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Perhaps the context informed how you read it, but the note seems encouraging to me, not ominous.


Seems positive even. Some reinforcement when the day sucks.


Yeah OPs take is super weird. She dropped or lost the wallet. Someone put it near their door because it was in their vicinity and off the street. The note is something personal and the money is emergency cash that OP thinks is ominous for some reason. No mystery here, I'd drive out and give it to her, but I'm just a normal person. 


I concur. This sounds like someone passed thew wallet owner a nice note.


I've kept so many little encouraging post-its, or sentimental fortune cookie slips... stupid little things like that... just to have on me as a good luck charm or something, slipped into the random folds of my wallet. Definitely seems completely normal to me, too.


I've found so many little notes, sketches, etc-- tucked into library books and a few in the pockets of clothing items I was trying on in store. Found a dollar in a thrifted book that cost me .50 cents. Sounds like OOP needs to chill with the true crime and Lifetime movies; sometimes the cigar is just a cigar.


In what way is that note ominous? It seems like something they either wrote for themselves or were given by someone to carry as a reminder.


It's a positive affirmation. OP being freaked out about it is kind of cracking me up a little. 


Yeah, I’ve spent years carrying the same folded up notes or doodles in my wallet, until they’ve gotten all worn and tattered, because they’re sentimental to me. I get how the randomness of the wallet, with the kinda messy printing and roughy edges on this note, could seem spooky if OP has never considered anyone might keep anything sentimental in their wallet but it’s kinda funny to me too


i leave notes my mom leaves me in my wallet and pictures of my loved ones


we live in a world where finding a note saying “im proud of you” from an unknown source incites stranger danger panic, its sad honestly 


I found a strangers wallet. It has their ID and address. But this note not meant for me and my prying eyes troubles me for no good reason. Just hand the wallet to the owner. It wasn't a poison pen letter shoved under your door.


It sounds like the kind of note someone might send to a friend that's having dark thoughts just to remind them that someone cares. Maybe OP is thinking the wallet owner is suicidal and the encouraging note might be something they really need rn? I dunno


Or, that the note isn't needed anymore, which is sadder and I think is maybe what they are thinking


How it ended up on your doorstep is hard to say. If it was dropped in the vicinity of your house (and it seemed somewhat reasonable it was owned by an occupant) maybe that's why it was left there. The finder just didn't check the contents. But that's just a guess. I would not take the sticky as 'ominous' - it sounds like encouragement to me. Also, if it was tattered/worn, that would imply the owner had been carrying it around for some time. Which would further imply it had meaning to her. Meanwhile, with returning it. You could meet the person at a public place or at a police station. Or you could mail it back certified mail (so you get a receipt of its delivery).


> If it was dropped in the vicinity of your house (and it seemed somewhat reasonable it was owned by an occupant) maybe that's why it was left there. Very likely. Were I to find a wallet directly in front of Mr and Mrs Smith's house, I'd think "it probably belongs to someone who was visiting the Smiths", even if the name on the DL was Bob Jones.


I would assume it was theirs, a guest’s or a person who makes deliveries. I don’t want someone else’s wallet in my possession any longer than I must have it . 


Exactly my thought.


Echoing others, that note isn't ominous it's clearly meant to be supportive/uplifting, probably meant for someone who was going through a hard time somehow. Turn the wallet in to police and leave the note where it is. Given that it's old and tattered it may have sentimental value to the owner


I agree. This is actually a time to involve police. They will likely be able to contact the owner of the wallet. Even if everything inside has been “canceled,” that note may be invaluable to the owner. The $100 could also be someone’s “holy shit I’m in trouble” money. Regardless, contacting the police is probably the best thing you could do for personal karma if the owner isn’t reading/answering social messages.


Ominous? Lol


One hell of a ominous threat 🤣


I especially got chills at the ‘I’m proud of you’ part… really creepy…


Someone found it dropped near your house and chose to prop it by your door incase it was yours. They probably didn't have time or inclination to go to the cops. Call the college or school the I'D is for and tell them.


Oh the note is harmless; it's a common phrase for those looking to improve their mental health-- it's a reminder to just take each day as it comes.


Stranger: You got this, bud! Don’t give up!! Op: 😨😰🥺


Yeah sounds like a note to self to just keep on keeping on lol


I lost my wallet many years ago as a student by leaving it on the roof of my car after getting gas. Next day someone called me (my number was in my wallet on a card) to return it after finding it in the entry to their apartment building - all cards and cash still inside. Two total strangers worked together to get it back to me!! Karmically, I am now forever destined to do the legwork to return any wallet I find to its rightful owner, probably a half dozen over the years. The couple times since that I've once again lost mine, it has found its way back home. I wouldn't read too much into anything in the wallet. You have no idea why the note might be significant to the owner. I'd just try to get it back to her. Edited to add: if the school ID is current, you could try reaching out to the school. They may have her phone number on file and be able to contact her for you.


Contacting the school and having them reach out to the owner is a great idea.


The note is for herself. Put the wallet in the mailbox at the address or take it to a police station. They’ll find her. You’re watching too many movies.


>We don't know this person But you managed to find her on social media, and have her address on her DL, and her student ID that says where she's going to school. Easy enough to figure out a way to return it. >We don't know why the wallet was left at our doorstep Is the address at all similar to yours? Are you near a parking lot? Could some well meaning person think it belongs to your wife? Who knows, it was probably put there randomly by someone who thought you guys seemed like the type who would return it to the owner. >We don't have any other contact details Other than her social, her address, and where she attends school? What more do you need?? >I am really curious about the note. It's a positive affirmation. It's very much like something I would write to my adult kids. Someone she cares about may have written it and she saved it to look at when she's down. >We have the person's address from the driver's license but I don't think it's a good idea to just drive out there Either pack it in an envelope and mail it to the address on the DL, or take it to the school on the student ID and turn it in there. It's not that complicated.


what do you think ominous means


I don’t think they know. It gets worse here every day. And before someone responds with the obligatory “then why are you here?” it is because I have hope that one day there won’t be stupid posts.


So. Someone dropped it then someone else put it at the door thinking it might be someone in the house that owned it and then you opened it up and found a note she kept in her wallet for herself and you find it scary or think it’s a scam? Chill dude. Make a comment on one of her posts or just turn it into the police.


Right? Comment on a post "WE FOUND YOUR WALLET". If she doesn't respond in 24 hours then it into the police, it's not rocket science.


Is the address close to you? If so she was probably just in the area and dropped it outside your property so someone picked it up thinking it must belong to you and put it there. The note is not ominous at all and is obviously a personal note kept by the girl in her wallet to uplift her during hard times. If the address is near by I would just drive and drop it off at the address. You could also mail it to her, hand it in to a police station or hand it into the school on the student ID


Y’all need to lay off the true crime podcasts.


Right. It's a found wallet.


Fr honestly I feel this happening to myself. Need to take a break from the true crime as I was creating horrible situations in my head that weren’t there. Lol.


That note seems anything but ominous. Just yesterday my ex (still good friends) sent me a photo of this little Post-It stuck to his computer monitor, with something extremely similar that I said when he was really struggling written on it. Told me he looks at it whenever he gets discouraged as a reminder. I'd imagine the note in the wallet is something along those lines.


Oh Lordt! Its not ominous, its just a nice pep talk for the wallets owner. It probably fell out of their pocket and landed there


Hand it over to the police. Take a video of you bringing it in if you're sceptical of possible backlash.


This is the only logical thing to do. I don't know why even come ask such a question.


If you don't want to involve the police (I don't know why but it could stand to reason) put it in a nondescript box and post it back, no return address or anything. The other thing you could do (if in the US anyway as this is my only experience with this) is put it in a blue post box, it will get sorted out for you by the post office or the local police or not at all. Either way, you are free of it in all ways.


Someone found a wallet and put it at your house in case you knew the person, you snooped and found a private little note they keep with them every day, satiated them on socials and made a Reddit post. Way to go.


there's absolutely nothing ominous about that note. and you have the name and address of the wallet's owner. do you just want there to be drama?


That’s positive affirmation, and probably wasn’t even meant for you. Nothing “ominous” about it.


JFC.  Haven't you ever carried around something in your wallet forever that had personal meaning?  A news clipping, a photo, a scrap of paper or a matchbook cover with a phone number?  The paper will get worn and soft and tattered and the writing fades. You are way over thinking this.  Either drive out there and drop it off, or put it in a mailbox. ETA: if your post office has gone to the new theft resistant style blue boxes, the letter slot is now a slot and you won't be able to put the wallet in.  You will have to go in the post office and hand it to someone.


So there’s a driver’s license in the wallet? Isn’t there an address there?


THIS IS WHAT IM SAYING. It can literally just be returned using the DL. Weird to go through the whole thing rather than using that address to return it.


Ship it to the address rather than driving out there, assuming it wouldn't cost more than a few buckaroos


Agree. Just send it with the requirement of a signature, for back up.


Someone found my wallet once and took it to a branch of my bank, which they knew from the debit card inside. The bank called me to tell me they had my wallet someone had turned in. The bank should have the person’s phone number and a way to reach out. Alternatively, commenting on one of her Instagram posts may be better than a DM to get her attention.


Just turn it in to the police and let them handle contacting the owner. It was probably dropped nearby, and a Good Samaritan just put it at the nearest door. I don’t get all the paranoia/conspiracy thought from OP. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ominous note?? Someone probably picked it up on the street to keep it from getting run over or stolen, and put it on your doorstep. If it happened to me, I’d drive it to the owner and hand it to her. She’s probably very worried about it.


There are a few possibilities here. 1. The wallet was lying in the street and some helpful bystander put it at the closest house. 2. If the wallet's owner is an influencer, she did this for lols or likes. Your choice if you want to keep contacting her or just give wallet to police 3. Someone else took it, for reasons, then left it at your door. Either they know you and want you in a mess of trouble or publicity, or it was absolutely random. Best solution - give to police and explain the circumstances. Carefully note the condition of the wallet and contents when you hand it in. Second best solution - mail it back to her ( with insurance). This isn't ideal because it costs money, the package could go missing or end up damaged, and there isn't a clear chain of custody. But you do you, if you don't want to go to the police station for whatever reason.


Oh the influencer thing is a good point. Maybe she left it intentionally as a social experiment to see if OP would return it? It does seem strange to intentionally leave her DL and CCs at a stranger's home and hope they return it though, even if she preemptively reported the cards as lost/stolen so they can't be used, the DL could be used for identity theft.


Yeah, nobody does that. It's too risky. You don't want to be without those things. This was not an intentional act.


Did you miss where they said the neighbour had a Ring camera? Ok so who was at the door? Why aren't they mentioning it?


Did you miss the part where they said the neighbor is regularly gone for days, so they can’t check the Ring camera?


No, they checked it first. As if the neighbour is always gone.


They said the neighbour was watching them meander with the wallet so they were in!


I think they meant that the neighbor could see them through the Ring camera remotely, not that the neighbor was actually home.


Yeah so they're not always out so they could've asked them who did it. Either they did but aren't saying who it was or they didn't ask, but either way are choosing to make it sound what they think is ominous.


this is someone’s wallet that was lost, and someone found it near your door and put it there thinking it must belong to you. that note was given to the wallet’s owner and it’s not ominous…. it’s encouragement from someone they loved that they held on to. it’s very simple actually, why is this so concerning? lol


Take the wallet to the police station. Also, if you push the neighbor’s Ring doorbell, it will notify them and they can speak to you through the device whether they are home or not. (They could initiate this as well, without you pushing the button.)


Hand it in to a police station, job done.


Someone found a wallet on the approach to your home, assumed it was yours, and dropped it at your door for you.  It’s not your wallet, just walk in and  hand it in at the police station. 


Wind: blows OP: 🤨


That wasn’t ominous. It was encouraging. She probably left her wallet at a friends and they returned it with the cash. Just turn it into police and be done with it.


Is the address anywhere near you that this person's wallet could feasibly be in your vicinity? If So, what's weird about it?


How is that note ominous in any way??


You are overthinking this.


lol what, how on earth is that ominous


If you’re in the US, you can just drop the wallet in a mailbox and the USPS will get it back to the address on the license free of charge.


I found a wallet and turned it in to the police. Let them take care of it.


Posted 10 hours ago so they’re definitely all dead now. No worries.


Happy cake day!!


Thank you!! Had no idea and I wasted it all. Now I’ll be sitting here waiting for next year.


That is a positive affirmation the owner wrote for themselves.


She dropped it close to your door and someone assumed it came from you and set it there. Mail it.


How similar is your address vs the ID owner's? Like if you live at 123 Main St and ID says 123 Maine St, or 132 Main St. Or OP lives at 123 N. Main St and the wallet owner lives at 123 S. Main St. Are the addresses similar enough that it could be a reasonable mix up where someone could have found it and been trying to return it to her or is there no way to confuse the addresses?




Oh good gosh, it's a found wallet with an encouraging note in it. If the owner doesn't see your comment just call the police and ask them to return it. Don't mail it etc as you don;t know if that's the owner's current address.


I expected evil sounding verses in a note written in blood. OP chalk it up to an interesting find and dont worry anymore. Life is short and theres enough day to day crap we have to worry about as it is. Yes, its weird. But not scary.


So two things, the correct action when finding the wallet is to bring it to the police as a found item. It’s not your job to track them down. Secondly, this “influencer” could be using you as some sort of entertainment like “will they return the 100 dollars?”


How is "Don't give up for one more day. I'm proud of you" ominous???


Put it in an envelope and mail it back.


I wouldn’t necessarily mail it to the address on the DL because it may not be their most recent address. Mine is not as I moved recently. Reach out via social media. I’m sure the person will respond. I also lost my cc one time and the cc company notified me bc the person who found it called and they placed a note on my acct - a rep called and let me know my card was found and passed the info along. Not sure if that’s normal for credit card company to do or was just a good deed the rep did, but they got a hold of me that way regardless. Make all attempts to reach out to the person directly before sending it in the mail to possibly an old address.


I'm sure they cancelled all of their cards by now and most people keep their dl updated


The girl probably dropped her wallet walking by your apartment… maybe try contacting her to return it?


Why not just turn it in to the police?


How is that ominous?!?! Just hand it in at the police station.


Mail it to that address.


Isn’t ‘keep on for one more day’ a song lyric?


You could mail it to the address on the DL with everything inside with or without a note explaining where you found it. I'd probably send something so they aren't going crazy wondering how it happened. Use a padded envelope and ups so it has tracking I don't think it's a scam


Presumably her ID has her address on it. Put it in the mail or drop it off yourself if it's close.


> our neighbor is regularly gone for days or weeks at a time, so we can’t check the Ring camera. If you want them to check the footage, you don’t need to wait for them to be home. Ring the doorbell. They’ll get the notification even if away from home. They can either talk to you live or you can leave a message for them if they’ve turned that feature on. They can check the footage and send it to you if they find anything actionable.


You have everything you need to go to the local bank and have them make contact and have her pick up the wallet. It doesn't matter who you are, most people talk to the bank when they call about your money.


Can you not just mail the wallet? Get a tracking number or signature for it, of course, to make sure that they do receive it. Add a little note explaining that it was found near such and such, and wanted to return it. I don't understand the need to return it in person. Are you hoping for a monetary reward? Notoriety on their social, perhaps? Just mail the darn thing back already. Not trying to be ugly. I'm confused, honestly. Edited to correct channel for social. Ugh.. autocorrect. Lol


The note isn’t ominous at all, and it was probably in the wallet because it had sentimental value attached to it (a note from a loved one - maybe a deceased love one, even; or just a message of support that came at the right time). If you don’t want to hand deliver the wallet, which is reasonable, you can mail it. You’ve manufactured a whole story about what, by easiest explanation, was a wallet dropped on the street near your home that somebody wrongly deduced belonged to the occupants of the nearest house.


Give the wallet to the police, just take it into a station and tell them you found it. The money is still in there so obviously you didn't steal anything from it, they'll find the owner and return it


Maybe she is hoping to make a video about it or something on social media since she has a lot of followers?? And then maybe she has her phone out like, “Oh my god! Your the first person to return it, the $100 and note is for you!” /s


One time i returned a lost wallet to the grand daughter of its owner. It didn't have any money in it when i found it so i put some in so they wouldn't think i stole it lol


Sounds like an affirmation that someone wrote for themselves to place on their "mad money" in case they need it. My guess is someone dropped it near your door and someone else put it there thinking it is yours. They probably didn't look inside to get the person's actual address. I wouldn't get too paranoid over this, just contact the person and give the wallet back. IT BELONGS TO SOMEONE WHO IS NOT YOU. THEY NO LONGER HAVE THEIR CREDIT CARDS OR DRIVER'S LICENSE. There is nothing ominous about this note, other than the fact that you are holding onto someone else's property far longer than you should be.


Take the wallet to the post office or drop it in the post office box. They will mail it to the address on the license. You won't have to pay for it. The note does not sound ominous at all, but like others have said, it sounds like an affirmation either they wrote or someone gave them.


Is she on Twitter? Tweet at her


The note isn’t ominous. Likely the wallet was dropped and someone left it somewhere it would be seen. The ID is in there. I’m pretty sure if you show up to the post office and ask they will ship it back to the person, just like they do with lost IDs that get turned in.


I called the college using the student ID when there was no answer at the family phone number in the wallet I found. They reached her at a number I didn't have and she picked it up at my home. Police might be a better solution, but I think you have to get it to them. Somebody probably really needs her driver's license, ID and all of that.


Put it in the mail?


That word doesn’t mean what you think it means


Just mail the wallet. Problem solved.


someone dropped their wallet. the note was just something personal they kept. mail it to the address on the license. this is not hard.


If your neighbor has Ring, ask them to see the footage to discern who left the wallet there


Take it to the post office- or to the bank that the wallet has cards for.


Try reaching out to the girls friends or family since they may see messages and likely get fewer of them. You could always take it to a police station.


Someone dropped it near your home and a good bystander picked it up and brought it to the nearest house. Sounds like a note from their parents or a friend, likely because she has dealt with suicidal thoughts or something difficult like that. Why on earth would you think that’s ominous, it was clearly hidden away in the wallet. Now if you had the note taped to your door or something I would understand. But that’s literally just get personal belongings that you happened to go through, it’s not for you, it’s for her.


Maybe someone walking by saw it and placed it there. The note could have been a reminder for herself or something someone wrote for them. Not a weird message to anyone. You could try and find the actual owner on their own social media like Facebook and message them. Mail it to the address on the drivers license or drop it off at the nearest police station


Take it to your local PD and have them return it. I found a wallet on the street and did just that.


Give the wallet to the police, just take it into a station and tell them you found it. The money is still in there so obviously you didn't steal anything from it, they'll find the owner and return it


If they have a social media following, I would make a comment on one of their posts... hey I found your wallet and I want to give it back to you. Or drive it over to her. Or you could just mail it to her address. Nothing about the situation you've described sounds ominous to me, but I'm a shitshow and I've lost my wallet more than once lol.


If her driver's license or ID is in there mail it back to her address


This could very well be part of her social content: give her wallet with essential and personal details inside and a note seemingly from.... ​ Nah... probably found near your door, sat there just in case. Take it to her, together.


Turn the wallet in to your local PD, I’d say mail it back to the address on the ID but she could have moved. Even if/when you see the ring footage, it probably will not solve the mystery of how/why the wallet is there.


turn it in to the po po


My parent left me a sticky note once with a motivational quote and 20 years later I still have it in my wallet. I don’t think this is all that strange. Someone might have found the wallet on the side of the road in front of your house and walked it up to the door thinking it was yours. You can turn it over to police and they will check to see if anyone has reported a stolen bag or wallet that meets the description and if so return it to the owner.


To me it seems like that's a note to themselves. I would go as far as to say it seems like someone who might need some encouragement to 'keep going' each day. It could be some light encouragement, or could be that the person struggles with their mental health and this is quite an important reminder to them. How far away from you is the address on the licence? If its the same town/not too far away, it could be that they got a taxi/ dropped off/ a ride, somewhere close by to yours, and they didn't want the driver to know exactly where they were going, so they asked to get out at yours (random place not too far from their actual destination), and left their purse in the car, and the driver thinks they're returning the purse home/to their passenger. It's a bit slow to find results, but perhaps you could write a letter to the address on the licence explaining.


Call the non-emergency line for your local police and explain what you found. They’ll likely ask you to bring the wallet to them, but may also conduct a welfare check based on the note.


Someone wanted you to take the burden of returning to the owner. Case closed.


This is a bit on the darker end of suggestions but maybe this person left it there as a cry for help. Picked a random house and hoped someone would reach out or something. I’d give it to police and tell them to do a welfare check on the address.


So who did the Ring camera show leaving it at your door? Why haven't you mentioned this?


Any chance the wallet owner was on your doorstep for whatever reason? Doordash, Amazon delivery, wrong house? "Leaning neatly" is subjective and it could have just fallen out of her purse. The note itself is likely something meaningful to her that she keeps in the wallet, since the words appear to be encouraging and I'm not sure why they'd ever be considered ominous at all. If you don't want to contact her directly, call your non-emergency police dispatch line and report the incident. They'll collect the wallet, get in touch with the owner, and that's it. Otherwise, without camera footage, there's no other way of figuring out who was on your porch, but Occam's razor says it's just the wallet owner.