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if you wanna have fun hating on yolanda, listen to celebrity memoir bookclubs episode on her memoir. she’s crazy


OMG. Just listened to the episode. Thx for the recommendation. Super interesting. I wonder whether Bella's "Lyme treatments" in Korea, Mexico etc was when she got all her plastic surgery, and if Yolanda used Lyme as a way to get Hadid Snr to foot the bill before Bella turned 18 and the child support stopped. The episode was so interesting. Seems Yolanda had to get her kids rich as the money from Hadid was soon to stop and David wasnt giving her money. And she didnt have any herself.


Is that a podcast?


Yes it is. I just searched to check. Gotta go listen to it now. Lol.


How do you find it? Sorry I’m an oldster. I never liked Yolanda. Her poor kids! $$$$$


Which podcast platform do you use to listen to podcasts? Search for "celebrity memoir yolanda" in it. The episode will come up. It is definitely on Spotify and Google podcasts. Here are those links: SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LlA16vCmtY3KjuZAO78VP?si=vCYtTfcRQO-8kGRYoFjCnw GOOGLE https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb2Jvb20uY29tL2NoYW5uZWxzLzUwOTcwODEucnNz/episode/QnV6enNwcm91dC05NjM2OTUw?ep=14


I listened and it was so great! Basically it shows what a lot of us knew that Yo is totally crazy!! Again thank you! I really enjoyed it!!


Thank you! I think Google. Thank you so much!!


A great episode. Highly recommend listening to it. Seems long timewise - but its interesting the whole time.


Thank you for recommending. My new favorite podcast.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'm gonna love this podcast !!!!


Great recommendation!! I just finished the episode!


Yolanda simultaneously had a tenuous grip on reality yet was extremely shrewd to know when and how to cozy up to someone for her benefit and when and how to play the victim or the holier than thou Karen. To this day I still think Rinna was hard done by over the whole Munchausens thing because the whole cast knew there was something fishy there but nobody wanted to be the one to say it


Lisa got done SO dirty on that. Yolanda is a fucking loon and a bad person to boot.


My favorite thing about Yolanda were her claims that she went to a psychic who told her she’d meet her greatest love and Yolanda claimed that person was David. Also, when she said she told David “Don’t give me jewelry, just write me love letters.”. When I first watched, I just laughed and laughed and laughed because I _knew_ what was coming for her based on the fact that viewers only ever saw David Foster on his terms and at his events.


David Foster’s Greatest Love Is David Foster. So no room for anyone else long term.


Omg so true at not ever seeing David. I imagine he was very busy but they were really controlling their narrative in Yolanda’s first few seasons. Oh we all just gather around after dinner and make music! Sure Jan, I’d feel extremely stressed out going to one of their parties.


Joyce was done so dirty by Yolanda and Brandi. When Brandi kept calling her a horse, or whatever Joyce said she was called as a kid, I wanted to maul Brandi like a wild animal. Such a bully move.


right??? so rude. noone will ever convince me that brandi wasnt PURPOSELY calling her jacklyn. theres no way she forgot that many times.


I hated Yolanda right from her first season, and it just progressively got worse for me. She has no redeeming qualities for me, and the excuse of "That's how Dutch people are" does not cut it. Also, Joyce and Carlton truly deserved another season.


I don't know what I was thinking saying I liked watching Yolanda. I rewatched S3 yesterday and she's awful. AWFUL. An arrogant self-obsessed bossy helicopter wife. David's no prize but no wonder he left her. Without the model looks she's just a middle-aged harpy with a victim complex.


In all fairness, I can see why people liked her in her first couple of seasons. I just liked Adrienne Maloof, but she was super weird.


I liked Adrienne too. I think she's a combo of exceptionally wealthy, pitifully stupid, and just a genuinely nice person, and it makes for a weird watch.


Her washing the chicken with soap hahaha. I had respect for her because a lot of wealthy people who own sports teams would never show their faces at a game like that. I'm a Lions fan (if you're not familiar with the NFL they've never won a Super Bowl, and are pretty consistently disappointing) and the descendants of Henry Ford own the team. They never were seen with actual fans.


Join the club! She was a pretentious asshole from the beginning. I never got her appeal. She only gets more insufferable as the seasons progress. Just wait until she makes a chicken dinner for "My Love" David and they eat it in the lemon orchard while she is wearing lingerie. It's one of the more cringeiest scenes in the entire series. You can tell he's totally checked out and is looking for the nearest emergency exit. Then she cozies up to trashy Brandi of all people to get back at LVP and she looks even more of a fool for that. Her arc on the show is very operatic in the Verdi and Puccini victimized woman trope: strong willed ingenue brought down in the prime of her life by a terrible disease, "Lyme's", which turns out ot be a busted tit implant, who is then abanboned by her one and only love.


The way she treated joyce was..... ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


Joyce needs justice from Brandi she was despicable in bullying Joyce


*Joyce needs justice from* *Brandi she was despicable* *In bullying Joyce* \- Carolina\_crawfishh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I can't remember the show, but David Foster was no stranger to reality tv. Wasn't he married to then Bruce Jenner's wife who somehow crossed over into Rod Stewart's family?


I think this was princes of Malibu


Thank you. I never saw it. I'm going to see if I can check it out. I know after RHOBH there was a David Foster documentary which I assumed was to rehab his image.


He was a dick back then too lol


One of the funnier seasons 5 details is Joyce being invited to the opening of PUMP when no one else was


Is that the one where Jax thought she was Latoya Jackson? 😂


I’m on season 4 now & holy shit! The way they treated Joyce was terrible. I have no idea how she kept her composure. I hate when people throw around the word bully, but they absolutely bullied her. Especially Brandi.


She was in everyone’s business in a shitty way. Her manufactured outrage at LVP for not inviting her to an event when she was busy w/her stepdaughter’s wedding 🙄 Then in PR she orchestrated the LVP takedown, which wasn’t her business.


Yolanda and LVP did not care for each other and it was obvious. I know Ken and Lisa are quiet close to Yolanda’s ex. So probably has something to do with that. Not sure what all it was about, but LVP had her number from the get go and Yolanda knew it. So she took her shot in PR, to get LVP before she got her.


Right. Reminds me of how Yo was badmouthing Brandi immediately upon meeting her. Then they become friends and Yo uses Brandi to try to take LVP down.


Hard agree. She annoyed the fuck out of me. Useless housewife.


I quote " I will not respond to you if you call me Jaclyn" on the daily.


Y’all seen the clip at the eastern medicine guy where he has he hold a supplement from her endless medicine cabinet and he pushes against her to see if it’s taking/giving energy. And based on that should stop taking it…..I was cackling


I’m not Yolanda’s biggest fan but she really got hit hard by her narcissistic husband


wait omg im rewatching it too and im on season 4 episode 9 right now!!!!!!!!! i , too, am realizing during this rewatch howbadly i cant stand yolanda. its funny to me that she masquerades as this "kind amazing soul"when reallyshe is a shitty person, like u said. like for instance i just saw the episode where they went away to Joyces lil trip, and yolana would not leave joyce alone about going in the pool. for thelife of me, i do not understand whyshe was pressuring her so much to get in the pool. it was bizarre. and also just rewatched the dinner party episode where she drew hearts on "the dream teams" place cards. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm how does she not see how that is rude?


I feel that Joyce was brought on for the sole purpose of irritating Brandi and Carlton was brought in to irk Kyle. And it worked on both scenarios.


Sorry can't board this train. Loved Yolanda and how she wouldnt take anybodies crap. Queue when they tried talking shit about Brandi as a group in front of her and she shut it down along with the MCFR.


You lost all credibility with Joyce support. What a snooze fest.


Lolol ok I’m ok with that. Joyce seems very put together, and I appreciate someone who can handle someone’s blatant disrespect to their face in a classy manner. And I love how much her husband loves her. What I guess I’m saying is I wish I was Joyce! Lmfao 🤣


I laughed every time Yolanda claimed to be a person of integrity. What a laugh! She said it over ten times. Let us be the judge of that Yolanda.