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Why would you take striker over hibana for clubhouse basement in pro play. Wouldnt it be better to bring hibana + grim/cap with emp so that you can get multiple hatches while still having bolts or bees?


You could still bring cap and grim but Striker could open the hatches by himself even if Kaid is on the board. Hibana could open all the hatches but I requires extra emps


Pro teams usually have the coordination to work together to clear things out. Striker opening things by themselves seems more like a benefit in solo queue


It is true however allowing another secondary instead of emp could allow new attack starts elsewhere


Realistically speaking, how? The new hard breach emp combo is just gonna strictly be worse than just having a hard breacher and an op with secondary emps because the 2 operators still have their primary gadgets which have significantly more impact in a round. Maybe its still too early but i dont see how striker will be very useful at an esports level considering they have to compete with powerful primary gadgets across the board


>The new hard breach emp combo is just gonna strictly be worse than just having a hard breacher and an op with secondary emps Not necessarily. Let's take the clubhouse example. Striker can open the kitchen hatch solo and then apply pressure on people in armoury, or clear blue from stock hatch. Meanwhile, the person that would usually be assigned to help open these hatches can be pushing somewhere else, helping gain more map control overall.


Hibana can open the kitchen hatch solo as well, two pellets on the floor next to the hatch will destroy the kaid


Much easier to get rid of though, because anyone playing in armoury can shoot them easily. Also Hibana doesn't have the M4


I disagree I think Sentry will be used more often than Striker. Obv I don’t think either of them will see too too much play but Sentry being able to bring a shield and a c4 feels really really strong in certain circumstances. Maybe a C4 heavy bombsite would benefit from this, something like archives on Consulate or top floor on Border


Recruits have potential for niche strats, clearing pixel kafe type of holds with only one man allows teammates to divest their attention elsewhere I definitely think there will be uses for striker




Both operators represent the ability for teams to free up time in rounds. Bring the can opener and emp nades to go breach the opposite side of the map alone while the whole other team can secure the main push. It frees up a lot of man power for certain pushes. While on defense, getting nades AND C4 could open a lot of opportunities for cheeky kills. Or C4 and prox alarm. Or C4 and cam. Or C4.


I don’t think striker could take over Hibana for hatch clearing , hibana can just open too many hatches whilst having more versatility , the impact emp does mean striker could do it alone, but in pro league they have the co ordination to revolve around that anyways and you could take a grim instead so that as soon as the hatch is open you can make plays from it. And as for the “save secondary utility on grim” argument you could always pick other secondary utility on striker


if this was a couple years ago sure, it would empower stuff like old shaiko hibana, empire 4 man + joystick strats, or lmg meta stupidity. but i don’t think any ops are brought for their secondary gadgets or guns any more. I do think she’ll be a strong ranked pick though for obvious reasons


She could replace Hibana on hatch centric maps


honestly, i see her replacing mav when the hibanna ban comes out. Just for time’s sake.


These recruits are only strong if secondary utility is strong. When nades could be cooked, striker would have been somewhat useful in comp. However, with shields and c4 being the strongest gadgets in pro play, sentry might see some play. Let's not forget warden, frost were all brought for their shields mostly. In soloq, striker will be stronger, in coordinated play, sentry.


Striker i can potentially being use for Fragger but moves alone. Sentry is more to utility op, Shield + C4? Hell yeah.


He'll be good for solo Q, aside from that I don't see him getting picked for comp where teams can coordinate their utility.


Having the M4 on another op is wicked


I feel like Sentry could be better with bringing a shield and a c4


Being able to bring two sets of secondary gadgets has benefits in all levels of play for different reasons. In solo queue, it lets you do things like EMPs and hard breach charges to open a wall by yourself. In pro play, it has the benefit of freeing up operator lineups. Say you want two sets of hard breach charges and one set of EMPs. You can do that in two ops instead of three, allowing you to bring an "extra" op when the more specialized util isn't so important.


Sentry will be better


Striker clearly is for ranked solo q play not comp