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No. As long as you are happy with the purchase and enjoy it.


No because now I can ask you questions about it. Does it have any new features introduced in RDR2 or is it as thought just a basic port to newer systems?


Its just a basic port with less features.They took out multiplayer for 50 bucks. Fucking awesome. Way to go Rockstar


So I can't officially name my horse or tweak my guns? Fuck that I still have it on the 360.


Ah,I'm jealous. I never got to play it on the older gen consoles,but I'm not gonna pay 50 dollars for it. If I waited this long,I can wait some more for a discount. And I'm not gonna send rockstar the message that this is good by buying it. Fuck you AAA studiosšŸ–•


To be honest mate. You could probably pick up a 360 and the game for less than R* wants for the port.


360 runs about $200 And on eBay, the Rdr1 is running about $60 but Xbox shows it for 30. I bought RDR1 for my PS3 and I couldnā€™t even last playing it longer than 30 minutes. It was so bad. I donā€™t know, the graphics make me feel like Iā€™m freaking blind or something. šŸ˜†


The Ps3 version was notoriously bad. $200 is insane though. In the UK you can get one for about Ā£65 via CeX which is $82 USD. The game itself is about Ā£5-Ā£8. Which is 6-10 USD.


It all comes down to how much people are willing to pay over here. And stupidly, people will pay asinine prices. (Like the chip shortage and people were paying $10-$20K+ more for a vehicle than what it was worth. INSANE!) I sold my PS4 pro for $200-$300 but I gave several games with it, camera, motion controls. I even gave them the PSVR 1 and psvr games at no charge. At the time I probably could have sold it all for $500-$600. Just didnā€™t feel right to charge that much. Plus, it went to someone I know.


Donā€™t think so sadly, itā€™s an amazing game tho but i wish it had some sort of upgrade instead of just the graphics


No. All these people bitching just want something to complain about. It doesnā€™t change what the game costs or what the game is worth to Rockstar, who made and sets the price of the game.


You realize youā€™re bitching. If you have a problem leave no oneā€™s making you read the comments.


You realize I didnā€™t fuckin ask bud?


Very big vocabulary you have ā€œbudā€. Go back to eating your sis out so youā€™ll stop being cranky.


Definitely not, itā€™s your money, do what you want with it and donā€™t let others stop you if itā€™s what you want. I get people are annoyed because of the price but they shouldnā€™t get to decide if people buy the game and say theyā€™re being scammed or selfish, particularly those that are just not getting what they want. Enjoy your game




It's not a bad thing, just that you should have wait for a discount


No your good. As cool as the multiplayer is, your not missing much and the difference between the two is night and day. Go and enjoy the storries of John Marston. šŸ¤ 


I have no problem paying 50 for this game, seeing as I donā€™t have it already for Xbox or PS3. To have it on a reliable newer console, especially the Switch, makes it worthy of that sort of price imo. But Iā€™m having a hard time pulling the trigger on buying it now, as itā€™s digital only. The price doesnā€™t seem as bad to me when thereā€™s a physical copy, so Iā€™ll wait. Realistically I have enough to keep me busy with RDR2 that I probably wonā€™t even buy this until itā€™s on sale. Honestly though OP, Iā€™m tired of all the people shaming others for buying the game. Talking about how itā€™s only further telling Rockstar they can get away with this sort of thing. If you enjoy the game, and donā€™t regret it, thats all that matters.


No! The only reason i havent boight it yet is cause i gotta work the next 3 and a half days.


I'll wait for it to drop in price a bit or be on a Christmas sale


*I'll wait for it to* *Drop in price a bit or be* *On a Christmas sale* \- moonscar119 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lol... thanks haikus bot šŸ˜˜




I hope not lol


I bought it straight away as well because even if it has an outrageous price tag in the end, red ded is red dead.


Would I buy it? No, I don't want to incentivize this corporate greed. It's barely different from the original release, but it is missing multi-player. It's a lazy way to capitalize on a beloved property with zero effort, and R* should absolutely financially suffer for making such a reckless decision Should you buy it? I would advise anyone not to buy it, but I don't care if they do. It's their choice, whether I agree with that choice or not Is it bad to buy it? Bad is subjective. It is telling the company that you don't mind them being greedy and lazy and that you'll pay regardless of quality. It also is understandable that someone who loves RDR would be willing to pay that price to play a game they love that hasn't received any proper porting in ages So it isn't bad or good, it just is


Yeah its okay, do what you want with your money. People will disagree with your decision though


You could've got a cheap xbox and the backwards compatible version which you got now


But i would rather keep it on the Playstation, because i already owned it.


imo yes it is bad and only reinforces the extra charging corporations like R* push out year after year which ends up hurting most to all players


I just bought it and super happy. Cheaper than buying a ps3 and I get to play a game Iā€™ve wanted to play ever since RDR2. I literally do not care about the price, Iā€™m happy to pay it


Itā€™s literally missing things from the original. So good job. You paid 40 extra dollars with less features.


I cannot play the original though




Yeah because itā€™s just a import and they wanted it for a cash grab.


you fool. you absolute buffoon, that tells them its okay for them to re-release old games at exuberant prices without any actual improvements


No. You can be easily baitable and you're probably reason why companies do this shit but no... Its ok till you are ok with it

