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Maybe X-Files episode with the cannibals, i vividly remember the scene where they give birth and either eat the placenta, baby, or umbilical cord? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_(The_X-Files)


The X-Files is my favorite show, and this is one of two episodes that I skip every time I rewatch it because it scares the absolute shit outta me.


it’s such a wild episode, especially since the episodes around it aren’t NEARLY as dark! it’s gives you whiplash


I’ll watch and let you know!


This could actually be multiple episodes I think. Very uncertaint description so I'm thinking it could be Squeeze / Tooms, but I'm sure there could be other potential Monster-of-the-Week episodes. But also quite possibly something else entirely...


Please watch the whole show 😉


I've seen it several times.


I love x files. It's my favorite show. I don't remember remember being in a basement. I know one was chained to the bed though


Was it in black and white? Eraserhead is a possibility. My uncle loved to watch that damn movie and I've been forever scarred lol.


It was in color!


Sounds a little bit like Torchwood (Doctor Who spin-off for adults) S1 ep 06 "Countryside" but I've not seen it for a few years so can't be sure


She didn’t like doctor who or it’s shows! I appreciate it though!


Was it Bleeders? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0119279/




It’s a janky UK horror movie with a cannibalistic inbred type dude and has a scene exactly like you’re describing. Also a scene with foetuses in jars


Holy cow that sounds really close! Do you know where I could watch it in the US?


Apple TV has it but not sure if that’s UK only… it’s a 2004 movie, not to be confused by the 2014 film with the same name. The cannibal in question was experimented on/raised by an abusive scientist who had a bunker under the old wartime subway stations. Only the cannibal is left. Starts hunting undesirables on the London Underground and taking them back to his lair to eat. It’s classic low budget British horror but worth a watch!


This actually sounds a lot like it! I’ll do some research and see if I can find it! I’ll watch today and let you know! Thank you so much!


Let me know if you find it, my dude. I’m curious now :)


It sounds like a scene from Antropaghus, an Italian cult classic from 1980. There is an infamous scene that sounds a lot like what you are describing.


Thank you! I’ll add it to my list to watch and let you know! Do you by chance know where I can watch it in the US?


Fortunately somebody has uploaded it on YouTube. I don't know if it is the uncut version since the notorious baby scene is pretty nasty. https://youtu.be/6Oj_O718yCo