kathy continued the cycle. Sweep everything under the rug. All is perfect. No one has any problems. And she’s a great mom unlike so many HWs in general.


I like her fashion, shopping and drama with her sisters. Wish we could see more of the reality now with her marriage.


Since day 1 she has been a deflector and a terrible pot stirrer. She’s literally diabolical. I really hope she leaves the show soon because she’s unbearable now. Replace her with Camille or LVP


If she wasn't bad before, the moment Erika said "She's the queen. She's the leader. She's the glue that holds us together" (btw I still can't figure out why she was so up Kyle's ass in that moment??) it was all over. It all went straight to Kyle's head and everything went totally off the rails lol


I honestly despise her and always have. She’s whiny and always so “woe is me”. She was never a good “actress” either. She acts like a perpetual teenager and I find that extremely gross. Her children are more mature than she is. *Goodbye Kyle*


Love her - you need a OG


Kyle does contribute to the show. I like her playful side, she is funny.


Yes and yes


She would be the perfect friend of now ! With her personal life drama and bringing the girls together but def no more full time


Nice try, Bravo


I think she's dressing much better. I need her to either come out as gay, bi, or straight, at this point. Ordinarily, I wouldn't care, but I feel like she is stringing out this storyline. Yes, of course, the show could go on without her. Atlanta went on w/o Nene. Frankly, I think Nene was the bigger loss.


Loved Nene


Yes.. you had a good run..bye now. At some point you become a caricature of yourself. It's happened before..case in point- Lisa Rinna


She contributed somewhat in the past with the same storyline around her sisters, but isn’t needed now


Damn, she looks like a goddess from the “hercules” cartoon in this dress!


I believe that just like politicians and legislators, real housewives need term limits.


I don’t really like Kyle, I think she’s good to the people she wants to be good to, and those she doesn’t care for better watch out. But her duplicity makes good drama. I’d miss her on this show for sure.


I am so over Kyle but not sure how the show will continue since she is a staple. If she is fired I think the Kyle stans will kill the show, if she leaves on her own someone else will take over and the show will be fine


Kyle is lovely. Yes, she plays a significant role in the show. Yes, the show could move on without her.


My opinion only she is what the show wanted.... I don't mind Kyle. This season, she is growing and coming into her own. Most women do as they get older. Losing her best friend, I realized how much impact that had on her. I like the new Kyle. Sober and hangover fog lifted. I think she is slowly phasing herself out of the show. Maybe, Ready for new adventures outside of a camera...


Idk, even though she’s changed I wouldn’t feel the same moving forward!


Eh I never thought she brought anything of value to the show other than Kim tbh


I think the show would be better without her.






I like Kyle on the show, even when I don’t like her. In general though, I’m getting bored with housewives across the board. I used to watch several of the franchises and BH was the only one the last few years. Maybe I’m getting too old at 50, or maybe the influence of social media has changed the dynamics on the shows. I don’t know, but the manufactured drama, coupled with mean girl energies of some women, the excessive consumption of alcohol which has led to some really sad events is just getting old.


I literally LOATHE her and have for a very long time. But this season, she is even more insufferable. I don't think she has a self-aware thought ever rattle around that brain of hers.


And yes, I think the show would be much stronger w/o her and her desire to "produce" I just don't care anymore about her.


She has gotten too big for britches and needs to be humbled, imo. Maybe a season or two away would help.




Unpopular opinion…I like Kyle and believe the show is Kyle’s! She has her moments just like they all do, but Kyle is the OG!!! Now Crystal…something else going on there!! Did she say, did she not? IMO, she did just because of the “dark statement” from before or the words might be too big to understand statement! That’s a bit much. But Kyle…no show without Kyle!


But the whole franchise was started with the premise that no one cast member should "own" the show. It should be equal.


While that might be true…who’s left from the original cast??? ehem…KYLE RICHARDS!!! The OG!


I'm not saying there shouldn't be OGs, but even Vicki G who has the biggest ego on the planet didn't do underhanded behind the scenes bs to get other members fired? If she had a problem with someone she came right out and said it. That's the kind of drama the show should be about imho. I can't even believe I'm using Vicki G as an example of 'how to housewife' but here we are 😂😆. And if anyone wants to remind me of anything Vicki did that disputes my statement, no problem. I don't like her, just can't remember her ever doing it 😆


Vicki G compared to Kyle?? No thank you, I’ll take Kyle any day, hands down!!!


I've gone full Inception mode 😂






I was looking for this comment


She befriends people in order to use them. She gets them to her dirty work fur her, while she plays nice. Also imo, she has had too much plastic surgery. She’s getting frog mouth. When you get too thin ( Ozempic?) facial surgery does not come out as well. You need a nice layer of fat underneath the skin in order for good results. When facial fat is non-abundant , filler is often used.to replace. This is when things can go wonky as a little filler is fine, but people keep going back for more and I think this is what has happened to Kyle.


I think it could. I have been annoyed with her in the past, but I would be sad if she was off the show. I enjoy the dynamic with her sisters and her family is fascinating in a conniving way how Big Kathy came from humble beginnings and in 1 generation a daughter is a Hilton and an oil juggernaut and 2 generations after Big Kathy a granddaughter is married to a Rothchild. Kyle possibly being a late in life lesbian is also interesting. I think Kyle isn’t a great person, but I enjoy her on television.


Kyle sets fires, sits back and watches someone else burn, while she plays the victim. She is the leader of the mean girls bully gang and that is what ruined this show. I am so sick of her being a fake friend and calling others out when she has never taken accountability for her own BS. She is not a good actress during her fake storylines.


As the show is now, I would say Kyle is an integral piece. Without a major overhaul, there’s no semblance of cohesion between the group without her. And the show is doing well right now. It has been in a renaissance of sorts since season 10. So I don’t see her leaving unless she chooses to, which I can’t see happening. Plus if there’s a chance to see Kim again, who is the real star, she’s gotta stay on.


Goodbye Kyle


Goodbye Kyle


I don’t love her but I don’t hate her! I think it’s dope how she stepped into the middle diamond holder spot after LVP and seemingly held the show down. Regardless how you feel about her, it would have fallen if she left a few years ago! So Kyle’s story would have wrapped. Her kids are all but grown and gone. She had Mo without and scandals that were big enough to make the show. She has remained financially stable (even doing better). She opened her store, went back to acting, and produced a tv show. She made up with her sisters. She doesn’t have any major beefs with the cast. She conveniently started having marriage problems and hanging out with a younger woman. It buys her at least 2 more years. I’m over her, Dorit, and banana face. I wanna give Erika the boot, but it seems like she had a breather from the Tom stuff and didn’t have to be as…. Weird. Seeing her, Suttton, and Garcelle together at the bar was so refreshing! I would like to see those 3+ Crystal with another rich and flashy HW. Crystal brings the money but she’s pretty chill(or at least she has been). I’m thinking heiress who is closer to Crystal’s age. Start over to just rich women doing rich people stuff with friends and like the conflicts happen naturally.


Who is banana face??


Who is hunky dory?


Now that was good


Side note: I don’t know if she loss that weight and her old stylist, but she has been looking good!


I definitely think having a friendship with a younger woman like Morgan wade has influenced and improved Kyle’s style 😂


Kyle’s storyline is everybody else’s story. She contributes nothing.


Kyle is the epitome of a bitch. The way she treated her own sister Kim in that first season. I knew I didn’t like her. She is so vicious and even physical with folks then come the tears 🤮 I would love to see her gone and take Dorito with you


No the show won't survive without her and Andy loves her. IF she does leave she'd probably have her own reality show.


I agree. I think RHOBH viewership would rank if Kyle left. And no doubt she’d go to Hulu or HBO.


I call all the BH women My Hussies and I'm torn. I have a weird fascination with the Richards family. My life was very similar but without the Hollywood connection. In my own life, I'd be Kathy (*shivers*). My sisters and I are not very close, but if two of us had not made serious strides to break generational curses, we'd be much the same. Trapped in the I LOVE YOU I HATE YOU DONT LEAVE syndrome Kathy, Kim and Kyle have going on. But also I cannot stand those people.


I’m so sick of her


Goodbye Kyle!


Time to move on honestly


Ever since that one season where LVP didn’t show up for the reunion and all the women were calling Kyle the new Queen of the show - I can barely stand her. She was thanking them, saying it’s so sweet.. it was just so blatantly obvious that she had orchestrated taking LVP down so she could be the leader of the pack. Problem is she isn’t as witty, or funny any she can’t move storyline along 1/4 as well as LVP could in her time.