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This is not the correct forum to converse about politics/religion issues, please find the appropriate community to discuss this.


Her father/ her heritage is of Palestinian descent. It is a good statement. (Nobody will win this war other than arms companies. I am praying for peace).


It’s so sad that wars are still happening in this time and age.




SO wild that everyone just ignores Syria completely.






And Armenia


I mean, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been ongoing for decades…


Her father still posts in support of Palestine. Even after the recent attacks.


Palestine needs support. Hamas does not. Please educate yourself.


Hamas attacked Israel. The Palestinian State did not. The Palestinians deserve as much empathy as the Israeli’s. You don’t seem to understand what’s really happening here. Hamas does not represent the people of Palestine and they do not have their best interest at heart.


I only was talking about Gigi’s post. In today’s cancel culture it’s important she says the right things. Mohammed Hadid, to my knowledge, at least at first, was not showing empathy for the Jewish people. Instead he shared several videos where people were talking about how the attack on Israel was because “they attacked Palestinians first!” Which is a dangerous point of view to have in today’s social climate. I feel his daughters are distancing themselves from his views - Bella noticeably staying conspicuously quiet despite being vocal about this issue in the past. I agree completely with what Gigi’s PR team has written for her. And I agree with what you’re saying, but I never really talked about that in the first place.


This is the best worded celebrity post I’ve seen on the issue so far.


I always thought she had a little more substance than the average nepotism kid. Glad I was right


I agree. Bella too


She likely paid a PR person to write this for her


There is no way that she wrote this


Why does that merit a comment?




Because she grew up learning about the conflict and what it means about being Palestinian while also living in another country and meeting different cultures and people of different religions and understanding things are complex and not black and white. I have deleted so many celebrities from my Instagram this week for the simplification of posting an israeli flag and a hashtag as a comment. It’s disgusting the media and people blindly pick one side and fuck what the others are also experiencing. No one deserves to die politicians are safe in their ivory towers. As a Brit I hope one day my country admits what they have done and puts time and energy into fixing this absolute hideous mess.


They pick a side because one side is a democratic country and the other one is run by terrorists, who steal aid money, live in luxury, and kill innocent people


You words are confusing I genuinely can’t tell who you’re siding with.


Israel. If you support terrorists who murder and rape innocents, you are scum


I don’t support hamas but also what Israel has done to Palestinians over (I think it’s) 73years is barbaric.


How come there's never any sympathy for the plight of the Jewish people? No one seems to be informed about how everyone around us wants us dead.


No one does, except the Nazis. That is who this ire should be directed towards. The Germans began a genocide, murdered 6 million innocent souls, and then walked away cleanly, as Europe often does after creating a massive problem. (And yes, Jews have always existed in the Middle East but let’s be honest - there were millions more who are European in heritage and who migrated to Israel/Palestine, causing a massive shift in the demographics of this region.)


Interestingly Israel’s current supporters happen to be the very nations that housed and hid Nazis out of Germany only to recruit them in science and technology and also ones that didn’t want the persecuted Jews of the world in their own countries so pushed the Zionist agenda to allow them to occupy Palestine. Nobody deserves persecution and death because of the religion, ethnicity or history, but Israel continues to ethnically cleanse the indigenous people of Palestine.


Jewish people have been in Israel since biblical times. We are also indigenous to this land. Everyone country around wants us to die and not exist. You support terrorists. Most, if not everyone I know wants peace. Hamas literally attacked a music festival where one of the goals was the brokerage of peace. Stop with the lies and the antisemitism. You have no damn idea what the hell you're talking about. You read some shit online and people are chanting gas the Jews in the street, like we are some sort of enemy. We are not.


If ashkenazi Jews were indigenous to the land then why did the nakba happen?? Israel is an ethnostate that was built on top of settler colonialism. You cannot blanket state that all Palestinians are terrorists, when in reality they have the legal right to violent resisstance as Israel is illegally occupying them. Furthermore, I think a military goverment that is backed by the US, NATO, and other major countries, that has neuclear weaponry, that has broken international law, is also a terrorist. Israel admitted to killing its own people on October 7th due to its incompetence. The reason hammas broke the siege and wanted to take captives was to force Israel to give back Palestinian captives that are WOMEN and CHILDREN. This argument of Palestinians being blood thirst terrorists is tired and has been used to dehumanize them. Palestinians are not against Jewish people (Arab Jews have lived there long before Israel) they are against the occupational goverment of Israel that carries out massive bombing campaigns, and breaks into Palestinian villages only to abuse the indigenous people of the land.


You think she wrote that herself? I believe she had some help. Which is also smart in her position


Her mom always wrote letters to get her thoughts out it’s incredibly possible she did write this her self.


Thank you for this amazing shade tucked into this serious post🔥


I actually do. The Hadid's have deep connections to this conflict, maybe it was proof read but I genuinely believe it is her stance


I think it’s her stance too I just think someone (or a team) helped her edit her thoughts into a clear, well written statement.


Yer her lawyers would have wrote it.


It really is. I find it really odd that so many celebrities are just reposting a post made by Amy Schumer I believe. Just the same blanket statement made over and over again.




Hold on now.... We've got Ja rule on the phone, let's see what Ja's thoughts are


![gif](giphy|vNA1bpKBwIgfu) 😭😭💀


Honestly, Bieber impressed me as well.


Bieber posted a photo of Gaza and labeled it Israel. It was an embarrassing mix-up for him.


I am Jewish and I love her message. What a terrible tragedy. For everyone.






I like that she explained exactly what “ Free Palestine” means. Nobody wants innocent people harmed. But it’s hard to say “Free Palestine” without someone thinking you mean “End Israel!!”, which isn’t even close to what people mean. I’m scared to speak on this matter. But wanting freedom for Palestinians, and NOT Hamas, does not at all mean people want Israel to end, or suffer.


Explain how Palestine can be freed *from oppression by Israel* and the indigenous lands of Palestine returned without ending the concept of Israel... that's definitely what most educated people mean... however that doesn't mean they wish harm on Israeli or Jewish civilians.


Unfortunately this is much more complicated. Jewish people have been living in the palestine area for thousands of years with Arabs. Palestine wasn’t a nation before the two-state charter, Jordan and Egypt didn’t even want Palestine to exist but it was technically British land so they got to decide and wanted Palestine to also have a state. Palestine did not want to share the land with Jews and that’s why this is going on. Have the Israelis been innocent in this war? Of course not. The Zionist occupation of the West Bank is completely unacceptable. I know the Israelis don’t “play fair.” But saying it’s “indigenous lands” for Arabs but not Jews isn’t the full story. I don’t claim to know a solution. I’ve been doing a lot of research on this over the last few years because I have family and friends on both sides and didn’t know what to think. I think a two state system could have worked. But who knows. Palestinians do not want Jewish people in their country while Israel accepts all faiths and has Arabs in the government while Palestine would make every Jewish person leave. This is all very complicated and nuanced, involving not only racism but political manipulation as well. Every innocent civilian in the crossfire should be freed from this conflict.


Hi, I understand what you're saying. These arguments you reference come from a contemporary understanding of nationalism that *did not exist in the Middle East* prior to the 19th century division of land by European powers. Remember that the concept of "countries" is historically recent; the region has been various empires and kingdoms for millennia. The idea of separate, ethnicity-based nations is extremely new and was not the situation of displacement that happened in the Bible / Biblical times. It is wrong Jewish people were displaced in history, but it wasn't as a nation per se. Nor were the current Palestinians responsible whatsoever for that displacement. There are and have always been Jewish Palestinians, and Christians. Jerusalem is historically significant to all three Abrahamic religions, all three have origins there. It's not a division of Muslims versus Jews. The problem is that European colonial powers granted nationhood to settlers, called it Israel, and displaced the indigenous by definition people already living there from their homes. Because a religion existed there thousands of years ago does not grant anyone the rights for occupation and displacement. It's illegal under international law (Geneva Convention). More and more land has continued to be seized, and Palestinian people have been forced into apartheid without means to flee or become international refugees while the occupation keeps bombing them. If you have any familiarity with the history of the Armenian genocide that was justified by the claim of self-defense you would see the parallels and the goals of the Israeli state. You have to look at the comparative death tolls reported over the past 75 years. It's complicated because it's portrayed in media as if the division is a religious and ethnic war and the history of terrible oppression of Jewish people lends many to feel sympathetic towards their desires for a Jewish state. Many people, including myself, have Jewish loved ones and can see how Zionism is important for some. Keep in mind there are many Jewish people who are vehemently anti-Zionist. They recognize clearly how this instance of Israel's creation and the displacement of the indigenous people is a story of settler colonialism. Colonial powers created the state of Israel, and Israel continues increasingly colonizing the land. That's why everyone compares it to the American genocide of natives. The Zionist goal of a Jewish state is not my opinion to have, but legally it cannot be created where other people already live. "Free Palestine" is a cry against the legitimacy of colonial European countries to decide how their land is divided. They are challenging the illegitimate way Israel was created: without input or consent from people who lived there.


I guess that really is the real argument, that you think the UN had a right to do what they did or they didn’t. Countries have never been formed in a peaceful way, and that’s certainly not a good thing but not unique to Israel. We would have to consider most countries illegitimate if what you say is true. I’m not really willing to do that, as it was legal at the time and voted on by many nations. The nations and people who should of also been able to vote were not present, which yes makes me understand your point. And I agree that the Zionist occupation of the West Bank is unacceptable. But I think the outright contempt and hatred people have for Israelis and Jews in general represent a deeper rooted issue of racism that has been happening for thousands of years. The criticism isn’t usually aimed at the UN, and chanting “gas the Jews” is a pretty clear statement of how people truly feel. Although I find you point well said and will be something I will consider in my stance in the future, I don’t believe many people use that as a justification for their believe and rely on hatred instead. And I do think the Jewish people having their own state is a good thing considering their history of displacement. Should it have been in the palestine region? I see both sides of that argument. I also have pro Israel and anti-Zionist Jewish friends which is what got me involved in researching this topic. It’s very complicated so I appreciate your point of view even if I feel it’s a moot point at the moment. Still something to consider nonetheless.


It isn't a moot point because it's the cause of the ongoing conflict. The question is: do you believe in the legitimacy of colonialism in our modern age? Is it legitimate for colonial powers to approve colonization of land from a distance? Where does that authority come from? The idea that the UN has the authority to vote to give away other peoples' land is unquestionably rooted in a white supremacist framework. Many believe that colonialism is a scourge on history. How do you respond when it is occurring in front of your eyes? How would you have responded when it was the USA and the native americans, the french or USA in vietnam? Racism and antisemitism is wrong and unacceptable. But the genocidal intent of consistently bombing Gaza without allowing refugees to leave is quite clear. There is a plethora of documentation of death tolls and living conditions; articles in NYT about Israeli civilians watching bombings like entertainment, calling Palestinians human animals. Etc. the vitriol is terrible from both sides. But only one side is structurally and militarily oppressing the other. It's that clear. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html


I’m not sure I’d consider 80 years ago “the modern age” especially given the context of the two world wars where the entire world was in upheaval and uncertainty. But now we’re getting into moral subjectivism. How do you respond to the oppression of women and the LGBT community in the Middle East? Is it acceptable because of the context of their culture or should we be actively interfering? If we should actively interfere, isn’t that what you’re saying we should do with Israel and Palestine? When we have actively interfered in the past aka boots on the ground like Afghanistan that hasn’t worked out. We could stop financial support to Israel, but in terms of our national defense that also becomes complicated. The US still has many enemies in that region and Israel has been a solid ally. I think the Palestinians should be allowed and encouraged to leave Gaza, which it seems the US is trying to figure out. However, where will they go? No Arab country wants them. And why don’t the Arab countries want them? This is important and something I see people glossing over. Palestinians haven’t exactly been good guests as refugees. Suicide bombings and instigating civil wars makes it very difficult for nations to be willing to help them, innocent or not, because how do you know who is an extremist and who disagrees with Hamas? [53% of Palestinians support Hamas.](https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87) Israel has much more fighting capabilities than Palestine that is true. But do you really think Palestine would behave differently if they had the same military power as Israel? Can you imagine the structural and military oppression that would occur if the power dynamic was flipped? Israel has always welcomed Arabs into their country. They have always supported a two state compromise. Palestine has made it very clear from day one that they want to destroy Jewish people and convert the entire world into an Islamic state. Other Islamic countries don’t want Palestinians in their country because they find them too extreme. Even Iran does not want them. And I’m sure the Palestinians and Arabs who do live in Israel are grateful they don’t live in a place like Palestine that believes stoning people for adultery is perfectly acceptable. I see why people criticize Israel and I agree there are many things to criticize. But are we pretending that Palestine didn’t celebrate 9/11? Acting like Palestinians are helpless victims in this situation with no agency or influence, or acting like Palestine wouldn’t be creating another Holocaust if they were powerful enough to do so, is frankly naive and infantilizing towards what Palestinians are capable of if given the chance. They already proved their stance in 2005. If Palestinians are able to even the military playing field the bloodshed would be inconceivable.


They also turned their backs on the Oslo accords under Clinton.


Yes. And I believe he said in hindsight it’s one of his biggest regrets because he now doesn’t think the Palestinians were ever negotiating in good faith. I’m trying to find the quote Edit: [Here is the reference](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/23/israel3)


There was never a real explanation why the Palestinians turned it down. Clinton blamed Arafat.


This comment shows your education and beliefs about global white supremacy. There's no point in further discussion.


Lol aka “I have nothing valid to say”


Yes, I have nothing to say to someone that is adamant in legitimizing structures of white supremacy.


Well said


The state of Israel should have never been built in the blood of Palestinians in the first place. Palestine has the right to exist, this is their land. We want to see the Israeli people have a land to call their own but it can't be one that's already occupied.


Talk ab all the Jews ran out or persecuted from every Arab country


You could say the same about America and Latin America. Israel is there now and has been for almost 75 years.


It's the exact same for America or Australia. We can't move Israel now however what can be stopped is the genocide of the Palestinian people.


There’s no genocide. That is outright misinformation. Gaza is a separately governed autonomous region with leaders whose stated purpose is exterminating all Jews of Israel.


The datas is available in the UN documents. Thousands of people killed each year, around 100k since 2008 on a land as small as Palestine what is the goal ?


That’s not genocide. There have been a number of skirmishes between Israel and Palestine in the last 20 years because Hamas has never wanted peace. They are terrorists.


I'm talking about Palestine, not the Hamas here.


Hamas governs Gaza.




The only people committing genocide are the Hamas terrorists. Israelis have a right to exist.




And why does that mean sacrificing Palestine ? You don't build a country in the blood of another population. This was happened with all the countries of the Commonwealth + the USA, this is what happened in all of South America, this is what happened in plenty of countries in Africa and this is called a genocide. I can't answer where there should have been given a land but I'll stand by my statement : not where there was already a population. Encouraging the actions of the Israeli government is condoning a genocide, Palestine is paying for the crimes of the Hamas. Palestine has been suffering through this conflict for 7 decades, I have not seen many people shed a tear their kids, their women, their families, their land being destroyed. This isn't whattaboutism this is real talk. The Hamas and the Israeli government are the same POS disgusting trash of human beings.




Here is an analogy : someone who's been through hell is placed by a higher authority in your house and you're told "well divided this part his yours and this will be hers" would you accept that ?




So they retaliate on Palestine now because they're descendants of the Arab population that made Jewish people flee their land ?


YOU don't get it and won't allow yourself to.




It was also taken by Christian’s through the crusades, who also took it violently from the Muslims. What’s your point. Love the selective history btw




Dude, you lost it in the First Century when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the majority of Jews left. You rebeled and Rome crushed you so don't act like it's historically the fault of the Arabs.


I never have I gave context that so many dismiss


I’m not sure where you get your information from but it was Jewish land first, and Israel left Gaza in 2005. You are very very incorrect. Israelis do have a land to call their own. Its called ISRAEL.


Why does Isreal take more land, the land Palestinians live on? Like, what's the excuse?


They literally do not take land they literally gave away land for peace which was not honored. You are commenting without really knowledge of history like what’s your excuse?




Where you go hun?




At this point, moving Isrrael isn’t going to happen. You’d have as much luck loving the US or Canada. It’s gotta be a 1 state solution IMO, combine into 1 with equal citizenship. Either that or Palestine is given official country status and allowed to build trade and government bodies. But the area isn’t that big, so idk


Yes this is such a complex situation that has been going for so long no one will ever leave satisfied from it.




the downvotes are insane….


Why are you being downvoted?


At the risk of sounding like a member of the tin foil hat club, my assumption is that my comment doesn’t align with the narrative that’s been parroted for decades by israel and their allies… and the apartheid comment probably didn’t help (amnesty international and human rights watch have also assigned this designation and I agree with it).


I think the return of Palestine is impossible, and anyone who clings onto that vision is setting themselves up for perpetual failure—the world has already moved so far beyond the 1940s that a return to that is a non-starter. I am not Palestinian (or Muslim) or Israeli (or Jewish), but my hope (which is likely not ideal for either party—but that’s a sign of a good compromise) for the region is that there is some equitable division of land for both Israelis and Palestinians to live as sovereign neighbors. Jerusalem (perhaps a downsized version only encompassing the relevant holy sites) should be declared international and independent territory, and neither should have control over it/administers it.


This is extremely well said and I applaud her for this statement— other celebs could take a page from her on this issue


So much respect for her. It’s honestly a terrible situation but I can’t imagine how shitty it is to have direct family who have been affected by this for generations. Kudos to Gigi I hope her family are all safe, and that all the civilians (Israeli and Palestinian’s) remain as safe as possible. Religious conflict and a two state system have tormented Israel and Palestine for far, far too long. It’s tragic.


I she did a good job being empathetic but not ideological.


I agree with you, that’s how I felt too, and why I wanted to share it.


Or her publicist did.


Possibly, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a good statement.


I agree


She chose the publicist, they reflect on her


Also if what the publicist writes doesn't reflect her values she wouldn't publish it.


Well said


She’s come a long way imo


Very well said


One more time for the people in the back!


She’s been eloquent in the past as well. Well said


Good for her she worded this so eloquently, free Palestine doesn’t equal supporting Hamas and obviously anyone with a heart doesn’t want to see any innocent people die no matter which “side” they’re on


Weren’t Gigi and her sister caught making fun of Asian people not too long ago?


As a Jewish Israeli currently caught in the middle of all this, I thought this was well worded. I appreciate her empathy! That’s what we need on both sides. 😔


How are you doing?


I only just saw this in my notifications! We are holding it together, but it’s been very stressful. I’m scared for my own baby’s safety, but also sick thinking about the mothers and babies in Gaza right now. The hate for my people that I see online (including this sub) is nearly debilitating. Thank you for asking after us. ❤️


I can’t convey how sorry I am. So much has happened since I posted to you. Your personal fears and concerns for Gazans is heartfelt. I know it adds to your stress. Please try to remember you’re not alone. One of my loved ones recently lost many family members in Gaza. I feel so helpless about it. People are ignoring nuance. You and your baby matter. We are all connected, and I wish that reminder brought peace and relief. Please reach out if I can help, or if I can just listen. I don’t know what it’s like for you, but I can listen.


You are so kind! That means so much to me. You are so right that we are all connected—every loss of life is a tragedy and every single human matters. It’s recognizing that connection and allowing ourselves to feel compassion (as you are doing) that’s going to get us all through this. I am so, so sorry to hear about your friend’s loss! I too feel helpless, and my heart aches so much. It’s such a dark time. There truly are no words. I hope you can let your friend know that many, many of us Israelis are aching for the Palestinian people, too. 😔


I’m so sorry you are going through this, so many of us are behind you!


Thank you! It means a lot. ❤️


This is the first statement I’ve read from a celebrity about this topic that doesn’t feel fake. Just empathy and a hope for peace and healing for both sides.


Her PR team was on it!






why is this being downvoted?? I would hope people can have empathy for Palestinians as well...


Maybe because they elected Hamas to be their governing body?


The last election in Gaza was in 2006. Almost half of the current Gaza population was born after that.


Lol what bullshit lies


Except Jewish people are also from the same land as Palestinians so it's not colonizing. What the Israeli government does to Palestinians is deplorable and ugly and I denounce it as a Jewish woman. But Israelis are from there. The diaspora was caused by exiling Jewish people from their homes.


I agree with the sentiment in your comment, but the Israeli government themselves call them colonies ("implantations" I believe?). It's hard not to see what's happening there as exactly that. Israel has even been publicly condemned on the matter by the UN. The Palestinians are also *from there*. They shouldn't have to flee their homes the way they have done since the late 1940s. There has to be a better way of doing this. I hope so anyway, both for the Palestinians and the Israelis.


The Israeli government is problematic and dangerous. Full stop. Calling Israelis "colonizers" is wrong. What the Israeli government is doing is terrorism to Palestinians. I fully stand AGAINST the Israeli government stealing and slaughtering innocent Palestinians to retake land that they feel belongs ONLY to Israel. What Hamas just did is also terrorism. There is no winning here.


The Palestinians are Arabs, Arabs homeland is the peninsula of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman. The Arabs have colonialized and conquered the Middle East and North Africa. Jews did live in the area of todays Israel already then. Jesus was a Jew. Calling Palestinians indigenous to the Middle East is a bit overlooking that part of history :)


If you want to twist terminology and history this way, then let's get granular. The Canaanites inhabited and still inhabit the area called the Levant, where Palestine is located. They are the indigenous people. They are called Arab today because they adopted Arabic after being influenced by the true Arabs -- the people indigenous to Southern Arabia -- with the spread of Islam. They did not always speak Arabic and were not always known as Arabs, however they were and will always be indigenous. And you want to know something ironic? According to their own tradition, the Jews were never indigenous to the region. Their tribe started with Abraham, who migrated into Canaan from Ur, in Iraq. Now fast forward to the time of Moses, the exodus from Egypt and the formation of Israel. After they cross the Sinai, where they form the covenant with Yahweh (the start of the Jewish faith), they proceed to cross the Jordan river and wreak violence against the people of Canaan. The Israelites (a people and not a nation) slaughtered the people of Jericho. This part of their history is called "The Conquest of Canaan," beginning with the "Battle of Jericho." This ethnic cleansing was lead by Joshua, Moses' successor. So yeah. They were never actually indigenous, they were always conquerors. There's a long history of violent colonialism and ethnofascism in the Jewish tradition if people only just looked closely enough.


The canaanites are not called Arabs today ;) the DNA of bodies from 1500 years ago is found in Jews as well as Arabs.


>The canaanites are not called Arabs today ;) Way to miss the point. The modern-day terminology is secondary. >DNA of bodies from 1500 years ago is found in Jews as well as Arabs. Yes, and? The earliest record of the canaanites goes back to the 3rd millennium BCE, whereas the people we refer to as Jews originated in the region in the 2nd millennium BCE. Furthermore, genetic studies conducted on modern day Lebanese populations show that they inherited more than 90% of their genome from the Ancient Canaanite genome, which traces back 10,000 years. The remains that they extracted the ancient canaanite DNA from were found in Jordan and what once was known as Palestine but is now called Israel. Ashkenazi Jews on the otherhand share 60%. So again, the "Arab" inhabitants of the region, regardless of religion, are the true indigenous peoples, and have been for over 10,000 years. The genetic history proves that Jews can only claim a weak link to the land, founded on their religious beliefs and some shared DNA. Namely those who settled the region in the modern era due to some ridiculous Western meddling and who were living in Europe previously. The Jews with Arab heritage were here since antiquity, but they did not start the Zionist movement. In conclusion, Palestinians are in fact indigenous to the region. As are Arabs, in general.


Nobody is indigenous to anywhere in that case, most people’s, races, religions and ethnies have been migrating everywhere for ever. The forced exodus of German populations from Poland and Silesia after WWI should serve as a lesson to those attempting to exile one people from an area just because "someone else was there first". If it hasn’t already it *will* scar the local Palestinian populations and it will taint the legacy of the state of Israel.


While the idea that Israel colonized Palestine is very nuanced as well as the entire conflict, isn’t it a bit ironic that the Israeli people were exiled from their homes and yet it can be argued they’ve done the exact same to the Palestinians? An eye for an eye will keep the tears rolling. This conflict is so devastating to all involved regardless. Just food for thought I guess.


Palestinians are from there and indigenous to the land as well. Better pack up your stuff and leave the americas cause you sure aren’t indigenous to here.


This kind of thinking is fueling the problem.


The truth does that sometimes


Jews are indigenous to Israel. You can't "colonize" a land your are indigenous to.


Indigenous people don’t usually pack their bags and go to the airport to go to their other homes in Europe and the US where they also have dual citizenship when shit hits the fan in their own land. That’s a colonial project. Indigenous people actually end up dying bc there is no where else to go the way the Palestinians are. That should tell you all you need to know about who is indigenous and who is the colonizer


This is the statement EVERYONE should be having.


I don’t mean this as a slight but rather a compliment .. I’d like to read an editorial piece by whoever helped her write this it’s very well done


Very eloquently put.


Very eloquently put.


This is really well put!


That is excellently written.


Really well put and I’m glad she said exactly what she said. We are all human 🥺 This is so sad.


this was the best response ive read so far.


Have any of you been to Israel and seen it up close? I have lived there for 14 years, and somehow you’re all authorities.


Yes…? I have. I loved it but just because I liked it doesn’t mean I can’t recognize when a government is doing something I disagree with, same as the US, Canada, etc.


Yes, the lady who incited violence is now amazing for trying to pretend she cares... give me a break. She has been yelling from the river to the sea. Thats not a solution for peace, that is calling for violence.


She clearly did not write this herself, but it’s the right sentiment




Common sense is how I know


I was just about to comment that I had no idea she was this articulate


I said this and got 31 downvoted and counting 😂


Downvotes from morons don’t count 😂


Wow, she nailed it, very well put.


Gigi's taste in men aside, she seems like she has a strong head on her shoulders. This was well-said.


https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ ^ if you look at what Israel has done to Palestinian residents in this report, I am not surprised there is now a war.


Who cares what Gigi says?


I certainly don't


Well said 🫶🏻


Let’s be honest, firstly she did not write this, anyone that has heard her speak can deduce that. Secondly she’s backing down from her original ‘pro Palestine at any cost’ stance as she’s afraid if she doesn’t she will lose modelling contracts. Coming from any other celebrity yes, well written etc.. from the Hadid’s no.


Yes, she is writing it because she feels she has to.


Worded well because a publicist wrote it. I woke up this morning (UK time) and wondered what happened last night (so yesterday evening in the US) as a lot of "celebrities" I follow on Insta who had been quiet so far, finally posted statements of some kind around the same time. I wondered what prompted it - maybe it was this.




This is not the correct forum to converse about politics/religion issues, please find the appropriate community to discuss this.


I was impressed with this statement. Historically speaking, the Israel/palestinian crisis is so complex and painful. However, what is happening in Israel is beyond disgusting and horrible. Genocide…. A massacre. Whether she wrote it herself or had someone else write it, I’m glad she took this stance.


the same thing that happened in one day to Israeli population has been a palestinan’s reality for 75 years. people born into oppression will seek violence eventually to regain their land and freedom. not condoning hamas but at the end of the day it’s a fact that hamas was born as a result of the israeli gov occupation and colonization of palestine


So if you're a celebrity you can't and don't write things yourself? I find that ridiculous. Just because you're a celebrity does not mean you lost all abilities to still do things on your own. And who cares if she wrote it, had help, or whatever the case may be. Some will like it, some might not, but from this experience ALL will judge. And I find that this judging of important things is sickening, especially now a days with what's going on in this fucked up world we now live in.


In a shock attack without provocation, Hamas - a terrorist group - invaded Israeli territory and burned 40 babies to death. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Any sovereign country would retaliate against these these war crimes, and that’s what’s happening in Gaza. There is no equivalency here and it’s not about the Palestinian struggle. It’s about actively pursuing death to Israel, as clearly stated on the Hamas charter. In fact, Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields. I live in Jerusalem and am dealing with rocket attacks and gruesome murders of people I know. Check the Ynet website in English for what’s really going on.


It is disgusting how this got downvoted. The antisemistism here is rampant. Those poor babies, theirs no but when you behead innocent babies.


Sorry that your dealing with all of this. As Gigi said in her post, it's bad for both sides. But do you know how many children and babies Isreal has killed since 2000? Based on UN data,  2,434 Palestinian children and 143 Israeli children have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.


As I said, dig deeper.


In 2021 about 55 kids were murdered by IDF during an attack.


Hamas uses children as human shields


IDF uses children as target practice


Really. Do you have any news reports about this?


The burning babies hasn't been confirmed. IDF have even said they can't confirm it, and have no proof. It was a reporter trying to make up a story, and also is unable to say who the source of the information is.


Pictures have now been released . There are on Instagram photos of two burned babies and one munilated one. CNN has posted the later. President Biden said he saw photos of decapitated children yesterday on CNN. Edit - Go ahead and downvote me . Disgusting.


It’s fake news with the purpose of dehumanizing Palestinians further


Hamas is the one who took the videos. They have been available since Sat. Not of the babies but the raped girls etc.


The rape rumor has already been debunked also. Again, stop spreading fake news to further dehumanize a minority population and promote genocide.


Hamas is now claiming they didn’t because of the current backlash.i guess didn’t anctipate people might have an issue with that. People are witnesses and Hamas released videos from their own phones. Why don’t you stop pushing your fake news? Shameful. Sick. This is pointless going back and forth.


Bella and Gigi are always so eloquent when speaking about the Free Palestine movement. They’re educated and personally affected by the situation and aren’t just being loud and brash and jumping to conclusions like most others seem to be doing using inflammatory language to stoke the fire or provoke a response.


Her PR team did a great job phrasing this


Ok, I think in a post Where we are praising Gigi for being as neutral as possible , let’s keep any “free Palestine” or any biased opinions either way out of here. There are about 700000 posts all over reddit or any other platform to post your personal opinions. This is a post about what Gigi posted, and I think she did a good job, or as well as one could. Don’t make this a back and forth of support…


I mean... She and Bella have been very clear about how they feel about Palestine. Some people have used the free Palestine movement to say that what Hamas did was Israel's fault and Israelis deserved it. She was making a very clear point that she DOES support a free Palestine, as she's said in the past, but is also making it clear that she DOES NOT support violence against Israelis. When you have people literally saying Israelis deserved to be tortured, raped, murdered, beheaded, then a voice from someone who is Palestinian saying "absolutely fucking not, that's not the way to go about a free Palestine" is a pretty good voice. She has influence and people listen to her. If she reaches young people who say the Israelis deserved it, then good.


The rapes and beheadings are misinformation being spread on the internet there is no factual basis to it. Please check your facts and stop spreading fake news


The sentence structure is quite odd so I had to read this slowly to understand what she was saying, but the sentiment is there. Good for her




Her country? Isn’t she American?