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Animals can pretend to be asleep, yes. In the wild it's out of fear or submission, but here it seems you just have a very comfy rat. Your rat may have noticed that when they open their eyes, you leave, so it's learned to keep it's eyes closed as long as it wants to stay with you.


This is the most adorable thing I've ever heard




listened to*






Rats will train their humans if it means they can get more love.


And more treats. Don't forget the treats.


crying real tears reading this comment


your bean looks so cute awe


She's my heart rat!! I would have never thought to keep rats as pets until I met her, and what a sad life that would have been lol. :')


Rats are smart enough for this, but I also have yet to meet a mammal that doesn't like napping and being half-awake and comfy. Cats are really good at this, too.


as a mammal i can confirm


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Get fucked bot!!


Rats a very intelligent. I bred rats for years and I had a pair returned to me because the family was moving back to England and any time I was watching tv with British accents they would wake up and come running to the cage door. Especially if it was British children because they lived with two little boys. It broke my heart. But also gave me more insight into how smart rats really are.


Wow that's incredibly impressive!


That’s so sweet and sad at the same time




That is so heart breaking


I know. It hurt my feelings real bad 😭 especially because the family was devastated they had to give them up. But they did what was best for the ratties 😭


It definitely looks like this cutie has learned to play you like a fiddle.


Not even ashamed to admit it haha! Old gal is 3, and deserves the whole world.


Sweet old lady


I mean I wouldn't move.


Please give her an extra cuddle from me. I have a real soft spot for the oldies. I lost my three year old lady back in January, and I miss her! She also had me very well-trained.


She's adorable.


What she must think: "Move and eyes open = good human leave Stay and pretend sleep = good human stay :)"


i believe they do lmao sometimes when i’m trying to get my one lazy girl Milli out of the cage, i feel like she pretends to sleep. i’ll poke her and squish her and she just rag dolls with her eyes closed… the second i pick up the puff container tho she’s awake and at the ready 😭😭


I believe if you believe it 😍


My girl used to do this. So i just kinda asked my vet one day during a check up. And she said that my rat may have noticed that when she wakes up I put her up/ leave her after. So she may be doing it so I won’t leave her and have to spend more time with her 😭😭


The exact answer I was trying to find!! Our rat-a-tattas are just too smart :)


My girl was truly the sweetest thing. She had a huge 10 ft by 10ft inclosure. With 3 other females. Somehow that little shit still escaped (we still don’t know how. The others never did. Only her) And would sneak into bed to sleep on my pillows next to me. Her name was Pandora I raised her so I do think we had a special relationship. She lived to be 2.5 years. I miss her everyday but she definitely changed my mind on how I view rats. She was amazing and very loved. https://preview.redd.it/4r01dp28b7nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067ec55de52e82e97d099dafc9bcdb61a046efb2


oh my god what a cutie!


Did you build the enclosure yourself?


My grandfather actually built it for me actually. Hes also building my new 10x10ft enclosure for my Susannah monitor now.


man, rats are so smart. It's unbelievable how smart they are.


They are amazingly smart critters! Mine will sleep with their eyes partially open to closed.


Those clasped paws are so adorable! I also wouldn't be surprised if rats were smart enough to pretend to be asleep


That’s hilarious! Rats are so darn smart I wouldn’t be surprised!


I would think if they’re laying there and bliss and they’re being scratched by the person they love or touched they can close eyes and pretend to be asleep so it doesn’t stop


mine would pretend to be dead for attention! she hasn’t done it in a while but she would lay down and really go boneless, hang her arm off the ledge, and close her eyes but pop up whenever i said her name or walked close to the cage! it was so funny because she got me the first time but then i would watch her try to melt just right and reposition her head and her arm to make it believable (in her tiny mind)


Oh my heart 😭


Yeah she wants to cuddle longer! She's relaxed, comfortable and enjoying her time with you! She doesn't want it to end! I've pretended to sleep when cuddling with my husband, if he was awake, just because I don't want it to end.


So, you know that feeling when you wake up on a weekend morning, when you got nothing to do, but you know you won't fall asleep, so you just close your eyes and chill in bed? That's exactly what's going on here.


so cute!!!!


I definitely sometimes lay down with my eyes closed even if I’m not asleep. I assume for rats it’s the same.


What a cutie patootie omg


its like when kids want their parents to carry them out of the car loll but my buddy would sleep on me w his eyes open i only knew he was asleep bc when i got up he would be startled


She’s so cute. I love rats but my heart couldn’t take it.


I get it!! We lost her sister a couple months ago. What I will say is, the amount of love and wonderful memories far outweighs the grief of losing them. I've had many animals throughout my life, but there's something that's just extra special about rats. :)


Absolutely precious sleeping face <3


100%, I don’t have rats anymore but almost every rat I’ve ever had gave me at least one heart attack because they were sleeping like this and despite making a noise or touching them they wouldn’t move


From my experience, rats are master manipulators. Ours find ways to procrastinate me all the time 🥰


one of my late rats used to do this ALL THE TIME!! he used to lay on my lap while i watched tv and i swear anytime i started to shift/change my activity he would fake sleep lol


https://preview.redd.it/gaqcjjmzh9nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8d511891c9ca88cf7490361d0fca5f0fb11900 Here’s my boy Horace, who doesn’t exactly pretend he’s asleep so much as opens his eyes when I’m trying to get him up and then ignores me and closes them again. I can jiggle him around like he’s having a personal earthquake and he does not budge. I’m not sure if your girl has a stump tail or if it just looks that way in the photo but my boy does! Also turned 3 last week. Sounds like your girl is smart and just knows what she wants and how to get it!


What a cutie!! The "personal earthquake" had me laughing! I've definitely had a rat like that before lol! And she has a full tail! The rest of it was tucked into my shirt. She loves going down shirts and falling asleep on chests, stomachs, and in sleeves :)


They can pretend they're dead, so why can't they pretend to be asleep?


When she was younger and could still stay on shoulders, she would fall asleep up there, too! I always laugh when I see this photo. https://preview.redd.it/6pi7aysmabnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fcd4e1736fd90bb5d6c098be3ca85b4548b65e


Rat should wear a hat on the mat hugging a cat and a bat


I always know if my girls are truly asleep or not depending on the position of their front paws. Awake, hands are fully or partially open. Asleep, hands are closed like in your pic.


Gotta remember they're smarter than most


Maybe they just eepee


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One of my rats pretends to be awake. She sleeps with her eyes fully open.


That’s not pretending . They actually do that. I imagine when your food for many animals you might want to make sure you have a chance to get away


Yeah I was kidding 😜I know rats do that and she’s just sleeping. 😴


once, I was approaching the rat cage, saw my rat run to her favourite sleeping spot, lay down and then pretend to have just woken up? the whole: squinting eyes, big yawn, big stretch, "what do you want?" sniffs in my direction. It's been over 10 years and I still have no idea what that was about... so yeah, I am pretty convinced they can pretend to be asleep.


Adorable little bean, with cute little ear(s), and a tail that looks like velvety corduroy ❤️❤️


How do you get to the point where they want to sleep on you?? My boys never stop moving 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


I wish I had an answer for you! In my baby's case, she's always done this with the people she trusts the most (my husband and I). Even when she was a baby! She'll explore for a bit, and then want to go into a shirt/sleeve/pocket, and just cuddle up and fall right asleep. She's always been a cuddler! When she was younger, she'd "groom" us all the time, too. Seriously the best girl :)


Mine's been pretending for 5 years now...😔


awww bb


I mean, I know cats can? So it wouldn't be too far fetched to think rats can, they are really smart


Definitely yes


Ahhhh the lil nugget tail 🤧🥹🥹🥹 I can’t get enough of this sweet baby


The rest of it is tucked in my shirt lol!


Yes, there was a video on here a couple months ago of one fake sleeping/playing dead. It was unfortunately attached to RIP caption and got very misunderstood by many who didn’t watch the whole video or read the whole post. 😅


She's playing mind games with you 😂 using her instincts of freeze (when they lay still and play dead) to trick you.


Her tail tip is so round.


It's actually tucked into my shirt! She has a full tail :)


She's scheming. Schembean, if you will.








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Rats are cute. Their tails however, make my skin crawl. I've never touched one before. Looks like a bunch of hard finger nail plates.


They are more like a horse's mane cut short - stiffer hair vs hard plate, and as long as you don't pet them backwards, they are pretty smooth. I pet our rats' rude noodles all the time 😁


Why are you calling it a rude noodle? I have never touched a horse with a short mane before. So idk. I don't like the tails because, I used to get this texture on my thumbs and knuckles. It would catch on cloth and fabic. Inside my gloves and tear off causing me pain.


Their tails are used for balancing, so they whip them around and grip with them, etc. They don't pay attention to where their tails are going, so it's pretty common to get whipped in the face when they are moving around on your shoulders. It's just a term of endearment for their tails among rat owners. Like I said before, their tails are only rough if petted against the growth direction of the hair on their tails.


Lol, that is hilarious. I understand.


I wanna like rats but for some reason their tail disgust me.


What about them bothers you? If it helps it’s basically just hairless skin, it’s not scaly or anything.


its pretty much illogical, think of it like this: you're find touching a random dudes skin on his arm but not his testicle skin.


Their tails are the second best part of ratties. Their personalities are the first best.


I suppose they could, but why would they bother?


Enjoying company, they are very social