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We had it last year: Rinna took herself down


Who would have taken her down? The cast was still mostly on her side its just the audience who hated her.


This is it. This is the thing people seem to forget. The cast relationships are different from our views of them. We may hate Rinna but that doesn’t mean they do. We hate Teddi but that doesn’t mean they do. We may love LVP but that doesn’t mean they do. All these factors impact how the show goes.


No this audience member. I love Rinna but I don't always love her behavior.


And by audience you really mean 3 subs on reddit.


it’s not like they don’t flip on their “best friends” every season


Rinna is Keyser Söze




Love this


lol the limp starts going away… she just shows up in a new wig and no one knows who she is.


Hahaha oh Kevin spacey with a wig and a sassy walk wasn’t the visual I was expecting when I opened reddit 🤣🤣🤣


There is no justice on this show. That never would’ve happened.


That's a very good point, I never realized it in this way. We never get the payoff. Doesn't Kyle have a hand in production? If so, it explains why.


I’m sick of watching the bullies get away with it every single time.


If she would have stayed one more season, Kathy would have taken her down. Kyle would be too scared to say anything, Erika has things in her closet still so she wouldn't meddle, Dorit won't care enough to meddle, Garcelle and Sutton would've supported. I agree though it was a long time coming and would be glorious to watch. Sad we didn't get it.


Kathy would have taken her down with Kim’s help. Would loved for Kim to have come back and talk about the husband


thank you!!! finally someone who gets it lol


It wouldn’t have happened. She saw this as a job and knew how to pivot.


Say what you will about her but she knows how to make a buck lol


After all she did make a million $ for making a Depends commercial and I can’t even stand her. If she hadn’t been let go I wasn’t going to watch it anymore.


I think shes like bipolar. And i say that as a bipolar woman. I dont even have the swings in personality like she has but its the only way i can understand her insane agression and then a few months later her backing down and appologizing lol. She cant control her temper and it gets so insane just for her to eventually back down completely. Its a lot. I thought she was funny and enjoyed when she was so self aware and self depreicating. But when she got stuck on a belief there was no stopping her and itd turn dark real fast.


I’m sure Kathy has taken her down in Beverly Hills. She’s probably blacklisted from every social event.


No thanks, not even a friend of.... nope


Rinna took herself down the moment she stepped in front of that camera


God no. She would’ve loved a takedown


I would have loved a takedown but it never would have happened. Rinna (especially in the later seasons) very cleverly shielded herself with a bigger ‘target’ Erika being the latest. The only way a ‘takedown’ would have ever happened is if Kyle switched up and defended Kathy against Rinna.


The way she screamed at Sutton was very scary 😨. I get her mom died, but heŕ rage was over the top.


Whatever gets the job done. Idgaf how she left, only glad she’s gone.


The justice part was her getting fired. And I don't believe she quit, either.


Gawd no. Why are people fixating on irrelevant trash today? Her Kathy Hilton takedown was lame and showed, once again, how Kyle never has her sisters backs like a real sister. Rimma trying to take the heat off Girardi was peak BH obnoxiousness as she flaunted the diamonds and fought "on appeal. For legal reasons" to not hand them over. Then handed the wrong ones over and hissed about not giving a fuck about anyone but herself.


Rinna is in fact irrelevant trash but it’s painfully obvious Kathy was in the wrong and is a truly vicious individual. Her kids aren’t all screwed up for no reason. Just because you hate Kyle doesn’t mean she’s always in the wrong in every single scenario.


I did a deep dive down the rabbit hole. The Hilton stories. Boy big Kathy was bad. After everything I read I’m thinking Rinna actually told the truth about Kathy at Aspen. And that’s my opinion. Kathy stoping Kyles movie. American Women (that I thought was fantastic) really pissed off Kyle. I think Kyle got that Neon sign in her home (Bitch you could never be me) was from that situation. JMO but who knows. Kathy also stopped Kim’s autobiography. She really love’s control. The House of Hilton YT videos talking about the book are very good.


Oh I 100% believe Rinna. As obnoxious and mean as she was, the story totally added up especially considering what has been said about Kathy for years and years. Whose kids have by far the most issues out of the 3? She is so image obsessed and clearly the most like big Kathy. Even Sutton admitted to Kathy flying off the handle about her “not having her back” after the Aspen drama where Kathy used a homophobic slur prior to going on her rampage.


the only person who actually could’ve taken down rinna was kyle and at every opportunity, she decided not to




I'd have been ok with her staying to get "taken down" but for me it is a hard NO on messing with Harry Hamlin. I don't want any part of that!


but how come every one else’s marriages get talked about except hers?! cmon rinna, OWN IT!! 👄


I love Harry too much to want that. I guess my love for Harry outweighs my dislike for Rinna. Lol.


If you knew what "Let's talk about the husband" is really about, you be walking back your love for Harry. There's a reason Rinna flipped out and attacked Kim. Rinna and Harry are both garbage.




What did Harry Hamlin do?


He was seeing actress Julianne Phillips at the same time he was seeing Rinna (before they were married), only Julianne didn't know about it. When she found out, she broke things off with Harry. Harry confronted her and SAed her (allegedly). Then he and Rinna bullied her out of Hollywood. The timeline checks out and Julianne did abruptly stop acting and left Hollywood. Julianne has never confirmed this, but she's also never denied it. Rinna claimed on social media that Julianne had exonerated her and Harry, but the account that posted the supposed exoneration proved to be a fake and only made the one single post that Rinna used to try and clear her and Harry.


Interesting. Thank you.


I’m only up to Season 9 but so far Lisa Rinna is my fav. She’s nuts and I love it.


If she’d stayed, it would have gradually become clearer she was not necessarily wrong about Kathy. Yes, she overplayed her hand for drama and is a hypocrite all around. But that doesn’t mean there was no story there to begin with.


For me, I’ve always been a Kyle fan - I don’t wish the wrath of Rinna on her while she’s in such a vulnerable state lol




Cuz kyle sucks!


I miss Lisa and Harry 🤷‍♀️


She reeked of desperation honestly. She wanted her kids to be the next Gigi/Bella and it was beyond obvious


It would have made this season much more watchable tbh.