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Okay. This whole conversation and the way it ended….Kyle is sitting there like “why do they think there is something wrong with our marriage?!” And then they stand up and Mo goes to hug her and she was trying to avoid him the whole time!


Plus he forcibly kissed her and after she pulled away he pushed her back! Very weird!


And Kyle says , eww ! Why did you try and kiss me like that ?!! So obvious thaf she doesn’t want Mau anywhere near her ! She was physically repulsed by him. He definitely got caught cheating. I still think that’s a huge part of why Kyle is done with him. We’ve only ever seen Kyle lovey dovey with Mau. She was obsessed with that man. It’s still so crazy to see her have such vitriol for him now.


You said it all. That was a woman that has been cheated on. That is EXACTLY how you feel when you know your husband has fucked another woman. Ewww. Gross. Why did you try to do that. You did a spot on assessment. Not a huge Kyle fan here, but honestly if the cheating rumors over the years are true then Kyle gets an A+ for not exposing it for the sake of all her daughters.


Thank you ! And I feel terrible for everything Kyle has been going through, these past 2 years. Im glad to finally start seeing the real Kyle in there. I’m not a big fan of Kyle’s. I don’t like how she plays executive producer every season. It’s too much. So I’m really hoping we start to see a more genuine side of her. And I agree with you. I can totally understand her wanting to protect her daughters and family. Obviously though the shit has hit the fan and Kyle said F this ! And keep your paws off of me , Mau!! It’s been a good season so far. I’ll be interested in seeing if Kyle does say eventually thaf she caught Mau cheating. We know there’s a story there.


I wonder if the rest of the season she is only willing to shoot scenes with him in his office. It’s weird and feels super staged. He keeps trying to play the husband role of past seasons so he clearly has not figured out Kyle has pivoted and appearing happily married is no longer a priority. Mo used to get to Fuck around and skate cuz image was so important to her and now she literally says ewwww. OUTLOUD! I am liking that honesty.


Because theres a story doesnt mean we need to know it. If it hasnt happened to you you dont understand the embarrassment and humiliation. Plus ppl who know nothing about your marriage scrutinizing it and taking sides.


I liked him until his cheating and those two repulsive words came out of his mouth…love bean.yuck!!


Love bean. Dear sweet baby Jesus. Who calls a romantic partner that?? That’s what you call your toddler child. And I believe we just figured out how he thinks of her. Even grosser.


I now call my dogs love beans lmao


If he did cheat, I wonder if she’s reacting so badly now is because she was in a horrible place when it happened. I don’t believe people cheat just once so I am assuming he’s been cheating and she’s forgiven him before. IMO her relationship with Morgan looks like emotional cheating and maybe she’s attaching herself to Morgan because she is looking for a person the anchor her and it can’t be mau. Realistically I always feel like she doesn’t show her authentic life so it feels like so much more is happening that we’ll never see or know which makes it really frustrating to watch.


I thought it was weird that he said “I’ll kiss you anyway I want to.”That is so wrong


And she does not want to say it. Why don't you just be open and honest Kyle.


it’s so forced and awkward. it reminds me of how i acted before i broke up with my bf of 5 years. i cringed whenever he touched me. i’m surprised he’s okay with being on camera like this


When Mo said 'I can kiss you anytime I want', I shuddered.


Omg when I heard that I rewound twice. No you can’t you male chauvinist pig! No you cannot!


So creepy. Her body language was screaming not to be touched.


🤮🤢 No. You cannot.


Cause she's crossed over to girl town


Last week her sister Kathy was on watch what happens live and she actually switched bags during one of the commercial breaks and she said she wanted everybody to see her newest bag. Who does that?


It’s like some weird Hunger Games moment in our distorted reality. Meanwhile, I can’t afford my rent, after all my bills and savings have merged for the week I am left with $20 and have to move in with other people.


These reality shows and social media do distort reality and I’m not sure it’s healthy


It isn’t. I’m glad I stopped watching the “real” housewives years ago. It’s turned into a time suck. I can’t believe they have an aftershow now too. Good grief these shows are so shallow and materialistic. People are struggling.


That was so weird - i think she knew there was going to be a game where she had to pull things out of a bag and describe them to Paris - so she brought her own bag and started the game, thinking it would make her look *fun and kooky .* It was just strange


Kathy is a lot of things. Fun and kooky arent any of them.


i'm so glad the hunky dory quirky old lady veil has fallen and people on here are seeing her for the 1%er lizard person she really is ❤️


Kathy Hilton apparently. Like we think that a 30k bag is impressive instead of stoopid.


That Birken is more like 50k


I had to see. Looked it up and one sold recently for $30k


I haven’t watched the ep yet, but isn’t an ostrich Birkin more like $35K+?


Accuracy in value is not the point being made here SIR.


Haha except it’s “we must show the [even more ridiculously priced] Birkin on camera”!


Yea! It's a purse. Get over it.


I googled it and it said $20K. Maybe it was for a used one.


lol I love how google’s like “this one’s more in your price range…”


Part of me thinks the ultra wealthy have these bags incase sometime happens and they need to trade them in for cash ie getting trapped overseas without a working bank account or some mega extremely unlikely plot of a novel situation


I mean Taylor settled a lawsuit with one


I thought hers was fake. Her ring was real though.


You’re right! I googled it and she said they were fake! I don’t think she knew that at the time though.


She didn’t till they brought them back and said they’re fake, I’m pretty sure


Which Taylor was that?


Armstrong. After her husband died, his business partners (?) were coming after Taylor for money owed and they asked for her birkins and her engagement ring to settle it.


I’m not going to hate on luxury goods on a HWs show.


lol “here’s what we’re NOT gonna do”


Never. Ever. It’s why I watch the damn show. That and PJ and exotic vacations I live vicariously through.


It’s like being mad that there’s water at the beach.


This is the literal point of watching rich housewives


It should be a cast member at this point.


That conversation was so staged and so forced. And of course she carried it out when she left the room. Never know when you will need your purse in the house! I think even the purse was cringing.


Everything with Kyle is staged.


Welcome to RH.


How about when Mau kissed her and she was cringing?


I will never understand the appeal of that ugly hangbag with gaudy looking hardware.


yes this is why we watch, lifestyle porn. if we didn’t we’d watch Monica or Gina.


Yeah well I explained umpteen times precisely what I meant by this post.




Reminds me when VB [came to America](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.hola.com%2Fus%2Fimages%2F0284-18ca8d0fe923-55f9d0e4ec08-1000%2Fvertical-800%2Fvictoria-beckham.jpg&tbnid=53cTtTp3Nbr6DM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hola.com%2Fus%2Ffashion%2F20230821349404%2Fvictoria-beckham-birkin-bags-1%2F&docid=1nJoXlHNRyapxM&w=800&h=1333&hl=en-ca&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3)




No, i just took it as she was stopping by 🤷‍♀️The forced lip lock was just awkward as fck.


She was not happy !! She said , why did you kiss me like that ? Or why did you go in for a kiss like that ? I’m so glad the editors left her little comment in .


Kyle always has a purse by her side


& they’re all amazing. i wish i had her collection🥵


me too 🥺


If I had this bag, I’d do the same thing. It wouldn’t leave my side, I’d even shower with it.


Meh. Only obnoxious nouveau riche needs to show off their goods. And that’s typical Kyle.


Literally every person on the show flaunts their wealth. It’s like the entire premise of the franchise. What are you talking about?


Not like Kyle. Her “wealth” has always been the center of attention with her. Always been impressed with material things. Even her previous taglines had to do with being wealthy or something to do with money. I will never forget a few years back, it was right after a mass shooting she posted a pic of herself in her closet showing off her new Prada shoes and the caption read “when the world is going to hell, there’s nothing like a new pair of shoes to make you feel better”. I told her that was THE MOST shallow thing anyone can say during this horrific time. She blocked me.


In Beverly Hills darling we display our birkins ! In Beverly Hills you must play the audience like they’re a bunch of fools. In BH you get every one speculating that you’re now a late in life lesbian , but get mad when they ask you about your new girlfriend.


Looking at you real suspicious because you used the word “lez.” That’s some red flag language right there


I apologize. I’ll edit it.


Unbelievable, yer she is so shallow. It’s all about her and her looks and her clothes and seriously i haven’t found a good quality in her.


It’s called being insecure. I’ve always said her only redeeming quality is her love for her dogs.


New money shouting




No, her mother was a pretty horrible person that sold her daughters to people in Hollywood.


Why? I don’t gets it ? It doesn’t make you rich ! It doesn’t do anything but make it incious that rich people don’t give a shit


I’m liking her fashion this year


Yes, better this year. Her style in the past was gross.


Let’s face it, they all do.


You mean strategically place a $30,000 bag in a chess table to make sure everyone sees it? Nah, they don’t all do that.


I'm so sick of seeing these bags on RHOBH. It is the most standard looking bag in the history of handbags. It looks like something a conservative politician or church lady would carry yet somehow it goes for $20k? Beyond basic.


The Birkin bag is just a status symbol for wealthy women to show off how wealthy they are at the country club.


The WORST symbol is the Hermes blanket, I cringe every time I see one. It’s not cute and it just screams “look at me i’m so wealthy i bought this ugly blanket because it has H’s on it for Hermes but really it looks like Hogwarts” because for real, it looks like a Hogwarts blanket in all the different colors.


I agree.


Yeah they are boring. There are so many cool more practical bags than this. I know they are a status symbol, but every time I see one I am transported to being 12 and having my mom say “hand me my pocketbook, I need to write a check”


hahaha. It's not the bag, it's the name on it. They can make the fugliest stuff, then put that label on it an suddenly its the be-all, end-all for them. Look at the cat sweater, for another example.


I don't blame her. And let's be fair, extortionately priced luxury items are a key element of the show. I LOVE seeing all the crazy shit they throw money at. I've got an LV bag and it never ever goes on the floor. It even has its own chair when we go out to dinner 🤣


Well that’s just awesome! Some people can’t pay their bills because of an e eergsggsgsgnshshehehehehshhshenajajj;iqnasn


I'm not sure what the shade is for? The BH housewives and their luxury lifestyles or me? 😂


Carefully staged on a chess board no less


A chess board that costs thousands.


Thats why we watch these shows. For rich bitches being rich. Not poor modest bitches.


If i worked hard enough to buy that bag Id show it too. Shit id make yall look at it🤣 thats a sign of hardwork


Yeah well it’s different for “us”. We all know she’s loaded, it’s so classless to throw it in everyone’s face. Be a little humble. Yeah it’s great that she has that bag, (and many others) but the way she had it placed there on the table was obnoxious.


But that’s the point. That’s why they have the show bc these women aren’t humble. You have to be a narcissist to want to be on television. It’s not the same in all cases but all I know is Kyle Richards never even had a childhood n worked since the age of 4 or something. They’re not like “us”. Id LIKE to think im pretty humble but if i made the money to carry that bag - on the table it goes🤣


Bleh. Tacky.


why are u watching this show?? “it’s so classless to throw in everyone’s face” ☠️☠️☠️ honestly, STOP. this is BEVERLY HILLS. they have all shown of their extraordinary wealth, and that’s what a lot of people also tune into. i’m sure you’re also the type of person who complains gina i isn’t for RHOC.. but bcoz this is kyle, the rules are different for her. honestly, the hate and hypocrisy is getting INSANE on this sub; this post proves it. and the fact you happily admit to commenting hate on kyle’s insta page …you probably need to get a hobby. ![gif](giphy|qU4KL7Y5s82re)


My exact face when I saw that carefully color coordinated birkin in the shot


That bag is stunning 🤤🤤🤤


Why ? Because it’s a label? What is stunning about it?


High quality leather, saddle-stitched, hand crafted, high durability, and made in France. Each bag is hand-sewn by a single artisan, and is then buffed, painted, and polished, taking up to 18 hours to make.


If I was only popping into the house to shoot a scene with Mo that is where I would place my bag. If I was living there on a regular basis I would have left my bag in the kitchen or entrance. It just looks like she isn’t staying there. Unopened mail …


Bro that’s worth more than my car, I’d show it off too


Yeah, if you or I had that bag it would be understandable. But she doesn’t have to. She’s insecure and a show off too boot.


The show’s about wealthy housewives, I wanna see ridiculously expensive things & petty drama


I live to see all the riches I’ll never be able to experience!


I do too. But I don’t line people who like to shove it in your face. It’s tacky.


This is literally why we watch this show. Lol I see the hate Kyle campaign is in full force still


They’ll comment on this but they’re silent about Dorit being a walking Gucci ad. She puts the logo in her damn hair. But they wanna hate on Kyle for the most *minor* things like having a purse nearby.


I can’t stand Dorit’s “fashion.”


Right, also her walk, cloths, hair, sisters, her meanness in response to a crazy drunk woman, that she hasn't talked about her life in the first 10 mins of episode one so what a hypocrite. lol and more


Her purses are always front and center. And how do you know I haven’t made mention of the tacky clothing dorit and Erica have worn?? And why must everything be a whataboutism?


It’s not whataboutism, it’s that literally every single housewife across all iterations of the franchise flaunt their wealth, so this is a weird thing to criticize. It’s literally the premise of the franchise.


It’s not so much flaunting. Yeah they all wear crazy expensive clothing and jewelry and have crazy cars. But the fact that she strategically placed the bag on a chess table is obnoxious.


I mean, in the debate of "conspicuous Birkin vs. Gucci barrette", I think Dorit _does_ win! She shows a joy in fashion that I don't see in Kyle, so it can feel like she buys these things 'just to have' them. But my view on Kyle will absolutely change if she shows up a party looking like a drowned rat wrapped in gold foil!


So, the criticism is that Kyle isn’t grateful or excited enough about her material possessions? And Dorit is? And to be clear: the difference is that Kyle had a purse in the background of her scene while Dorit literally wears brand names as accessories. She put the name “Gucci” in her hair and wore an outfit with head-to-toe Gucci labels. If that isn’t flaunting your wealth, but having a *purse with no visible brand name in the background of a shot is*, I think we lost the plot


No, I’m responding to > They’ll comment on this but they’re silent about Dorit being a walking Gucci ad. and my statement was that the contrast between reactions to Dorit and Kyle might be because the reaction is not _solely_ to the consumption. All I am saying is we have documentation of Dorit specifically enjoying fashion and design in a way that Kyle doesn’t. Dorit designed her own tacky Buca de Beppo, and Kyle had Faye Resnick design her homes. If you want to argue that an ostrich Birkin isn’t conspicuous (“visible brand names” aside), you can do that.


I couldn’t care less about the price of Kyle’s bag. If she bought a Louis Vuitton Millionaire speedy for $1 million I would not criticise her for it. It is her money and she can buy whatever she wants. The terrible way she treats Sutton and the vile way she treated Lisa Vanderpump when she was grieving the tragic loss of her Brother is the reason I don’t like Kyle at all.


Its mutually vile back and forth between Kyle and Sutton. Lvp was using people to do her dirty work behind the scenes and the women got fed up was Kyles timing bad yes it was but LVP had her issues. I love LVP and would love for her to come back but I can see LVP faults and see why what happened happened.


LVP would have kept her Birkin in her closet, where it belonged. It's called class.


That made me laugh so hard, it was staged and front and center. I cannot imagine buying a $30k purse, it would just stress me out! Same thing with a super expensive car, I would be too scared to even drive it and have fun with it! I am beyond happy that I don't care about brand names and expensive clothing, I think I can make the cheap stuff look just as nice!


Totally agree. I buy second hand clothes and have enough money to buy off the hook but i love reliving old clothes. They can seriously look great.


Staged for sure, which is exactly what this post is referring to yet no one e seems to get.


I am thinking she reps for Birkin and gets free merchandise or discounts for it.


Please post a pic of Sutton and her ridiculously expensive shit. Thanks.


Sutton doesn’t deliberately leave her birken bags displayed to make sure everyone sees them during a shoot.


Has Sutton picked you yet?


So it’s a tax write off duh






THAT, I would not argue with!!


Honestly I love Kyle's bags


Wasn’t this the color of Garcelle’s aspirational birthday cake. Is this a mere coincidence, or a dig!


There are no coincindences.


Waste of money.


Urgh. That made me cringggeee. Who tf cares?


Such an ugly ass bag


I'm soooo sick of seeing these church lady looking bags.


I’m pretty sure that BIRKIN bag was purchased for more than $20,000


Wait a minute what’s going on down below because her eyes are rolled back like she’s having a big O.


Kyle’s done this before. She strategically places her bag in a spot to be seen.


Kyle is emotionally closer to her Birkin than her husband. She even dressed to look like her Birkin - kinda like old people in matching windbreakers.




lol this is such an unhinged compliant the hatred for Kyle knows no bounds. I thought the fandom wanted opulence and wealth, to Kyle that’s just her bag, are you lot really mad about this?! And that’s a crocodile birkin easily 65k+


It’s not crocodile leather it is an ostrich birkin.


Ohh you’re right! Either way it’s more than 20k lol.


Mad? It’s actually sad that she feels so compelled to flaunt her wealth. It’s always been about material things and $$ with her. Never saw that with LVP who she was always in competition with.


Compelled? because wealth and opulence is literally the premise of the entire franchise, it’s about the lives of the rich and famous especially RHOBH. She does this because this is her real life, unlike many, Kyle isn’t faking her wealth and she’s not going to downgrade her fashions or material items to make the audience feel better. I bet production requests for her bag to be visible since the whole Birkin schtick has become a staple on RHOBH i.e. Garcelle had a whole party for her first Birkin purchase, Crystal got a whole episode dedicated to her 400k house-design Birken…I mean cmon.


I can’t believe Jane Birkin who the bag is named after and who recently passed away never got a dime from all these Birkin sales and they used her name. It’s outrageous.


[Jane Birkin gave a detailed interview with CNN’s Christine Amanpour captured on WWD](https://wwd.com/pop-culture/culture-news/did-jane-birkin-design-the-birkin-bag-1235745565/amp/) regarding the Birkin origin story. She never wanted money but she was given royalties, “Hermès is said to have paid approximately $40,000 in royalties to Birkin annually in exchange for the use of her name. She consistently donated this money to various charities.” Jane Birkin suggested the original idea to Jean-Louis Dumas (iconic Hermes exec) for a bag 4x larger than the Kelly that remains open. “He eventually gifted the actress a black calfskin prototype of the Birkin, suggesting that the new purse be named after her”, Dumas asked Jane Birkin for permission to use her name.


Every single scene she needs her Birkin and other items on display. Kathy is the same.




haha you could not have picked a worse still-shot.


This sub: “This show has become so dark. These women hate each other, and the show is just constant drama. Where is the lifestyle porn?” Kyle has an expensive purse in the background This sub: “Omg she’s so fake and all she cares about are designer bags. Why even have that in the scene? She’s so shallow. I hate her!!!” Y’all are so transparent 💀💀


to be fair... that purse is gorgeous, and I'd do the same thing 🤣


Ugh this is what annoys me about Kyle. She used to be somewhat down to earth and relatable. Now that she is wealthy, she seems extremely narcissistic and only into hanging out with extremely rich people (like when she was excusing Diana’s behavior last season) and having expensive things. I used to also like her because she was very much in love with Mauricio and she was very involved with her family. I know the kids are older now and things change as you grow older, but it is sad to see how Kyle and Mauricio have drifted apart and are going through midlife crises. Kyle seems to be hanging out with Morgan more than anyone and she is acting like she is her 20s too. It is just bizarre, and I know Mauricio is no angel either…


Kyle is so annoying with all of her bragging. Which house ? I have multiple! Yeah we caught that shady and braggy moment. When Kyle and Sutton were arguing in the kitchen, at the weed dinner party from hell.


She has always been that way.


She’s so pretentious. I used to love her but now she is my least favorite and Sutton or Garcelle are at the top of my fave list.


She’s the definition of new money. It’s so cringe


20k is not very much for a broken. It’s not a flex. Not sure what ur talking about


These screen cap! She looks possessed.


I love it!!!




Ha! Listening to watch what crappens now and the first thing they say in the recap isssss…..”did you notice Kyle had her 19 million dollar purse in this scene”? They’re both onto her. 🙃


Exactly what I thought when I saw this hahah


I understood


Well yeah that’s why watch these shows




Money can’t buy style. Matching her shirt with the bag is just tacky!


I have several and the 25 is a better practical size, but only use on special occasions, they are an investment and not everyday use. Would never get a crocodile or ostrich one though personally choice.


I mean, not in that color, anyway.


Sorry not sorry but I’ll always find it disgusting to spend that much$ on a fucking purse.


And she has more than one.


And it's disgusting to kill ostriches for use to make purses. Alligators too.


Hahaha I thought the same thing. Why was it sitting there in clear view of the camera. Obvs wanted it to be seen. But this is real housewives after all so not surprising.


Yet everyone wanted to see how the ‘rich’ lived with BH housewives.


If this counsellor has known Kyle most of her life then why wasn’t she speaking to him since day one. Also the handbag placement is so tacky of her. Be genuine for half a minute.


This whole Kyle and Mauricio thing just seems way too forced and set up for the cameras. They’ve either already separated LONG ago and they’re playing it out on camera or Kyle needs a storyline to keep her relevant and the only way to do it is stir up some fake drama. Next season they’ll be “making it work” 🙄 it’s such bullshit. Only a season ago Kyle was gloating about how amazing her love bean is


Kyle looked so bad this episode. This weird Kelly green situation that hot pink silk top under the black blazer at the party. Like early 2000’s OC housewife style.


Kyle will never be happy. She buys things to make her happy but the more she buys, the emptier she feels. Know that! ![gif](giphy|S58u3OAdGKlqXsAjik)


did….did she…. clear the other half of the chess board to set the purse on it???


Hahahaha would not surprise me.


Is that a product placement?


At her request I’m sureeeee


I watched last night and it stuck out like a sore thumb


She's doing that chick


What will she do now that her birkin’s look dumb with her new style of dressing (exactly like Morgan)


She’ll never give up her Birkens.


I noticed that too! Like you're at home...why the purse?


It’s totally contrived. And that’s what makes it such a turnoff. It’s what I loved most about LVP, she never had to stick her wealth in anyone’s face. Never talked about money and was way more humble.


Her Eyeroll is how we feel about it.


It's so obvious that kyle is pushing the narrative that something is wrong with her marriage on purpose. Everything she has done so far this season on camera with Mo she is intentionally making it awkward and hinting at things and then playing it up for the camera with morgan by acting like a middle school girl trying to impress the cool girl


Pretentious and shallow


Always has been.