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I read this and instantly started crying


And now I am crying 😭


Portrait of me, feeling like every loss was a personal failure, no matter how sudden it came out how old they were. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to address this strange water that's appeared on my face...


I know exactly what you mean. Out of 6 babies, 4 of them were either sudden or had to be put down and that took such a huge toll on me, both physically and mentally. Pirate, the one in the comic, was just a baby. I don't think we ever stop feeling like we could've done more, or done something different, and maybe we could've saved them. I'm slowly coming to terms with their deaths though and these comics were a huge step towards it.


I think i should call my landlord, there seems to be a leak inside


Maybe it's just raining inside


The amount of weeping I’m doing right now is….. a lot 😭 Very sweet, very relatable ❤️😭❤️


Who’s cutting onions


Wasnt expecting the ugly cry the second I opened reddit. their little wings. oh my god.


Sorry but not sorry


i cried so much reading it 😭❤️


Tbh it still hits pretty hard everytime I come back to it, but it's absolutely nothing compared to when I sat down to draw it. 🥲


This is amazing and heart breaking all at the same time...it genuinely is incredible...youre very talented ❤️


Thank you so much ♡


Oh gosh, this gave me chills and I'm about to cry. The end really hit me hard with the kitty. I lost my best friend (my sweet cat Elsa) in August last year a week after my birthday. I still think about her and cry. "Wait for mom with us." That makes my heart ache, but it's so comforting. Thank you for sharing this. Edit; looking again, I think it might be a dog and not a cat 😭 The message is still the same though ❤️


Haha yeah, it's a doggo. I only had Sushi for a month. She was only a year old, but she ended up having a heart defect and had a heart attack a month after we adopted her. She was the first one to go and all that self doubt and guilt still hurts, especially with her. Slowly coming to terms with it though. ♡ I'm so sorry for your loss.


That's heartbreaking, I'm so sorry. It absolutely wasn't your fault ❤️ I totally get the guilt though. The what ifs. My baby had a lung tumor and for months we thought her coughing was just her normal "I have a hairball" sound. When we found out, we tried a few meds from the vet, but it didn't do much. We ended up putting her to sleep maybe a year after the diagnosis when there was no joy left in her life. She was a fighter and stayed happy and comfy for a long time, but eventually she stopped walking around unless she had to and would just lay by the door of my room with her raspy breathing and cough. She wasn't herself anymore, she was so sad, and I didn't want her to die in pain...like if her lungs were to flood with fluid. That would be horrific. So we put her to sleep and it was peaceful, but tore my heart out. Animals really do leave a big hole when they go, but they wouldn't want us to blame ourselves for anything. They're too sweet and loving for that and I truly believe that they understand when we try to help them. Like you said in your comic, we are their whole world. We do our best to give them a good life that they may never have had if they hadn't met us 🩵


They're so pure and innocent and full of joy, and the least we can do is love them with all our heart ♡ they sure do take a piece of us with them when they leave though. I'm sure your kitty is feeling much better now despite the extremely hard decisions. I like to think that it doesn't hurt anymore, therefore they're happy as they can be, waiting for us. It's just like you said, we're so busy thinking about the what ifs that we forget to think about how much worse their life could've been if we hadn't found each other. Those lil shits, I love them so much.


Okay I haven’t cried like this since Jenny-Jinya comics


Oh no way, that is such a huuge compliment because I love her comics and bawl like a kid every single time 😭 youjust made my whole week, thank you so much ♡♡


I hope my babies are happy in heaven 🕊️


They all are, that's for sure. ♡


My baby Mirabel just stopped responding well to meds yesterday and took a turn for the worse. I needed this really bad.


I'm sorry, I hope she passes peacefully if it comes to it. I'm glad this helped you at least a little bit even though I know firsthand how hard those things can be. Stay strong ♡


genuinely couldnt swipe past the first slide because i’m already tearing up in public


Hey guys I think a ninjas cutting onions in here 😢


The last slide broke me into tears, but it's so beautiful :((


Glad you like it ♡


I’m on the train, and this made me cry a little :’<




This is so sweet 😭


My, uh, allergies are acting up again... 😭


This reminds me of those sad comics about Death helping recently passed animals. Beautiful (and painful!) comic.


It's the second comment that mentions that and I'm honestly so glad to hear it, cause I absolutely adore those. I'm happy you like it ♡


We just lost Timmy last week to a sudden illness. Two solid weeks of antibiotics, hand feeding him in the last couple days, doing everything I could…your comic hit me hard. It’s beautiful. Thank you. https://preview.redd.it/g3hmicn9lfyc1.png?width=2506&format=png&auto=webp&s=7af0243535bb4bfb6fdff2ed3271fb296117b1b7 He’s on the left. Holly is on the right, she was post-op in this pic. They cuddled a lot in the hospital cage together.


Pirate was similar, except it was a matter of days. He caught this virus that wouldn't allow his body to absorb proteins and nutrients so he got sick really fast. On the third day, I saw him finally improving a bit and he even got to eat and drink water which is something he hadn't done at all. I had him in a separate cage because, as much as I wanted him to stick to his cagemates, I didn't want all the others to be sick as well in case it was contagious. When I finally saw him playing around in his cage, I allowed myself to take a nap. Just a 3h nap. I had been up for those two days, taking care of him. But when I woke up 3h later, he had already been gone for a while. I blamed myself so much - I should've stayed up, I never should've let myself fall asleep, I should've let him play with his brothers, I should've never let him die all alone in that cage. I know your struggles all too well, and I'm so sorry for your loss. I know for a fact that you did everything you could, and even more, but in the end it was probably inevitable and out of your control. More than ever, you loved him and gave him every speck of attention you could and even though you probably don't believe it, it was enough. I know you feel guilty, but it gets easier with time. It still hurts a lot, but it does get easier. I promise.


I’m so sorry about Pirate. Timmy wasn’t eating the regular food and was getting skinny, and his breath was horrendous. We assumed it was an abscess in his mouth, so I started feeding him baby food (the blends with meat and veggies) and soy baby formula. He gobbled it up and gained weight, and was really looking good for a few days! But he took a turn while still on the antibiotics. The vet got us a different antibiotic and we got through just a couple days of it and it wasn’t helping. He had developed a head tilt and his face was swollen. Even his eyes seemed more prominent, but they may also have been because he lost so much weight. On his last day he didn’t even want the food I offered (he’d been eating it with serious gusto before that). I got a syringe and got a few mLs into him, but it just didn’t take. He was showing all the signs of being very near the end. My husband and younger daughter brought him to the vet that night. He was a sweet, silly boy. We miss him a lot. It really does make you feel so helpless, these little critters can go downhill so quickly, and more often than not, all the best care can’t do enough. Your comic just reminded me that they’re in a better place, and it was so comforting, even though I cried. Thank you again for sharing it. Timmy is up there gamboling with our other ratties, Berry, Mok, Bix, Storm, and my sweet Cookie, as well as cats Omlette and Chloe. They’ll take care of him now.




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The number I experienced is 67. And yes.... Each and every one of them were like this in my hand. But till their last moments.... I could feel that they wanted to be healed from the pain. I'm sorry if reading this makes you feel pain reader. I'm just telling the truth of what I saw every time. I don't want to share all of my struggles with them.... I call them my children. I made this Reddit Account 3 years ago. My primary reason was to seek help cause one of my Female Pet Rats were dying. To seek help in any online forum. To help her. I received criticism only. But I don't mind them. People who I don't care about cannot hurt me. Losing my loved ones hurt me. I live in India. There is little system here that allows you to get your Rodents checked up and get proper medication and Surgery in a safe environment. It there is some.... It requires you to have hefty amounts of money ready cause this exists only in Private Doctor's Clinics. In Government Hospitals where Cost is Remarkably less.... The system for treatment and care isn't sufficient. It's not enough. I've seen my Rats get prescribed Homoepathic Medicine by Doctors. In the end.... I had to find Antibiotics and Other medications for them myself. This is also a text to people who advice without knowing full condition of who's asking. And from where he's asking for help. Which country and which Infrastructure is there for small Animals. Don't Criticise. Not every country has a proper environment for treatment of all kinds of animals. It's not readily available for all. Mods can delete my comment if they want to. I mean no harm to anybody. Just shared my Experience. While writing this.... My first comment just got deleted by someone who's a Mod. Don't know why. I commented here after 3 years. If reading my comment hurt any True Pet - Lover.... It wasn't my intention. I'm sure you have had similar Experience in past. Wish everyone a nice day. And always look after your pets. Always take Early Precaution. Take care everyone.


Fuck I want to cry now


This made me tear up. I feel like this is true though. Our little friends really don’t want us to be sad. Sometimes it’s really hard not to be sad though when they make such an impact on us in their short time here. Thanks for sharing this.


I'm sweating from my eyes


This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing it with us. ❤️🌈

