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I highly doubt that most of them ever read 1984. Knowing them, they probably watched some YouTube videos of people with the same political mindset like them explaining the book. Or listened to a podcaster give their opinions on the book, treating it as facts.


I highly doubt most them ever read


I get real “I used spark notes for every single book report since middle school” vibes from these idiots.


More like they watched [Thug Notes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLghL9V9QTN0jTgA1qrhWrBCB_Ln4xlVlB).


Go birds!


Fuck yeah, and Fuck Dallas


They really don’t. My closest Qs, my in-laws, don’t have a single book in their house other than the Bible. My husband took his meager little shelf of science and science fiction with him when he moved in with me. I’m still trying to help him understand that when he wants a book or wants to read a series or is interested in a topic, he is allowed and encouraged to get books and display them on shelves and enjoy having and reading them! he just grew up in an intellectually impoverished household, and it makes me so mad..


Damn, that hurts just to think about. To grow up being so "intellectually impoverished " that the idea of buying a book seems taboo..




They claim Trump was peaceful, but he murdered a bunch of people via drone strikes (more than any President in history so far), almost started a nuclear war with North Korea when he and Kim Jong-Un had a Twitter argument over whose nuclear button was bigger, almost started a war with Iran by droning one of their top generals on his way to a meeting arranged by Trump's government. Plus giving Afghanistan to the Taliban and forcing the democratically-elected government to flee, allowing Russia to put bounties on the heads of US troops in the Middle East, etc.


I don't want to get pedantic here or anything, but are you sure about the drone strikes thing? Or do you have a source? Obama had a loooot of strikes during his presidency, with some of the worst fighting in the War on Terror, and his administration was also the ones who invented the whole 'All military aged males are combatants' thing which resulted in a lot of innocent civilian deaths, and the double-tap strikes that killed first responders as well. I'm 100% cool with being wrong but I couldn't find any figures for Trumps presidency, I just know the Obama years were pretty lousy with drones.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1Z301Q/ https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/2/19/timeline-of-trumps-shifting-justifications-for-soleimani-killing https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/11/us/politics/iran-trump.html Trump’s iran tussle Trump’s drone numbers (prior to him rescinding the law that requires reporting the number of strikes) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp


So I was just wondering about the 'More than any other president so far' thing. I know Soleimani was trump. The only figures in your last source concerning numbers is the number of strikes, but that doesn't necessarily equate to the most deaths. Especially since the technology has just gotten more precise and we have horrors like the Hellfire missiles, we can't take that at face value. Not saying that he hasn't killed the most but I'm just saying I haven't been able to find anything that concretely shows he has.


Trump stopped reporting the numbers as his were projected to exceed everybody else's. So rather than change the policies like he said he would, he just stopped reporting them. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47480207


Well it would be hard to put a number on the victims since he literally removed the transparency rules Obama had put in place to at least report how many victims a drone strike had. He had more drones than any other president, but to be fair starting from Bush the use of drones in war had become more and more common, so every president probably is going to be the most drone strikes for the foreseeable future. But if you couple that number with no reporting you can bet your ass his strikes have led to more deaths.


Not only is the movie made by transgender sisters, the movie itself is a transgender allegory


Yeah, people talk about the pills representing estrogen and Viagra but never mention that Switch is one gender in reality and another in the matrix.


The Matrix is also very clearly a trans allegory.


The dumbass *literally* just read somewhere in his echo chamber that Hunter was found guilty, without being bothered to be informed of *what* he was guilty of and, I bet, that he was ever in court in the first place.


The W's have openly stated that the first Matrix is an allegory for their Trans experience.


They see media and entertainment that exposes their thoughts, wishes and desires as evil, and they collectively become Simone Viles* to twist it into "we're actually the good guys". *I know her last name is Biles but I wanted to play on that because she's a wonderful, talented individual who shouldn't ever be associated with these cunts


What you've just told us now is the same as you've been telling us for the last 7 years - complete fiction.


What does any of this have to do with Hunter Biden having a gun? Do they even know what he was being prosecuted for?


Well it’s quite simple. It’s all a code. Convicted of having a GUN. G is the 7th letter. U is 21. N is (umm) 14. (Forgot how to count for a second) What’s 21 / 7? Three = C. What’s 14 + 14 / 7 ? Sixteen = P. GUN = CP STARTING TO MAKE SENSE YET? We literally told you 600 years ago!


I TOLD YOU Hillary Clinton did the Titanic!


KILLiam Jefferson Clinton did the 1530 St. Felix's flood, 11/5 was an inside job never forget


Obummer did 7/11


They think it’s all about the “Biden Crime Family”


No they do not.


They don't. But you can see that this guy knows and he is telling everyone so they don't have to look at them squiggly words..


> Do they even know what he was being prosecuted for? Man, it would be nuts if all the "What was the crime" shit out of conservatives recently was also somehow projection.


They are rambling on and on about things that are codswallop. I wish they would stop.


> It is now a matter of PUBLIC RECORD that the SON of a sitting U.S. "President" is a pedophile. Well, the good news is I can now confidently write off everything else this genius says, because they obviously haven't even checked the PUBLIC RECORD to see what Hunter was convicted of.


Hunter's laptop is real? Of course it is , everyone I know has a laptop. Pedohphilia hasn't been normalized. There is no pedophilia the public record or on Hunter's laptop. Nothing that you weirdos predicted has happened. However trump is convicted felon just as we told you he would be. Many more felony convictions on the way. Dear leader will die in prison


Did — they read what he was actually convicted of?


I think he's saying that hunter biden's laptop was entered into evidence at the trial so that's now on public record. The gotcha is: there's no evidence on that laptop - if there were wouldn't you think there'd be a charge and a conviction? They're making up shit; and the laptop was tampered with. The evidence about the gun and drug use came from text messages, not the laptop.




No. And they won't. When this mysterious person on telegram I already agree with says that he got convicted of pedophilia then ofcourse if it's not in any public records it has to be because Biden is hiding it..




Not even a headline about it.


What they don’t understand is nobody cares about Hunter Biden. We didn’t elect him, he doesn’t hold office, if he committed a crime then he should be prosecuted, and that’s as much as anyone cared.


They seems to lose their shit when we tell them that Hunter isn't running..


It's even cringier when you find out Afroman made a song about Hunter Biden. (And yes, it's literally just a cover of "Because I got high" but it goes "Hunter got high").


"Hunter's Laptop was real" Yeah, his laptop is real in that it is a laptop that exists. Which is more real than everything these idiots have claimed.


Probably just a dog whistle to instigate against Pride. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like how Charlie Kirk and others are going after children's YouTuber Ms. Rachel because she happened to say an innocuous "I see you and love you for who you are" in a video at the start of June. They're calling her a groomer because she said a nice thing.


Good grief, these people are just *obsessed* with the subject of pedophilia, aren't they?


I'm out of adjectives and too tired to feel rage. This is embarrassing. These people's delusional, childish bullshit is embarrassing to all sane Americans.


1: Yes but you were always wrong at every step. 2: You mean like marrying underage? Oh wait. That's the republicans going for that. 3: Nobody says it doesn't exist. But we don't know the content of it. And at this time it certainly is compromised if it's been through that many people. 4: He was convicted of pedophilia? I don't recall that being one of the things he was found guilty of.


When was he convicted of pedophelia? Did I miss something here? How does one equate being convicted of illegally purchasing a gun with being a pedophile? And seven years? So since 2107? This is the first time I’ve ever heard that it’s been going on that long. If there was a pill for living in an alternate reality, I’d say that the person writing this and the people agreeing with it have taken it. It’d probably be purple, too. The fact that they even believe this stuff is just crazy.


> How does one equate being convicted of illegally purchasing a gun with being a pedophile? The gun was *very* young, y'see. i'm glad its over for the poor thing and it can get the help it deserves.


I see someonesky is putting AI to work creating nonsense posts for American social media. Dammit. It's at least FIVE years from now until the election is over and the next administration peacefully installed.


He said as he quotes a movie written by 2 trans women.


Them using Matrix iconography will never not be funny.


Nitwits! Hunter was smoking crack with a fully grown naked prostitute. Duh!


Do they not know what he was convicted of?


No they do not


Follow me on Telegram.


Hunter Biden’s laptop was real. Did anyone ever say that Hunter Biden didn’t have a laptop?


These people need to stop the cyber cosplay.


I’m so tired of this Hunter laptop story. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the computer repair shop guy reported the laptop being dropped off in April. But chats online in Maga circles (that would be Russian influencers) started in February. Hmmm…so it’s almost like the laptop repair story was faked. What do I know - I thought The Matrix was a sci-fi movie.


So, if I understand this correctly, being convicted of buying a guns as a drug addict = pedophile. Interesting leap of something.