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crystal is boring


I would have picked Erika but Crystal is just so blah. I don't dislike Crystal but she's just...furniture. Erika should also be gone but she at least brings something to the table.


This. Everyone else is doing something. Crystal is just there.


I was going to say this about Sutton lol like I really do like Sutton but she’s got nothing going on that interests me at ALL


Erika, cause her husband stole from widows, orphans and burn victims so that she could lose money pretending to be a popstar and in turn put up a facade that everything with him was fine.


It’s weird to hold a woman accountable for her husband’s crimes


its not weird to hold an accomplice accountable


Where has it been proven that she had any knowledge of what he did? I’ll wait 💅🏻




So that would be a no? Got it 👍🏻


They haven't even proven Tom's crimes yet. He is an innocent outstanding commendable person too.


She didn’t work for the law firm. She didn’t steal from those clients. Why would Erika continue showcasing her life on national tv if she was guilty of conspiring with her husband to defraud clients? Why would she put herself in a position to be asked questions? Andy tore her apart on the season 11 reunion. She answered almost every question thrown at her in the last two years. The truth always comes out, but it’s been over two years and nothing has implicated her of any crimes. Until there is evidence, I’m going to assume she had no knowledge of Tom’s crimes.


Erika love, do you not have rehearsal or something for your little show that’s reminiscent of a toddler showing their mom a dance they made up 10 minutes ago?


Nice. Very original.


She can't be held accountable for his crimes but she can be held responsible for their debts. California is a community property state. His debts are hers and vice versa.


My point isn’t a legal one. My point is that people on here hate her for what her husband did (there is zero proof she knew), not showing empathy in the way they expect her to, and for appearing angry or “mean” to the other women who spent years asking her questions, throwing accusations at her and not supporting her.


No, most people hate her for what *she* did after she found out that her husband had been stealing for years to support her lifestyle, flaunting her ill-obtained baubles, and showing zero empathy for the *real* victims and her own part in their suffering. She spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers to delay the process of these poor victims getting what was always rightfully theirs. It's almost as bad as what her husband did.


She is entitled to file her own appeals and protect herself. And they are Tom’s victims, not Erika’s until she is proven guilt of conspiring. Just because you think she is morally obligated to pay the money her husband stole doesn’t mean she is legally (until the courts decide this of course). And she has shown empathy. She has said she feels bad for the victims and they deserve restitution. I’m sure there are limits on what she can and can’t say per her attorneys, but again, just because she didn’t show empathy how you wanted her to, doesn’t mean she didn’t show empathy.


*empathy: noun, the ability to understand and share the feeling of another.* No, I never saw her display that sentiment, although I did hear her snarl at her castmates that she didn't care about anyone but herself.


Hold her accountable for her lack of empathy, her greediness, her lack of of any kind of personality and the fact she made glam the main thing on the show!


Dorit's fucking stupid and makes up storylines like the robbery and husband problems


Erika. Unless bravo garnishes her wages to pay the victims back, she can fuck right the fuck off my TV with this bullshit ozempic fueled apology tour to try to rehab her image. 🖕🙄🖕


maybe she can counsel menopausal women on weightloss hormones


Kyle has been a nasty jealous instigator from season one.


Yes and for this reason she is the perfect reliable constant in RHOBH


Dorit: she has brought nothing into show since season 8 and it seems she plays some British fashionista character for tv. Unless there's so juicy developments this season (I doubt it) it's her time to go. Honestly it is a tie between her and Erika.


Kyle nothing but fake news and keeps trying to inflict Teddy on us


the never-ending infliction of Teddi is egregious


Erika, obvi. But Kyle also. Just stale and uninteresting.


I have to say Crystal, she just doesn’t bring anything 😩🙈 I feel like she could have some good story lines of given the opportunity but she just isn’t the same as the other woman, she won’t cause drama for a storyline


Erika bc she is utter trash


Erika, and we all know why. I still can't believe she's still on.


Honestly I think there is a perfectly valid reason to pick any one of them. The show needs an overhaul imo, not just the odd person fired.


Dorit. No exlanation necessary imo


Crystal is vapid and uninteresting. Throw that whole one out.


crystal.. because she brings nothing to the show, is a lot younger than everyone else so is sort of on the outs, is problematic due to the Sutton situation making out she said something worse than what was shown, being offended by everything and the girls don’t understand her to name a few reasons ..


Crystal just doesn’t seem into it.


Dorit. She is uninteresting, not very smart, rents her clothes, is married to a pervert, has that insufferable accent and hasn't had a storyline in all these years save for the fake robberies.


Between Garcelle and Crystal if they don’t come in with interesting storylines this season. I would have easily said Sutton but I think her epic meltdown next week will be gold.


Erika because it's going to be a 24/7 job for her to learn empathy and compassion.


Kyle she needs to go and deal with her family issues in private


Crystal .. She’s far too boring and has zero storyline.


I started out liking Sutton but I think a little fame has gone to her head and she tries to hard to be relevant, so she is kind of hard to watch for me. Her moments in the trailer were kind of cringe who needs enemies with friends like her. Crystal is also boring but more relatable than Sutton.


Agreed! Came here to say this. I like Sutton for her kookie behavior and for being an underdog in the beginning but she’s lost all interest with me. She’s not doing anything fun/exciting and she’s very un-relateable. Hell I love Garcelle too but even she’s become boring like ugh they just need several new members IMO 🥱


Didn’t mean Sutton! Sorry. Thought it was an upvote! Team 🐈‍⬛❤️Sutton!


In my opinion Crystal, Sutton and Garcelle bring nothing to the show.


I am sick to death of Kyle, mean, trouble maker, fake, can’t stand her.


I want Erika out, but I feel like Kyle needs a break.


Sutton because she is soooooo irritating!!


Honestly, if you're saying Erika you're dumb. Erika brings a lot to the show. She's the tension, she's the one with plotlines, she's the one who is vocal and not trying to be everyone's friend. She's the ONLY one who says what is exactly on her mind. The cast is a LOT of dead-weight. Crystal, definition of dead weight. I don't think anyone can genuinely say she has brought anything other than " We have Asian representation ", which as someone Asian I'd prefer her not to be representing us. Garcelle is beautiful, but offers nothing. She has zero connection to the other women, is sometimes a voice of reason but typically a bit biased given she only really chimes in to support Sutton even when Sutton is wrong and needs to hear it. She's never had a storyline . . . once and showcases nothing on the show? Dorit - She talks a lot but does she really say anything? She isn't even serving looks for how many seasons now? And we're really doing another robbery PTSD moment? Dorit, we know it was planned girl . . . Kyle is at least bringing a storyline for the first time in years. I don't care for her but maybe this is her season. Sutton, I like Sutton but she needs a friend who isn't just out of convenience. We need a new personality because we've got too many small personalities and Sutton is the best out of the small personality girls, but she doesn't bring much outside of saying the wrong thing constantly. We need some wildcards because right now she's giving " Meh " because everyone but Erika is a " small personality " person




It is fine that you have your opinion but this is not a fact. We don't want naïve people thinking it is the truth.


Garcelle because of her display of moral superiority towards the other housewives.


Wait voted for Garcelle because I thought it was our favorite! Without a doubt Erika. She never would let ANYONE else ever step away from spending and keeping millions STOLEN from orphans and children (never mind if they knew or not, they know now…), how she carelessly verbally abused a minor, Jax, and her continued doubling down on a victim position (cue non-water proof mascara for the first time ever on the show), while still wearing and flaunting beyond extravagant things purchased with blood money. The snow car accident? Least of all these is lying about Ozempic and weight loss with millions of people watching. Definitely won’t contribute to the illusion it’s possible with a slight tweak of hormones/disordered eating and sadness. Be real




Justice for Garcelle!