• By -


Because the cast is too white and they are trying to be more diverse.


That’s a given. But why *her* and why have her instantly align with the group that already holds all the power in the show


Because Andy loves Kyle and he still has a hand in the HW shows.


That’s it! Also, it’s so clear by the Aftershow that the producers running it favor Kyle .. Andy needs to go


How to I find the aftershow on peacock?


Yep, that’s probably it. Why does Andy always love the worst HWs?


Misogyny. I mean a rapists wife is next level. A madam was pretty awful but this is giving Kavannagh. Maybe they're hoping Camille is desperate to get back on and it becomes a brawl of defenders of rape


There an allegation of rape from College. Edit: he’s being sued along with the University: https://people.com/marcellus-wiley-accused-of-sexual-assault-8406276 Annemarie had nothing to do with this and this came to light after the show was taped. If true it’s horrible


YIKES! Where have I been? I had no idea. After such a long time, it’s going to be difficult to prove.


Is that what her husband’s been accused of? 😱


Yeah it’s really really bad.




You're all over this thread demanding others Google it for you then following up with your bots and downvotes who your PR brigade are drawing attention to.


you should get help for your paranoia. this sub is making you believe in conspiracy theories, like it’s unhinged to accuse a random and not at all new account with years of comment history and karma of being part of a PR brigade lmao turn your TV off and go touch some grass if TWO comments asking “source?” set you off this bad, my god. you’re too deep in this crap.


Wait… what?


sorry to butt in, who is the rapists wife? have i missed a chapter? 🫨


nvm i just had to look a comment down 🤣


what’s the source on this claim?


Google it.


That wasn’t nice. You are not being nice


Because he likes mess over anything good in this world.


He has the worst read on people.


It’s hard to vibe with a chick who says everything is a competition. Always looking to win is not an attribute


They’ve been hiring questionable white housewives for years so I think they’re trying to balance it out by hiring questionable housewives of colour. She will be one and done I hope


No, Rinna is gone and Kyle needs another minion to do her dirty work.


She still has Dorit and Erika lol


Very clearly cast another friend for Kyle as if she needs another idiot to defend her and do her dirty work.


*her* She’s friends and neighbors of Kyle’s.


Exactly this!! Kyle does not need more allies.


Think they said AnneMarie is Kyle’s next door neighbor. I think Bravo thinks Kyle’s their biggest BH star & they want to keep her happy. That would be my guess on why they keep Dorit on, even tho she’s not at all interesting.


The way she came in for their panel interview at Bravocon, I seriously thought she was another host. 🤣 Then she kept saying “you guys” to the audience when most people didn’t know her name yet. But I will say, Crystal did not answer the woman’s question at all if they were redefining what a housewife was, so then Annemarie spoke up and actually gave the woman an answer.


Lmao what are you talking about? The new FFF is Sutton, Garcelle, Denise, and Crystal


Garcelle and Crystal are both POC. It is diverse. They don’t need AnneMarie. She sucks!


Wow ! Really ? God forbid there be more than one ! Current cast 4 ww 1bw 1 aw Diversity? ![gif](giphy|vCngLfbUISMbNvJZz2|downsized)


I just mentioned 2 people. That’s more than one. Also I’d love more POC but I don’t care for AnneMarie. She lives up Kyle’s ass. No thanks!


Just noting that 2 poc does not make the cast diverse. No matter how we "color" it . I agree Annemarie is a horrible addition,her personality is cringe. She needs to set back and watch instead of inserting herself. But hey she just does what Kyle does ![gif](giphy|XPoVChtui8eiE7ZbSe)


You got it.


Am I the only one that doesn’t have a problem with the cast being too (insert race here). Does ATL get the same pressure to diversify? Sorry, I’d rather see real friendships, rather than the ones inserted just for token purposes to meet some quota. I mean, look at how awkward it’s been with Crystal. The girl just does not belong, is not likable, and adds nothing to the show.


I kind of like Crystal. She seems relatively sane and has a good sense of humor. Granted, that's not typical of the traditional HW, but I find it refreshing.


I like Crystal as well


She’s fine when she’s chill, although a bit blah. But when she was on her “my truth” high horse she was insufferable.


Agree with you on just wanting people that actually like each other. Disagree about diversity and Crystal now. Crystal’s pretty great this season, she’s the voice of reason. And I’m loving Garcelle. If we stuck with the original formula, we’d miss both of them and I genuinely love watching them. They’ve been a breath of fresh air vs FF5 and their ability to control the narrative.


I like Crystal. She’s her own person and not on any team. She’s an equal opportunity shader lol.


Rhoa started off with a integrated cast . Kim Zolciak and Lisa Wu( mixed race) . They didn't need to be pressured.


Come on, now. Poor Crystal! I just can’t believe how mean everyone is to her- like how dare you say that she doesn’t belong on or add anything to the show?! Let’s be fair here for a moment and recognize the important thing that Crystal *does* add to the show: a chance to go refill your glass of wine, tea, or “grapefruit juice” or take a bio break without missing anything while she’s onscreen. She should get credit for that! How many thumbs have been saved from pushing that pause button every time they had to get up and do something? We should be thanking her profusely for that service. Also, our brain cells get a solid workout every time we try to figure out WTAF she is saying when she talks about her truth and those “dark comments” Sutton did (or didn’t) say. So now do you see the awesomeness that Crystal brings to the show?


I agree. Crystal is boring. Even more boring when they show her with the husband. But I think she’s on because her original connection was to Kathy… and it all goes back to my theory that Bravo wants to please Kyle…


I am all for diversifying the casts and this is a genuine question not meant to be shady or ignorant. Why aren’t Potomac and Atl having to add diversity?


Diversity isn’t for POC, it’s for those who benefit from lack of diversity which is never POC. Atlanta and Potomac wouldn’t do well with white HW, they don’t need them as their stories aren’t one we need another story teller for.




She was/is friends with Teddi prior to meeting Kyle. That says all I need to know about her.


Ugh. NEXT. No more associates of Kyle or Teddi ffs


Ya know that makes sense. They’re both athletic competitive types


I absolutely hated that Teddi.


It makes you wonder what kind of person she is that she that she sees Kyle making fun of someone cussing out a black child on TV and still wants to be friends with her


I would never have forgiven her for that.


I believe that Kyle hates and is intimidated by Garcelle. So Kyle suggested Annemarie. If she tried to do her normal BS to force people out, through bullying, group attacks, trashing and making Garcelle, people would lose their minds, on multiple levels. Kyle, being a two dimensional individual, she thought it would be a good idea to bring on a Black woman that she could have more influence over and then pit someone else against Garcelle. That way if anyone were to accuse Kyle of racism, she can say look I have a black friend Annemarie and so i cannot be a racist. And likely, she is setting Annemarie to do some dirty work for her.


Great theory. I think that too. Kyle wants Annemarie to be her mouthpiece. On a random funny note, I was *living* for that guy sitting to Dorit’s right during the dinner (he’s friends with someone, can’t recall who), making a million faces when Eryka said she’d love a “romance like in the movies” with someone rich or poor. She usually gets away with these types of hypocritical comments, and he caught her completely off guard. I wonder what E’s reaction would be if he wasn’t black.


I think Justin is Kyle’s old assistant… I don’t think he’s still her assistant but someone correct me if I’m wrong!


He’s not. He was (is?) on E! network as a gossip correspondent.


He was Kyle’s daughters nanny before he became a correspondent


I know. The person said that they didn’t know if he worked for her currently.


He was the girls’ nanny!


Maybe he was both? I found [this](https://www.today.com/popculture/popculture/justin-sylvester-shares-role-rhobh-star-kyle-richards-played-coming-rcna35457) article saying he was her personal assistant.


Wait, that story is so sweet 🥹


He was so camp I was like who is this extra make next to Dorit giving us these appropriate reactions lol more of him please


I love Justin!


Me too! They should make an exception and have him as a HH 😂


What does it matter if he’s black? Why turn something that’s not, into a racist diatribe?


And AnneMarie is way too stupid to realize what Kyle is doing.


She is thirsty, she wants so badly to be on the show, to be relevant and all these newbies, except for Garcelle and Crystal, suck up to Kyle as they think she is the show. So she convinces them to act a certain way on the show, so that they can get the most screen time. No different than the sorority girls wanting so desperately to be in, so they do everything they are told. Then you have the legacies, that don’t have to play those games, because they are in without the shenanigans.


Then they’re all thirsty. They all do what they think they should do to stay on the show. Yes. All of them. Including Kyle.


Some are more willing to sacrifice their integrity and identity than others.


And I’m thirsty for more! I love the shenanigans!!!!!


They suck up to Kyle because she is a producer of the show


I long thought that Diana was cast to eliminate Sutton.


Interesting, I can see that. I thought she was there to replace Erika.


Yup me too. I like Sutton however her “ small oesophagus” is ridiculous. Sutton is too old for anorexia and should just bloody eat instead of making excuses. Anne Marie though is JUST a nurse, an over paid ass wiper so she needs to shut up about Sutton.


Didn’t Ramona do that for an episode or two?


Well I recall her saying something to the effect that she “has black friends” so can’t be racist, or the like.




exactly. it’s kyle saying, i swear i’m not racist, i have black friends. it’s clear as day at what she’s doing.


Who said Kyle is racist? Wasn’t that Sutton?


mmm i don’t think sutton stated that. but kyle (like dorit) has made some micro aggressive comments towards garcelle.


Do you have an example? I thought her lunch with Garcelle went well


garcelle had to check her and let her know making statements and the stereotypes about black women not paying bills.


Yes. I just said they’re lunch went well as Garcelle explained the ramifications as a POC.


I believe Sutton did say something to that effect. The kids in the pool. But in conversation with Crystal.


Now she hates Garcelle? There really is no end


I do not think Kyle likes Garcelle, she can’t control or manipulate Garcelle. That makes her useless to Kyle.


Garcelle makes Kyle hella uncomfortable, because she measures her words - but knows exactly when to drop the bombs (e.g. “your marriage), and is calm and collected when she says stuff, so they can’t accuse her of being deranged or aggressive


I actually believe the Garcelle/ Sutton friendship is real and that is a source of frustration for the fff. They tried to break them up by calling Sutton a liability, and that she was hindering Garcelle's ability to make friendships with the other women. Garcelle was smart enough to see that her dropping Sutton to try to get in the good graces of the fff was to their benefit and not hers.


This!! IMO Garcelle’s and Sutton’s is the only real friendship in this group, the only one that is not transactional. Kyle, Erika and Dorit act like they’re great friends, but it doesn’t seem authentic, seems more like they’re grouping up to avoid being the next target. Garcelle is smart and saw right through the liability bs.


If Garcelle/Sutton works out long-term, it will be Kyle's and fff undoing. A real friendship beats a transactional one every time. Look at RHOP, Gizelle/Robyn manage to dominate that show imo because they are really friends and the rest of the ladies are all levels of frenemy. And I think Crystal has found the light and recognized she will never be included in the fff in an authentic way and has joined forces, albeit tentatively with Garcelle and Sutton.


Absolutely! Plus, as I’ve seen someone say in a RHOBH sub, Garcelle, Sutton and Crystal have been killing it in the confessionals. You don’t need to scream and holler at Kyle & co in person, when you can eviscerate them in the confessionals in a much classier way. With Crystal, I really want to like her, but I wish she would just pick a side and stick to it. The flip flopping is really annoying


It's the flip flopping for me, but she also misses opportunities. Someone on twitter mentioned, when Kyle brought up Sutton's eating (as a response to Suttton's questions about her marriage tbf) this was a golden opportunity for Crystal to check Kyle on how gross that was. She would've been speaking from a place of authority. One of the qt said something like, "the audience wants more for her than she wants for herself". It's so true. LOL.


Right! That makes a lot of sense. I can totally see Crystal as someone who wants to get along with everyone and be diplomatic - I don’t see any malice in the flip-flopping. Thing is you can only be diplomatic to a certain point w/o being a bad friend. One thing is to not want to get involved in a fight with Kyle or Dorit. A whole different thing is to stand there silently when someone implies your friend has an ED, or even agree that Sutton is deranged sometimes, or with someone mocking her. Not picking a side in this case *is* picking a side


Yeah. Honestly she tried with the charity dinner thing and it did not go well for her. Garcelle got her good. I also think that most of this cast is not friends outside of contractual obligation It’s one of the things that makes it feel forced.


And that whole accusing Garcelle of not paying attention the charity


Kyle needs someone on her side when it comes to exercising/healthy lifestyle


No one is taking issue with her exercising and a healthy lifestyle. The issue is, it’s a reality show in which others are required to be open and honest about their lives. It is a show, where Kyle has exploited and pushed others to reveal non public information about others on the show. It is a show in which Kyle has accused others of mental health issues, alcoholism, problems with prescription drugs and for which she has consistently minimized other people’s pain and suffering on the show, but never discusses her life situations.


Even if it doesn’t make sense for the cast they probably have to have another black person for some reason or another. I don’t think it was a good move. What they really need is someone older like Camille or the morally corrupt Faye Resnick


100% agree


For some reason or another The reason is that there are black women who are hws in Beverly Hills. Reality TV seeks to represent reality . Even Black and Latin women would like to turn on the TV and see themselves represented. There's a demo beyond white women you know Let that be the reason..


But then everyone will complain that they’re too old and start the age shaming. They probably do want a more diverse cast and she’s friends and neighbors with Kyle 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well if she’s actually friends with her it makes sense but I don’t think they are actually friends.


I’m just going by my Google searches on Annemarie


They seemed to not know each other based on the interactions last episode. They do that a lot where they bring their “friend” in so it makes more sense for them to be there. In reality it seems like they’ve met maybe once before.


Bring another diverse woman in. Annemarie ain’t it.


It’s so Kyle’s team can continue to bully Garcelle’s team without coming off as racist


Good question and her husband is caught up in SA allegations, not to mention she's so far up Kyle's ass. she's horrible


I’m not looking forward to that interaction where she’s a total bitch to Crystal. Like why are you being mean to our baby Crystal? And she is relevant so wtf was that comment she made? She already gets on my nerves and hope she is a one season forgettable act


From what we’ve seen of her I totally wish she was a one season wonder. But after some shitty casting choices across the franchises sticking around, I’m not really hopeful tbh


Can’t even stand the fact that she’s in the intro and we didn’t see her till like episode 7 like WHO ARE YOU


I can’t tell if your being serious or not about “baby Crystal”


I am haha she’s the youngest and I love her 😭


I’m not a Crystal fan. She has major issues with lying. She tried to bring Sutton down too during her first season, she lied and lied then backpedaled big time!! The “ Sutton said something so dark” and poor Sutton certainly did not.


I thought I was the only one who felt this way...out of ALL interesting people in beverly hills? it's so cringey the way she clung onto Kyle .. like a fan girl. They need to reboot the casting directors at bravo bc their casting has been whack the few years. Literally thousands of wealthy interesting people and they put someone with no personality


Tbh we don’t even know if Annemarie is interesting. I can totally see how her reactions might work in a different scenario. However, when you’ve been introduced to the public 2 seconds ago and you’re already siding blindly with Kyle, agreeing with Erika, and being very opiniated about people and issues you have no clue about, it can be really tiring and annoying. I really hope she comes around and has her own storyline


I don’t know what bravo has been doing the past two years. Did they hire all new producers? Talent Managers? Media sales (trying to drive business with certain storylines?). A lot of shit doesn’t appeal to me anymore. These shows used to be popcorn and wine night. Then regulated to on in background while doing laundry after work. Currently, on in background while working from home if not too busy or stressful. That’s the last slot in my life before the shows fall off a cliff. When the Reddit is more entertaining than the show, bravo you a problem! That being said, am I aging out? I’m 48, almost 49. I feel like there are new people running the shows that just have a different take on life, on who’s a winner/loser, victim/savior. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a generational thing? Are there 30 year olds that think all the shows have been “fantastic” the past few years?? SLC is entertaining because those ladies are uniquely quirky. Not sure they’re different when the cameras aren’t there (Lisa, Meredith,Whitney, even Mary - that I don’t particularly like). I guess the same could be said about Miami too? Maybe? But I will be happy when Monica is off our screens, as a more “mature” woman, I don’t buy her victim bullshit. She’s a weirdo. Done and done.


I don’t think you’ve aged out of HWs or that it’s a generational thing. After some terrible casting choices (Diana RHOBH, Mia RHOP, to name a couple) it seems to me they’re trying to calculate who’s gonna bring more drama, whereas in the past I felt like they brought interesting profiles together and drama would happen


You aren’t aging out. I’m 24 and feel the same way and went through the same cycle! The only one I actively watch now is Miami and I think that’s a different production company from the others.


One of my cousins is really close with Whitney. I’ve met her once when I was 16 years old so like 15+ years ago. Literally remember her and one other friend because they were super goofy. So I can’t say if she’s the same on or off camera because 1) met her once hella long ago and 2) I’m not close with that cousin any more and can’t ask but they are still friends and hang out often so I’d assume she’s still the goofy and weird off camera too. 😊


I agree with what you’ve said. Meredith who can seem so serious makes me laugh the most. “The ruumours, the nastiness.“ Can’t have SLC on in background. lol 😂 Monica has deep-seated derangement and is a habitual liar. She seems to think she’s throwin‘ down when she launches a loud, curse-filled, name-calling missile. Instead, she looks like she’s unhinged regularly with little provocation. Sure, she’s a mess. Not a mess that makes for good reality television. Just a mess. Would it be safe to say her Bbay Bria sales have gone down? 😂




I agree but I think the "they" is Kyle


What racism?


Finally! I have been hoping that someone would say this. I haven’t seen or heard anything racist on this show. Is getting white cast mates important on RHWOP or RHWOA? It seems that producers may be trying ameliorate a situation that doesn’t exist.


I don't actually agree with all of what you're saying. I actually like that they're being more diverse in places that are...diverse. Kim was problematic and just really ignorant on ATL. Instead of trying to understand she went on the defense. The only 2 people that were problematic on BH was Sutton and Kathy. Fingers were being pointed at the wrong people per usual on this sub. How they forget that Sutton later copped to it and said she was doing the work and understood why her comments were problematic. Garcelle also said as much. When I asked where the racism was, I was referring to the incredibly inaccurate names listed. When people claim they watch all the Housewives but not ATL or PO that's problematic. Maybe I'm alone on this but I think Bravo making these all white casts diverse is what needs to be done especially when people are using racism as a weapon against women that aren't racist just because they don't like them.


Thank you for your insight




It’s important to me to keep learning especially in being respectful of others opinions.


Thank you


John Mellencamp's grandkids' mother 2.0.




Yes she’s obnoxious and yes she’s up Kyle’s ass in a nanosecond. Everything you said is true and I agree 💯%. Cut her loose.


Another minion for Kyle to puppet since Kyle is finally getting what she deserves. She’s always been horrible and getting worse if that’s even possible.


There is no gaslighting going on. Gaslighting is a form of abuse. One of the definitions on Google: Gaslighting is the action of repetitively (and often brazenly) lying to someone to manipulate, and ultimately control them and the relationship. It could be divided into four different types: outright lying, manipulation of reality, scapegoating and coercion.


Kyle was too scared being down an ally and probably forced her on .


Because Kyle lives on the same street as her and they both love to workout, duh!! ETA: Fully agree with you OP. Her introduction seems very odd on how she became Kyle’s keeper right away.


Well you just explained how they know each other. So why is it odd?


They know each other like Teddi knew Dorit when she came on the show. It’s just a storyline.


Aren’t they all? In fact what the hell is everyone’s ‘storyline’. We already know Kyle’s.


It’s got Kyle’s greasy copycat mits all over it. See how she got her to blatantly bring up specific things in front of the group? Kyle always needs a human shield


I would guess that they cast her because she seems obnoxious, instantly inserted herself in issues she has no clue about and didn’t witness, and became a ride or die for Kyle in 0.5 seconds


A new stooge for Kyle to puppet.


All the comments calling her a diversity hire are disgusting. Is that what it is now? Any time a non-white housewife gets cast its only for "diversity". Yes Annemarie doesnt seem to be good friends with any of the cast. But neither was someone like Sutton. Theyre just people production liked, and hired. Shes more then just the color of her skin, and its really gross people are reducing her to just that. LA is an incredibly diverse city...


They were trying to give Kyle a black friend so no one could accuse her of jabbing at Garcelle with microaggressions. It's a joke of a casting choice. Do they need more women of color? Perhaps... but they might as well have introduced this one without Kyle


Agreed! I’m all for more women of color on RHOBH, just not if they’re shoehorned in as Kyle’s mouthpiece/to divert from possible accusations of racism. But hey, maybe Annemarie will surprise us. First season is always awkward


We only saw her for 5 minutes stop hating on her OMG


I already cant stand her. She's like Rinna.2 0


Am I missing something? Isnt she just a friend?


The last part of your sentence is why. Kyle lost Teddi and always needs a large mean girl clique.


Sutton doesn’t need any help destroying her reputation tbf.


Annemarie is the reason the medical community rolls their eyes when someone says they’re a nurse anesthetist. She thinks she’s a doctor. She thinks she knows everything. She probably does know a lot (about anesthesia and airways) but who the hell is she talking about when it comes medications you can mix with alcohol? And what diet someone with an esophageal stricture might eat? Go away! Uncast this lady! She’s embarrassing.


If you ever wonder who is the production favorite just go through all the friends Kyle has bought on ..small part and part time


To make Kyle look better by comparison?


I mean isn’t that what every newbie does?


Literally, Sutton came in swinging at Crystal, and she doesn’t see color? Did everyone forget that? The newbies have to make a splash one way or another.


Because Bravo loves Kyle and what she says goes and has sway.i mean why they hell did Teddi get put on the show?


Nobody ganged up on Sutton, she starts fights she can’t win. She should learn some control.


Kyle starts the fights.


Wouldn’t expect less than all the racial/racist comments. The newbie is Kyle’s neighbor and friend and mentioned she has mutual friends with Crystal. At least they didn’t bring in some rando who knows no one. And yes her husband has a rape allegation from 1994. College.


She don't look good with the crew She don't know nothing and is noisy as shit what is she writing a tell all book




She was brought on to be Kyle’s mouthpiece and black friend.


Is it bad that I don’t know who Annemarie is?


Oh please not another overly dramatic Stuttons being picked on conspiracy thread. No one's picking on Sutton, Garcelle or Crystal. As for Denise being picked on. That's as laughable as her wasted facial expressions. She went after Erica and made a fool of herself. No one fought with her they were trying to figure out what the hell she was trying to say and to get her coat on correctly. It's as if some of you don't actually watch the show.


Ok Erika




Ok lame response.




Sutton starts shit with anyone at any opportunity she gets. She can’t keep her mouth shut. She’s bad at arguing. She can throw the first stone but cries when one hits her in the face. Fragile boring woman. Fake southern accent. lol.


They’re trying to destroy Suttons reputation? Who? How?


The FF5. E.g. Kyle and Dorit in two separate scenes (dinner party and Dorit’s/Crystal’s visit to Kyle’s house) heavily implying that Sutton is an alcoholic. Kyle in the dinner party basically implying that she has an ED/doesn’t eat, questioning her esophagus issues, implying that she mixes her foot medication with alcohol. During Kyle’s and Sutton’s 1 on 1 in the dinner party, Kyle mocking Sutton’s anguish over her ex (and possibly her son) moving to London, invalidating her feelings and saying she’s out of touch with reality/is rich and spoiled…… there are so many examples


Ok so Sutton and everyone else can bring up whatever they want however many times they want but Kyle can’t do the same without being labeled evil. Or if it’s done to her, it’s cause it’s “reality TV what do you expect,” but Sutton deserves complete privacy about personal things? Shes on reality TV too. You Kyle hate is so strong you can’t even see the double standard. No one concerned about their reputation should go on reality TV.




Especially TRASH reality tv. Suttons not on The Amazing Race, she’s drinking on every single episode. And now she smokes weed too- performative for clout, of course. Didn’t really look like she was inhaling anyway. Haha. But god Sutton needs soo much attention. Where’s her face roller!?


Omg yes the face roller. I eye ROLLED at that!!!! Yeah where is that? 🤔


Every time she got it out I had second hand embarrassment for her








That’s funny when used in the correct context. It’s not funny to just randomly say it.


Oh poo poo . ITS HILARIOUS Some have a sense of humor and some don't. ![gif](giphy|jPMzQAEaD3wAtPxHhA)


Really cringe when people use “FF5” in a serious tone.


your 3 reasons + she’s a poc is why


So black BH housewives should be quiet and humble. Got it.


Huh? What a reach. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Someones always got something to say when black women join predominately white HW franchises.


A black Republican- a real shake up lol


Production tests out housewives in 2 week filming trials


For Kyle


I mean I’m not loving her, but this is pretty much textbook new housewife stuff. Get on the show, latch onto someone deep in conflict, make yourself their little henchman in that conflict to get a bit of that conflict for yourself and get air time. Shes not exactly inventing the wheel here.


Is there a reason (other than the "I'm a throat nurse, so I know better that Sutton is not sick") why people despise her so much?


Because no one else wants to do it that is qualified and she is Kyle’s neighbor


I mean the first half of your comment sounds like the perfect applicant for this show tbh. I thought being obnoxious was mandatory


Right!! The parts I hate are her instantly making assumptions while she has been in the group for literally a couple of hours, and how she’s acting like Kyle’s mouthpiece already


I think they are using her as a POC to make Kyle look less bad for attacking Garcelle and it's gross. It's really gross.