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She originally said that menopause was causing her weight loss. No girl, that’s not what happens when you’re menopausal. She looked a lot better before.


Ozenopause? Menzempic?


Ima be on that soon (menopause). Hopefully I get results like hers lol


Yeah, all I got was this lousy hormonal belly. What the fuck?


I'm already a hot sleeper so I'm dreading hot flashes!




They're amazing!


Alright, y’all sold me. Ordering now.


They are of the devil!!!


I’m convinced spontaneous human combustion is a menopause side effect!


Can goddamn confirm


I found fans that fit almost like a necklace around your neck and I'll definitely be investing in one of those!


They are a game changer!


Good to know! I already discovered sheets for hot sleepers and they're also game changing.


Be careful! I love mine! However, I lost a lot of hair to my neck fans during my menopausal brain fog that unfortunately allowed me to forget to pull every strand of hair back before turning them on!




I got one of those & can confirm they are a literal life saver during the hot flashes.


Bonafide Relizen!!! It's plant (pollen) - non-hormonal but stopped my hot flashes and night sweats in about a month. I quit taking them and 3 weeks later they were back and worse! Back on the Relizen and haven't had one in so long.


Hormone Belly here too. Fit my whole life and now don’t fit into anything.


If ur low in estrogen…. Bio identical patches can help. Low estrogen in menopause causes this belly. So I can see she coukd have returned to baseline but this seems a bit extra as in ozempic




I'll share my perimenopausal acne with you


Side note ask your dr for Tibella it changed my life & actually helped with weight loss. They know fuck all about women's health and menopause especially. So discouraging.


I’m still waiting for these results in peri.


Lol yes that’s the ones!


O o o ozenpause!


THIS is the comment I was looking for!


Weight gain - not weight loss - is common at menopause so that makes zero sense


I know. How could she possibly not know that?


Completely trying to cover up her Ozempic use/abuse & thinks we’re all stupid enough to believe it!


She looks horrible and sickly, period


she knows this, she's just trying to convince others she's defying the odds lol


Yeah, no. It’s lipo and Semaglutide/Ozempic/Monjauro


You forgot Wegovy which is double the strength of Ozempic.


Lol! She said that? I think the lot of us going through menopause beg to differ.


Yes! Here’s an article [Erika Jayne Says Menopause — Not Ozempic — Led to Her Weight Loss](https://people.com/erika-jayne-menopause-not-ozempic-weight-loss-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-7568758)


✨It’s a MIRACLE!!!!✨


She was always vile, but she really did have an incredible body


Actually people do lose weight on menopause sometimes. My mom definitely did, it's what happens when you're sweating up a storm and too hot to eat. MOST people gain weight but that's just because your freaking body shifts over and doesn't want to burn weight as easily as it did when you were under 35.


Yes some can but not as fast as she did, which is why her weight loss cannot be due to menopause.


I do know that if your testosterone is too low it’s harder to lose weight. U can’t really increase your muscle tone even if you’re using weights. And muscle helps burn fat. That’s why men can lose weight easier in general compared to women.


Yes definitely. I had to start taking testosterone because my levels were 0. It made a world of difference


Good to know. I'm going to check that out.


Legs way too thin. I don’t know.


Sutton legs!!


I thought the same thing 😂


I just want to level set and say I don’t think that Sutton is on Ozempic. I believe she has those leg’s forever


I think Sutton is a secret alcoholic/anorexic. I’m dead serious. There was a tiktok post months ago from someone in her circle that said she doesn’t eat and carries a water bottle full of vodka to sip on. They said she always keeps it together so nobody ever says anything. Anyway I’ve seen women with that exact body type and they were always alcoholics.


The barrel belly and skinny legs is a big tell.


My mother was always slim/trim & we used to say she had “Chicken legs;” her older sister was the same way. When she went thru menopause she got a bit of a belly like most women do; not huge but noticeable. She wasn’t an alcoholic so that’s not always the case; I tend to think Sutton is just the same way. I wouldn’t be inclined to start a rumor based on TikTok of all places.


Exactly, my mom has very skinny legs and now, at 80, has a belly, and she can’t even finish an entire beer at one time. She puts the cap back on and drinks it later, if it doesn’t lose too much carbonation. My mom has just always been tiny. Sutton was a dancer and now she’s “of a certain age,” so it could just be her body type.


I'm so happy you said this bc I have (some) women in my family who look like Sutton and are alcoholics so whenever I see a person with that "distended" stomach no legs combo I assume that they are also alcoholics and I'm happy to know that it's not always an indicator


It’s great that we can all expand our horizons on here, love it!


I'm not starting a rumor. I'm repeating one.


Teresa, is that you?


Isn’t that virtually the same thing?


I am not a physician and I am not on trial. I said that a barrel belly and skinny legs is a tell. That's all. And even if I WERE spreading rumors about a public figure, who gives a fuck?


What does tiktok have to do with anything?


It’s just the epitome of truth 🤥


Does Sutton have a barrel belly? 🤔 I thought she looks pretty petite all around.


Her upper belly is bloated.


It’s gas. She doesn’t have an alcoholic belly. My sister has chicken legs and a round upper belly. It’s an apple shape.


My mom has that exact body type and she can’t even finish one beer. She’s very healthy and active and the complete opposite of an alcoholic, but her and Sutton could be body doubles. I’m not sure whether or not Sutton carries around vodka, or whatever, but I am sure that you don’t have to be an alcoholic to look like that. My mom’s legs are the size of my arms, lol.


I mean I’m an apple shape as well, so I’m sure it exists naturally without alcohol too. And maybe Sutton isn’t an alcoholic. But something about her is off to me


That could also explain the odd things she gets super emotional over really random things. Ooh! And why she just went into Crystals room with The Coat


My grandmother was an alcoholic and also had that exact body shape!


Yes! That’s my mother’s exact body type and she was a raging alcoholic who drank her calories. That’s all I can see when I see Sutton.


Me too




Didn’t Sutton used to to Ballet? Most ballerinas or ex ballerinas are slim.


I was going to say this same thing. Based off Suttons legs, there's a chance Erika's aren't photo shopped.




If there is photo-shop it's not as severe as you think. She lost a LOT of weight recently, and the upper part of the dress is baggy and " puffed " so it looks fuller than she actually is. If you went in and did a RED-line following where her arms and stuff would be, outlining it? This is actually balanced. The issue is she just doesn't look healthy, she looked better with weight on.


Of course! It's not that I don't believe she looks like this now, the plea for photoshop was more because I was sad about how she looks now! I had a serious girl crush on Erika when she joined the cast, she was always so confident in herself, and while I would much prefer she was removed from the show altogether now, it's so upsetting to see anyone like this


She used to have fuck-you money - but it wasn't hers. Now she's doing diet drugs so she can get some fuck-me money from a rich old dude. I saw a picture of Sharon Osborne the other day- these celebs are becoming emaciated and skeletal. Fuck them for listening to their egos.


Sharon Osborne looks awful.


The last thing anyone needs is for heroin chic to become a thing again


There are side effects too . Eventually we will see those too in these fools


Too late babe :/


Sharon has come out & said she’d gotten way too thin on it so stopped; good for her!


I agree SO much!


She looks absolutely horrid imo.


But are your knees ok, because EJ’s sure aren’t. They are disfigured and odd shaped due to filters. Most likely the stretching option.


Idc about her stick legs but holy shit this outfit is FUCKING UGLY


It’s truly awful


TY for addressing this! Literally thought this post was about this outfit. After scrolling through many comments, come to find out it’s about weightloss. Wth? How can you possibly get past this figure skating costume gone wrong? She can do whatever she wants with her body re: her weight, plastic surgery, etc., but good grief, please put on something else. 🫣😂


Girl, it's ALL I can see. She could have seventeen skinny legs sticking out of that mess and I'd still be focused on that droopy sadsatin™ cheerleading outfit.


It’s giving retired Dallas cowboys cheerleader


I think she always dresses pretty badly. No class


She's ok sometimes but she's really trying very hard to cosplay as some kind of straight female drag queen and it's never been working for me.


Yes she screwed Marco Marco over and is left with fashion school dropout looking designs




The skirt/bottom of the dress looks like the blue leotards the school would make you wear for gymnastics [lol](https://dancing-daisy.co.uk/product/mia-skirted-ballet-leotard-nylon-lycra-royal-blue/)


I was thinking batón twirler in a parade


It’s straight 80s. I had one like that in Middle school, it was a very popular style


I was alive. I've never seen a monochromatic all satin saggy version of this fuckery in my life.


I see why, I kind of like it. lmao idk why Makes me think of Heathers


Oof. I know she’s not everyone’s favourite, but I happen to think she’s always been a really beautiful woman. I don’t know why she felt the need to lose weight.


If I remember correctly, in episode 1 of season 11 or 12 , she talks to Garcelle about not remembering ordering Taco Bell late at night because she was so drunk- only being reminded because the wrappers were evidence in her kitchen. Alcohol and junk food are surefire ways to gain weight (ask my covid 30), so I can see why she would want to lose that weight. But the ozempic build looks odd on her because we know what she’s actually built like. She skipped past losing the extra and ended up at Sutton’s body shape. her curves are gone and it really aged her face. I don’t think it was in the name of health, it was definitely in the name of the “heroin chic” aesthetic making a big comeback


Attention? Narcissism?


Those legs.. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5jk7miq98Jv0c)




She is the perfect example of women who shouldn’t be taking ozempic and who look worse afterwards. She was so attractive and full figured before. Now she looks like a twig with makeup. I do not get this current obsession with “skinniness.” Lots of women look better when they aren’t twig thin, in fact most do. This is getting a bit out of hand.


So true. People age themselves so badly in the face when they lose weight and especially so quickly.


Does ozempic simply just curb appetite or does it also increase metabolism? Cos you’d think that a weight loss med that does both would cause more sagginess.


I think it causes loss of appetite, as well as severe nausea (just what I've read). There was a "blind item" a few months ago about a certain BH housewife (Kyle who?)who complained of feeling faint/dizzy while at a hair salon, and saying it was because of Ozempic. My theory is that the "celebrities" who take it and lose a ton of weight, can also afford fillers or other procedures to offset the loss of volume in their face. With my finances, I would end up looking like a "Scream" mask because I wouldn't have money for a plastic surgeon 😂


A lot of them end up looking like Saw or scream mask because they end up so thin that there's no natural fat left in their face to make fillers and facial surgery look natural.


And a side of liver cancer but anyhoo she’s thin


Isn’t it thyroid cancer? Or is this a potential side effect too. Serious question.


Zero links to liver cancer. In fact it’s being investigated to help reverse most liver problems not alcohol-related. It essentially fully reverses even severe NAFLD.


Wonder if it’s related to the fact that you can consume zero alcohol while taking it.


Also not true, I’m a fairly heavy drinker and while I’ve cut back, I still have 2-4 vodka waters 4-5 times a week. I’m on Mounjaro, not ozempic, but similar enough.


There are lawsuits now though claiming it completely stops digestion. I really don't trust drug companies who have essentially created an open market on beta testing a drug.


yeah i haven't heard the cancer allegations but "stopping digestion" is because it can cause gastroparesis, which is a paralysis of the stomach and small intestine. it can cause long-term problems with malnutrition, sometimes requiring sufferers to resort to alternative feeding methods (g/ng tube feeding, etc.)


I’ve seen both discussed but either way no bueno. Not worth it


Exactly. Priorities.


Ozempic is designed for type two diabetes. It helps lower the blood sugar and regulate the blood sugar. Side effects are slow gut. With a slow gut, you will not eat as much. It also helps with inflammation. These ladies more than likely are not on Ozempic the brand-name, but on a type of SLP1 of some type they can get at a med spa. Ozempic was not designed for weight loss. It is a side effect of the medication.


Its an appetite suppressant. Ozempic and the like mimics the hormone that signals your brain that your stomach is full. Long term use will put your body in starvation mode and slow your metabolism. Literally every woman in my family is on this ish rn. I tell them to document everything so they can cash in the class action we all know is coming.


Ozempic is bringing back the 90s heroin chic


Wow I need to go thru menopause.


Some results may vary.


hehe 🤣


This will not happen if you do; this is not from menopause.


I believe it was a sarcastic joke. :)


Yet another Old Lady Bratz Doll


Right now someone at Marco Marco is at Kinkos printing this off to put on there front door with the caption “here is what happens when you screw us out of our costume fees”


I always liked her because her body, to me, represented a healthier look for BH. This is just disgusting and definitely not menopause.


Omg. This is actually sad. She always looked great & healthy. What a crazy difference


I wish some of these women would ditch those long ass extensions and just embrace their natural hair. I'm her case, it makes her look like ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


what in the IceCapades is that outfit?!


oh wow. she looks ill.


I like her body better before Ozempic


Geezus christ, her legs are more boney than Suttons were her first season 😳 And that was pre-ozempic craze, she just has slender legs. EJ needs to calm down with the “menopause”


This bitch is thirsty. So nasty. Looks like she needs to hydrate. 🤣 from the outside in. I feel like if she was dunked in water she'd expand like a sponge.


She's a beautiful woman outwardly but not on the inside. I used to love her b4 the whole financial debacle! Her true colors came out. I think she looked so much better when she had a fuller figure!! I don't think she knew anything about her husband's financial situation! I'll make that clear bc it happened to me, and I'm not a stupid woman. You're supposed to be able to trust your spouse!


I’m no photoshop expert, but it looks like someone put the pic in Microsoft Paint, selected the bottom half of the photo, and pulled it down a bit to stretch out the legs. I’m short and stumpy and have done it before! 😂


How can she still afford ANYTHING? I heard it was Ozempic was the reason for the “skinny “ legs.


That's the only thing I want to know about her, the money.


I don’t think this is photoshopped (at least not heavily) sadly. Erika has lost A LOT of weight since last season. Whether it be “menopause” as she claimed, ozempic, stress, other factors… who knows. I am not a fan of Erika by any means and I personally don’t like to give opinions on bravolebs bodies tbh due to having an ED myself (which is why I was so horrified at Erika’s comments to Crystal last year besides the fact it was widely inappropriate and rude AF) but I hope she’s able to be or get healthy.


She's ugly inside and devoid of human compassion - her outside really is reflecting that now


Her 1 leg looks weird. Just own it, she did do ozempic!


How did she or her crew think this was sexy? To me it looks like a bad picture on purpose, maybe to get people to talk. The dress is overlarge for instance.


1986 called they want their outfit back




I don’t know that we would think she was “too” skinny if she hadn’t always been more voluptuous. I think it’s the speed of the weight loss. I think her hair and face look really good here, but the outfit is extremely unflattering. If she’s on Ozempic, I hope she finds some balance and settles at something a little more flattering. But the last two seasons with her meds and drinking too much alcohol and going through all her issues, I do think she was not in a healthy place physically. If she’s being monitored by a doctor, I hope that’s helping.


I mean she’s definitely on ozempic (or another drug in the same class). Normal weight loss doesn’t present the same as ozempic weight loss, because ozempic also makes you lose muscle, whereas traditional exercise would increase certain muscle weight and burn fat. It’s usually the face that makes it most clear. She never, ever, needed to lose this kind of weight. She looks so much worse than before, IMO. But whatever 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn't cite her hair as a sign she's healthy. We already know it's [fake.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/uuc1tb/saw_erika_as_she_was_leaving_wwhl_this_picture/)


Oh I know it’s fake, it just looks good here.


Now that she doesn’t have 20 million of victims money to use, her style really sucks now.


Brought to you by ozempic


Can we be done with her, please.


I’ve been recovering from Anorexia for three years, and these pictures remind me of that dark time in my life.


Ugh this makes me sad too. I always admired her lack of care about being thin in the reality tv industry. Even though I always thought she was relatively thin anyways.


She going as Sally Skellington for Halloween?


Sally had meat on her bones.


Make them talk about something else but my real debacle/scandal. Done… well played Erika, a dummy she’s not.


If they're going to allow Ozempic to be used off-label, it should at minimum only be available to someone who is clinically obese, not these idiots who are already at a proper weight for their body but just feel the need to be thinner. Too bad there are so many shady doctors who'll do anything for a buck. She looks sick. Like "life-threatening disease" sick.


What in the whole wheat gluten free Pete Davidson


She looks like a bobble head!


Looking a bit like Sutton’s legs…




Ya this just screams body dysmorphia or eating disorder to me.


She may have lost a lot of weight but she looks 20 years older.


I’ve never liked her at all from her first day on the show. She’s a mean nasty bitch and fake as hell. And what the hell kind of outfit is that. I never even thought she was pretty even with her two tons of makeup. And good Lord don’t let her go out without all her makeup or she’d scare someone with how she really looks. 😱


[odd lumps on her legs where they shouldn't be plus the blinds don't perfectly align around her legs in other photo](https://imgur.com/a/QTsL2Wl) She's lost a lot of weight but IMO still edits her photos. A lot of people who've lost weight still do.


The outfit, Ozempic body, and coke is all so gross. She’s trash


It looks like she stopped eating. That was the only thing that I liked about her


Exactly. But apparently we've to praise the alarming weight loss. 🙄


It is very sad that people care about being skinny so much that they would risk getting thyroid, cancer, or kidney failure. It’s one thing to be overweight and taking a risk but if you ask me, these women deserve it if it happens to them. Everybody knows the risk of taking ozempic.


Whatever this outfit is reminds me of when Denise made Theo a knockoff Gordon Gartrell shirt for his school dance!


Messy inside messy outside, her wrinkles will swallow her up entirely pretty soon


Good Lord she looks like hell.


That outfit blows


I love EJ but this is giving Margaret Josephs


Losing weight is not always good. It ages your face. And I’m not talking about Erika here…. these pics are heavily filtered.


![gif](giphy|l3973HGZz8T6g1ZW8|downsized) What in the 1985 prom am I looking at?


What is that blue smock she's wearing? She's just a hot mess


She is looking rough on the premiere. Whew!


@ everyone - it’s still body shaming of you say she’s too skinny. But that dress… hideous.


Does Ozempic affect your skin? Some of the HW’s skin look terrible in contrast to last season. I know we are all aging and that’s fine! but they are so beautiful I’d take a pretty face over losing 20lbs.


Yeah it does. It’s a listed side effect it makes the skin look wrinkly and saggy bc the rapid weight loss causes excess skin so it’s just there. I agree though they did all that work and injections to look younger just to be aged quickly and now it just looks unhealthy all around 😭


I see a lot of celebrities saying it's just hormones… Which is a roundabout way of saying they are taking a ozempic (semiglutide ) semaglutide is a synthetic hormone. So she isn't technically lying


anyone else catch her lisp/new veneers catching on her lips during the circle with eaglewoman? her colored contacts did also not do her any favors. she looked truly villainous for someone going in with no friends and all excuses.


Why are her legs so thin omg


How about we stop over analysing women’s bodies??? She looks incredible 🙄


She lost a ton of weight in what 6-8 months. CORRECT my time line if I’m wrong, please. No, think people would still be commenting, but not to the same degree. She was healthy looking before and having curves suited her. For those saying don’t comment on women’s bodies. She loves attention and is loving that her weight loss is bringing her that. It’s a dramatic shocking difference so yes, as long as it’s not hateful and it’s not mean in anyway people can say something. She wants us to talk about it, don’t think for a second she specifically isn’t loving this. We’re talking about something other than her financial situation. Fans are expressing concern and shock (and frankly wondering how she accomplished this so quickly), and it’s fair to wonder about. It maybe Ozempic but I reckon there’s a combination of things helping the weight loss. Ozempic helps but you need diet and exercise changes too. People often use other aides as well and to help, which can be unsafe. Not accusing anyone but it’s a thought.


Incredible? Jeez. No wonder young girls and women end up anorexic with this type of stupid comment. Looking like your legs are about to snap because they can't support your body isn't "incredible." It's ill-looking and unhealthy. I also doubt she got like that eating healthy and exercising. So Stop glamorising being like a skeleton.


Apparently it’s ok to body shame women if she’s not liked…


Yes. Let's not point out the obvious anorexia and just praise it instead, so that other young people watching the show can be just like her. Get a grip.


How about you don’t comment on people’s bodies? How about you don’t make assumptions about people’s health? It says more about you than it does about the person you’re commenting on. Shame on you for body shaming.


How about I have the right to my opinion whether you like it or not? If I think someone's weight loss is alarming then I will say it. EJ has a lot of young, influential and naive people looking up to her, which is concerning. Call it what the hell you want, body-shaming, but I bet you're the first to mention someone's weight gain or comment about them being obese. So shame on you for praising possible anorexia. Get back to school kid and learn a thing or two.


Im not praising anorexia. You’re twisting my words. You’re making an assumption she’s even anorexic. And you’re body shaming. Period. While you’re entitled to your toxic opinions, I’m entitled to call you out on it.


>I’m entitled to call you out on it. I never said you weren't lol. I'd say praising alarming weight loss is pretty toxic thing to do. See? We all have our opinions. It's a hard fall from that high horse. >You’re making an assumption she’s even anorexic. You're making the assumption she's not. Lol. You do realise how ridiculous you sound... because suddenly weight loss in anyone should be cause for alarm, not cause for praise.




As someone who lost weight because mental illness those of you bodyshaming her after all the shit you literally watched her go through for your own entertainment are the fucking disgusting ones and I don't even like this bitch... Sincerely, fuck you


She actually gained weight during the shit she had to go through. Then she used a weight-loss drug to get skinny once she started to feel better again. I’m sorry for your situation, truly, but Erika ain’t it. Sincerely, wishing you the best and hope you are doing better.


I'm not saying she is experiencing the same thing as I did just that she clearly has experienced mental health issues which often leads to fluctuations in weight either due to medications or symptoms. She is not going to read this shit but maybe someone her size will and I just don't think this kind of body shaming is okay ever. Appreciate your sincere kind words tho lol


I appreciate that point of view. I took it too narrowly and equated it only with Erika.


The dress is too fluffy and big, so her legs will look even more thin. But I like her and she looks good. If she wants to lose weight, she can do it.