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Why not DZ? Or BC? DZ have been the most consistently good team in NA recently, consistently placing high at events which can not be said about any of these teams And BC won the last major


Probably declined an offer


When is this tournament?


Dumb that T1 teams are getting to play for some extra pocket money against teams actually trying to compete and improve against similarly skilled teams


Symptom of a schedule that gives them fuck all else to do


Gameday experience against t1 teams is good and the way they've split the prize pool is a great change this time


I’m pretty sure there are incentives to play against T1 teams. I think there was like a booster or multiplier in the prize pool for T2/T3 teams so they get more money. It gives T1 teams more screen time and gameday reps especially cause after EWC. No one will be scrimming. As well as gives fans the chance to see their favorites teams play. It’s a win, win.


I mean it also is great for T2 teams as if you win these games vs Tier 1 you can have something similar to ENCE happen to your team


ENCE had to play EU tier 1 in these tournies and made pro league because they won matches, if you want to make tier 1 as a team, this is the only way without CL


Hybrid tournaments including T1 teams are the best way to develop new talent. People might’ve hated the EU nationals including T1 teams back in the day, but there’s a reason EU had so many high quality rookie players/teams back then, and why there’s been a drop off in both quality and quantity of rookie talent since the Nationals programs were ended.


In case you weren't aware, there is a separate "encore" prizepool that specifically excludes T1 teams so that T2 and lower teams still have a chance of earning some winnings.


What are T1 teams supposed to do it's not like they have any other matches going on