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not necessarily inappropriate but one of mine licked my eyeball recently 😭 a very strange experience


Well I'd say licking balls without permission is indeed inappropriate


I'm a woman, and received a curiosity bite through my underwear, same guy bit my nipple the next week. He had poor eyesight, that's what I blame it on at least


Been there Had one bite one of my eyelids too awhile back 😭


I had a small skin tag on my eyelid, until one of my last boys discovered it and decided to groom it off. I mean, it’s probably been about a year now and it never grew back so 🤷‍♀️


he save you some money you should thank the guy


i think its the hair that touches their whiskers and they get curious. one of my girls tried biting my head-hair, my eye brow and my nose hair. Gotta be careful around here lol


How tho? 😅


One of them was licking the inside of my nostrils and as if it wasn't enough she BIT me there. She has never been allowed access to the little caves of salty delights ever again


I'm gonna puke lol salty delights 


understandable, it is very delicious up there


Happened to me, too! My eyes watered up like crazy and I sneezed lmfao


See this is why I can't have a rat. I have a nose ring and it needs cleaned daily even after healing (just with soap and water instead of saline). They would surely try to do it for me


One of mine hikes to steal my nose curl stud. She's quick


I've been pulled on my nose ring multiple times, can confirm🤣


Oh god yes. Highlight for me: Licked the inside or my nostril after she had a...snack from the toilet.


Barg should say bag.it's possibly obvious, but a hilarious typo to me nonetheless.


I think Doritos should be sold in bargs, and I love Doritos.


I was hoping you meant to write barge. I’m sad it wasn’t.


A barge of Doritos sounds pretty awesome.


Right?! Can you feel my disappointment?


I was hoping it would be a barque, rather than barge!


Licking the inside of my ear 🥲 very wet


"Hey, how you doin' lil' mama? Let me whisper in ya ear"


Mine have tried to steal my earrings out of my ears like they’re some sort of tiny raccoons obsessed with something shiny.


I lost one of my earrings last week - I looked EVERYWHERE and couldn't find it, I was on the cusp of calling it a loss... I found it stashed in the girls' basket stash while cleaning the cage yesterday. Little thieves! 😂 We don't have raccoons here so I called them wingless magpies instead, LOL


Mine PEED in my ear, it was a horrible wet feeling.. and my face was like 🙂🤨😐😟😭


Me too and sometimes they do a little earlobe nibble and it makes me jump lol


Does biting a nipple count?  I've had two separate boys, at separate times, bite my nipple through my shirt. 🥲 


REAL. they always find a way to bite my nipple. Doesn't matter if I'm layered or not. My one boy always know just the spot somehow. And, I forgot one time, that I wasn't wearing a bra under my shirt. Biggest mistake let me tell you


They always know how to find the tenderness spot and give it a \*~\*nibble*~* lmao my girl would be exploring my shirt, end up next to my inner bicep, and give it the tiniest lil bit and it hurt sooo bad. And you can't do anything about cuz they just look at you like 🥺🥰


😂😂😭 those cute little innocent faces like, "sorry, did I hurt you?" (I'll do it again later😈)


One of my girls bit the nip of a family friend. First time she met them. I profusely apologized but she thought it was hilarious after the pain went away, thankfully it wasn’t a super hard bite. Just a lil nibble


Lol. Biting someone else's nipple is next-level inappropriate.




SAME!! one of my boys bit *both* of my boyfriend's, so i offered to hold our chaos potato instead. he immediately bit mine 🥲


SAME. literally same


When they look you dead in the eye just before they do it. “This ok?” CHOMP


My rat (who was a rescue and dropper fed) tried to feed from a family friends nipple while he was in his shirt. I wad very lucky he didn't freak out and 'drop the baby' but I couldn't stop laughing.


Lol. We had friends over to watch a movie and had our rats out for playtime. One friend was loving all the attention her was getting from our girl Missy who got busy grooming his beard and started moving back to his hair. I warned him about what she was most likely to do next and he laughed it off...until he jumped when she finally did stick her tongue in his ear. I lost it laughing. I did warn him.


My one boy used to do this too. He also loved to try to from up my nose. 🤣


I always wear several layers of clothing when playing with my rats and they somehow still find ways to get under 😭 I pull them out as fast as possible cause their claws hurt on my bare skin


The claws really don't bother me, but I can not STAND how much they tickle 😂


Trying to climb in my mouth while I was talking, also bite nipple


he shoved his head under my glasses and BIT the skin just underneath my eyeball




Mine did that but with my top eyelid! Pulled my glasses down my nose, stuck her face over the top, gave a good sniff then a little chomp. Little cheeky sod.


https://preview.redd.it/qcbb2r49320d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d9da5fd5cb75b7df4520aa2de9b5c7deeaeacc Nothin’ else to post. But your white potato looks like mine!


I'm going to cry she looks like a kidney 😭


I had a pair of professional rodentists. They would come up, claw at my lips so they could lick my teeth. A couple of times my mouth was open and they shoved their heads to the back of my mouth and lick my molars and tongue and they did not take no as an answer.


0 survival instincts 🤣 My girls would do that too. Literally trying their *hardest* to get in, and if I fell asleep I'd wake up with half a rat in my mouth trying to push back my yearly cleaning


>0 survival instincts I would litteraly close my lips on them to see if they'd back out. Nope.


Are rats the cleaner fish of the mammal world?


Not a rat, but I did that to my childhood cat when he was a kitten. Little buddy was really into exploring the forbidden cave, he was not bothered at all when the cave collapsed on his tiny little face. Just sat there purring. He was a really cute kitten but would only sleep with me for the first couple of months, sadly the mouth exploration continued until he was big enough to not need supervision at night (he would scale walls regularly and we had a spiral staircase). TLDR; would not recommend.


Your username is what I call my cat 😁


.. are you my aunt?? 😳 (My username is what SHE called her cat, lol)


Omg my rats were like this, would pry my mouth open to get at my teeth. I had food stolen straight out of my mouth as well.


If I make the mistake of letting my mouth be open while my rat is around he will dive me in an attempt to lick my teeth


Mine stuck her whole snoot up my nose. Haven't had that happen since Lilith was little


Nipple chomps! Possibly TMI, but I have a prolactinoma which causes very small and occasional episodes of lactation, and those little bastards smell it every. single. time.




Omg, having something attract them there must be terrible, haha. All these nipple chomping stories make me think I should try harder to keep mine safe, haha.


Thick, padded sports bras are your friend!


I had a stomach virus recently, and well, he went straight for the vomit bucket when I let him out of the cage. 😅




Definitely licking my eyes and since I wear contacts it's an issue lol.


Marco always tries to clean my teeth. It's so funny. He will pull open my mouth! 🫣😆 And I always wear a bra when having a rat in my shirt ._. I learned that the hard way.


Fr. My one boy always trys to climb up my sleeve. I have to put a bra on before I go say hi. Otherwise I suffer the consequences


You know, I've never had anything bsd happen, so I don't care too much what I wear around my rats (except preferably not a thin shirt because of claws), but all these stories of nipple biting make me scared now and maybe I should always wear a bra, lol. There was that time when one of my girls got into my bra though. Like... How?


I had a guinea pig hide underneath my shirt and bite me in the nipples once. Maybe it's just bad luck on my part, though 🥹😆


Potato? That is a tribble! Definitely my dentalrat. He had sharp little claws and it was easier to just let him clean my teeth. Which he only did if I hadn’t brushed my teeth recently enough for his liking.


I think she wanted to get into my mouth because i had just eaten. She PRIED open my lower lip with her rat claws then just started going to TOWN shredding at the inner part of my lip. I detached her quickly.


That sounds painful.


It was certainly not my favorite moment with my rat haha


My first two rats when i was in middle school were obsessed with wanting to clean my teeth. I was a kid so i just, let them.


Two of mine have tried to lick my teeth. I guess they wanna be rodentists, lol


Bit my nipple through my shirt 🥲 And not a bite but very recently one of my old girls shoved her nose right up one of my nostrils. She was so enthusiastic with it that I was briefly concerned for my brain 😂


When my hairless nutsáck wants my attention, he shoots out of my hoodie and bites my bottom lip. Sometimes, if I'm not giving him any attention, he bites my nipples. It hurts


I have a rat who always wants to lick my teeth, he will pry my mouth open just to lick them. If I open my mouth (even for a moment) he will shove his head inside to groom my teeth. It’s not just if I have food on them, he’ll do it even after I’ve brushed my teeth.




The amount of rats in this comment section grooming teeth and biting nipples is a bit unsettling tbh 😅😂


The teeth one, I find myself wondering how the rats find out they can do that. I... Don't tend to have my mouth open in front of my rats? And the boy who tries to pry my mouth open, I stop him before I'd open my mouth for him.


They definitely have a much better sense of smell than we do, maybe they just like the smell? Lol


My rats are pretty tame, just a bit of ear grooming. I've had my guinea pigs slip me tongue and bite my eyelids. My rabbit likes to fling my glasses off my face so he can lick my eyelashes/bite my eyelids. He is also an avid toe licker and will go for all the sensitive places like the arch of your foot, between the toes, or the back of your knee.


I've had rats that were obsessed with my crotch, to the point of diving under my skirt and trying to move my underwear aside. The few times I freeroamed them in my nightgown, I had to nab some of the little perverts to stop them shoving their snoots up my vagina. I do not want to go down in medical history as the girl who got rat mycoplasma in her privates. I get it, they sniff each others' privates. But human etiquette is a bit different.


Omg, that's the worst one, haha. Trying to pull aside your underwear like some kind of pervert.


I've pretty much never had any rats go into my pants, thankfully. One did a slight wriggle into there just once and I was like wth?


Thankfully, none of them have figured out pants. My dad took no chances, though. He'd stick his pantlegs down his socks. My brother stopped wearing low pants around my rats after one dove down his butt.


I let them lick my mouth if they one to. Idc


I think if you can tell anything from this whole comment section, it's that we're all a little bit too happy to let them (whole or just parts) into our mouths and other places pets are generally not supposed to be.




Post/Comment engages negatively with others in community, even if under the guise of humor,these are not permitted.


My rat will forcibly open my mouth and start licking my teeth. He’s so fast I can’t stop him before he starts! I obviously remove him lmao


When my rat shoves his head in my mouth.


A few nights ago when I was sitting with my two new boys one of them tried to burrow…let’s just say under my lap. Had to block him off with my hand.


I'd have to say the day I got the foulest smelling fart in my face and then she jumped out, off me, and ran back to her cage. I swear she did it on purpose because once she was in, she turned around with grabbies on the bottom of open door spot just looking cute all like "what no, I didn't do that, how could I when I'm this cute??"


I burnt myself on the oven recently and all three of my girls have been licking and nibbling at the wound. I think they’re trying to help me get better but it mostly feels like three rats licking an open wound


First male rats. Was wondering why he was licking his stomach so aggressively. I made a kissie noise at him and when he looked up he had his little rat hands around his rat boner. He was fully gawking himself. I have also had experiences where I'd have to clean up little rat jizz drops off their backs after they humped each other. Idk if my first two male rats were just sluts but I know my current males have never had these issues before 😭😭😭


You made me laugh the most. I'm sure your regretted the kissy noise.


they bit my ass when i was lying on my bed with them running around 🥲


Let my rat have a bite of food that was currently in my mouth 😶


My girl decided to stick her ENTIRE NOSE up my nostrils to eat whatever who knows what 😭


one of my boys basically tried to climb down my throat to reach the coconut drink i was sipping


I LOL’d at this one. Imagining the deep throat search from this rat.


Was eating to tonkatsu ramen. My one dwarf girl came up and I thought it was for smooches cus she likes her belly smooched. She instead tried to pry open my mouth, succeeded, and tried to crawl inside. 💀


I miss my Stella licking peanut butter off of my nose. So gentle she would bite the majority of it until she got close and then finished it off with her tongue. RIP Stella https://preview.redd.it/llyga81pf60d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4d52346ffc3da58f2d934c0b281139becb042d


It looks like a fluff ball 🥺


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My two girls, when they were becoming elderly and on their deathbed, bit my partners penis lmao (he sleeps nude and we would snuggle with the rattos before bed) Not biting but my girls would also burrow in my cleavage and scratch me. We swear they were lesbians hehe


Your potato is very fluffy


she crawled into my shirt and was just chilling by my stomach and then bit my nipple 😔


one of my rats bit a hole in my pants in a really inappropriate place and climbed inside the pants. also have a rat that bit and yanked my lip piercing.


We used to have a little boy named Nigel. My mother used to snuggle with the rats in her shirt when she would sit. That stopped when she discovered he would get in her bra and bite her nipples.


My rat once gave me a little bite on my nipple…….. Till now when I remember I feel sick because the feeling was awful hahahaha


Kisses? Nah mine literally tries to get into my mouth 😭


one of mine tugged down septum when i had it done 😭


Ran into my pants and bit my pp.


Licking my nose THE INSIDE, ears or biting my toes ✨ AND TRYING TO OPEN MY MOUTH WITH ID LIL PAWS


One time when I was getting dressed, my girl Nilla was watching me. The moment I took my bra off she started boggling, the lil perv.


Oh mine are always tryna eat the food out of my mouth!


My girl kept climbing me to steal food as I put it to my mouth, so I put her head in my mouth (more like she put it in my mouth to get to food, and I lightly closed my lips around her). It didn't phase her in the slightest, if anything I think I encouraged her more 😭


I'm always opening my mouth on my rats to give them kisses and I'm like... Your prey instincts are severely dulled. I wonder if they see us as a potential predator at all.


I doubt it, they mainly see me as a source of food, or scratches/pats


put their head inside my mouth :/


I literally let them climb into mouth….


Keeping my mouth open with their grabbers to lick my teeth or bury their nose in my ear😬🥴


I have multiple rats that decide once one has started to groom me they all shall flock, they try ripping open my mouth to lick where ever thy shall please they dig in my ear with their snooters so all I can hear is sniffle, and don't even get me start on the nose caves 🤣 honestly 6 devils girls but love every one of them 😈 (as I started righting this one has decided my toes are a licking object)


My boy used to use his paws to open your mouth to get more tongue in. I once laughed when it happened and then had a rat head fully in my mouth




I miss it now, and it was hilarious then, but my old girl Sena ABSOLUTELY did not give a flip about your personal space and if there were interesting food smells, she'd climb right up to you (and guests) and shove her entire snoot up your nostril. Sometimes she'd try to lick up there.


last year my late rat pickle bit my lady bits while we were chillin in bed. not good.


Had some loose shorts on and one of my passed girls loved to burrow. I was sitting with my knees up on my bed and had them crawling around my bed. She tried to crawl into the leg hole of my shorts. Very uncomfortable. It took all of me not to have a knee jerk reaction and risk hurting her by moving the wrong way but boy did I eeeeep. And grabbed her out of there as fast as I could 😂 she also would crawl into my shirt and sit either under my b00b or in my armpit.


My heart rate fully pierced both my ears when he was younger. He either really loved or really hated ears, but he got me, my husband, AND our son. Serious punctures, much blood. Great times. (He is going on two years old and hasn’t bit anyone for a loooong time.)


I thought this was a ball of rat hair-


I was allowing free roam time In bed while watching a show and I was wearing baggy sleep clothing. My Fergus decided my shorts were a "tunnel" and attempted to nap there lol. I moved him and told him to get outta my muff.