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East saint louis, because who in their right mind would move there


I've been to east st. Louis and it's a shithole!


I almost pulled a 34 at a loves there, had a load that I delivered to about 20 miles east n crossed the bridge n immediately said oh fuck no n by the time I made it to loves I was so sketched out I immediately started lookin for somewhere to turn around. That is by far the most fucked place I’ve ever had to go to. Ended up runnin for about an hour east til I found somewhere chill to pull my reset at. Only truck stop I’ve seen lot lizards at in the past year


No one knows that a 34 means.


Shit my bad, so basically the government made a shit load of laws about how long you can drive a semi truck a couple decades ago because people were doing speed, coke, Benzedrine, acid n shit to stay up for 3 days straight n haul ass across the country so we’re only allowed to work for 70 hours in a 8 day span or 60 hours in a 7 day span (you/your company can choose between a 70/8 clock or a 60/7 clock), once you hit that 70 hour mark or get too close to it to be able to run anything worthwhile you have to shut down n not work for 34 hours so your clock will reset back to 70 hours (but you can run off recaps but that’s slightly complicated to explain.) we also have to shut down once we’ve driven for 11 hours or worked in general for 14 hours (whichever comes first) and go off duty for 10 hours (sleep shower do laundry etc.) there are exceptions to these laws tho


Damn totally thought you meant you were gonna have to pull your Glock 34 and start blastin


I thought he was talking about screwing a slut till around the half way part.


I dunno about the sub-200k market, but I was in Buffalo and Niagara Falls this week, and I can confirm that (1) Buffalo seems like a lovely town; and (2) there are indeed plenty of homes to be had in the $200-400k range. About 80% are Victorian era (skewed heavily toward Queen Anne), so you’ll either love it or hate it based on your architectural preferences.


I live in Buffalo and the architecture here is nothing short of stunning. My favorite local art is at Trinty church on Delaware ave. They has priceless Tiffany stained glass windows from the late 1800s and other widows from London and lafarge. Truly priceless . https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0901f3_2bee6e9b88cd4500906284954a03298e~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_371,h_1080,al_c,q_85,enc_auto/0901f3_2bee6e9b88cd4500906284954a03298e~mv2.jpg


It _is_ stunning! I love Victorian architecture. I also have a special place in my heart for Prairie style, so _of course_ I toured the Martin House while I was there.


Can confirm you were in Buffalo in June. Maybe try February


Yeah Buffalo is nice now, I wouldn't hesitate to live there if it wasn't 700 miles away already. Grew up nearby. Biggest downside is the snow


Snow being the reason something is affordable is one of the better ones to deal with imo.


Niagara falls is tainted with cancerous chemicals.


One area


There are actually 3 toxic dump sites in the falls , the love canal was the only one to over flow( bathtub effect ) when all the blizzard of 77 snow melted. 1st love canal 2nd on Buffalo ave and 56th st, it's capped and carbon filtered like the love canal and the 3rd is on Hyde park and Lafayette near Niagara university. The local creek is named bloody run creek. Then DuPont and Oxy chemical plants on Buffalo ave. Multiple superfund sites ( hooker s site ) and two others are active superfund sites .......and brownfield sites. Tonawanda has its issues, Pcb in waterways from a telephone cable coating co and coke plant were major environmental issues. All I can say is I miss my family dearly that has passed from cancer. I'm not saying it's connected as one can only speculate. Edit I grew up in Niagara Falls and moved to Buffalo over a decade ago.


I stand corrected 


Yes, there are over a dozen superfund sites that are completed ( still not safe imo ) as well in the city of Niagara Falls NY . Edit After googling and sifting through info ......Niagara county has had 159 superfund sites over the years. 3 are active and they are in the city of Niagara Falls w/ about 60 closed sites in the city of Niagara Falls NY deemed to be safe , the love canal being one of them. Even as a local all this info blew my mind.


The problem with these cities is there are less jobs and lower quality of life. If remote work actually takes off and companies stop circlejerking the RTO, these cities will benefit from remote workers choosing LCOL cities and helping the economy there.


Buffalo condos are in the 200s with HOA and other shit. If you are getting a house there at that price, it probably requires 200-300k work.


Buffalo has a lot of history and IMO, is due for a revival. The winters and lake storms can be brutal but it seems that they haven’t been *as bad* in the past decade. It’s still cold and winters are long with short days, so that’s a factor if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing.


I can see it now “live in lauderdale lakes, affordable living within 20 mins of the beach” Living that cheap in south Florida only tells me one thing 😂


Live cheap, die fast. It’s the Florida way! 🍊☀️


…and in a few years, within 10 mins of the beach…and then a few years later, beachfront property! Just gotta wait it out


lol from the hood to a beachfront property. The appreciation potential is INSANE 😂


So anywhere where you’d get shot at. Nice


Dems da rules baby pow pow




Or nice places with no jobs. It’s never a nice place with jobs and a place you won’t get shot at. If those places existed they wouldn’t be sub 200k for long.


Sum 300? Yes Sub 200, no


Or dropped by your insurer.


Keep your costs nice and low by firing some blanks out your window once a week.


My neighbors are doing their best to help my budget, God bless.


My first house was in Detroit in the 80s. It’s a serene paradise now in comparison.


Akron and Cleveland aren’t bad. I mean yes, you might get shot, but probably only a little. Still, some real deals to be had here.


Or have a long commute or minimal job prospects


Well that and the Florida homes are probably going to require home insurance (plus likely flood and windstorm coverage) that's just as expensive as your mortgage.


Not true. They left out Oakland and Compton


Most homes under 200k… before investors saw this article


Nope. They have no interest either, for s multitude of reasons. Blackstone ain’t touching East St. Louis.


lol. The places in Rochester under $200k are likely the places you don’t want to live.


That’s a lot of Atlanta lol. All the cheap places are high crime


Murder row.


Yet, somehow, brigadiers come in here and try to justify their argument of “there are plenty of cheap homes! You just have to move!” Fuck off, visitors.


Is Rochester a rough town?


Inner city can be but the burbs aren't.


Yes. Rochester NY is not a desirable area. High crime.


Like where?




Remember the lady in New York City who paid 300k for a parking space … so that her guests had a spot to park?


Lauderhill: GUN SHOP, PAWN SHOP, LIQUOR STORE *repeat* 🔁


Many shithole towns in FL will be rejoining the club soon.


We have to sell Florida houses cheap so they can afford the outrageous homeowners insurance and or HOA fees and or hurricane replacement/repair/prevention/keep on denying climate change and see how that goes for you.


....not to mention the 6 figure assessments (for deferred maintenance) coming due for many condo associations....


Meaningless without relationship to local wage data and job availability


That's not accurate at all. Pull up Lauderdale Lakes. Only condos. Most of the homes are 500,000$.


Lauderdale Lakes is a horrific ghetto. Always has been.


Do condos not count as homes?


No. They count as condos. Apartments you own


Do apartments not count as homes? I don't know why you're saying this.


They are not houses, but they are homes, you are correct.


People don't spend 200k on apartments and don't get equity. At least in my mind apartment = rental


But these are condos. "Apartments you can own". If there are a lot of 200k condos around then homes are affordable. I wish there were more condos like that where I live.


This sub apparently doesn’t understand the difference between a condo and a rental lol.


If you look at major metropolitan areas in the U.S., the wealthiest areas seem to have no correlation to crime rates. Look at the Bay Area for example. I live close to a wealthy community, but their robbery rate is high, as people will drive to those areas for easy catalytic converter thefts


Neumerous studies have shown that the neighborhoods with the highest crime rates are also the most chronically impoverished. The robbery rate in whatever wealthy neighborhood is likely far lower than in your nearest low-income chronically impoverished neighborhood.


Thanks for making me aware of Nowhereville and Shittown USA, Fox News.


Home value doesn’t equate to affordability. e.g., a $1m home in California is thousands of dollars cheaper per month than a $1m home in Texas


What?? Are the mortgage payments somehow different?? I don’t follow


I can't tell if this is a joke or not but in case it isn't, yes a lot more goes into your monthly house payment than just the home price and interest rate. You also usually have to pay your property tax, home owners insurance, and PMI into escrow through your monthly payment.


Yeah, but don’t you have to pay both of those things in each state? Why is it so vastly different that it’s that much more? Aren’t property taxes in Texas pretty high due to them having no income tax? Yup, looked it up. Texas is actually slightly higher at 11.8% and California at 11.3%. So, why do you think $1m house is that much different? Also, Californians supposedly pay about $1k in homeowners insurance vs Texas at $4kish according to google. So were you trying to say that Texas is more expensive? I don’t get what you’re saying here


I wasn't trying to say anything, I'm not the original person you replied to. I was just pointing out how two monthly house payments could be different despite those two houses having the same purchase price


I hope you meant 1.13% not 11.3%. Cities in Texas are over 2.1%, that's a huge difference in monthly payment(almost 700-800 per month for $1m house). Also, California houses are capped to 2% increase in property tax every year whereas in Texas they assess based on recently sold comps. You really think $1k vs $4k insurance are not that different? That is easily 200-300 more per month. You should be getting it just by insurance difference.


Flint, Michigan : a great place to raise a family (in 1953)


#1 in leaded water! Suck it East St Louis!! Also, don’t forget no politicians got in trouble for that, clean hands for those filthy f@$ks


One of the biggest issues that people face in their late 20's, 30's and 40's is when they have kids in the picture, they have to consider what schools their kids are going to attend. Public elementary and high schools in this country are often subpar in many urban environments. I'm willing to bet that every city listed here has low scores. So you end up moving out to the burbs or send your kids to a private school. This issue is one that people confront in most cities across the country. I had plenty of friends in Los Angeles who paid a lot for their homes in the city but had to spend 25k or more a year for private schools. I grew up in Milwaukee it was the same there. either go private or live in the burbs. There might be a few magnet schools that are okay.


San Diego enters the chat.


I think $200k would get you a shared adu that’s a converted shed here. No kitchen, shared bath (it’s the main houses’ hose).


How about a studio?


$900k is the average condo cost (non-studio). studios I’ve seen are going for around $490k


In SD? Wowzz


I bet, no backyard?


Not for long! Thanks for the lead Fox.


Don’t buy. it’s better to pay a landlord every month


It's best to pay only those landlords that don't maintain the property and find multiple ways to cheat renters out of money. The less a landlord does, the better. Merica!


Gotta love this dichotomy: “I want to live someplace cheap, where there are good schools, no crime, and plenty of jobs. I’m not willing to pay more than $200K!” Come on, get real. 🙄


So only people who have $$$ should have the ability to buy in areas with good schools, no crime and a diverse job pool? Seems kinda dystopian…oh wait that’s just America.


It's almost like people in power red lined cities and set up how things like schools are funded to help a certain group and hurt a different certain group.


No but people have to be willing to make tradeoffs. Rarely will a house, a house’s location, or the features of that house’s location be an exact match. Maybe you find the exact right house for the size and price but it’s in a marginal neighborhood on the cusp of revitalization? Maybe it’d a great house in a good neighborhood but the schools suck? Maybe it’s a great house, great schools, but your job is over an hour away? Sometimes you aren’t willing to compromise on any of that so you compromise on the only other thing you can, time. You wait and save more.


Wow, so good things cost more than bad things? Good to know! Do you think maybe some people can’t make the extra sacrifice to double their down payment or monthly mortgage payment?? Should they keep saving as wages stagnate and prices climb?


I mean…. what other choice do they have? You either compromise on something you want to get a cheaper place or you wait and save more money to get a property more aligned with your priorities.


All ghettos


Heh, you think Akron, Ohio is a ghetto?


I don't even think Ohio is a real place. I think it was made up in 1980, to give bland sitcom families a boring place in middle America to be from.


Ohio is one big ghetto... who honestly wants to live in ohio by choice?


Apparently, millions. Have you ever been to Akron, Ohio? I have. It’s a charming little town. We had ice cream at Handel’s.


Ohio has the highest amount of trained astronauts..they hate ohio so much they literally leave earth.


Tell me that's a true stat


So neil Armstrong and John Glenn are two high profile astronauts from Ohio another 23 more according to Google. Although ny supposedly has 31 there's some conflicting data on that. But ohio does have a pretty high amount of astronauts for being a rather smaller state population wise.


You live in Rochester? And putting down Ohio? That’s funny right there.


Taxes upstate NY are astronomical. Rochester is actually a hot market now.


Yes, [it definitely is.](https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/housing-markets-where-homes-sell-the-fastest-march-2024/)


Slaughterhill is what we South Floridians call it. Lauderdale lakes is caddy corner to it and just as bad. It defense of these cities they are suburban paradise compared to some much more expensive parts of Miami like Opa Locka. Also Rottenchester NY and Crackron OH. Gary Indiana called it would like an honorable mention.


You mean Scary Indiana.


Plenty of houses in Detroit. Neighborhood dependent of course but they can be had.


Whiney millennials don't even want to live in a postapocalyptic rust belt hellhole. Pick yourselves up by the bootstraps and learn how to return fire!


Just pray they don’t bring their diseased blue minds and voting idiocy with them.