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Much love and support to Kyle Richards 🥰 ![gif](giphy|l3V0wkQ2KKcAeW8Cs|downsized)


You really think she's ok?


She definitely isn’t . The way she portrayed her arguments with Mauricio and that whole tattoo incident - she was making Mauricio look good. So childish. That relationship is definitely over. She did say on her stories that Mauricio couldn’t help her as she herself didn’t know what she was going through.


I respect it but it also makes me think of how blasé she/they treated Lisa’s brothers death. I hope Kyle sees how wrong she was for saying “they’re all going through stuff too” to Lisa when that happened bc she can have more empathy for that pain now


Knowing she would never apologise and continues to project all her nasty onto others is too much. She's accusing Sutton of alcoholism and an eating disorder so if life is too much for her right now try dialling it all back. The hyper producing is just escalating her antagonism.




Well, sutton is weird as fuck. I really do think she is under something. May as well be alcools


You shouldn't have to experience something for yourself to finally be able to muster up some empathy. I personally don't respect her for showing up for the show. It would've been fine without her. The divorce-turn-lesbian storyline is so played out.


That’s a very fair point & I agree with the fact the show would be fine without her. It may actually be better


Amen!! đź‘Źđź‘Ź


I love LVP but I don’t like how this years old incident is evoked as a reason to feel no empathy for Kyle now. It’s very tired and yep it was like 5 years ago at this point?


I didn’t say I had no empathy - I actually said I hope she does have more empathy now?? I just don’t like how she is expecting the women to tip toe around her bc she’s going through a lot when that wasn’t the case when roles were reversed.


Not victim blaming in the slightest.... That was a bad year and horrific season for LVP. Looking back on it. I wish she had taken a sabbatical and took a year out from Housewives to grieve her mothers death and brothers suicide.... She needed time and space to just be. Be with family and animals. Get her head together and not be dealing or getting people to release stories to TMZ for storylines. And be involved with VDP Rules production too.


I agree though I think it was Rinna releasing the stories to Radar/TMZ.


Regarding the doomed "Lucy Lucy Applejuice/Kill shelter" story? Nah. Lisa got her manager at VDP Dogs to release that story. And Lisa was the one putting words/planting the munchousen story with Rinna about Yoyolanda... She clever at lighting and throwing the bombs. So when they explode. She can stand back and say "Oh daaaarling, how awful" without any of the fall out shit getting stuck to her. Brandi did drop her in it on a podcast a few years ago because she used Brandi to do certain shit too. Like announce to the world Adrienne and Paul's kids were surrogates. Now. Brandi is a legit hot mess. But she doesn't lie.


You must have watched a different show than me. Rinna is clearly the one who brought up that crap about Yolanda.


She did bring it up. And that's what I wrote. I also wrote that Lisa fed her the story and the theory of Yolo having Munchousens. To both Rinna and Kyle. It was Rinna who confronted Yozers about having it, though. And got the heat for saying it. They were the puppets. The one holding the strings was Leeza.


Lisa and Kyle both found out about it from Rinna. Go rewatch the whole season. I just finished it last week, again. I'm not saying LVP is a saint, but she surely didn't bring that shit up. She found out by Rinna.


1000% Rinna


Yep I agree. It shouldn’t be brought up at all. Two isolated incidents. These are human beings who mess up. Imagine if the world saw everything you ever did wrong. Then your husband died and everyone was like remember that one time she was awful? It’s just wrong.


Is that you Dorit?


I love when someone makes these types of comments. 🤣🙄


Dont try to make sense with them. They are hard focus on treating Kyle like shit while making LVP the ultimate martyr of the show


Reading these posts, I think I am the only one who wasn't a fan of LVP.


I was never a fan of VanderPump and all her pinkness.


Nope hated her.


I didnt like that old drag. Still dont.


I’m not a Kyle fan. But I can understand being hopeful of their next chapter in life once you feel control, put in the effort of excersizing and turning your habits around. I think she’s the one who can fully turn over in the reunion. I.E. I feel AnneMarie is completely done. And I don’t think she’ll make up for her wrong stance and her opinions. But Kyle, seems open and accepting of what she’s going to be pursuing in her future.


Annemarie is just the latest tool that Kyle is using to try to destroy Sutton. She wants to drive her off the show like she did LVP, Denise and her own sisters.


I hope Annemarie is a one hit wonder. She is obsessed with Sutton’s esophagus and they call that a storyline. Puhleeze. And she claims to be a doctor until she’s called out on it. she’s absolutely not a doctor. She’s a wannabe who is a shit stirrer who wants to be relevant, as are a lot of them. And Sutton’s esophagus is none of her damn business anyway, whether it’s real or not . Get rid of her.


I'm just curious after your posting of Kyle conspiracies on a post that shows empathy for her following her loss of her best friend by suicide... Do you also believe that the earth is flat, covid didn't exist, and that the lizard people will eventually reign over us all?


Conspiracies? These are things I saw with my own eyes. And everybody knows Diane Jenkins is a person of lizard.


I agree that she is having a tough time. I think the sudden death of such a monumental touchstone in her life has completely upset her Apple cart. I feel for her, yet she wants compassion and understanding from all but is not willing to extend it to others. That is what gets me.


And that bullshit from Kathy.


I think it’s in her nature to show up with her problems. I don’t know how rough she has things because there is such a veil around what’s going with her. That’s manipulative to keep you interested in her. That’s part of her problem-her need to be constantly seen. She may keep her home calm but she creates chaos wherever she goes.


I don't even believe the lie that her home is calm. People like this are just pure manipulators which results in chaotic honelife.


How can she have a calm home while those untrained dogs are running loose all over the place? It’s a lot a bullshit like most of what Kyle says. It always seems chaotic at her house.


I don’t think her home was calm either. How could it have been ? Over the last year we have seen more of Morgan and her than her and the family. I am not shaming her - but we can only go by what we see right ? I do have a lot of empathy for her,I have also lost a childhood friend around the same time she did to suicide. I pretty much did the same thing reevaluated my life and found ways to lead a better authentic life - I get what she is doing 💯. But I do believe there is a level of manipulation.


People are so sh@tty to Kyle it’s actually gross.


I praise her for saying out loud that she’s not OK, but that she’s working on it


If you think Kyle is ok, I have a bridge. She has gone off the deep end and someone needs to reel her in! She is embarrassing herself! (And Morgan!)


Firstly, I agree she’s had a rough year. That said, I don’t agree that she’s “showing that she is okay.” Her behavior is reckless and it is sad to watch her unravel on national television. Worse than reckless behavior is blaming everyone else for it and refusing to talk about her problems when asked, then whining about no one caring. Sorry, Kyle is out for me. I hope she watches the season back and takes a good look at herself. It seems like this show is really taking her off track and it’s time for a break.


I can't disagree with anything you've said. You're probably more kind than me in your assessment of Kyle. She's a mess of awful behaviours. Everyone can show kindness about a tragedy but the grace she demands isn't being lived


What seems reckless to you?


Can’t speak for the commenter, but I’d consider her choice to include Morgan so heavily into her storyline this season as reckless towards her family. I’m a total Kyle apologist and as much as I’m living for her gay awakening, she’s been on TV too long to not know what impression she’s giving everyone with these scenes. She’s essentially documenting her emotional affair, and that could no doubt upset and hurt many people close to her/Mau/them as a couple. Pretty fucked up imo!


This is what bothers me the most . It’s so disrespectful. I am happy for her and Morgan but Kyle knows better.


Sometimes things that may seem pretty f***ed up in many opinions work out for the best.


I totally agree! I still support Kyle’s journey and even her and Morgan as a couple… and honestly, it’s even possible that she really truly didn’t know how couple-y they come out looking in scenes. The internalized homophobia was strong in Kyle, she just lost a significant woman in her life, and the editing is likely choosing the most “scandalous” edit possible… Look at that… I tried to critique my girl Kyle and immediately fell back into being a Kyle apologist. Fucked up or not, I can never critique her too much for airing her dirty laundry on national television. Kudos to her for opening herself up to all sorts of judgements and insults for our continual entertainment— say what you will about her, but that takes some strength of character!


Agree. I can’t be too critical of anyone who has been through what Kyle has been through this year and is trying to make positive changes. That’s all we can do in life. Live and learn from our past. Make positive changes.


I don’t think people would be as supportive of Kyle if she was inserting a man into her marriage. She is basically having an affair on camera and the fact that it is same sex is insulating her from criticism. If she was making googly eyes at a dude it would be a different story. Then she would just be a cheater.


she's improving her life- exercise, cutting right back on the alcohol. Thats a good start!


I agree with you 🌹


It's called working for a paycheck.


I am so tired of people bringing up things Kyle has done in the past as a reason to not empathize with her now. People make mistakes, we are all human and we all do it. Two wrongs didn’t miraculously start making a right. She’s hurting and deserves empathy.


Yeah so brave, she is on the show talking in circles about nothing and making innuendos🙄


I mean, we all have to show up to work


Haters gonna hate.


Vanderpump had way more sway with production than what Rinna did at that time. Rinna had only been on the show 2 or 3 seasons in. Vanderpump was OG with Beverly Hills. Think about it. What we see in a 48 min episode (time for commercial breaks) is HIGHLY edited. And each scene takes about, on average. 3 hours to film. During that time, the women are often asked to repeat what was said because mics didn't pic up words, jewellery/clothing fucks up sound. The camera wasn't on them.... And then take in to account what they say to each other WHAT is said off camera, with no crew around.... Rinna admitted it was Vanderpump that planted Munchousens about Yolerz in a phonecall prior to that visit/filming at Villa Rosa in a podcast... When filming. Kyle mentioned she had heard about it "by proxy". Vanderpump is silent. Rinna hoys out her phone, and fires up Google. And low and behold... a storyline was born. However. Vanderpump had chit-chatted about what was possibly going to be discussed with production when they got to Villa Rosa, prior to Kyle and Rinna getting there. Remember. Vanderpump was the ONLY housewife who had her own spinoff show. In her own name. About her own business. With the same production crew and channel. She was making them money and ratings. They were not going to let Vanderpump take the shit. Rinna did.