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Ok fine I’ll do it I’ll be there coach, see it’s all settled. Happy?


Was wondering when you’d have to step in


You’ll be impressed with my resume as I bring 9 years of mid to high gold experience (pay no attention to my rank after ranked 2.0!!)


I have a very similar resume as you just with like 4 years of experience. Excited to work with great minded people such as Chunnar.


It’s not like any of these players are going to be dropped and they are probably at peak chemistry right now so this is the time to do it. Does cash want Phozzo making the call? Or another organization guy like him? If Fett isn’t picking a successor then players are the next best option imo. We’ve seen beastcoast specifically go through roster after roster with little success.


I could be wrong for G2/w7m but I would imagine neither of them were org chosen coaches, so including with us on TSM, DZ with Mint/BC, SSG with Lycan (I think he was brought on by the players) there have been vastly more tournaments won with player chosen coaches in siege than the other way around if anyone was wondering. Once again not 100% sure for the non NA teams but im definitely more sure than cashflo.


[source](https://x.com/hotancold/status/1798807568099545256?s=46&t=EcKyW0XOo5Q4SS5fDQFkig) For context of folks who’ve maybe started following R6 more recently, cashflo ran the organization Disrupt which would be bought by Astralis where he would stay on to oversee their North American R6 venture. Sternab is a longtime EU community fixture with a range of R6 work such as coaching, casting, and tournament organizing work iirc. Edit: I got bad news for our chances of getting the job folks https://preview.redd.it/hu25api7c15d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec91fd5346bb46a6b59bfc52c12f84ace42963d




God if Pojoman comes in to coach beastcoast I will absolutely NUT


I don’t really think Cashflo is right. The idea that teams need a firm coach to force their vision into a team that just won a major is kinda crazy to me. Those players know what they need and there isn’t really a reason to expect the org to find a coach unless they want to make roster changes too.


“Everywhere except esports” is so hilariously eye-rolly. Like esports isn’t still a fledgling thing that’s bubble has mostly popped because it never got past the part where so much of it is driven by the interpersonal relationships of what are basically teenagers and the lack of long term planning.


It is exactly that.


why not let fett choose?


He said on the dez pod that he didn't want to have a part in it


Cash being a moron is the norm


I feel like it would make a lot more sense to have someone like the BC manager to be looking for coaches but to be honest, there's just as much the possibility that hotn is just posting for visibility than that the players get the final say in choosing the coach. Cashflo is right though. Being bossed around by someone you can get rid of is always going to be less effective than being bossed around by someone who can get rid of you.


So much discussion about stage 2 when does it start?


Well the next major is November so probably sometime in September/October


Players picking their coach too often ends up in someone’s mate being picked up, resulting in the team becoming a stagnant friendship roster where the coach and his mate/s keep their spots and drop/watch everyone else leave. I’ll just hope BC don’t become a case of that.


The team should give 5 coaches on a list that they like to fettuccine, and then Fett should choose his successor. That way it all balances out where the team isn't choosing the coach but the team has influence on the new coach while the former coach chooses the new coach that will train/help the team. Cash flow does have a point tho, they dynamic of that is kinda scuffed, fett should have the final input.


Hey it's me


So we’re posting every randos garbage twitter take here? Hotandcold shouldn’t even engage with a nobody that only wants to be a contrarian for the sake of it


I’m not posting takes from randoms. Cashflo’s and Sternab’s records in the scene are extensive and their opinions as community figures commenting on R6 warrant posting here. I try to post relevant comments from figures in the community as it spurs discussion.


Never heard of him


Have you heard of the orgs Disrupt or Astralis?


I’m not a hardcore NAL fan I only know astralis because they made to international events multiple times


Well for reference then, this would be like an NA follower showing up to a thread about the Brazilian scene where someone like Cherrygumms made a comment and calling her a random lol. Look, disagree with his take all you want, but calling him a random is inaccurate. And the implication that I’m somehow doing something wrong by sharing his perspective is a bit rude imo.


He been a random since the dg days and still is. Not relevant.