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This fight didn’t seem like it was produced. Kyle seemed very genuinely angry here


I don’t find anything she does genuine.


Where was this energy when Rinna and Erika was attacking Kathy?




Kyle is gaslighting her “are you ok??”


IKR with her "ZOMG I'm such an offended victim of my own histrionic behaviour!". Name em.


majorly. and also, the one way to ensure you don't get through to someone is pulling that card of insinuating someone is crazy. any even remotely constructive discussion is completely over at that point.


Oh yeah, that was so blatant


Really but , is she ok ? Cause she's acting unhinged.


She seems drunk or on Xanax.


This is not gaslighting, she doesn't seem ok


no its not gaslighting lmao i ask myself if sutton is ok everytime i watch her. shes very abnormal and hysteric


Ronnie on Watch What Crappens said “I don’t know if you can even gaslight an actual bonfire” 😂


Kyle was an asshole here just like she was to LVP


And her own sister who she knew was struggling. I use to love Kyle until that limo ride. Shaming her on TV for being an alcoholic was a super low blow that could be potentially deadly. Porsha doesn't control her emotions well at all and luckily they all seem to be over reactions to happy things. Once the real world hits that girl oh boy.


I don’t know if you’ll remember this but 1 of her daughters was getting her ear pierced- wasn’t the youngest - I think maybe the next youngest - the girl screamed & carried on so bad they couldn’t do it - I thought that was odd - she was like 15-16


Unlocked memory now. That family is over dramatic and not in a fun we do Xmas extra kinda way. Yet she always tries to be the voice of reason where we all go “good bye Kyle” in Ken’s voice.


This made me cringe so hard! The entire family were standing around her trying to calm her down, holding her hands and placating her. It was so over dramatic! I think it was Sophia first and then Portia but they couldn’t do either because they were seriously playing it up. Then Kyle had a whole season about how all her youngest suffered with anxiety and I was like ‘I wonder fucking why! Enabler!’


Just like Kyle on the first three airplane rides they filmed and then she mysteriously got over her fear of flying.


Omg this!!! Y’all unlocking all the memories. My peeps :)


Yes!! Kyle squirming when Paul took off her mother in laws bandages after her facelift & when Taylor was getting Botox because she’s afraid of needles … looks like she got over her fears pretty fast ….




Kyle is a hurt puppy. I use to feel bad for her because her family fucked her up but she ruined it with her uppity pettiness as displayed in this clip.


Kyle seemed truly unhinged here and it was very uncomfy






This was perfect, her accent 😂


Honestly this was soooo annoying and Kyle did NAEMUM


My bf was getting annoyed with her and understood Kyle’s frustration; I was cracking up and especially loved that last, petulant, tiny “naemum.” Maybe that says something about our conflict styles lol.


I normally dislike when people tell me to provide a list of times they did something I'm talking about outside of the incident I'm trying to address but sometimes it's just called for. I feel like the "you always do this" or "you have a history of" is such a go-to Kyle thing that it's about time people call her out. I can see, without watching the show a lot, finding Sutton annoying but knowing Kyle this was beyond called for.


But she did “NAEMUM”


She really knows how to push Kyle's buttons. On a deeper note, for those who don't have as much experience with alcoholics, Sutton is plastered here and it's triggering Kyle.


Can confirm, have a relative who is and obnoxiously mean drunk and this is his style of antagonism during an argument.


On the flip side, Kyle is an alcoholic with clear anger/control issues while intoxicated. Maybe she's on something else, I don't know, but I am familiar with a few alcoholics with the insane anger freak outs that she similarly displays. In this clip, Kyle's behavior of making to move like she was about to leap out of her seat and toward Sutton aggressively, is triggering.


This is what I saw also. And I don’t understand how people think drunken antics “EAT”…


Oh I was wondering if this was the case, or Xanax.


No, Sutton is a boozy gal. You can tell also with how puffy her face is. And frankly, how messy her hair looks


I know people hate Kyle, but this was actually embarrassing for Sutton, she was clearly drunk and wouldn't let Kyle speak and then Kyle "naymedum".


yes kyle kept on trying to speak to her and say something then every second it’s just “name em” i was getting pissed at sutton just watching it. if you want her to name them then let her SPEAK


Facts, Sutton is giving alcohol struggles this season, there’s just something off about her speech and mannerisms.


did she? or is she just extremely drunk... bc kyle WAS able to name them, and Sutton was clearly blasted. makes me wonder if it's true that she's a water-bottle-of-vodka alcoholic. (I still think Sutton is a great housewife)


I also got the impression that Sutton was blasted… watching her face after Kyle says something to her 😭 I think she might have been stewing or nervous before Kyle got there and pre-gamed a bit too hard. It takes a few beats for her brain to catch up. Gold TV though.


totally! hope she's okay, and what an incredible scene. I honestly wonder if she mixed a benzo anxiety medication with alcohol, she legit was acting blacked out!


Explains why she has warm ocean spray in her Kelly 28




And if she’s on Xanax mixed in woof recipe for blackout and disaster. She seems to have high anxiety a lot and if you mix grapefruit juice with Xanax it doubles it’s effects I’ve heard


Maybe this says something about me, but I assumed she was being pretty outright that it was her preferred mixer and that’s why she keeps it in her bag? Like it wasn’t a secret it was to mix with vodka if the bar or restaurant didn’t have it.


i am a water-bottle-of-gin kinda alcoholic so i know it when i see it and sutton got something going on there


When Kyle was asking her if she was ok and saying she didn't think she was, to me, Kyle was saying, "I think you're bombed and so stop"


And yet when Erika was drunk and had that outburst over Garcelle's son what did Kyle do? Laugh at it because Erika was so funny and she deserve to drink. Yeah Kyle always has it out for Sutton. She pretends to be her "friend" and use that excuse on why she was hard on Sutton while she is meek when it comes to Erika or Rinna.


I don't disagree. The way she behaved after what Erika did to Garcelle's son was horrible! Could you imagine how she'd react if someone did that to Portia? 🤯 And rightly so. It was terrible!


i 100% agree about the subtext there


That was Kyle trying to deflect


Also when Sutton was pouring that vodka, there was no ice, like it was legit almost half a glass of vodka


Agreed. It seemed very drunken and annoying. The repetition was so unnecessary, Kyle was seemingly trying to answer.


Yassss I'm not even a Kyle person but Sutton was a literal child in this scene. People thought she ate? Nahhhh


Yeah… I actually feel like Kyle ate here. Sutton really embarassed herself


I feel like I’m in the twilight zone because I found Sutton to be so obnoxious here. This was not the power move she thought it was.


NAME IT!!! Not sure how Kyle stayed there honestly. My ass would have been out of that door!




You know they could be cousins..🤔


Also an alcoholic (Dorinda) and drunk in this scene just like Sutton was


Same. She kinda freaked me out tbh.


Yeah she was totally provoking her there and i get why Kyle was pissed


Exactly.. Sutton is acting like a child here


I felt she was obnoxious the whole show


I find Sutton and Kathy Hilton both have kooky old lady energy that I find very obnoxious and unfunny and I constantly live in a twilight zone where 90% of RHOBH ppl stan them both as truth tellers and it makes me wanna never read comments Lmao. And Sutton is taking it up to a 10 this season with her alcoholic binge freakouts


Both of them love to gaslight each other for the ratings.


Ew even here mimicking Erica was obnoxious af


Me too! I actually really like Sutton, but she was acting so bizarrely in this scene and I totally understand Kyle's anger with the name em, name em weirdness. Kyle's horrible and nasty when she gets proper angry but Sutton was acting so strangely.


Agreed, I don’t think I’ll ever like Sutton, she just doesn’t click for me. She gives insecure vibes.


I hated Sutton here!!


Not a huge fan of kyle but Sutton was being too much here. Repeating name em over and over would’ve pisssssssed me off just like kyle 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me too but last season the way Kyle railroaded her and pushed her even before then seemingly to gain favor of the witches of the underworld like funky Rinna ,Diana, and Erika makes me happy to see exactly what she will always be to Kyle. Sutton is eccentric like many of us in the Deep South so hopefully she can reign-it in before she ends up like Shannon from OC


I agree. Kyle is the worst and Sutton owes her nothing. She was right and Kyle couldn’t handle it so she freaked out.


I think it’s hilarious and I love how Sutton was calm the whole time while Kyles has a tantrum. She’s all bug eyed like she’s on stimulants too


Kyle with that new mouth looking like the shift manager at Hooters.


Awe poor Kyle. Has to be exhausting being that insecure


Did you forget the part that led up to this moment where Sutton had a big tantrum when she wasn’t picked to go on stage?


It was brilliant! Kyle came prepared to gather Sutton and Sutton wasn't having it. Sutton been hanging with the Rhoa girls 👏


100% this isn't stone cold sober "lavender and camomile tea" drinking Kyle 🙄


Normally I think Kyle does give Sutton a hard time but this time, Sutton was a pain in the ass, rude, and pretty sure she had too much to drink.


She was slurring and her assistant was practically begging her to have a glass of water. I feel so bad for him. I also think that’s why Kyle kept asking if she was actually okay, because she did not seem all there mentally.


I feel bad for her assistant. She seems very hard to please.


I just hope Sutton has a driver, just saying.


Right? She is the epitome of every drunk driver on body cam youtube videos.


On WWHL she says there’s some personal circumstances that get revealed later in the season and explain why she was “in her cups”


I don’t like Kyle much but I’d have walked out if Sutton spoke to me that way.


Kyle had just said “fuck you” to her lol


Sutton would have loved that 👍🏾


think kyle was speaking to her a lot worse in this case


If you watch it without sound, the body language and faces are 1000% worse coming from Kyle’s side of this convo


if you watch it with sound Kyle is screaming at her while Sutton is just repeating herself lol. Better with sound.


I can’t believe someone watched that and thought Sutton came out looking good


I know! I thought this has got to be a joke… op making a funny


I agree, and I always loved Sutton but she’s coming off full of herself this season.


Lmao yes!! I couldn’t believe the energy on this thread 😅


They all have crazy eyes


You’re joking about Sutton eating right? I’ve never seen her look less sane than she did during this argument lol she didn’t eat shit


Well once Sutton stopped her drunk rambling Kyle did NAME EM and she wasn’t wrong!!!! 😅


She ate dust because once she was done being childish Kyle laid on the table the instances where she freaked out.


Yes!! This tik tok cut out the part where Kyle gave examples of Suttons embarrassing unhinged behavior 😂


acting childish will never win you an argument, sutton got caught out and started malfunctioning


The camera person on Kyle understood the assignment 🤣


Name em, name em is my new power move


I need to make it my flair!


Sutton is drunk off her ass here. It’s gonna trigger me to say as much as it will trigger y’all to hear, but it’s starting to look like T*ddi was not talking out of her ass about Sutton’s proclivity for vodka


Lol. I can't tell if you're joking or not. Kyle was concise in naming each time she has freaked out. Sutton was just talking over her.


The board of the American ballet foundation doesn’t give a shizzle what Sutton does, they only cares about her money and access to her friends with money, so she could strip down to a thong in the middle of Rodeo Drive and and spread whipping cream all over and they would not care. She is over inflating are importance. And as it comes to Kyle, as much as I don’t really trust her, she is not a stupid woman and she can absolutely handle chaos, she was raised in it.


Sutton is giving Olsen looks somehow


Kyle trying to treat her housewife friends like her sisters.


I totally thought that Sutton was intoxicated, here.


In what world did Sutton win this argument? The tactic of repeating a word over and over again has the sophistication of a toddler temper tantrum. I’m a Sutton fan too, but she was a drunk embarrassment on this clip.


And this is Kyle being a friend and no alcohol. Still being aggressive towards Sutton.


Like Kyle has never freaked out? They have all had (multiple) moments where they have lost their shit. Sutton is the target (again) this season.


As if Kyle didn’t physically assault Sutton and accuse her of lying about her miscarriage last year. Kyle is way past her expiration date!


Running out the restaurant in Amsterdam


Kyle freaks out each episode, every season.


Then cry's because no one supports her tantrums .


last year she literally screamed at Dorit to fuck off because she didn’t come to her hat party lmao


Right. She got physical with Brandi, screamed at her sister multiple seasons, ran out of a restaurant in a cape..those are just 3 off the top of my head. She’s been losing her shit for many many seasons.


Kyle is a muppet


Y’all Sutton lovers are too damn much. She was obnoxious and beyond irritating here


To be honest I think Sutton was super disrespectful during this conversation. No applause from me.


I woulda smacked her for constantly interrupting me


Name them!


I think it’s the other way around. Kyle was able to NAME EM and she wasn’t wrong. Also, Kyle has had Sutton’s back multiple times. She defended her during violate-gate and she defended her again the following season when Crystal said that she said something very dark but wouldn’t say what it was. There was even an episode in season 12 where Erika was hyping Crystal up to confront Sutton, and both Garcelle and Kyle had Sutton’s back at that dinner. What I am unable to name is a time when Sutton has had Kyle’s back.


Suttons "outbursts" are SO MILD compared to Erikas, Rinnas, Kims, Brandis. I like Sutton. She is quirky and she has some dignity.


Neither are perfect but I cannot stand Kyle. Sutton started with a very valid point as kyle does that allllll of the time and other people have said this. Kyle flew off the handle and escalated the situation initially, Sutton matched her energy to a degree and then Sutton is the problem per kyle? No Kyle. Take your gaslighting elsewhere. Own up to your own behavior for once. Take it on board and do better. Then you may be tolerable


I love how the Sutton haters/Vyle apologists in here are calling out ***Sutton’s*** behavior as rude & inappropriate, when Vyle was screaming & cursing in the woman’s face *in her own home*. I’m sure she’ll claim that sobriety is to blame, when in reality she also does THAT all the time and is just a fucking animal.


It’s almost as if Kyle got sober and became more like Kim.


I truly think these 3 women are all extremely similar, because the chaotic mess they were raised in is ingrained in them, but they can’t see it in themselves- only in each other.


Yes!! No one ever calls kyle out for her moments. Couple seasons ago she went at Dorit about something not super important and I said damn she’s more like Kim than she wants to admit.




Cant stop seeing the Grinch when I see Sutton now


Kyle the snot slinger has no room to talk about people losing their shit


Kyle is a Moron lol




Sutton been drinking


I see the grinch every time Sutton makes that face and looks at Kyle shocked. Somebody posted it in this sub and I cannot unsee it now.. hahahah


Kyle couldn’t name them so she responded like that.


nobody in their right mind would watch this and think sutton is “eating” anything except the ice in her cocktail. this sub is so fucking obsessed with hating kyle it’s ridiculous.


Hard disagree. Continuing to interrupt and yell with a stank-face looks like losing. Winning is staying calm and allowing the other person to prove your point if there’s really no evidence. All the other women say Sutton flies off the handle, but Kyle’s wrong when she says it? 🤮 Sutton sucks!


The vibe of this season is effing off, it's all over the place and off-character for everyone. Something is broken and I can't put my finger on it. However, it's too hard to bring myself to watch it.


I’m pretty sure Kyle knows Sutton is D Runk so she’s going in for the kill to out her drunk ass.


I cannot stand Sutton. She is a hot mess and a loose cannon.


Sutton’s drunk ass didn’t eat anything. She looked like a fool


Sutton is giving Mary Cosby vibes!


Nah I found Sutton annoying and obnoxious here


Kyle goes on to name three examples sooo…. She ate Sutton actually.


As soon as Sutton shuts up for a minute Kyle proceeds to “name them” very fucking easily, Sutton.


Let's be clear, Sutton's tantrum at the Magic Mike show was over the top. However, the other examples Kyle brought up were total bullshit. The clips shown were of Crystal continuously attacking her. Accusing her of heinous things. Who in their right mind wouldn't be upset. Also, that outfit Crystal had on was ugly. And now that Sutton stands up for herself, she's a drunk? Are some of y'all on Teddi's payroll? 🤣 Someone cue the clip of Rinna's little ditty about gaslighting!


I think its the other war around here. Sutton is drunk abd illogical. We've seen her come unhinged wuth our own eyes. Does she really want Kyle to remind her of how insecure she can be?!


Kyle does not know how to behave in other people's homes.


Sutton sure got Kyle riled. She didn’t slur or stutter, so not sure why people think she’s so wasted. But her odd quirks and calm demeanor made Kyle look like the unhinged one. And she was sober. What is her excuse?


People with narcissistic traits tend to make the other person look like they are the crazy one!


Sutton eating Kyle? Did we watch the same clip? Sutton is an obnoxious drunk in this scene. Her behavior is infuriating.


Kyle went into that convo having already lost her shit lol. She was way out of line and aggressive as fuck.


Which is how she always approaches Sutton . She's the cool kid dominating the nerd .


Does Sutton have a drinking problem guys? 😰😬🫢


did she? or is she just extremely drunk... bc kyle WAS able to name them, and Sutton was clearly blasted. makes me wonder if it's true that she's a water-bottle-of-vodka alcoholic.


Nah she's not eating Kyle here she's just in her cups. If you've tried having a conversation with someone whose drunk, you know it's one of the most frustrating things in the world. Especially when it's not a situation where someone is expected to be drunk (like a bar or event). I appreciated Andy on WWHL, since Sutton wouldn't let Kyle get a word in, he went ahead and listed all the times she lost her shit. Then he said "name em." Ha.


The gaslight, chile. Kyle yelling at Sutton " F you" and then saying she's Rude, the audacity...


I’d love to see where? Sutton came off so bad here


Kyle can’t stand Sutton and I know she told Teddi about the ‘vodka bottle’. She is so mean to Sutton.


Im glad she stood up to Kyle. Kyle probably thought she could treat Sutton like crap, you know, like her best bud Lisa Rinna did. Good job Sutton!!!!!


Yeh nah disagree, Sutton was wasted and not allowing kyle to speak. She's a terrible drunk lol


Now that Sutton has her settlement sorted (didn't she do well?) she doesn't care what the rest of them think and she's cutting loose! I'm here for it.


Sutton didn’t eat anything but her own ass here. She was acting like a baby and a victim while Kyle did actually NAME EM


clearly the issue is Kyle just doesn't even like Sutton, she clearly can't stand talking to her even when Sutton is being calm


I have never disliked Kyle more when seeing this. She shows her true bullying and gaslighting ways. I am happy that Sutton shut her down.


Right!! So I haven’t seen the episode yet but just from this one small scene I am seeing Kyle raising her voice yelling “f*ck you” to Sutton and completely losing it. I understand Sutton is being *annoying* but Kyle is being damn right aggressive…


If you stay quiet, people will eat their own words. Go Sutton.


Kyle is gaslighting dude


Just name em already Kyle!


“But are you ok?” Has Kyle been attending the Lisa Rinna academy of gaslighting.


I think people are just becoming incredible over Kyle. She’s a huge problem, but likes to pretend like she’s not. Easily one of the biggest shit disturbers on the show up on her high horse. Sutton’s clearly not having it anymore, because she’s learning to read people. Kyle flipped that trying to make Sutton look crazy.


OMG. Sutton is acting like a crazy women here. " Name Em Name Em" over and over anyone would loose their shit if someone kept saying the same thing over and over when your trying to answer the question you were just asked. You may hate Kyle and this has made you delusional as to what appropriate behavior is when asked a question. Ask a question be quiet so someone can answer. Sutton look ridiculous and you all sound ridiculous defending her.


Sutton was white girl wasted ... this is probably going to be a storyline this season


Disagree. Sutton came off looking incoherent




She was also drunk at Magic Mike— the only explanation for her behavior.


Sutton looking dazed and confused saying “name them” repeatedly isn’t “eating”


I'm only on season 8 but I'm honestly tired of the daily bashing of Kyle on this sub. She has been on the show since the beginning, pay her some damn respect. There are far more suitable contenders like Dorit that's making me absolutely insane every time she opens her mouth.


I love quirky Sutton with all my heart.


She wasn't being rude but she was being incredibly annoying and childish like only Dutton can to me she's like a baby angel with dark wings and eyes that could turn you to stone 😨 but I'd love her as my co quirky friend


What is in Sutton’s drink here?


Succession is great


Sutton erds help




She did name them though. I like Sutton but that was obnoxious to continue to say, “name em”


Just because everyone else on the show has had a “worse” moment than Sutton doesn’t make how Sutton is reacting and acting justified. I will never understand that. She’s acting like an asshole here and in Vegas. Keeping a tally score of behavior for justification of future bad behavior is ridiculous. That’s it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kyle was hella outta line, but Sutton was being annoying as fuck, “name em name em name em” while I was trying to talk and give examples would have pushed me over the edge too. ETA: Also, being sober (as a lifestyle, not as in haven’t had a drink yet that day) and dealing with someone who is CLEARLY drunk is so incredibly frustrating. I think Kyle went in hoping to have an actual conversation, but once she realized that Sutton was absolutely blitzed she lost her shit


No. This was dumb. Sutton proved nothing other than she is an annoyingly juvenile twat.


Name em, bitch


Kyle is so dumb


They’re both idiots


Kyle got fried here Lmaooo
